Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 387: Female Hero

The wind at night was not as hot as during the day. It blew slowly, bringing a bit of coolness, just like the words Ao Qi kept mumbling in his mouth.

Fortunately, everyone screened out, Feng Yun thought.

If Ao Qi said these words in front of so many people, I'm afraid it would not end well.

"Xiao Qi, raise your head and look at me..."

Ao Qi looked up, tears welling up in his eyes.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, his eyes that had been through many vicissitudes of life seemed to be able to understand everything in the world. What is revealed is not the anger of being offended, nor the shyness of being confessed by a man, but the calmness that has been accumulated over the years and the wind and rain, and the wisdom and understanding that only a mature woman can have.

There was silence for a long time. When Ao Qi stopped crying, she bent down and handed him a handkerchief.

"feel better now?"

She spoke softly and had clear eyes.

It was like a beam of light piercing through all disguises, making Ao Qi ashamed.

"Girl, don't you hate me and despise me?"

Feng Yun chuckled: "No. There is nothing wrong with liking someone. I also had my anger, resentment, and rudeness in front of others when I was a girl. At that time, the husband I liked didn't like me either. That kind of contradiction, struggle, and helplessness The shackles you get rid of, the more you like it, the more humble you are... I understand it, Xiaoqi. I understand you and will not look down on you, let alone dislike you because of it. "

Ao Qi slowly raised his chin and looked at her in astonishment.

"It's nothing. It's not embarrassing or shameful."

Feng Yun's eyes were a little dazed, and he curled his lips and smiled.

"That year, I was like you in the moss-covered alley in Taicheng, waiting crazily for Mr. Xiao, who was covered with moonlight, to come back from riding a horse. I didn't need his response, I just wanted to Take another look..."

The past that was like a dream, now that I tell it, my heart no longer has any fluctuations.

She smiled slowly, "You see, time has passed, I have grown up, and he has long been forgotten by me."

"It was because he was stupid that he missed you." Ao Qi's throat was tight and his voice was hoarse.

He shook his head to wake himself up a little, looked at Feng Yun for a moment, and smiled silently.

"I am drunk……"

"I know." Feng Yun looked at him with a smile, "Do you feel better now?"

Ao Qi nodded heavily, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Feng Yun stretched out his hand and tried to help him sit on the ground, his expression calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Get up, you are tired today, go back to the house and take a nap. Aren't you going to take your Majesty to catch fish tomorrow? You can't miss the Sacred Heart."

Ao Qi looked at her intently, his body feeling hot.

The warm summer wind penetrated through the thin clothes, like ants burrowing into the bottom of his heart. The heat after drinking made his whole body as hot as a copper furnace. If he didn't do something, his whole body seemed to explode.


He gave a low cry.

Feng Yun glanced sideways and was about to answer when a pair of warm hands suddenly came over and gently hugged her.

In a half-crouched position, the young man enveloped her with a faint scent of osmanthus, instantly engulfing her.

Feng Yun didn't move, and his eyes met a pair of dark eyes. What he saw was haggard, pain, and a sense of loss and helplessness.

"do not move."

Ao Qi's throat was tight and his voice was hoarse.

"I just want to hug you. Just a hug."

He has wanted to do this for a long time...

Even though I knew I shouldn't, I still couldn't control myself.

He had the courage to risk his life, but his attack was very light.

The girl's delicate body was finally in his arms, and indescribable satisfaction surged up, filling up his long-standing desire, but he did nothing else, and he couldn't even bear to exert force.

"You hate me, blame me, I'm shameless."

Feng Yun smiled and pushed his arm gently, like an elder to an ignorant junior.

Tolerant and kind.

"Okay, let's go back to the house..."

Ao Qi looked down at her, his eyes burning like fire.

"I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. I don't know when I can see you again. I want to talk to you..."

"Xiao Qi." Feng Yun became serious, "I treat you as my younger brother, so I can tolerate your arrogance. You must know that in my heart, you and Ao Zai are the same..."

"I'm not Ao Zai." Ao Qi stared at her with deep nostalgia in his eyes.

Ao Zai can still accompany him every day.

What about him?

Ao Qi closed his eyes slightly, shook his head, and hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to freeze time at this moment.

It was drunkenness that slowed his consciousness and prevented his movements.

He held Feng Yun in his arms, as tenderly as hugging a priceless treasure. He murmured and lost his mind, so much so that he didn't let go when he heard the noise outside and the approaching footsteps.

