Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 393 The King Thinks Twice

Things turned out exactly as Feng Yun had thought.

Pei Cong proposed digging a canal, which was immediately opposed by the ministers in the court.

Moreover, it was unanimous opposition from both the old and new parties.

From the Queen Mother Duan to the princes and ministers, no one agreed with this feat.

"The auxiliary capital has been decided, and the palace has not yet been built. If we dig an artificial river, build a large-scale project, and mobilize a large number of troops, we may alienate the people."

"The treasury is empty and the supplies are tight. We must not put the cart before the horse and miss the main thing."

The voices around him were all persuading Pei Cong.

But those who kept saying that they did not want to build a large-scale project were very enthusiastic about building a palace.

There were even many people who thought that this was an urgent matter.

"Building a palace to establish national prestige and shock the traitors is urgent."

"Your Majesty, think twice."

"Your Majesty, think twice!"

Memorials flew to Xijing like snowflakes, and then to Pei Cong's desk. He returned to Huaxi later and later, and Feng Yun often saw him frowning.

But God did not show mercy.

It seemed that there were nine suns in the sky.

It was already late August, and it was still hot as hell...

Feng Yun stayed in the study for two days. When she came out, she called the villagers of Huaxi to discuss matters under three old locust trees.

Feng Yun was going to take a closer look at Pei Jue's proposal.

It was not something that a few people could do to dig an artificial canal.

It would require a lot of manpower and material resources.

She thought about it and decided to see what the people wanted first.

Sure enough, Feng Yun got angry when she mentioned it.

"Digging an artificial canal to divert the Huai River? It's over a hundred miles away. Isn't this a joke?"

"Yes, it's unheard of..."

"If you can really divert water, it's better than nothing. I agree..."

"The wife of the village head is not willing to do things that are not beneficial. Everyone just listen to the instructions..."

Everyone was talking excitedly.

Feng Yun sat under the locust tree and said nothing.

In the sky, the sky is clear and the sun is shining.

Underground, the sound of cicadas is like the muffled strings of a guitar, sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, mixed with the noisy arguments, making the summer heat even more obvious.

Yang Shichang glanced at Feng Yun and suddenly clapped his hands.

"Okay, okay, everyone be quiet for a moment and listen to me."

Everyone shut up and looked at Yang Shichang.

Yang Shichang stood on the stone platform under the big locust tree and raised his voice and said, "Everyone has seen that if it is dry and there is no rain, the crops cannot be planted and we will starve. We have to think of a way. This matter of digging a canal and digging a river was proposed by the wife of the village head. Let's talk about our opinions."

Everyone: "My wife, it's a good suggestion."

Yang Shichang asked, "If we dig a canal, every family will have to contribute. Are you willing?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Some said they could contribute one person.

Some said the whole family would go out.

Some said they didn't say anything.

Of course, there are also people like Lu Guiquan who like to sing the opposite tune.

That day, his family had a fight with Yu Baochuan's family because of fetching water. After that, they didn't dare to come to Feng Yun and accepted Yang Shichang's private mediation, and the matter was over.

But people who are used to taking advantage will not suffer any loss wherever they go.

He did not change his temper because the other party was Princess Yonghuai.

Just as Yang Shichang said, the people of Huaxi Village are spoiled.

Lu Guiquan's voice was very loud and could be heard from a long distance.

"Every family has to pay for labor, so how much labor and food does the court give?"

Feng Yun glanced at him.

This family is usually competitive, and it is even more so after the locust plague. They are dissatisfied with everything and fight with others without saying a word.

Feng Yun frowned and said calmly:

"For matters that benefit the people's livelihood, the court will pay the most, but the people should also work together to achieve their wishes as soon as possible. There is no regulation yet, so there may not be food for workers, but the court will definitely take care of food..."

Lu Guiquan laughed, "What my wife means is that the court is unwilling to pay. Let the people work for nothing, what's the difference between this and the first emperor building the Great Wall, enslaving the people!"

The first emperor building the Great Wall.

He really has a lot of things in his mouth.

Feng Yun glanced at him and tapped his fingers on the chair.

"Then how much food and work should be given according to your opinion?"

Lu Guiquan said: "At least we should give the same as Changmen."

Yang Shichang shouted in a low voice, "Lu Guiquan! Don't be so arrogant. Changmen is the private residence of the wife of the village head. Building canals and digging rivers is for the people's livelihood. Can it be the same?"

"What's the difference?" Lu Guiquan said lazily: "Everyone knows that the world is now the world of King Yonghuai. Building canals and digging rivers is also for the benefit of Changmen. In the final analysis, it is their family's livelihood anyway..."

"Lu Guiquan!"

Yang Shichang shouted again, his face pale with fear.

Everyone around him was silent.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun's eyebrows were relaxed and he smiled slightly.

"Let him speak."

Lu Guiquan felt a little guilty, and did not dare to look Feng Yun in the eye. He muttered in a low voice:

"Build a fortification, take money from the national treasury, and finally let the people work, and fill the pockets of the village head's wife, as if no one understands..."

He spoke clearly and was very inflammatory.

The people looked at each other, and most of them dared not speak.

But it is inevitable that some people will have wild thoughts.

There have been many such things since ancient times, and the people have seen a lot.

If there is no benefit, who would be willing to arrange such a big fortification?

The village head's wife is a good person, which is well known to the people of Huaxi Village...

But after being a good person for a long time, the person who has been favored will gradually get used to it, and gradually they will feel that Nagato is so rich, and the right lady has everything she wants, but they are digging in the soil, and there is a huge difference...

Isn’t this the result of slavery?

After all, is it not for herself that she is good to the people in the village?

