Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 390 Tell the Truth

The weather is still dry and hot, and the sun hangs in the sky like a fireball.

Sitting in the study room, the sweat on Ren Rude's face was dripping down his forehead, and the Confucian robe on his body was completely soaked.

Feng Yun asked Xiao Man to pour herbal tea for him, and said with a smile: "Sir, have a drink first, and then talk slowly."

Ren Rude was not polite, nodded and drank the tea in the cup.

Yuanhen Mianmian felt extremely comfortable drinking it in the summer, and his whole body seemed to feel much cooler.

Ren Rude sighed comfortably, "It's better to go back to Huaxi Village to feel comfortable. This time I went out, I was so tired that I peeled off a layer of skin."

Feng Yun said: "Mr. Ren, it's hard work."

Ren Rude smiled faintly and cupped his hand towards Feng Yun, "Fortunately, I managed to live up to my fate and let Ren actually find a coal tunnel..."

When Feng Yun left the matter to Ren Rude, he never worried that he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Mr. Ren claims to have a wide circle of friends, and he is absolutely right.

He introduced Feng Yun to the master of Tujiawu Fort, and helped Feng Yun get Kong Yun'e from Taicheng to Andu. Feng Yun benefited greatly from every incident.

She believed that Ren Rude would help her get it done this time.

Because in his previous life and this life, Ren Rude had only one purpose - to win her trust and favor, so that she could separate from Pei Ran, betray Pei Ran, and return to the embrace of Xiao Cheng of the Southern Qi Dynasty.

Before the goal is achieved, Ren Rude will continue to show her kindness.

Then, Feng Yun can pretend not to know and continue to use him to do things for himself in order to maximize his interests.

However, in order to show respect for Ren Rude, she still deliberately showed a hint of surprise on her face.


"Ren is absolutely not lying."

"Mr. Ren, please accept my bow."

Feng Yun bowed his hands and bowed solemnly, his tone full of admiration, "Yecheng was afraid of retaliation from Xijing and the blockade was extremely strict. In such a short time, Mr. Ren was able to find a way out. This little girl is really impressed."

Hearing good words a thousand times, they are still fresh and cheerful.

Ren Rude stroked his beard, and the smile on his face became a little wider.

"The brother-in-law of Zheng Shoushan, the governor of Chuzhou, took Wu Shi Powder, and his appearance was like a dead tree. He was so weak that he fainted on the roadside. It happened that Ren was traveling in Chuzhou and saved his life, which made him a good friend..."

Feng Yun asked: "Mr. Ren went to Chuzhou and contacted him?"

Ren Rude nodded, stared into Feng Yun's eyes, and lowered his voice a bit.

"It's not a problem on the other side of Yecheng. Zheng Shoushan's brother-in-law is eager to make some money to support his concubines, and Zheng Shoushan is extremely henpecked. It's still useful for the brother-in-law to speak in front of his brother-in-law. What's more, Yecheng is in short supply of this thing? What Ren is worried about right now is Xijing..."

Feng Yun smiled lightly, "What is Xijing worried about?"

Ren Rude sighed: "This time, in order to help my wife open the coal tunnel, Ren asked many old friends. However, no one dared to respond. Yecheng and Xijing no longer trade, and Xijing even accuses those who do business of collaborating with the enemy. Even the transactions between Prince Hui Yuan Tao of Xingyang and Marquis Xuan Ping have been investigated. Prince Hui Yuan Tao is now being investigated by the court. If Marquis Xuan Ping had not fallen ill in the Governor's Mansion, he would not have been able to escape..."

When he said this, he stopped to take a sip of tea and slowly calmed his expression.

"May I ask, Madam, does King Yonghuai know about this?"

If King Yonghuai knew about it, he would be indulging Feng Yun and breaking the law.

If King Yonghuai didn't know about it, then Feng Yun was daring and committed the crime...

No matter what answer he gave, Feng Yun smiled softly.

"Mr. Ren, you don't need to worry about this. I will take care of the king's side."

Ren Rude's eyes swept across Feng Yun's face, and he said worriedly: "Without the King's approval, Ren is not at ease."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I'm not afraid. What is Mr. Ren afraid of? If the sky falls, won't I be able to hold it up?"

"No, no."

Ren Rude breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Feng Yun worriedly, and said a sentence that was somewhat serious.

"There are some words that I shouldn't have said, but Ren is much older than my wife, so let's just take them as words of advice from an disrespectful elder. I'm wrong, and I hope my wife will forgive me."

Feng Yun smiled, took back his hand on the tea cup, and said calmly: "Mr. Ren, why are you being polite to me? You and I are from Qi, fellow villagers. I have told you all these secrets, what else is there?" Can’t hear it?”

These words are very useful to Ren Rude.

He said: "If there is something concealed between husband and wife, it will easily lead to discord. Ren is afraid that if this matter is known to the king, it will cause endless trouble..."

Feng Yun nodded.

"I know that Sir is doing it for my own good. But between me and the King..."

