Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 392: Love between a Young Man and a Young Woman

Pei Ran was silent.

Everyone outside said that he could cover the sky with one hand, but only the two of them knew that there was no one in the world who could cover the sky with one hand.

No matter how high you are, you still have to weigh the interests of all parties, and there will inevitably be constraints.

Unless you really don't care and want to overthrow the banner with the word "Jin".

Feng Yun could tell that Pei Ran didn't want to do this.

At least now he has no such ambitions.

The little emperor is in the palm of his hand, why should he push himself to the forefront?

Feng Yun saw him staring blankly, not wanting his well-intentioned suggestions to go in vain. He pondered for a moment and suddenly felt blessed.

"Your Majesty's suggestion gave me an idea."

Pei Ran knew that she had many clever ideas, so he immediately curled up his lips.

"Tell me."

Feng Yun didn't have a complete charter in his mind. He lowered his head to take a sip of water and calmed down his thoughts. When he put down the cup, his eyes were extremely clear.

"Didn't the king laugh at me that day when I read Xianshu? Don't tell me, I actually saw something in Xianshu. It said that someone dug a well and connected it to an underground river, and then connected it with a ditch to divert water for irrigation..."

She couldn't explain a sentence or a half clearly, so she immediately asked Xiaoman to prepare a pen and paper and make a sketch.

"Your Majesty, come and see."

She gestured to Pei Madang to look at the drawings, pointing slightly.

"The book says that as long as you find a water source, dig a series of wells, and then connect these wells, you can meet the needs of drinking and irrigation."

Pei Madang leaned back slightly, looked at her for a moment, and answered clearly.

"You can give it a try."

Feng Yun received support and his face turned happy.

"Your Majesty, please wait for my good news."

Pei Ran said: "Man-made canals also need to be dug."

Feng Yun thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

"My wells and canals are only beneficial to the small family. The fortifications that the king wants are beneficial to everyone, for thousands of generations. The two are not the same."

Once he builds the artificial canal, you can imagine how much Andu will change.

There is no longer a need to go all the way to Shiguan Pier to take a boat, and supplies can be delivered directly to Andu.

Since then, Andu's water transportation has developed, which has promoted prosperity. Living by the water will facilitate commerce and trade, and it will surely radiate new vitality.

It can afford the name of auxiliary capital.

"The king is wise."

Feng Yun said this from the bottom of his heart. After hearing this, Pei Madang seemed to be suddenly opened to the Ren and Du channels. He grabbed her hand and tightened it slightly.

"Since Yun Niang has a solution, there's no need to go to the study, right?"

Feng Yun slightly raised his lips.

"Then...are we going to have a rest?"

Pei Ran hummed lowly, hugged her waist, and walked into the back room.

Feng Yun couldn't believe it.

General Pei, who is restrained, conservative and not close to women, has his body been taken away from him?

Hot weather.

Two thin layers of clothing clung to the body, almost scorching fire as he walked.

Feng Yun clearly felt that his heartbeat was accelerating, and his desire almost jumped out of the confining material of his clothes. He was scratching her carelessly. An unprovoked shiver came from her tailbone. Her body could not suppress the slight trembling and tension. .

After a short journey, I got out of the illusion of the end of the world...

Several maids saw the king carrying his wife over. They were stunned at first, and then bowed their heads shyly.

No one looked up.

Feng Yun gently hooked Pei Ran's neck and looked at him angrily.

Pei Madang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Their eyes met, and no one spoke, but in the silence, there seemed to be infinite emotions flowing, creating a dazzling fire.

The curtain fell with a flutter.

Feng Yun only felt her body loosen up, and the arms that were shackles around her waist were loosened. The man gently wiped the sweat from her forehead, placed his hands on both sides of her, and stared at her for a moment.

"Wash?" His voice was hoarse, full of lust.

Feng Yun raised his eyes, "On such a hot day, why is the king so excited?"

Pei Madang's eyes wandered around her body, his fingers skimmed across the hinterland of the hills intentionally or unintentionally, and his voice sounded slow.

"Nagato's arithmetic is the best. Why can't Yun-niang do arithmetic? How long have you neglected me? Huh?"

"Have it?"

"I promised to have all the fun, but even now, I still haven't had all the fun..."

He spoke vaguely, but Feng Yun heard it clearly, with a hint of resentment that made people want to laugh.

"Your Majesty is a man who does great things. He doesn't stick to trivial matters, and he shouldn't linger on the affairs of Xiangwei."

Pei Man lowered his head and hummed. His handsome face was shrouded in the sky. He glanced slightly and expressed his emotions. He didn't say anything else. He only used his slender fingers to gently open her clothes, revealing a piece of delicate fragrance floating on it. Sweaty waist...


He kissed her slowly, his breathing hot and rapid, dense.

Feng Yun's heart beat wildly.

It's not dark yet.

That's called a scorching fire.

The friction of the rustling fabric next to her ears made her fingertips tremble slightly. She grabbed the fabric on Pei Mad's shoulders and raised her neck. Her whole body was on the verge of losing control.

"Wash up...go wash up first."

She was out of breath as she spoke a few words.