It's quiet under the big locust tree.

Feng Yun's expression was calm, and he did not show any emotion because of Lu Guiquan's doubts.

"Well said, reasonable doubt."

She nodded, slowly rubbed the back of the chair with her palms, and smiled lightly as she thought of something.

"Then this is the end of today's discussion. Everyone, hurry up and harvest the autumn crops. I don't know how long it will take to harvest the next season's crops."

She dropped these words and left directly.

Three days later, Nagato dispatched a large number of troops and began digging canals.

They did not dig up other people's land in the village, but dug a ditch along the edge of Nagato's field, extending all the way to Xiaojieqiu Mountain...

Villagers who had something good to do came forward to ask.

"Why did you dig these ditches?"

Buqu replied: "My wife said that there is a drought this year, and there is no water to go to the fields. The crops will not grow well, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to get water in the future."

It is well known that there was a fight over water in the village that day.

But this was their first time seeing Feng Yun's fortification.

"My wife said, this is called a well canal, which can divert water from underground rivers to the surface for drinking and irrigation. The one you see is called an open canal, and there are also culverts in Xiaojieqiu Mountain..."

Everyone was confused.

Bu Qu further explained, "From Xiaojieqiu to Changmenzhuang, we dug many wells, and connected these wells with ditches, called wells and canals. The lady said, in this way, we in Changmen will not be short of water... …”

Everyone was dubious.

Drilling wells to obtain water is something that everyone understands, but drilling a series of wells and connecting the series of wells with ditches sounds simple, but it is not easy to do.

"Do you have enough people? Do you need craftsmen?"

Nagato often hires people in the village and gives them high wages and salaries.

Now that the busy farming season is over, it will be difficult to plant crops next season without water. There are a lot of people in the village who are idle and want to go to Nagato to make a few bucks.

Buqu smiled and said: "I didn't hear what Madam said, but we should have enough manpower. They are all strong men with a lot of strength."

The villagers then remembered that not long ago, a group of fierce bandits from Xiufeng Mountain were subdued by Nagato and became servants of Feng Twelve Mother's family.

Slowly, people began to calculate this sum, and suddenly realized that there were thousands of people inside and outside Madam Li Zheng's Changmen.

This is incredible...

Thousands of people can already fight a small battle.

There are also many people who raise the banner to integrate the team, claim kingship, and proclaim themselves generals...

A female prostitute actually managed to win over so many people in just over a year?

In the past, the tribes were all in the mountains and did not attract much attention. Since the digging of wells and canals, many people have come and gone in the village, and the number of people talking has gradually increased...

Feng Yun didn't care at all.

She concentrated all of Nagato's strength to dig the well and canal.

Water shortage, like food shortage, is a life-saving matter. Villagers can still go to Changhe Bay to fetch water. But what happens if Changhe Bay bottoms out?

How can so many people survive without drinking water?

She didn't want to take the road of exile again.

Nagato has grown from a few dozen people to more than a thousand people now. It is impossible for her to take them to become bandits, let alone move her family away from Andu.

Then she could only think of another way.

The method of building wells and canals can be learned from books as always.

The books left by her mother were all-encompassing and provided her with enough wisdom to cope with all aspects of life...

The work of digging canals and wells in Huaxi Village was in full swing, and the news spread a lot.

Not only did He Qia bring officials from the governor's office to visit the village, but there were also Sinong Gongcao from neighboring Wanning County, Yupu County, Xinyi County and other places who came to understand the situation...

"It makes sense to dig a well from the mountain all the way from high to low, but is there so much water available?"

"The princess said that there is an underground river in Xiaojie Qiu, which was discovered when digging a graphite well."

"It's a good idea to divert water like this. It really kills two birds with one stone. First, it prevents the water from underground rivers from flowing into the mines, causing the mines on the mountain to accumulate water and collapse. Secondly, it can also divert water for irrigation and alleviate the suffering of drought. It's wonderful, wonderful..."

Most people don't agree with Feng Yun.

Before they saw the well water flowing continuously, they always had doubts in their hearts.

But there are also capable people and strangers, who will be surprised and admired once they are summed up.

“This is a smart move, and our county should follow suit.”

"What are you imitating? When King Yonghuai brings water from the Huaihe River, will there still be a shortage of water from wells and canals? Why bother to mobilize troops?"

"That's wrong. Diversion of the Huaihe River is a major fortification. In comparison, the well and canal from Xiaojieqiu to Huaxi Village is just a small fortification. It will take at least three to five years to wait for the man-made river to be built with the efforts of the whole country. , it will take more than eighteen years, or even longer... If there is drought for many years, can you afford to wait, or can the people wait? "

The meritorious officers of various counties argued endlessly.

The news reached Feng Yun's ears, and she made a special inquiry.

Many people praised Jingqu and believed that all counties should imitate him, and it was Wanning County who came from him.

She asked someone to find the design drawings of the well and canal and give them to Alou.

"Give it to Wanning County. As long as they find enough water sources, dig dark wells, and open ditches, they can temporarily solve the dilemma."

Ah Lou responded, took the drawing, and suddenly raised his head.

"There is an envoy from Nan Qi who wants to ask about the wells and canals. Madam, would you like to see them?"

Erjin has twisted her waist in the past two days, and it feels uncomfortable to sit, ahhhh...

I originally wanted to exercise, but who knew it would backfire! ! !

Feng Yun: Come, Dr. Yao will take a look at it.

Erjin: Phew! Hate.

Pei Madang: Come on, throw her down, don’t you dare to spit on my wife.

Chun Yuyan: Come, mother-in-law, here, Mr. Wang next door invites you. Let’s see if we want to change the script...

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