"Your uncle is here." Feng Yun said.

Ao Qi was speechless, just holding Feng Yun so tightly, using the young man's stubbornness and strength to the extreme.

Feng Yun struggled to get away and sighed helplessly.

The footsteps are getting closer.

Pei Ran came in alone.

He said nothing and looked at Ao Qi deeply, as deep as the abyss.

This look seemed to crush Ao Qi...

The self-imprisonment brought about by his betrayal left him unable to resist.

With a gentle tug from Pei Ran, he let go of his hands, knelt down weakly, and lowered his head in shame.

"Uncle, I'm sorry...I restrained myself. I really restrained myself and tried my best...but I didn't do it..."

Pei Ran's Adam's apple rolled slightly, "Raise your head and look at me."

Ao Qi lost his voice and covered his face.

Pei Ran emphasized his tone: "Raise your head!"

Ao Qi raised his head and looked at the expressionless face.

Pei Ran: "Keep talking."

Ao Qi looked at him, and the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time were infinitely magnified in these eyes.

He is negative.

He suffers.

He is beyond redemption.

Because the people he hurt were exactly the people he least wanted to hurt.

"I'm guilty." Ao Qi smiled bitterly, and opened up the greed, anger and infatuation buried in his heart in front of Pei Madang, "In my heart, girls are like stars in the sky, and I can't help but look up and stop to watch. , feel her light, I know that... the stars will not belong to me, but I am unable to extricate myself..."

His drunken voice was low and sad, and his red eyes had a heartbreaking poignancy under the extreme sadness.

He shed no tears.

Even though he wanted to cry.

But I can't cry in front of my uncle.

That was weakness, something he looked down upon, and the girl looked down upon...

He would rather Pei Man pull him up and beat him, hard, until he wakes up.

Get your wish.

Pei Ran exerted a little force on his arm, grabbed his clothes and pulled him up.

No fists fell, only a faint sound in my ears.

"Ye Chuang, Lin Zhuo, send him back."

Ye Chuang and Lin Zhuo were waiting outside the door, and the other guards were further away.

The two men responded and silently stepped forward to hold Ao Qi up.


Ao Qi turned around hard.

He met Pei Ran's indifferent gaze.

"If you make trouble again, throw it into the pond."

Ye Chuang whispered, "Here."

Ao Qi smiled bitterly silently.

Uncle didn't hit him.

At this moment, my uncle looked very much like his father.

I'm angry that he doesn't fight, I blame him for being unfilial, but I'm reluctant to really teach him a lesson or hurt him.

Such deep love, but he failed again and again.

The corners of Ao Qi's eyes were moist.

Pei Madang didn't look at him anymore, silently half-hugged Feng Yun into his arms, and gently adjusted her clothes without speaking or asking.

Feng Yun just smiled faintly and cast a pair of smiling eyes at him, without explanation or fear.

It was as if what he was holding Feng Yun in his arms didn't happen, and it wouldn't have any impact on the two of them.

The two of them were so harmonious and so tacitly understood that they pretended that he had never existed, just like when they heard him heart-wrenchingly express his suppressed emotions, they just accompanied him silently, letting him sob one after another, calm as usual.

Ao Qi closed his eyes.

The girl said that one day she would grow up and forget the emotions of her youth.

He hoped that day would come soon.


"Pei dog."

Feng Yun looked at Pei Ran and suddenly spoke.

"Take me horseback riding?"

This is a perfect title.

The guard outside the door had his eyelids twitching.

Pei Ran remained silent, holding her hand without saying a word, and strode out of the courtyard.

Ji You led Texue out from the stable, and Pei Madang hugged Feng Yun onto the horse, then jumped up, hugged her waist, clamped the horse's back with his legs, and with a "drive" sound, he rode out.

At night, there seemed to be an unbroken glow on the horizon. It was grey-brown, illuminating the outline of the distant mountains and creating a strange golden edge for the gorgeous clouds on the horizon. It was really beautiful.

Feng Yun opened his arms to face the wind, raised his chin, closed his eyes, and felt that his chest was wide open, and the haze brought by Ao Qi was swept away.

"Are you angry?" Feng Yun asked anyway.

Ask when no one is around.

asked in the warm summer breeze.

He leaned against Pei Man's chest and listened to his heartbeat.


Pei Ran's answer was light and vague.

"No, you didn't." Feng Yun raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly, "That's your most beloved nephew. How could you be angry? If you were angry, how could you let him go? Let me go?"