Pei Madang didn't embarrass her, he pressed the back of her head and gave her a long, deep kiss. Then he let go of her with uneven breath, and stood up to let someone pass the water on her.

When the two of them got up from the couch, dripping with sweat, and were about to go to the cleansing room, bathe in warm water to purify their bodies, and join their bodies to be alone, someone outside the door reported.

"Madam, someone from Yangxinzhai said that Your Majesty has something to discuss with me and wants her to come over immediately."

Upon hearing Yuan Shangyi's call, Feng Yun immediately got up from Pei Madang's arms and pulled his clothes up.

"I'll be there right away."

Pei Ran grabbed her, his eyes darkened.

"Little brat, what's the matter?"

His fingers gently pushed aside Feng Yun's sweaty hair, and his voice was soft, like warm water flowing.

"Yunniang's important matters are here."

Feng Yun did not resist, but his tone was firm.

"Your Majesty has summoned you, there should be no delay..."

He refused to let go, so she smiled and grabbed him.

"Your Majesty, finish washing and go back to your room to wait for me. I'll be back as soon as I go."

To apologize, she leaned over Pei Man's forehead and gently kissed her.

Pei Ran stiffened slightly and his eyes fell on her face.

She rarely takes the initiative to kiss him...

Such memories can almost be traced back to the previous life.

The corners of Pei Ran's eyes dimmed slightly.

"In order to see him, you are willing."

"What are you talking about?" Feng Yun couldn't understand that he would be awkward because of a child, so he laughed while getting dressed.

"This child is innocent, kind and has a good nature. When he grows up, he will definitely be a good emperor."

Pei Madang: "A person who is pure and kind cannot be a good emperor."

When she was talking, Feng Yun had already put on his clothes and walked to the edge of the curtain. Hearing the sound, he paused slightly. She let go of the hand holding the curtain, turned her head, and looked at him seriously.

"With the help of the king, he will be."

She looked gentle.

It's like talking about your own child.

Pei Ran remained silent.

The two of them had never discussed Yuan Shangyi's issue before. At this moment, looking at the sharp look in Pei Ran's eyes, Feng Yun suddenly felt...

Maybe she didn't fully understand Pei Ran.

Who can guarantee that he has not thought about the supreme dragon chair?

Especially now that he holds great power, under one person and over ten thousand people.

It seems that the gift of Jiuxi not only has the metaphor of being one step away from reaching heaven, but also changes a person's state of mind...

She didn't say much and hurried to Yangxinzhai.

Lin Nvshi knelt outside the door of the study, followed by several palace servants, all of whom lowered their heads and remained silent.

Yuan Shangyi sat alone in the room.

When Feng Yun entered, his eyes were red and his face was full of grievances, but he did not cry.


The vulnerability of a child is irresistible, and Feng Yun's heart suddenly softens.

"What's going on?" She looked into Yuan Shangyi's eyes, bent down, held the child in front of her, patted her gently, and asked in a lower voice with a smile:

"Did Ms. Lin force A Yuan to study hard again?"

Yuan Shangyi shook his head.

not talking.

Lin Nvshi didn't force him, she didn't even come to provoke him.

She just provoked Feng Yun, chewing on Feng Yun behind his back, saying that she had a "disobedient heart" and wanted to replace Empress Dowager Duan and become his adoptive mother...

He also taught him that cultivating kindness is better than giving birth to kindness, and asked Yuan Shangyi to remember the kindness Queen Mother Duan had shown him. He also said that he would be imprisoned in Huaxi today because of Feng Twelve Niang.

Yuan Shangyi is still young.

He couldn't fully understand the intrigues among adults, especially since this was not a group of ordinary adults. Their intrigues and rivalries were even more intense than those of ordinary people.

He doesn't understand this.

She just doesn't want anyone to say bad things about Feng Yun.

Lin Nvshi can't do it.

Not even Queen Mother Duan.

Although he knew they were doing it for his own good.

Therefore, he could not tell Feng Yun these things.

He couldn't let the people who loved him feel resentful.

"I just miss my wife suddenly..." Yuan Shangyi said, feeling sad. He put his arms around Feng Yun and threw himself into her arms.

She thought of what Ms. Lin said...

Sooner or later, he and Feng Yun will become enemies.

He doesn't understand.

Why did he become an enemy?

"No." He murmured.

Feng Yun looked down at him, "What can't you do?"

Yuan Shangyi frowned.

"My wife will never be separated from me."

Feng Yun smiled and patted his back.

"Of course. I said I would protect A Yuan, and I will."

Yuan Shangyi nodded heavily.

It was a child's nature after all, and he quickly became happy again. He stood up from Feng Yun's arms and pulled her to read the handwriting he had written today.

Feng Yun left Yangxinzhai half an hour later.

Pei Ran was not in her room.

Xiaoman said that the king went out for something and took Zuo Zhong and Ji You with him so that she could rest early without waiting for him.

Feng Yun nodded, sat on the couch, looked at the herbal tea that Pei Ran had drunk, looked at the clothes he had changed, and sighed slightly.

Both of them are too busy.

I’m so busy that I don’t even have time to spend time with my children…

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