Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 398: Offering Flowers to Buddha

Beside Feng Yun's regenerated rice field, there were many villagers standing, a huge crowd, and a lot of people were walking along the other side of the ditch. In dry years, seeing water was like seeing gold, and they sighed with emotion.

The water was very turbid.

Feng Yun saw the water slowly flowing from the ditch, but her eyes were particularly clear...

More people make things easier, and she once again felt the benefits of having more troops.

There were a total of eight vertical shafts, the deepest of which was on the mine. Thanks to the terrain of the mine, the water flow was not small. Although the distance from Xiaojieqiu to Huaxi Village was not very far, and it was diverted from the mountain, with few obstacles along the way, it also consumed a lot of manpower.

From this point of view, Pei Cong's plan to dig a river from Huaxi to Mingquan was an incredible feat...

"Hello, Princess." A guy with a strong back and a strong waist wearing a bamboo hat came over. When he got closer, Feng Yun recognized that it was Hou Zhun.

"General Hou, how did you get here?" Feng Yun was surprised to see Hou Zhun sweating profusely.

People outside said that she had taken in a group of mountain bandits as servants, but in fact, she gave Hou Zhun absolute freedom, built another piece of land for Hou Zhun in Xiaojieqiu, settled the group of soldiers, and asked Doctor Yao to go to see him and bring enough medicine for his wounds.

This time, she also agreed in advance that the participants would be paid according to their work, and they would not be asked to work for free.

In fact, this is the consistent rule of Changmen. Even servants are paid to work.

What's more, she has respect for the original defenders of Wanning.

The more money they pay, the more people will be united, and the work will not be tiring.

A group of defeated soldiers lived on Xiufeng Mountain for nearly two years. They had no normal life and could not see their parents and relatives. They were actually extremely tormented in their hearts.

From Xiufeng Mountain to Xiaojieqiu, they thought that there would not be much difference. It was just a change of name, and they no longer had to hide from place to place...

They never expected that when they arrived at Xiaojieqiu, it was like entering a new world.

There were mines and coal briquette workshops there. The farm tool workshop was also preparing to move to the foot of the mountain and was being expanded. There were more people in Xiaojieqiu than they imagined. The people and places of several workshops gathered together, like a small town.

When they learned that they were coming, they vacated the houses and land early for them to set up camp.

The houses in Xiaojieqiu were not luxurious. They were built by Cong Wentian of Tujiawubao. So like Mingquan Town, they were all convenient and fast stone and wood structures, simple and elegant, and there was an indescribable warmth...

Especially when the lights came on and the food was fragrant, every face was filled with optimistic and satisfied smiles.

Hou Zhun was greatly shocked.

In order not to be a drag, he has been leading people to personally go into battle these days, wielding hoes to dig canals, leaving early and returning late every day...

He was a little tired, but his state of mind was calmer than ever before.

He had heard about Feng Shier Niang's anecdotes in Xiufeng Mountain before, and when he first joined her, he actually didn't take it seriously.

A woman with a powerful man behind her, no matter how capable she is, is nothing more than the flattery and flattery of busybodies. He has seen too many such things.

But the experience of this period made him realize that he had misjudged.

Pei Jue didn't say those words just to temporarily appease him...

He really liked Feng Shier Niang and thought that it was the best place for him and his brothers to follow Feng Shier Niang.

"Princess, please change your name." Hou Zhun wiped the sweat from his forehead, grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, "I am no longer a general, Princess, just call me Hou Zhun."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Then I will respectfully call you Brother Hou."

Hou Zhun's forehead immediately rolled down a few drops of sweat, and he bowed repeatedly, saying, "No, no, this is not allowed, Princess, you are going to embarrass me."

Feng Yun shook her head and said softly, "What's wrong with that? Anyway, we are all family, there is no need to be polite. In this rural area, it is very restrained to call Princess. Brother Hou, in the future, just call me Madam Feng like them."

Her eyebrows were kind and serious. Hou Zhun saw that she was not saying polite words, and after thinking about it, he stopped refusing.

"Then I am marrying up. Madam Feng, please accept Hou Zhun's greetings."

After he said that, he bowed.

Feng Yun smiled and returned the greeting, turned around and stepped over the ditch in front of him.

"It's hot outside, Brother Hou, come to my manor and sit for a while?"

Hou Zhun hadn't been to Changmen yet, so he was looking forward to it. Hearing that Feng Yun seemed to have something to tell him, he nodded in agreement.

The two walked back along the canal, and from time to time people cast their gazes at them, and from time to time people saluted and greeted Feng Yun.

But no one knew that the tall and strong man beside her was Hou Zhun, the deputy general of Guan Ping, the garrison commander of Wanning, and the bandit leader of Xiufeng Mountain who was so frightening that even Pei Jue dared to assassinate him.

He looked very easy-going.

"In two days, the canal will be connected directly to the manor. I'll ask everyone to work harder later..."

