Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 386 The Voice Girl

Feng Yun was very surprised. He stared at Ao Qi's handsome face and couldn't recover for a long time.

"Did Hou Zhun bring this up?"

Ao Qi shook his head.

Afraid that she would misunderstand, his black eyes flashed slightly and he added.

"I don't know. When uncle comes back, aunt can ask more details. This time I have official business and I have to go back to Andu, so I came here to inform you."

He didn't say whether Pei Ran asked him to come.

But his eyes were full of the fact that he wanted to "drop in" to see her.

More than half a year has passed since we parted at the last New Year's Eve. In more than eight months, Ao Qi has grown taller and smarter. He no longer speaks as recklessly and impulsively as before, and he has become somewhat different from the person he used to be. Ao Qi.

But the look in Feng Yun's eyes was still fierce and powerful.

Feng Yun made him stare so hard that he felt a little nervous and smiled slightly.

"I forgot to ask you, haven't you eaten yet?"

Ao Qi was startled, then a smile slowly appeared on his lips.

"Well, I want to eat the noodle soup made by my aunt."

Feng Yun withdrew his gaze and said with a smile: "Then you go to the study and sit for a while. I will be fine soon."

After saying that, he bent down again and asked the silent Yuan Shangyi with a smile.

"Ayuan, are you going to go back to Yangxinzhai, or are you staying to eat noodle soup?"

This was simply a question that did not require a choice. Yuan Shangyi answered without even thinking:

"I want to eat noodle soup..."

The child was small, but also smart. Almost instantly, he remembered the group of followers following him, cleared his throat, straightened his little chest, and said loudly:

"I have something to discuss with General Ao. Let's go to the study and discuss it in detail."

Ao Qi looked at the serious look on the little emperor's face, opened his mouth, and accepted the offer.

"I accept the decree."

Yuan Shangyi walked in front.

Ao Qi followed him all the way to the study door. He turned back with a cold face and said to the guard:

"Wait outside."

The attendant is here.

The group of "tails" from Yangxinzhai also stopped...

Ao Qi and the little emperor had just sat down when a shadow flashed outside the window. He was so happy that he walked over and opened the window as if he thought of something.

Two big paws jumped up and lay on the window, and a big head suddenly came in, making a whirring sound.

Ao Qi was ecstatic and hugged the big head.

"Ao Zai! Zai, it's really you."

"..." Ao Zai jumped towards him happily.

"You've grown up, Zai Zai, you look so majestic." Ao Qi held Zai Zai up, stepped aside, and motioned for him to jump in from the window.

When Ao Zai jumped in, he knocked over the kettle on the table. Ao Qi laughed loudly when he saw this. He picked up the kettle and hugged Ao Zai without letting go. He wanted to roll on the ground with him.

Yuan Shangyi was stunned.

General Ao was not like this outside just now.

Why did he seem to be a different person in the blink of an eye, more like a child than the six-year-old him?

Yuan Shangyi sat quietly and watched. Ao Qi and Ao Zai were crazy enough, and then they suddenly thought of something and slowly turned their faces.

"Your Majesty... I'm sorry."

The man was still lying on the ground and did not get up.

Yuan Shangyi pursed his lips and said, "It doesn't matter. General Ao doesn't need to be polite."

Ao Qi looked at the little emperor, hesitated, and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, do you want to touch it?"

Yuan Shangyi dared to touch Ao Zai, and he had done so when Feng Yun was there, but Ao Qi's expression made him feel that this minister seemed to despise his timidity.

He bent down and rubbed Ao Zai's head.

Ao Zai narrowed his eyes, looking very comfortable. People who didn't know it would have thought it was a domestic cat, not a wild beast.

So Feng Yun came in and saw the "two children" rolling together with Ao Zai with smiles on their faces...

Yuan Shangyi usually felt very relaxed when he was with her, but he still looked like a child in front of adults, which was completely different from how he looked when he was with Ao Qi - as if a child had found a playmate and was extremely happy.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Come and eat."

The two people then returned to the table and sat down opposite each other.

