Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 397: Slandering a Good Family

Pei Jue keenly caught her distraction.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Thinking about the general..." Feng Yun looked at him, slowly turned sideways, and tremblingly slid over his incredibly stretched body like a fish, "Where did the general learn this set of... methods to deal with women?"

If he had many women, why didn't there be any rumors of him lingering in the flower garden?

How could a playboy who lingered in the flower garden concentrate on her alone?

She thought about it, and her eyes changed a little when she looked at him.

Pei Jue said nothing, stretched out his hand and hugged her back.

He looked at her coldly, his black eyes slightly sank, "Didn't Yunniang teach you?"

Feng Yun was speechless, her body pressed against his hot chest, and she shivered at the power that seemed to melt her, and took a long breath.

"You can't say that..."

She wanted to refute, but Pei Jue didn't give her a chance.

His tall body leaned over her, and she looked like a fish on a chopping board, and was made to look very petite by his figure.

His movements were very slow, and he was not as cold and distant as usual. His heavy breathing seemed to be filled with a kind of gritting anger. Even when she reached her limit, he still had no intention of stopping...

"Yun Niang?" His voice was low, "Are you ready?"

Feng Yun breathed heavily.

After being together for so long, it was still difficult...

They were indeed not a match.

And her already nervous heartstrings were raised high by his question...

She knew what he wanted.

She also knew that he had never satisfied her.

She was very scared, and had some strange expectations.

"No." She tried hard.

Pei Jue made a "hmm" sound and panted softly.

A layer of fine sweat beads had already appeared on Pei Jue's forehead. With her brows tightly furrowed, she weakly patted Pei Jue's sweaty handsome face.

"Your Majesty, this is... bullying a decent woman..."

She deliberately said something about a decent woman, which was exactly the same as what the adulterer said, which just aroused Pei Jue's anger, resentment, and an inexplicable hostility...

He wished he could kill her.

The two of them looked at each other, nose to nose, staring at each other, as if some long-suppressed emotions were about to erupt in this war...

"Pei dog, have you ever noticed..."

Feng Yun was slightly out of breath, and the whole person was as hot as if she had just been fished out of the water, but her pronunciation was very clear.

"We are not like husband and wife at this moment, let alone adulterers, but more like enemies...the kind of enemies who cherish time and place and wish to kill each other..."

Pei Jue's throat rolled, and he didn't speak, but suddenly raised his hand to cover her eyes, stared at the delicate white skin on her jade neck, and suddenly bit it, speeding up.

Feng Yun wanted to laugh at him at first.

Blindfolded eyes, can't she see, can't she feel?

Soon, she couldn't laugh anymore.

Blindfolding your eyes, you can't see, it turns out that you can feel more clearly.

Veins are bruised, extreme pulling.

The slightest touch will be magnified dozens of times, as if you can hear each other's heartbeats and blood flowing, silently...

After a few times, she couldn't help trembling, whimpering, unable to speak complete words, her whole mind was occupied, all her consciousness was soothed by the comfort of the details...

The rapid breathing was right beside her ears, she didn't need to look at him, she could imagine what the two of them were like at the moment...

Tonight Pei Jue was more ruthless than usual, and there was a hint of tenderness and sweetness. The hot emotions were like cold water poured on the stove, "squeaking" hot steam, stretching the feeling of fullness infinitely, making her nervous, numb, trembling, stretched to the extreme...

But on the contrary, today was particularly smooth, she was not as delicate as usual, pushing him away at the slightest disagreement, like a fragile porcelain.

He didn't care as much as usual, nor did he pity her because she couldn't bear it, and simply explored the path at will...

"Um Pei Jue." Feng Yun bit her lower lip tightly, frowned, and tightened her fingertips repeatedly.

This level was not something she could bear. She whimpered in grievance, her white neck raised high, and she looked like she wanted to cry, which made Pei Jue's waist numb and his eyes red as if he was about to spit fire.

Then, the action became more vigorous.

"General..." Feng Yun's whole body tensed up.

The long-lost sequelae of poisoning came up at this time...

The itching that seemed to be pulled from the depths of the soul was worse than usual.

She was panicked and unable to resist.

Obviously, she hadn't had an attack for a long time.

During the months when Pei Jue was away, she was fine alone.

Why did the poison come back as soon as he came back?

