Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 389: Meticulous

Puyang Zong bravely came out and saluted Pei Ran.

"I've met the king."

Pei Ran glanced at him.

"How about the Prince's lecture?"

Days pass like years...

This was the slowest day for Puyang Zong, but in front of Pei Madang, he didn't dare to say any grievances or complaints. He smiled stiffly and repeatedly held his hands.

"It's OK, it's OK. The children are eager to learn, and the gentlemen are also meticulous. It's so beautiful to read and learn among the green mountains and green waters, accompanied by fertile fields, mulberry trees, and bamboos..."

Pei Madang didn't seem to notice the insincerity of his words, and said calmly: "I wanted to plead with the eldest princess on behalf of the prince. In that case, the prince will stay and teach in peace."

Puyang let out a loud sound, opened his mouth, widened his eyes, and forgot to close them for a while.

He watched Pei Mad lead the horse and walked in from the gate of Zhuangzi. Feng Yun was sitting on the horse and looked back at him with a half-smile. He immediately felt dizzy and almost fainted.

If he had known that Pei Ran had such thoughts, he shouldn't have been ashamed and forced to say those polite words...

What the hell are green mountains and green waters, fertile fields and mulberry trees?

Full of biting mosquitoes and noisy children.

"You're almost killing him." Feng Yun glanced at Puyang and rubbed his hands and feet. He looked like he wanted to intercede but didn't dare. He couldn't help laughing.

"Are you serious about what your Majesty just said?"

Pei Ran: "Of course."

Pooh! Feng Yuncai didn't believe him.

She smiled softly, "The eldest princess really impressed me this time. She is really willing to send her son to my village to endure hardship. As for this kind of ambition, it is not something ordinary people can match."

Pei Ran didn't say much.

In his opinion, this was just the eldest princess's choice to put herself to death and survive.

Instead of letting people plot against her son secretly, she should take the initiative to hand the child over to Nagato and clearly "let him do whatever you want".

Feng Yun looked at his cold face and smiled lazily.

"What mother doesn't care about her children? Even if she makes a big mistake, she will protect her. Those who are really willing to do something to their sons are cruel people. If it were my place..."

She suddenly stopped.

Pei Ran looked sideways.

"How about you?"

Feng Yun felt a moment of pain in his heart, but his face showed no signs of strangeness, and he shook his head with a half-smile.

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do it. I wouldn't want my child to suffer..."

Pei Ran took a deep look at her and handed the horse's reins to Ye Chuang, who was coming up.

Ye Chuang didn't hear his master's instructions, his heart was in a mess, and he felt nervous for Ao Qi.

"Your Majesty." He mustered up his courage and said with cupped hands, "General Ao has gone to bed."

Pei Ran hummed, "Watch him."

Ye Chuang's heart trembled slightly, he answered yes and looked at Feng Yun again.

For such a big matter, Feng Yun had a calm expression on his face, not worried at all.

Ye Chuang was even more impressed.

The king saw Ao Qi holding her in his arms with his own eyes. Any other woman would have cried and told her that she would die to make her determination clear, but what about her?

Called Pei Gou.


Ye Chuang led Texue down.

Feng Yun took Pei Ran to the dining hall for dinner.

Changmenzhuang is very lively tonight.

First, Pei Ran and Ao Qi are back, and there is another Danyang County Prince. The atmosphere seems to be different from the past.

The second is on the dam outside Zhuangzi, where rice is being threshed.

A dozen people were threshing side by side, flails flying, talking and laughing loudly. Unknown moths and mosquitoes surrounded the firelight at the village gate, making a buzzing sound.

There is a particularly peaceful atmosphere in the summer nights in the countryside.

Feng Yun didn't eat and went back to take a bath early.

In the room, Huan'er was using mosquito repellent incense, and Xiao Man was standing beside her with her arms akimbo giving instructions. When she saw Feng Yun coming over, she lowered her eyes and lowered her voice with a slight smile.

"The maid ordered the room to be cleaned, and all the items on the bed were changed..."

In fact, they usually do this, but Xiaoman's tone is a little weird because of Pei Madang's return.

Feng Yun glanced at her.

"Xiao Nizi will cause mischief. I'll have to find a son-in-law to get rid of you later."

Xiaoman's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, "Madam!"

Feng Yun pursed her lips and asked her to prepare water for bathing.

That night, Pei Ran came back much later than Feng Yun expected. She was leaning on the couch and reading until she felt sleepy, and then Pei Ran opened the curtain and came in.

He said nothing.

Take off your outer robe, put on your middle coat, and go to clean the room.

Feng Yun raised his eyes and asked, "Has your Majesty seen Ao Qi?"

Pei Ran tilted his head and said, "He's gone."

"What?" Feng Yun sat up straight in surprise, looking at him in disbelief, "Didn't Ye Chuang say that he fell asleep? Why did he leave suddenly so late at night?"

Her concern was written all over her face.

After a pause, he raised his eyebrows again without seeing Pei Ran speak.