Ao Qi pointed, "Is it appropriate for me to sit here?"

Feng Yun looked at Yuan Shangyi.

Yuan Shangyi smiled innocently, "It's appropriate. You and Ao Zai are my good friends, you can have dinner with me."

Ao Qi bared his teeth and smiled, "Then tomorrow, I will take your Majesty to catch fish? Catch it and feed it to Ao Zai. Ao Zai likes it."

Yuan Shangyi was startled at first, and then seemed to be so happy that he almost jumped up and clapped his hands.

"Okay, okay."

Feng Yun was very surprised.

Does Ao Qi really have the ability to coax children and small animals?

While the two were eating, Feng Yun sat on one side and read a book. After they finished eating, she asked warmly:

"How long will Xiaoqi stay when he comes back this time?"

Ao Qi's eyes dimmed slightly and he smiled, "In reply to my aunt, I have three days of rest, and then I will go to the camp."

Feng Yun asked unexpectedly: "Aren't you going back to Xijing?"

Ao Qi said: "Generals should be stationed outside, so how can they enjoy the blessings in the capital all year round?"

When Yuan Shangyi heard this answer, he nodded his head seriously.

"General Ao, it's not fun in Xijing. Just stay in Andu and Huaxi Village."

It had only been a moment, but the two of them were already so close? You don’t have to worry at all about what you say?

Feng Yun smiled and looked at Ao Qi.

Ao Qidao: "I would like to stay in Huaxi. But... Weichen still has military orders. In three days, I will go to Shiguan Yingmao."

Feng Yun asked: "Shi Guan?"

Ao Qi hummed lightly. He had nothing to hide in front of Feng Yun and Yuan Shangyi, and said in a deep voice: "Ye City has been very restless recently. The Red Armor Army will be transferred to Shiguan soon to prevent Ye City from counterattack."

Further east from Shiguan is the jurisdiction of the Yecheng court. It is not surprising that the Northern Yong Army arranged this.

The weird thing is……

Isn’t Ao Qi getting married?

Feng Yun still remembers that he agreed to a marriage in the Mahe tribe.

She didn't ask just now, just waiting for Ao Qi to say.

If Ao Qi doesn't say anything, then she should be concerned.

"You go to Shiguan, what about the wedding?"

The smile on Ao Qi's face stopped, his sword eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he said calmly: "I am still young, so I am not in a hurry. A man should focus on making achievements. It will not be too late to make plans after regaining Ye City."

Recapture Yecheng...

Even Pei Madang felt that there was no hope within three years. How long should Ao Qi wait?

In this era, the situation was turbulent, wars were frequent, people were eager to get married, and the six rituals often existed in name only. Nobles from aristocratic families follow etiquette and marry later than the common people, but it is normal for men to get married at the age of sixteen or seventeen...

She said: "Can the bride wait?"

Ao Qi pursed her lips and thought for a moment, "You can wait."

He didn't say anything in detail, and it was inconvenient for Feng Yun to ask further questions.

She ordered the maid to come in, put away the dishes, send Yuan Shangyi back to Yangxinzhai, and then went back to the study to read.

Ao Qizi went to talk to Ye Chuang and others.

When they were in the guard camp together, no one knew that he was Ao Zheng's son and Pei Man's nephew. They were all as close as brothers and talked about everything.

Today, the situation is very different.

When General Ao returned from Xijing, Ye Chuang was very happy. He called his friends and a group of guards to have a drink in the courtyard full of roses.

The sun was shining brightly in the afternoon, but the flowers in the courtyard were blooming extremely brightly.

Under the shade of the tree, the brothers smiled playfully and talked about Ao Qi's "feat" of agreeing to get married before the formation, but Ao Qi lacked interest and glanced at the closed door from time to time.

Entering through that door is Feng Yun's residence.

He was ordered to protect her and often lingered outside her window.

At first, he was unwilling and full of complaints. Later, he would rather switch shifts with his brothers than fight to protect him personally.