Incomprehensible, Feng Yun looked at him with blurred eyes, and the whole person seemed to be split in two.

One is the rebirth of revenge, which is to seek the truth in reason, resist the shameful pleasure brought by physical satisfaction, and remind oneself not to be obsessed with it.

The other is the indulgence of rapid dementia, which is to experience such a profound existence as the waves roll in the toxic erosion...

But no matter which Feng Yun, he was frightened by his amazing invasion.

The longer he was suppressed, the more intense the explosion would be.

The height difference and body shape of the two people were too big. She seemed to be burned by the high temperature, which poured into every inch of her pores, making her breathless and her throat almost emitting sparks...

She was going to explode.

She was speechless for a long time,

and her mind was blank.

"Pei Lang..."

Feng Yun grabbed his arm, as if falling into an endless abyss.

The summer night was silent.

Insects chirped outside the window, and frogs croaked.

There were low gasps, blending into this world.

It was not until the fourth watch that the wind and rain stopped.

Pei Cong wrapped her in a towel, picked her up and went to the clean room.

Feng Yun was too lazy to move, and had no strength.

Pei Cong was very patient, and the pair of hands holding a knife and a gun served the woman with extraordinary care. Feng Yun soaked in warm water, her black hair spread out like seaweed, swaying with the waves.

Her body, which had been stretched to the limit, slowly relaxed, like a small leaf lying on the waves, whipped by the storm, and experienced life and death, and actually felt sleepy...

"Yun Niang." Pei Cong held her up, "Go to sleep on the couch."

"Yeah." Feng Yun's nose flared, and she had no strength to respond.

Pei Jue lowered his head and looked at her delicate appearance. His breathing tightened, and he inexplicably thought of the indescribable happiness just now...

He retracted his arms and held her tighter, his movements gentle and compassionate.

Feng Yun took the opportunity to put her head on his shoulder and looked at him with half-open eyes.

The man's profile was firm and more masculine. She slowly put her hand on his heart.

Her heartbeat was strong, but a little disordered.

He was obviously not struggling to hold her, so why was her heartbeat so fast?

Feng Yun narrowed her eyes like a fox and breathed lightly at his jaw.

"You always have a stern face and look serious and indifferent, but your heart is not like this..."

So hot, so hot.

It was as strong as the powerful force that pushed her to climb to the boundless happiness...

Pei Jue lowered his eyes, "Do you want more?"

Feng Yun quickly retracted her hand and leaned back half of her body, "Your Majesty, can't you take a joke?"

Pei Jue put her on the couch and pulled the quilt over her, "Go to sleep."

Feng Yun groaned softly, closed her eyes obediently, and lay down obediently on her side.

Pei Jue stood by the couch and looked at her, his heart skipped a beat, and turned to wash up.

When he came back, she was already asleep.

He sighed, found Zhu Meiyu Hu, and gently checked and applied medicine for her...

Feng Yun was so tired that she had no reaction at all, and fell asleep just like that.

When she woke up, it was already bright.

Drowsy, she heard a sound outside, and habitually stretched out her arm to explore beside her...

No one, empty.

She woke up suddenly.

She was covered with the quilt from last night, soft and fluffy.

Pei Jue was not around.

Hearing her movement, Xiaoman walked in with a smile and said with joy:

"Madam, great news."

"What's wrong? Where does the joy come from?" Feng Yun pulled the quilt and looked at Xiaoman's shadowy figure through the curtain.

Xiaoman said: "Madam, go and have a look. The well channel is flowing, and it flows directly to our regenerated rice fields. People in the village have gone to see it..."

Feng Yun learned the well channel by imitating from books. In fact, she was not sure whether it would work.

Hearing the voice, she sat up from the couch happily.

"I'll go... have a look..."

She said the last two words with her teeth bitten, with a little restrained groan.

Xiaoman: "Madam, what's wrong?"

As soon as the voice came out, she stopped talking, her ears flushed and her face flushed.

"The king went out early in the morning, and didn't even say to accompany the lady more."

Feng Yun didn't want him to accompany her.

Although Pei Jue had tortured her body, she would not think that men were taking advantage of her as long as she was willing to do so...

It was just that she was a little tired this time.

"Xiao Man..." She whispered, "Come in and help me change my clothes." (End of this chapter)

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