Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 394 Blackmail him

As far as Feng Yun knew, Qi had a lot of rain this year and was not in a drought. The next two years were smooth sailing, which was also the key to Xiao Cheng's ability to quickly restore national power and win over the people in his previous life.

People at that time believed in destiny.

The Southern Qi Dynasty was originally plagued by famines and wars. After Xiao Cheng came to the throne, he implemented a series of new policies, and it happened to be a good year. It can be said that the time, place and people are favorable.

Therefore, people often say that he is the king appointed by heaven...

Feng Yun raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


Ah Lou hesitated and raised his head, "The person who came is, the Lord of the House."

He has been a servant of the Feng family since he was a child. He has a natural respect for Feng Jingting and cannot change his title.

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, then raised his lips and said, "Please."

At this time, Feng Jingting often sent her letters and things from Bingzhou. They were nothing valuable and were all "feelings." Feng Yun mostly gave them to Xiaoman and Alou, and the contents of the letters were the same. When she got to the back, she took a glance at them. Too lazy to watch.

I didn't expect that I would come in person this time and act as an envoy.

Is this because he is afraid that he will not see him and find an excuse?

Feng Yun guessed that Feng Jingting was soon introduced by Alou.

Feng Jingting took out a small silk bag that he carried with him and asked Alou to hand it over.

"Knowing that I came to Andu, your eldest aunt specially asked people to bring it from Taicheng. She said that it was a dowry originally prepared for the girl from the Feng family. Several cousins ​​had it. Your wedding was in a hurry and the family couldn't make it in time... "

As Feng Jingting spoke, he didn't see any changes in Feng Yun's face and raised his eyebrows gently.

"Open it and see if you like it."

"Don't look at it anymore." Feng Yun motioned to Alou to put it away and bowed to Feng Jingting in vain.

"Xiao Man, serve tea."

Business is business, regardless of family ties.

Feng Jingting frowned, not used to Feng Yun's appearance at the moment.

He sat down and said, "I have been dreaming recently. I dreamed that when you were a child, you got something good, and you would run to the study room on tiptoe, talking about your father, your little voice was crispy, and your little face was flushed..."

"Master Fu." Feng Yun looked at him, "Why do you come to my humble residence?"

Feng Jingting's eyelids twitched, he waved his hands gently and sighed.

"Business matters are not important. What is important is that my father wants to come and see you."

He said, looking around again.

"Son-in-law isn't here?"

Feng Yun pursed his lips and looked at him seriously without saying a word.

Xiao Man held the tray and bent down to serve the tea, "Fu Jun."

The embarrassment on Feng Jingting's face eased somewhat, and he saw that Xiao Man had become more easy-going. He responded softly and said with a smile: "Xiao Man seems to be taller than before, has his martial arts skills not declined?"

This is to remind her not to forget that she was sent to Beiyong Military Camp to protect Feng Yun. He also told Feng Yun in a roundabout way that he should remember that this old father also had a feeling of licking the baby.

Although he had no choice but to give her away, he still loved her...

Feng Yun had never known Feng Jingting so clearly as he did now.

A selfish, cowardly, somewhat compassionate but not very hypocritical hypocrite who wants to be a good father but only talks about it.

She said: "I see that Mr. Fu is in low spirits and looks pale. Is it because his life is not as good as before?"

The corners of Feng Jingting's mouth twitched twice, "Twelve Mothers..."

Feng Yun: "Master Fu, just tell me your purpose. No one can see a loving father and a filial daughter here."

Feng Jingting heard the implication, sighed, and looked at her deeply.

Today, Feng Yun is wearing a green dress and a plain skirt, with a magnolia hairpin in her hair, which looks too simple.

Feng Jingting remembered that Ayun used to love dressing up. She would spend a lot of energy on dressing up every day, and she would often get angry with Feng Ying for this...

He sighed inexplicably.

"Long time no see, my father is very worried about you."

Feng Yun kept smiling, "Really?"

Her mood was light, and she looked smiling, but there was no trace of laughter in her eyes, and she looked indifferent.

Feng Jingting felt inexplicably guilty and lacked the confidence to speak.

"I heard that you took the lead in building the wells and canals in Huaxi? As a father, I thought, this is something a man should do, but it is really hard for you, a daughter, to take on the responsibility."

Feng Yun lowered his head and drank tea without saying a word.

Feng Jingting talked to himself, got a cold face, and simply changed his mind.

"The drawings of the wells and canals should come from the books of the Feng family, right?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Master Fu, you want to say that I, Feng Yun, embezzled things from the Feng family?"

"No, no, no, my father never said that." Feng Jingting denied it flatly, shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just that your Majesty came to inquire in a letter, and my father was a little greedy and mentioned it like this..."

Feng Yun looked at him with confusion.

Feng Jingting said: "Except for books, your mother's dowry was nothing else. If you liked it, my father gave it all to you. This is a huge fortune..."

"Master Fu, please tell me clearly. I feel that these books belong to me and your Feng family has suffered a loss. Do you want me to return them?"

Before Feng Jingting could speak, she snorted again.

"Back then, all these books were piled up in the room and gathering dust. Did my father ever take a second look at them? Yes, everything from arithmetic to wells and canals was all learned by me from books. They belonged to my mother, but it's a pity... "

She stared at Feng Jingting, showing a lazy mocking look.

