Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 391 Dare to think

Jin Ge's heart tightened and his eyelids jumped very fast.

For a moment, he almost didn't dare to look at Ren Rude.

A rush of hot blood rushed into my brain.

He had even thought about how Ren Rude would escape after knowing that he had betrayed Xiao Cheng.

Then I heard Ren Rude laugh jokingly.

"Don't think I don't know about your frivolity? You've been flirting with Madam Kong from the garment factory a lot lately, haven't you?"

Jin Ge's heart skipped a beat briefly, then returned to normal.

He didn't know whether Ren Rude meant to test him or whether he mentioned it accidentally, but he and Kong Yun'e met each other regularly, and even if they were careful, there would inevitably be clues in their eye contact.

If you want to hide it from an old fox like Ren Rude, you can't.

He simply admitted.

"I am a bachelor. Even if I have some thoughts, I don't dare to act recklessly and live up to His Majesty's trust."

"What's the point?" Ren Rude stood up and patted his shoulder, "Love between a man and a woman is the right way in the world. If you really don't have any thoughts and are not greedy for women, I still have to guard against you."

Then he laughed again.

"In the future, there is no need to be sneaky when you approach Mrs. Kong. Be generous, be really thoughtful, and go to Nagato to find Mrs. Satomasa to make peace with you. Your Majesty, I will explain it to you."

Jin Ge was startled, but still didn't dare to respond, and said nonchalantly:

"How to do that?"

"What can't be done?" Ren Rude turned around and asked, "Although Mrs. Kong has a son, she is already a widow. No matter whether it is north or south, there is no ban on widows remarrying. You are a bachelor, why are you so coy?"

Jin Ge gave Ren Rude a good lesson, and immediately felt a little dizzy, feeling that the heat was even worse. When he came out of the house, he felt as if he had just been fished out of the water, and his whole body was soaked.


In the afternoon of that day, Pei Madang came back from riding a horse in Andu.

The only ones following him were Zuo Zhong and Ji You. When they returned to the house, Feng Yunshang was reading a book in the back room.

She didn't know what she was thinking about, but there were a lot of books on the ground. There was sweat on her forehead, her brows were worried, and the penholder she held in her hand was wet.

Hot air hit his face. Pei Mant opened his outer shirt and sat next to her in his middle coat. "What are you doing reading these idle books?"

The reason why these books were identified as Xianshu by Pei Madang is because they are indeed Xianshu.

Feng Yun tried to find a way to deal with drought from the book left by his mother. Unfortunately, there is no useful solution so far.

Some things related to water conservancy and irrigation require a lot of manpower and material resources, which is especially difficult to deal with...

She put down the book and looked at Pei Ran talking about business.

"We found someone in Yecheng. Zheng Shoushan's brother-in-law is just right."

Pei Madang looked at her with determined eyes and a confident look. He didn't ask about many things and just said: "The imperial court prohibits dealings with merchants in Yecheng. Are you going to deliberately test the law by yourself and lure the fish to the bait?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, not a single briquette will fall into Li Zongxun's hands."

Pei Ran nodded, picked up her book at random, and flipped through it.

Feng Yun then remembered that she hadn't answered Pei Madang's question just now, why she wanted to read these idle books.

"Has your Majesty noticed how long it has been since it rained?"

Pei Ran said: "It's the autumn harvest, and we have to dry the rice. Wouldn't it be a good thing if it doesn't rain?"

Feng Yun shook his head, "It was supposed to be the thunderstorm season, but there was no rain at all. The Huaxi River dried up, and the water level of the Yangtze River was also declining. Even the water volume of several old wells in the village was small."

She stared into Pei Man's eyes.

"If this continues, something big will happen."

How could Pei Madang not know?

I went out these past few days and said it was to choose a location, but in fact I heard He Qia talking about this every day.

He looked at Feng Yun's frown, sighed, put his arms around her waist, and motioned for her to come closer.

"You worry too much."

Feng Yun looked up at him, "Your Majesty, do you think I am nosy?"

Pei Ran shook his head.

This charming little girl, so gentle and charming, should have stayed in the back house and enjoyed peace and happiness, but she was busy from morning to night. Think about family affairs, national affairs, and world affairs.

This kind of her is very different from her previous life.

He is unpredictable and often feels unreal.

I don’t even know what she wants...

Pei Madang was quiet for a moment and said calmly: "You are also worried about me."

Feng Yun curled his lips, looked at the dim luster in his eyes, and smiled lowly.

"Isn't your Majesty looking for a location to build a palace recently?"

Pei Mang's expression was one of disdain, "Just pretending."


Feng Yun was quite surprised, "Don't you want to practice?"

Pei Ran snorted softly, "It's a waste of money and people."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and he called him brilliant.

Don't leave the palace. The little emperor has been recuperating in Andu for a long time, which is unreasonable.

Let's repair it. With the current national strength, it is indeed a waste of effort and mobilization of troops, abandoning the basic and chasing the weak.

She filled a cup of herbal tea gracefully and slowly placed it in front of Pei Ran.

"If the officials at court ask about it, how should we respond? The matter is there. If it can be delayed for a day or two, it can't be too far away, right?"

Pei Ran said: "Andu is an auxiliary capital and has been included in the charter. There is no need to build the palace immediately."

Slow things down.

