Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 388 A cheerful man

Feng Yun was slightly shocked.

His eyes slowly fell on the edge of Pei Man's robe sleeves, watching him calmly hold the wine with an expressionless face, then he took it back with a smile, nodded to Hou Zhun, and saluted warmly.

"Thanks to General Hou's regard, Feng Yun feels ashamed and dare not trust him. In the future, he will have to ask General Hou for more advice."

Hou Zhun is a cheerful man, holding his hands and smiling.

"One person cannot step on the grass, but everyone can step on the Yangguan Road. From now on, Hou and the princess will advance and retreat together."

Feng Yun returned the greeting: "General Hou and all the officers and men will not give up, and Feng Yun will not dare to disgrace his life."

The two exchanged polite greetings, both looking at each other.

Then, they sat down with smiles and bows, chatting and laughing, drinking wine and eating meat.

There was a lot of people in the wilderness, the summer wind blew along the river beach, bringing a slight coolness, and the pretty girl blended in with the young men, showing a rare sense of coolness.

"General Hou and my eldest brother, are you still familiar with each other?"

Although this incident initially started due to Hou Zhun's attack on Pei Madang, the suppression of the bandits was arranged by Wen Xingsu.

Many brothers under Hou Zhun died in Xiufeng Mountain. It is difficult for Feng Yun to determine his original intention of "taking refuge", and whether Hou Zhun really has no grudge against Wen Xingsu and the Beiyong Army at this moment.

Hou Zhun pondered for a moment, then thought about it and said:

"Hou and General Wen met once, at the martial arts arena in Taicheng. General Wen was brave, resourceful, and highly skilled in martial arts. Hou admired General Wen so much that he was willing to submit to him. It's a pity that Hou's family background was low and he had few friends with the gentry. I regret that I didn’t have the chance to make friends with General Wen.”

Feng Yun would not take such polite words seriously.

But Hou Zhun's expression was solemn, and there was no trace of hostility on his face.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "There will be more opportunities to meet in the future. General Hou and my eldest brother will definitely become close friends."

Hou Zhun handed over his hand and said, "Hou will treat you with respect."

Several people were talking, and after three rounds of drinking, Hou Zhun suddenly spoke.

"The Jin Dynasty is divided into two. Yecheng is located in Xiangzhou. It is supported by Ge Pei, Zheng Shoushan, Yu Wenxian and others, and it is competing with Xijing. I wonder what the king's plan is?"

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and held his breath.

Topics in Yecheng have always been sensitive, and I don't know how Pei Ran would answer.

Pei Madang was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes and asked, "Li Zongxun relies on Ge Pei. Ge Pei is Zheng Shoushan's sworn brother. Zheng Shoushan and Yu Wen are in-laws. If the Li, Ge, and Zheng families fall out, will this fight be easy to fight?"

Hou Zhun's expression changed and he didn't speak for a long time.

Pei Madang took the wine pot and said seriously: "It's a joke, General Hou just listen to it."

Hou Zhun shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you really scared me. If the three families of Li, Ge, and Zheng fall out, wouldn't Yecheng turn into a mess? Where is the need to fight? We can win it without spending a single soldier." "

Then he leaned forward and asked, "Did your Majesty find any loopholes in them?"

Pei Madang glanced sideways at Feng Yun.

"I am also waiting for Zhu Jing to spread his wings."

Hou Zhun was startled, then laughed.

Shen Tujiong also laughed.

Feng Yun's expression calmed down and the corners of his lips raised.

She didn't understand why Pei Madang dared to tell Hou Zhun such a confidential matter.

It’s just that Shen Tujiong is present. He is the eldest brother’s confidant and there is no need to avoid it.

But Hou Zhun had just come over to seek refuge, and Pei Madang was extremely cautious, so he definitely shouldn't be like this.

She glanced at Pei Madang angrily and smiled faintly, "General Hou, don't listen to the king's nonsense. No matter how long my hands are, can I still reach Yecheng? What are you doing?"