"Even if you regret it, it's too late. Everything that goes into my study is mine. Want to go back? Don't even think about it!"

"The Twelfth Mother misunderstood being a father." Feng Jingting sighed, "How could I be so cruel to think about those books? That is the only thought left by your mother..."

"You still have the nerve to mention it?" Feng Yun's good temper instantly ignited his words, "When Mrs. Chen came into the house, she burned all my mother's belongings one after another. If I hadn't fought tooth and nail to protect them, These books have been reduced to ashes, what have you done?"

Feng Jingting lowered his eyes in shame, not daring to look into Feng Yun's eyes.

"My father came here today just to ask for a few things. Why is Twelve Mother so excited?"

Feng Yun sneered: "What do you want?"

Feng Jingting sighed again and showed weakness to her.

"Ayun knows that my father can't speak in front of your uncle, and his position in the court is embarrassing. But if my father can share your majesty's worries and make great achievements, that's another matter."

Seeing that Feng Yun seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but did not say anything, he kept up his efforts.

"Taicheng is establishing a school. Qi Jun wants to learn from Nagato's arithmetic methods, as well as the wells and canals that Yun Niang is currently digging, and oh yes, there is also the sugar machine from Mingquan Workshop..."

He cited several in a row, "And..."

"No more." Feng Yun looked at him seriously, "Except for arithmetic, I won't give you anything."

Feng Jingting was disappointed, happy, and a little strange at the same time.


Why is she willing to teach arithmetic, which is the most precious thing in his opinion, when she can't give him anything else?

Feng Yun didn't say much, he just said calmly: "It is okay to benefit others and to benefit yourself. It is not allowed to benefit others but not yourself."

Feng Jingting's cheek twitched twice but said nothing.

Feng Yun looked a little gloomy and ignored him. He asked Alou to find an arithmetic textbook from the village school and handed it to Feng Jingting.

"But one thing, Fu-kun should also know, no matter what you get from me, Nagato, there is a price."

Feng Jingting's expression stiffened slightly, "You said..."

Feng Yun said calmly: "The Lord wants to use this to gain face in front of Lord Qi and the officials, to be promoted and rewarded, so naturally I can't pay for nothing..."

She turned to look at Feng Jingting and said, "I am going to build a house for my eldest brother in Huaxi Village. I will provide the land and the cost of building the house will be borne by you as the father."

Feng Jingting's pupils widened in shock.


Feng Yun said: "If Mr. Fu does this, Mrs. Chen will definitely be very happy."

Seeing Feng Jingting not moving for a long time, she leaned over to take the booklet and pursed her lips slightly.

"If you don't want to, let it go. A house is valuable, but knowledge is priceless. How about you go back and discuss it with Qi Jun?"

Feng Jingting clenched his teeth.

In fact, what he said to Feng Yun just now was half true and half false.

It is true that he wanted to take credit, but he did not make the decision privately, but was entrusted by Xiao Cheng.

Nowadays, His Majesty is becoming more and more emperor-like, and Feng Jingting has blown the truth. If he can't get the things back, it will be difficult to explain in front of Xiao Cheng, and he will be embarrassed in front of the court and Feng Jingyao...

But how much does it cost to build a house?

His daughter really dares to think.

"Twelve mothers..." Feng Jingting said in a drawled voice: "Look, your eldest brother hasn't married yet, so he doesn't need such a big house right now..."

"Thank you for being able to speak out." Feng Yun snorted coldly and interrupted him again, "How did you become a father? How old is the eldest brother? Don't you know? There is no one in the nest. How can there be a daughter from a good family? Are you willing to marry him? You are so cruel and never think about him..."

She was serious about every word she spoke, and Feng Jingting listened to her teachings repeatedly. As he listened, he felt... that this seemed to be the case.

Feng Yun didn't take advantage of him.

She would not benefit from repairing Wen Xingsu's house...

Arithmetic was something she actually did.

Feng Jingting's mind made her dizzy, and she said calmly for a long time:

"Then I'll go back and report it to Mr. Qi?"

Feng Yun then softened his expression, said "walk slowly", stood up and left without saying a word, not even a polite word.

Feng Jingting sighed.

I don’t know where this temper comes from...

In front of others, she gave him a little favor, but behind the scenes, she really showed no kindness at all. They don't look like father and daughter, they are clearly enemies.

He sighed heavily.

"I wanted to tell you about Daman..."

Feng Yun heard this, paused slightly, and said without looking back: "Just talk to Xiao Man about Da Man, I'm not interested."

She walked faster and faster, and soon disappeared into the flower hall.

Feng Jingting's heart was empty, and he looked back at Xiaoman with a smile.

Xiaoman swore that this was the most kind and amiable smile she had ever seen from Feng Jingting, which made her at a loss and could only laugh along.

On this day, Xiaoman took Feng Jingting for a walk around Huaxi Village. He saw the farm tools workshop, clothing workshop, breeding farm, pottery workshop, and also saw the fields, ditches, and the digging of wells and canals, which shocked him greatly.

The Feng family's Zhuangzi was originally here, so Feng Jingting certainly knew what Huaxi Village looked like before...

But when he stepped on this piece of land, he felt completely unaware...

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