Feng Yun agreed with his idea, nodded with a smile, and talked about some trivial matters in life.

Pei Ran just listened and said little.

After a while, he asked: "How are Hou Zhun these days?"

Only then did Feng Yun remember that he had not reported this matter to him, and smiled again:

"Your Majesty, you have helped me a lot this time. These well-trained soldiers are really much better at work than the refugees who were brought in along the way. They can carry out orders and prohibitions, and they can do their job even better than others."

Pei Ran said: "Did you ask them to dig coal?"

Feng Yun asked: "Isn't it possible?"

Pei Ran:......

He thought Feng Yun would use it to train Bu Qu, but he didn't expect that he would actually use it as a laborer.

Feng Yun saw that he was silent, maybe because he felt that she was squandering everything, so he smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, let them stay in the mine for a while. If there is a better job, I will arrange it for them."

Pei Ran showed no expression, "Since I gave it to you, it's up to you to do what you want."

Feng Yun listened and felt that something was wrong.

Why does it feel like he gave his own person to her?

But Hou Zhun was obviously from Qi and a bandit. He was on the same level as Beiyong's army and fought with real swords and spears. He also led his people down the mountain to assassinate Pei Mad...

She stared at Pei Ran.

"So, it was the Beiyong Army that Hou Zhun wanted to surrender to?"

Pei Ran thought for a while and shook his head.

Perhaps he realized that there was a contradiction in his words. In order to avoid arousing Feng Yun's suspicion, he was silent for a moment and then said:

"Hou Zhun is a trustworthy person. Yun Niang can be reused."

Feng Yun stared into his eyes, and after a long time, he slowly responded.

"I guess there must be an ulterior relationship between you and Hou Zhun..."

Pei Ran was stunned and looked at himself through her eyes.


Feng Yun smiled slightly.

Just now, this idea suddenly passed through her mind, making her feel ridiculous.

What could be the relationship between Pei Madang and Hou Zhun?

She shook her head, laughing to herself first.

"I was wondering before, how did the king persuade Hou Zhun, and why was he so sure that Hou Zhun was sincere and trustworthy? He was not even happy for me to use them as laborers, but now I am not surprised anymore."

Pei Ran hummed and asked quietly, "Why?"

Feng Yun said: "Bo Ya and Zi Qi can hit it off and become close friends. You and Hou Zhun can do the same? Boya has his Zi Qi, and you also have your Hou Zhun. This is not surprising."

Pei Ran:......

He was originally thinking about some excuse to stop Feng Yun's random thoughts, but this way, he didn't need to explain anything anymore.


For dinner that day, we cooked millet rice, some roasted mutton, and a pot of wine.

What is extremely inconsistent with war and turmoil is that nowadays there are many ways to make wine, and there are countless kinds of drinks. There is no shortage of fine wines on the dining tables of aristocratic families.

The wine is worthy of its reputation.

Pei Ran took a look and said, "Where did it come from?"

Feng Yun said: "Mr. Ren brought it."

Pei Ran knew that she had dealings with Ren Rude, but he didn't ask deeply, as if he was deliberately avoiding it, and just said yes and sat down to eat.

The two of them were doing their own thing, and they ate the meal in silence.

The candles were brightly lit, and the firelight swayed on the wall, creating a warm yellow halo.

In the air, there is the smell of wine, food, and women...

Pei Ran unknowingly drank a few more drinks and was already slightly tipsy. When he saw Feng Yun put down his chopsticks and was about to go to the study, he suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her.


Feng Yun looked at his slightly red eyes, smiled sweetly, and winked at him.


Pei Ran: "I have a plan to solve the problem of agricultural irrigation. Does Yun Niang want to hear it?"

Only then did Feng Yun realize that he had thought wrong. He was stunned for a moment and smiled.

"Appreciate further details."

Pei Madang said quietly: "Open canals and divert the Huai River to the Changhe River."

Feng Yun looked at his serious and handsome face and was startled.

"That's a big project. Don't you just talk when you're drunk?"

Pei Ran glanced at her and remained silent.

Feng Yun calmed down the boiling blood in his heart and inhaled slightly.

"What a dare to think."

The Changhe River and the Huaihe River are parallel branches with weak regulation and storage capacity. The intersection is under the jurisdiction of the current Yecheng court. The Changhe River is more than a hundred miles away from the Huaihe River's nearest tributary...

How difficult it is to dig an artificial river.

Not to mention, Feng Yun had actually read about doing this in "Xianshu" before.

But now that I think about it, it’s still a bit crazy.

She said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to do this..."

Pei Ran said: "It's not because of you."

He stood up slowly, "If Andu is to become a real auxiliary capital, this river is necessary."

A joyful smile flashed across Feng Yun's eyes very quickly, and then dimmed again.

"Repairing the Imperial Palace wastes people and money. How can the courtiers and Queen Mother Duan allow the digging of canals and ditches and the construction of an artificial river?"

Pei Ran: There are so many things I can think of. Do you want to try them?

Feng Yun: ...Come on, who is afraid of whom? Isn't it just digging holes and canals? I can dig...

Chun Yuyan: Let me do the digging. I am the best at digging. I can even knock down the corners of walls...

Ao Qi: Ao Zai, bite him.

Xiao Cheng: They all say that I don’t deserve to have a name now. Author, please reflect on this.

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