As she spoke, she bent down to pour wine for Pei Madang.

Taking the opportunity, he glanced at Pei Madang.

Pei Madang seemed oblivious, nodded, and drank all the wine in the glass.

Feng Yun quickly changed the subject, "General Hou is brave and good at fighting. He has been on the battlefield for many years. It is a great time to make achievements. Why do you want to retreat to the countryside and be with the mountains and rivers?"

Hou Zhun sighed after hearing this, "Hou has grown tired of the swords and swords over the years and has taken it lightly. Life is only a few decades, so-called achievements are not as good as the smiles in front of his wife, children and parents. Over the years, Hou has been ashamed of his elders in the family. Wait. The top priority is to settle down, bring in the family, and share a family relationship.”

If you don't join the army, you will have a blood debt.

Where is it safe to go? Where can he and his family share a family relationship?

Nagato is the place of choice.

There seems to be no flaw in saying so.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "We are a humble family, but it is Feng Yun's good fortune to welcome General Hou."

Hou Zhun clasped his fists and laughed loudly: "However, if the king can make the three families of Li, Ge and Zheng separate and fight without bloodshed, Hou will be happy to see it happen."

Pei Madang nodded, "When the time is right, Yecheng will be defeated."

Feng Yun wondered if Pei Ran drank too much like Ao Qi.

But he and Hou Zhun seemed to have hit it off, talking about the situation without hesitation.

Hou Zhun even praised him highly, "According to Hou's opinion, this plan can be successful. Zheng Shoushan is a good fighter, but he is a man of war. He has always been narrow-minded and will retaliate. He may not be able to stay with Yecheng for a long time."

When they spoke, Feng Yun listened attentively.

I also have my own judgment in my heart.

In his previous life, Zheng Shoushan thought he had been fooled by Zhongjing because of that batch of food and grass, so he directly defected to Xiao Cheng and betrayed Li Zongxun. This only took a month or two.

Events have changed in this life, but people have not.

Li Zongxun helped the young emperor Chunde establish a new dynasty in Yecheng and sold his officials and titles. The power and money transactions involved would definitely implicate many people. Several major families are involved in the torrent, and the struggle for authority is inevitable.

The few people talked very speculatively. When Feng Yun and Pei Madang left, Hou Zhun was so drunk that his cheeks were red and he was full of pride.

"Tomorrow, will Hou go to Zhuangzi to find the princess, or will he settle down somewhere?"

I said before that I only wanted to take refuge, but with so many people needing food and drink, it would be difficult to be comprehensive without advance preparation.

If he hadn't been sitting on his hands and not wanting to watch his brothers starve to death, Hou Zhun would not have agreed to meet Pei Madang for a detailed discussion, nor would there have been any follow-up.

Feng Yun knew his predicament.

"General Hou." She raised her sleeves and saluted, "May I ask, General, how many people do you have under your command?"

Hou Zhun glanced at the crowd on the river beach and sighed.

"Deaths, injuries. Three hundred and sixty-six people with beards and tails, one hundred and twenty with minor injuries, and about twenty with serious injuries..."

Feng Yun raised his chin slightly, slightly surprised.

So many injuries are not a small number.

She said: "Huaxi Village cannot accommodate so many people right now, and the heat is severe, which is not conducive to the recovery of the injured. In this way, tomorrow General Hou will take people directly to Xiaojie Qiu, and I will find a place for you there, and then call Doctor Yao. have a look."

Afraid that Hou Zhun didn't know about Dr. Yao, she added.

"Doctor Yao is proficient in trauma medicine, and patients with ordinary injuries will have no problem. For those with serious injuries, we will see how to deal with them."

Hou Zhun thought quietly for a moment, "Sure. Everything will be decided by the princess."

Feng Yun saluted, "Then I'll see you in Xiaojieqiu tomorrow."