"Did you scold him?"

Pei Ran lowered his eyes, showing no emotion at all.

"I woke up and left by myself."

I don't know if he was hesitating, but before he went to the clean room, he took out a piece of paper from his coat and handed it to Feng Yun.

Then, I strode to the clean room to take a shower.

Feng Yun unfolded the letter.

It's Ao Qi's handwriting.

After so long, Ao Qi has changed a lot, but his handwriting is as ugly as ever and has not improved at all.

The letter was not addressed to her alone.

The title is "uncle, aunt", and the words are full of guilt for the drunken words and deeds, and finally said:

"The military situation is urgent. I have to go to the Chijia Military Camp overnight and ask my aunt to tell His Majesty that I failed to take him to catch fish this time. I will not break my promise next time I come here."

"And Aozai, I didn't have time to say goodbye, please take care."

An ordinary letter.

It was said in a plain and calm manner.

But the words were full of restrained emotions.

Feng Yun sighed, sat in front of the wooden table, pressed the letter down with a paperweight, picked up the book on the table, but couldn't read a single word.

After a pause, she walked out.

Xiaoman was talking to Huan'er in the corridor, and was stunned when she saw her.


Feng Yun walked out directly and saw Ye Chuang striding over from the other end of the yard.

She asked, "When did Ao Qi leave?"

Ye Chuang pursed his lips and pointed to the door, "He just left a while ago."

Feng Yun didn't say anything, called Aozai, and strode out over Ye Chuang's body.

The sky was dotted with stars, and the moonlight was pouring like silver.

The waning moon was like an eyebrow and a bow.

The winding village road stretched into the endless night. The young man's clothes were folded, and the horse's hooves were raised. Under the silver moon, it was actually desolate.

Feng Yun squatted down and patted Aozai.

"Go see your brother off."

Aozai understood her words, and jumped out several times, running in the direction of Ao Qi's departure...

Ao Qi seemed to sense something, slowly reined in the horse and turned around.

Aozai's figure was agile, as fast as a flash of lightning, and like a ray of light, he ran towards Ao Qi from the brightly lit village.

Ao Qi raised his eyebrows happily, jumped off the horse, squatted down, and opened his arms.

Aozai ran very fast, and couldn't stop, so he threw him to the ground.

Ao Qi hugged Aozai and rolled into a ball with a smile.

Aozai was very excited, sniffed him, and pushed him with his big head, as if asking him where he was going.

Ao Qi hugged it and talked to it, and his eyes turned red as he talked.

Always saying goodbye.

Saying goodbye again and again.

"Boy, don't forget me." Ao Qi said.

He said to Ao Zi, to the person in his heart.

"You must not forget me. Brother will come back and catch fish for you."

Under the moonlight, the shadows of the man and the beast merged into a ball. Feng Yun could not see clearly. After standing for a moment, he slowly turned back.

Ao Qi raised his head from Ao Zi's neck, looked at the shadow that was getting farther and farther away under the light, and hugged Ao Zi tightly with his arms.


Pei Jue came out without reading the letter again, nor did he ask Feng Yun what he was doing outside. The two of them got along as usual, and Feng Yun even lay quietly on the couch and read a book for a while.

Pei Jue did not quarrel with her.

Unlike the past, he was not entangled. His tall body lay down seriously, sleeping in the same correct posture as before, with his hands clasped on his waist and abdomen, and closed his eyes.

Feng Yun yawned and went over his body to blow out the light.

The person under him was like a corpse, motionless.

Feng Yun groaned softly and was about to get off him when the strong arm came across and held her waist tightly. The movement was so loud that the wooden couch made a loud noise, which scared Feng Yun.

In the darkness, she seemed to see the faint light in the man's eyes, like a beast.

His breathing was very heavy.

His chest was burning.

But after a pause, he slowly put Feng Yun down and closed the tent.

"Go to sleep."

Feng Yun was really in no mood tonight. What kept appearing in her mind was the back of Ao Qi riding away...

Go to Bingzhou.

Go to Daying.

This time to Shiguan.

Again and again...

She lay silently in the silent night.

No one spoke.


The next day, Feng Yun took her servants to Xiaojieqiu to settle Hou Zhun's hundreds of people.

The news that the bandits had entered the mountains spread in Huaxi for a few days, but soon disappeared from people's mouths.

The busy farming season was too busy.

When they were busy making a living, there were fewer people gossiping.

There were many paddy fields in Feng Yun's farm, and it would take ten days to harvest all the rice.

The sun was scorching the earth, and the people who went to the fields early in the village began to harvest rice one after another. The whole village was filled with the fragrance of rice, and it was a busy farming scene.

Ren Rude came back at this time.

On the third day after Puyang Zong came to the village to give lectures, he asked for leave from Feng Yun and left.

This time, he did not go to the teahouse or the village school, but went straight to Changmen to find Feng Yun excitedly.

"My wife, Ren has brought you good news." (End of this chapter)

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