Feng Yun didn't know how many late nights when she was already asleep, he stood there with a knife in his hand, staring at the shadow under the moon, giving birth to beautiful dreams one by one, and then one by one broken...

"Drink, why don't you drink?"

Ye Chuang elbowed him and caught a glimpse of the sadness in his eyes.

"stop looking."

The other brothers winked, not knowing what he was thinking, and laughed and joked.

"It's just the first day in Andu. Do you miss your little wife?"

Ao Qi raised his lips and smiled, lowered his head and drank the wine in the glass.

All bitter.

During the eight long months, he tried hard to restrain himself, restrained himself, did not write letters, did not know whether he had any problems...

However, that emotion did not lessen as time went by. Instead, it became unforgettable because of not being able to get and missing him too much.

Ye Chuang said: "You don't know how many brothers envy you."

Ao Qi looked sideways, "Why do you envy me?"

Ye Chuang raised his eyebrows and said, "What else can I envy? I envy you for being a general. Your future is limitless."

The natural privileges that come from aristocratic families cannot be envied, but Ye Chuang deliberately said it sourly.

Ao Qi clinked glasses with him and lowered his eyes.

"You don't know how much I envy you."

You can linger in front of her window, you can guard her all night, you can see her when you open the window, you can participate in every little thing in her life...

Ye Chuang sighed softly, lowered his head and drank without saying a word.

Others laughed loudly and attacked him, saying he was hypocritical and had to make him drink alcohol.

Ao Qi said nothing and smiled, not rejecting anyone who came.

After three days of rest, he had no errands and could drink as much as he wanted, so he didn't shy away from anything. He ate until dusk and night. By the time the party ended, his cheeks were red and he was very drunk.

"Ye Chuang." He touched Ye Chuang's shoulder and reached out to grab his waist knife, "I'll keep watch for you."

Ye Chuang held his hand and said, "I can't do it."

Ao Qi raised his eyebrows, looking unhappy.

"Why can't it be done? Why can't it be done? It's not the first time."

He muttered softly, pushed Ye Chuang away, held the knife in his waist and walked towards Feng Yun's house.

Seeing his staggering steps, Ye Chuang quickly stepped forward to support him and reminded him in a low voice, "Today is different from the past. You are no longer the guard Ao Qi, but General Ao."

Ye Chuang emphasized his tone again.

"How dare my subordinates let the general take charge of his duties?"

Ao Qi shook off Ye Chuang's hand, "It's a good thing to have someone running errands for you. Go ahead."

Ye Chuang took a deep breath and pulled him back, "Ao Qi, listen to me, you drank too much, I will help you go back to rest first. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will know why..."

"I know. I don't know anything..."

Ao Qi stared at him, "If you don't let go, will I let Ao Zai bite you?"

Ye Chuang:......

He slowly let go.

Not because of Ao Qi's words, but because Feng Yun came over.

Ao Zai was following her feet. When he saw this, he ran over and circled around Ao Qi, humming in his mouth and getting very close to him.

Ao Qi's legs were weak and he was a little unable to stand. He bent down to hug Ao Zai and stabilized his body. Then he rested his head on Ao Zai's neck and lowered his head. After a long while, a low choking sound was heard. .

"Only you care about me, Zai, only you will care about me..."

Ao Qi was very upset.

Holding Ao Zai in tears.

Everyone didn't know what happened, and they were all surprised.

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, "You guys go down."

She had to save General Ao's face, otherwise this matter would become a joke in the future, and people would mention it for the rest of their lives, becoming a stain on General Ao.

Everyone responded and filed out.

Ao Qi leaned on Aozai, hugged it and cried.

Feng Yun approached and sighed, "Fortunately Aozai has grown up. If it was small, you would have crushed it."

Ao Qi lowered his head and looked at the pair of exquisite embroidered shoes that appeared in his eyes. He slowly sat on the ground, holding Aozai and looking up at her, like a helpless child.

"Girl, I want to go fishing..."

"Girl, I want to stay with Aozai..."

"Girl, I want to be your guard and guard under your window..."

"Girl, I really want to be your cat, your Aozai..."




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