She drawled her voice and frowned slightly, as if thinking, but her heart was full of excitement.

Ren Rude finally remembered his duty as a lobbyist and was ready to drive a wedge between her and Pei Mang?

"Although your Majesty and I are husband and wife, it is not convenient for us to speak openly about everything."

She paused.

When it comes to Pei Ran, the tone is very different from just now.

"Sir, I also saw it. Nagato is my Nagato, not the king's."

She didn't point out anything, giving Ren Rude a chance to understand and have random thoughts.

Ren Rude had a relieved expression and said meaningfully:

"After all, the girl is not someone who grew up in the Jin region. Coming down halfway, she will be somewhat separated from the king. It is really not easy to have a heart-to-heart relationship."

The instigation was silent.


Feng Yun nodded in agreement, and then shattered Ren Rude's illusions with one sentence.

"Who makes my heart happy with him? Since I already like him, I should obey him. If I don't marry, I will marry. If I don't like it, I can only do this..."

She frowned lightly and pursed her red lips, as if she was really trapped by love. She was a beautiful woman with natural beauty, but such a pretentious attitude made her more delicate and bright, making Ren Rude sigh.

"Madam, don't be impatient. The days are long and there will always be a day when you can get rid of your grudges and open your heart."

Unexpectedly, he actually became Pei Madang's lobbyist.

If Xiao Cheng knew that the diners who received his money were not allowed to vomit three liters of blood while doing other errands?

Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly and couldn't help but smile in his eyes.

"Yes, I also believe there will be that day. But for now, Mr. Ren needs to worry more about the coal tunnel."

Ren Rude knew what she was worried about and patted his chest in assurance.

"Don't worry, madam. Zheng Shoushan's brother-in-law appreciates my kindness and knows that I am giving lectures in Huaxi and can get briquettes and graphite in the workshop. He will not be suspicious at all. It is very safe."

Feng Yun thanked him again.

After finalizing some specific details, she wrote them on paper and handed them to Ren Rude.

"Thank you sir."

Ren Rude took it and suddenly became excited.

Feng Twelve Niang really trusted him.

Trust him so much.

He thought for a moment, sighed and said: "I went to Chuzhou and Ren found out something. I didn't want to say more, but my wife is so trustworthy and Ren doesn't dare to live up to it, so I still have to open my mouth and be annoying." ”

Feng Yun said calmly: "But there are words and deeds over there in Yecheng that are not conducive to me? Mr. Ren just says it's okay."

She believed that Li Sangruo hated her to the core.

In her territory, the Feng Yun that people talk about must be a demonized Feng Yun, not herself.

So she didn't mind.

Unexpectedly, Ren Rude shook his head and said coldly:

"This matter is related to the governor's house."

Feng Yun pretended to be surprised and looked at Ren Rude.

"Please give me some advice, sir."

Ren Rude narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered: "This matter cannot be discussed by outsiders..."


"Marquis Xuanping has always had contacts with the Yecheng court. It was Yecheng's assignment that Yang Sanniang went to the Governor's Mansion to cause trouble..."

Feng Yun already understood in her heart, and Jin Ge also reminded her that even if Yang Lingxiang still refuses to explain, the relationship between Xuanping Hou and Yecheng cannot be separated.

But she still kept her shocked expression.

After all, this was a secret revealed by Ren Rude himself.

"So, Mr. He's jade pendant and the disguised note were all done by Yecheng?"

Ren Rude nodded heavily.

"It's very possible that Marquis Xuanping is just a middle-aged man, just like I am to the lady."

Feng Yun smiled.

"Mr. Ren and I are different. They are just like dogs, but we are aboveboard."

Ren Rude smiled awkwardly, "That's right, that's right."


Ren Rude returned to his residence from Nagato, took out the letter paper, and immediately reported the letter to Xiao.

It is usually a routine matter to write something that seems to be trivial but actually has no effect, but today I wrote it very seriously.

"Twelve mothers don't doubt me, they trust me as usual."

"During the conversation, I saw a worried look on Twelve Niang's face. After careful questioning, I learned that Pei didn't know about the coal tunnel. Twelve Niang had hidden a lot from him, and she might have wanted to make a living on her own. Between the two of them, Always be disengaged, and depart from virtue only in the morning and in the evening.”

He wrote fluently, writing faster than ever before, and at the end, he added another stroke.

"Your Majesty, please take your time to figure it out and don't fight day and night."

After finishing writing, and waiting for the ink to dry, he handed it to Jin Ge and let out a long sigh.

"My life in Huaxi is so comfortable. I really can't bear to go back to Taicheng one day."

Jin Ge was silent.

Ren Rude suddenly turned around and stared at him.

"What about you? Are you happy or not thinking about Shu?"

Jin Ge was startled by his gaze and lowered his eyes.

"I am alone, no matter where I am."

Ren Rude snorted heavily from the wings of his nose, looking at him with a look that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"You still refuse to tell the truth?"

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