Pei Man lowered his head, unable to see her expression, and hummed, holding her slim waist and slowing down the horse, straightening his back straighter, and his tall body completely enveloped her, showing more strength.

"Then I'll turn around and break his legs."

Feng Yun laughed softly.

"Okay, then do I have to break my legs too?"

"Hit them together." Pei Ran moved his fingers and pinched the soft flesh of her waist. Feng Yun couldn't bear the itch and struggled on the horse's back with a smile.

Pei Ran steadied her body and didn't speak for a while.

Feng Yun then turned his head and looked at him seriously.


"Huh?" Pei Ran responded slowly, his eyes full of tenderness, "You handled it properly, there is no need to blame yourself."

Feng Yun tilted his head, "Do you really think so?"


"You are as open-minded as you." Feng Yun blinked and suddenly laughed: "But I just said sorry, just because you were hindered in suppressing bandits, and I dragged you out to walk your horse..."

Pei Ran glanced at her with half-squinted eyes, suddenly reined in the horse's rope, hugged her and patted the horse's back hard.


The horse jumped up and Feng Yun screamed.

The long wind swept over from the straight village road, causing her hair to flutter lightly, and it tickled Pei Madang's face...

Feng Yun adapted to the speed and soon relaxed, feeling full of pride.

"It's so cool! Faster, faster."

He is really not afraid of death.

Pei Man glanced at her and rode forward.

"My ma'am, let's go. I'll take you to review the team."

Reviewing the team?

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment and didn't hear clearly.

"What did you say?"

Pei Ran didn't answer again.

The war horses quickly drove out of Huaxi Village and headed for the official road to an unknown destination.

It soon became dark and quiet.

The wilderness was pitch black.

When Feng Yun saw a fire again, she realized that there seemed to be an army camp ahead.

The fire was dotted in the night sky, and people sat on the ground. The men's hearty voices shook the sky, and they toasted each other and laughed heartily.

Feng Yun asked: "Where is this?"

The sound of the wind passed by her ears, covering her words.

Feng Yun raised her voice and asked: "Why did the king bring me here?"

Pei Jue lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Hou Zhun's troops are stationed here. I wanted to bring you to see him tomorrow. Since you are out, let's do it tonight."

Shentu Jiong saw Pei Jue's horse from a distance and laughed loudly:

"The king is here."

"Hey, the princess is here too."

A group of people came out to greet him.

At this time, Feng Yun had already seen Hou Zhun in the crowd.

She had seen this person.

At the banquet where Feng Jingting took office in Andu, this person sat next to Guan Ping, the commander of Wanning, and was his deputy.

But apart from this, the two had no intersection.

She really couldn't understand why Hou Zhun didn't surrender to the Beiyong Army, but submitted to her?

"Come down."

Pei Jue turned over and dismounted, stretching out his arm to Feng Yun.

In front of all the soldiers, Feng Yun was much more reserved than before, and slightly smoothed her hair before handing her hand to Pei Jue.

Pei Jue carried the person down and stood up steadily.

Feng Yun immediately restored her usual dignified appearance, tidied her clothes, and returned the greetings to Shentu Jiong and others one by one.

After a round of greetings, everyone laughed loudly.

"Let's go in and talk." Pei Jue's voice was very light, and no emotion could be heard, but he was like a tiger in the crowd. As soon as the voice fell, the surroundings became quiet.

He took Feng Yun's hand and walked in.

Everyone followed.

This was just a temporary camp after Hou Zhun came down the mountain. Because it was summer and there was no rain, he just found a quiet and deserted river beach, made a fire and cooked, and prepared to sleep on the ground.

Before they arrived, meat was roasting on the fire, wine was piled on the riverbank, and a group of people who had fought to the death a few days ago were sitting together, talking about the way to suppress bandits.

Feng Yun was wearing a brocade dress, but she was not embarrassed by it. She walked over and sat down on a flat stone like the other soldiers.

She was a girl from a noble family who was polite and virtuous.

She was also the heroic Princess Yonghuai.

Hou Zhun laughed.

"The king is not lying to me. The princess is a heroine and worthy of our following."

Ao Qi: I, I cried in vain. After crying, they ignored me.

Feng Yun: It's just a child. Your uncle and I understand.

Pei Jue: Here, go buy a piece of candy. Don't make trouble next time.

Ao Qi: Oh, I'm so angry!

Chunyu Yan: Oh, don't be ungrateful. If it were me, I would really break my leg.

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