Hou Zhun returned the greeting, "Your Majesty and Princess, go slowly."

Pei Madang didn't say much. He led the horse and Feng Yun out. It wasn't until he got on the horse and left the river beach that he asked calmly:

"Will it be troublesome?"

Feng Yun was still thinking about how to arrange the arrangement of these hundreds of people. He suddenly heard Meng Gulu's voice and was stunned before turning back.

"how come?"

She smiled.

"I'm short of manpower, and they came at just the right time..."

Pei Ran hummed and said: "Hou Zhun is unwilling to surrender to the Northern Yong Army, so I hesitate to kill him, but I can't let him go. Since he is willing to wash his hands in a golden basin and join Changmen, I will let them live."

Feng Yun glanced at him.

"Didn't you persuade him to come?"

Pei Ran thought for a moment and said, "Yes and no."


"For a person like Hou Zhun, if he doesn't use his mind, others can't persuade him."

Feng Yun believed his words. As if thinking of something, he suddenly grabbed his arm and stroked the wound.

"Since he has taken refuge with me, has he told the King who he was instigated to set up an ambush in Xiufeng Mountain to attack the King?"

Pei Ran said: "Since I have taken refuge in you, why not Yun Niang come and ask in person."

Feng Yun chuckled, "I had known that the king was so lazy and wouldn't ask about such an important matter. I asked him just now. Why would I have to wait until tomorrow?"

Pei Ran said nothing.

Feng Yun called him, and then he lowered his head, looked at her and said:

"Hou Zhun was not ordered by anyone."

An ambush was set up in Xiufeng Mountain because Hou Zhun wanted to kill him.

To avenge the brothers who were killed when Wanning City was destroyed before Guan Ping, the general of Wanning.

But the more he said this, the harder it was for Feng Yun to believe it——

How could such deep hatred disappear overnight? And they are as good as brothers.

No matter how much grudges are wiped away with a smile, they can never be wiped away like this...

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun narrowed his eyes, "How did you convince Hou Zhun?"

Pei Ran: "It's a woman's ability that makes Hou Zhun admire her."

Feng Yun didn't believe it, "It must be more than that. How can I, a woman, let an iron-blooded man who is not afraid of death lead everyone to join him?"

Pei Madang closed his arms, took her slim waist into his arms, and sighed calmly.

"Ma'am, please don't belittle yourself. If he wants to take refuge, just accept him."

Feng Yun thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

If you keep asking, you will get a better deal and behave well.


The two rode back to the village.

The weather is hot, and a lot of farm work will be done at night.

As they walked along, they saw busy villagers from time to time.

The horses were moving so fast that the villagers couldn't see clearly and couldn't help but ask questions.

"who is it?"

"Who passed?"

"You must be riding such a tall horse to Madam Li Zheng's house."

"It must be the king. All the horses I have seen are not as tall as the king's horse."

"The king's horse is naturally big."

Feng Yun burst into laughter after hearing this on horseback, and elbowed Pei Madang, "The king is in the village, but he is a god-like figure."

Pei Ran hummed, "What is a god?"

Feng Yun said: "I only hear his name, but don't see his person."

Pei Madang heard her teasing Yu, raised the corners of his mouth, and controlled the horse to slow down.

The lights in the village are brightly lit.

When they came back from picking rice, they piled the ears in the baskets on the flat dam under the big locust tree, like hills.

Some people are cleaning, some are threshing, and a group of people are busy talking loudly.

When Ta Xue approached the two men on his back, everyone put down their work and saluted Pei Mang.

Pei Ran jumped down and touched the horse's head, "You are busy, so there is no need to be polite."

Puyang Zong was hiding behind the crowd, watching the villagers threshing the Lianjia grains. He felt it was very strange. When he heard Pei Man's voice, he was startled. He shrank back and tried to retreat silently to the house.

Pei Ran called him, "Prince Danyang."

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