Feng Yun said: "Thank you, Brother Hou. The brothers have worked hard these days. When the well and canal are completed, I'll ask Alou to go to Xiaojieqiu and prepare a few more tables to add more dishes for everyone."

Hou Zhun laughed and thanked him repeatedly.

Feng Yun took a look at the sky.

The fiery red sun was emitting a dazzling light.

She sighed.

"With these wells and canals, at least we don't have to lack water to drink."

The springs in Xiaojieqiu have never dried up, and they drip all year round. After digging the wells, the water flow is greater than before. There are several wells connected along the way, so even if there is a drought, they will not suffer from it.

Hou Zhun was also very satisfied.

After many years of service in the army, it was all about dancing with guns and sticks, and lining up troops. This was the first time that he led people to do such fortifications. Looking at the flowing water, his mind was filled with excitement, and he felt a different sense of accomplishment...

The two of them walked and talked. Feng Yun mainly asked him some trivial matters in life and whether he had any difficulties. Hou Zhun said no, everything was fine. The brothers also liked Xiao Jieqiu very much.

"That's pretty much it for a paradise."

Feng Yun received this praise and smiled slightly.

"Where is Brother Hou's hometown? Is Gaotang okay?"

Upon hearing this, Hou Zhun's face darkened, and there was sadness in his eyes.

"I am from Jiangxia. I joined the army at a young age and seldom showed my filial piety to my parents. Before Wanning City was destroyed, I received a letter from my family saying that my father was seriously ill and asked me to return home quickly.

At that time, it was the most critical moment of the war. I couldn't leave, so I hurriedly wrote a letter and postponed my trip. Unexpectedly, our army was defeated in the battle of Wanning. I had no chance to return to Jiangxia, and my father couldn't wait for me. This unfilial son soon went west.

Later I found out that my family thought I had died in Wanning, my father was so sick and so stimulated that he could not survive that winter, and my mother cried her eyes out because of it..."

Feng Yun couldn't help but look sad when he heard what he said.

"Brother Hou, my condolences."

This is actually normal in troubled times, but Feng Yun still inevitably sighs every time he hears it.

Hou Zhun frowned and sighed quietly.

"I thought I would die in Xiufeng Mountain and be separated from my loved ones forever... Unexpectedly, I would be in this situation."

Feng Yun asked: "Then why doesn't Brother Hou bring his family over to share the family relationship?"

Hou Zhun smiled bitterly, "Yes, why don't you want to? But I..." He raised his eyes and looked at Feng Yun, "What does a defeated general have to do to return to Jiangxia? How can he justifiably take away his family members without being harmed by others?" Criticism is not subject to suspicion by the court..."

A general who is not around since childhood will have worries in his heart and will inevitably be restricted by others.

Feng Yun thought for a while and said, "If it's not convenient for Brother Hou to come forward, I can help you a little bit."

Hou Zhun's voice was slightly condensed, "What good idea can I do, madam?"

Feng Yun smiled calmly and looked up at him.

"To be honest, Brother Hou, my disgraced father needs something from me right now. It is most appropriate to entrust him with this matter."

Hou Zhun's eyes immediately opened.

The Feng family occupies a high position in Southern Qi. With the Feng family coming forward, it is naturally much easier than a defeated general who surrenders to others.

Hou Zhun bowed and said, "Thank you, madam."

Feng Yun smiled, "Why are you so polite to me? Borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha is not considered credit."

While the two were talking, they had arrived at the village gate.

The wells and canals were open to water, and many people in the village came out to watch.

Several beauties were standing outside the door, each one looking more beautiful than the other.

Feng Yun looked at these beauties and suddenly asked Hou Zhun with a smile.

"I wonder if Brother Hou has a wife?"

Hou Zhun was stunned for a moment.

Almost at the same time, he also saw those beautiful women.

Originally a cheerful man, he became a little shy when Feng Yun asked him this question.

"There used to be a wife at home. After Wanning City was destroyed, it was rumored that I died in the battle, so she remarried..."

Feng Yun heard him sigh secretly, maybe thinking of something bad.

She said: "Sorry."

Hou Zhun smiled and shook his head, his eyes dim, "It doesn't matter, it's all over."

At this time, several concubines saw Feng Yun and immediately came to greet him.

"I've seen my wife."

They had long been accustomed to respecting Feng Yun in Nagato. Even if there was a strange man beside her, they thought he was the leader of Xiaojieqiu. Without taking a second look, they happily asked Feng Yun about the well.

Feng Yun invited Hou Zhun to sit in the flower hall.

The maids served tea, and Guan Wei and Awan followed.

Concubine Ji who is still staying in Zhuangzi is the most active and quick-thinking in front of Feng Yun.

As soon as Feng Yun settled down, the two of them came in to wait on him one after another.

Feng Yun looked at them with a smile and suddenly said:

"This is General Hou Zhunhou."

The two beauties turned back at the same time and looked at Hou Zhun, their expressions were different.

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