Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 399 Summer Insects Speak of Ice

Guan Wei's father was a military officer of Feng Jingting, and he also knew some riding and shooting skills. When he heard that this man was Hou Zhun, he couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

Awan quickly looked away, not daring to look any further.

In her eyes, Hou Zhun was a fierce bandit from Xiufeng Mountain, and he was tall and strong, so she subconsciously wanted to keep her distance.

Feng Yun saw the reactions of the two women.

She said: "General Hou and I have something to say, you can go down first."

Normally Feng Yun is friendly to others and doesn't have anything important to do. He doesn't say much when they hang around in front of her, but once she becomes serious, none of the beauties dare to say another word.

Guan Wei and Awan were blessed and agreed to stay.

Feng Yun saw that Hou Zhun's face was calm and he didn't have any desire to see the beautiful woman, which made him have a good impression of this person.

Everyone has a love for beauty, but those who cannot restrain themselves must be those who cannot accomplish great things.

She was determined to help Hou Zhun pull a red line.

These concubines are quite old, and if they stay here any longer, I'm afraid of delaying them.

Moreover, in order for Hou Zhun to become her confidant, it would be best if his pillow should be one of her own.

Only a deeply binding relationship can last...

She was thinking a little too much, but her face didn't show it at all, and she never mentioned it in her conversation. She only said: "Xiaojie Qiu is not far from Changmen. It's cold on the mountain. Brother Hou will come here often."

Hou Zhun answered no one.

At noon that day, Feng Yun stayed with Hou Zhun to eat in Zhuangzi.

During this period, Guan Wei made an excuse, saying that she wanted to give the purse she had just embroidered to her lady, so she did it again.

Feng Yun observed his words and smiled.

After dinner, she sent Hou Zhun off, and she asked pointedly:

"Brother Hou, what do you think of Guan Ji?"

Hou Zhun was startled, and he quickly lowered his hands and said, "Hou doesn't dare to look too much, and he doesn't dare to speak nonsense."

Feng Yun was amused by his serious look and said in a low voice: "These concubines are the fault of Feng Jingting, but the general did not accept them. They are considered sisters by my side. They are all free."

Only then did Hou Zhun hear the hidden meaning, and his cheeks turned slightly red.

"My lady's kindness... Hou Mou appreciates it."

Is this a rejection?

Feng Yun was slightly surprised, "Brother Hou has a sweetheart, or does he... dislike their low background?"

"No, no, no, that's absolutely not the case." Hou Zhun sighed, "Hou turned into a bandit. He is no longer what he used to be. In such a desolate situation, how could he miss this girl..."

Feng Yun couldn't tell whether he was sincere or fake, and didn't know if his refusal was because he was afraid of himself. He smiled immediately, said nothing more, found a topic to talk about, and went out with him side by side.

Just at this moment, there was a noise outside.

Yang Shichang had the loudest voice, roaring and cursing something.

Feng Yun turned to the side and asked the concierge.

"What's going on outside?"

Before Bu Qu could answer, Ge Yi hurried over, looked at her, and said breathlessly: "Madam..."

He wanted to say something, but paused slightly when he saw Hou Zhun beside him.

Feng Yun said: "Brother Hou is one of our own. If you have something to do, it's okay to just say it."

Hou Zhun heard him say "one of our own" several times today. It was a bit awkward at first, but now that he has heard it more often, he actually feels friendly.

Nagato's affairs have become his own affairs.

He said: "But some people are dissatisfied with Nagato's digging of wells and canals?"

Ge Yi cupped his hands and saluted him.

"General Hou is right. Some people in the village refused to be burdened when working. Seeing that the canal was open, they said that the water in the mountains and the water in the ground were all common to Huaxi Village. They could not be brought down from the mountains. Exclusively owned by the Nagato family..."

Feng Yun laughed and said, "I'll go take a look."

Before he even got closer, he heard Lu Guiquan yelling at Yang Shi, holding his neck.

"The canal is the canal of Huaxi Village, and the well is the well of Huaxi Village. Then the villagers' fields are also short of water, why can't they use it? Why is it only supplied to Changmen... Madam Li Zheng didn't use her power to bully others, but you, Yang Tiezhu, a petty official, want to come out When a dog bites someone?”

Yang Shichang's eyes turned red with anger.

"Lu Guiquan, don't you know what is good and what is good? Last time when my wife talked about digging ditches, who was the first to oppose it? Was it you?"

"What's wrong with my objection? Can't I object? Madam Li Zheng said, this is Huaxi Village shared by the villagers, and I am also a villager. Why can't I express my opinion?"

"Then why do you want to use water if you don't want to dig a canal?"

"Can't we use water without digging a canal? Did you, Old Yang, dig the old well in the village? Why does your family use water from the old well?"

Yang Shichang was driving him crazy.

"How can this be the same? The old well is the well in the village..."

Lu Guiquan smiled dryly, "The canal is also a canal in the village. Why can't you poop without digging a latrine?"

After speaking, he raised his arms and turned around to incite the villagers.

"Everyone thinks, does what I, Lu Guiquan, say make sense?"

Most people were silent, and only a few started to cheer.

But Feng Yun knew that most people also wanted to use water from wells and canals.

Even if he doesn't say anything on his lips, secretly he will agree with Lu Guiquan's statement because of his own interests.

If Feng Yun refuses, then this resentment will slowly spread among the villagers through Lu Guiquan's mouth...

It was precisely because of this that Lu Guiquan dared to speak out and ask for water shamelessly.

"Well said." Feng Yun passed through the crowd, stood in front of Lu Guifan, stared at him coldly, and then slowly scanned the surrounding crowd.

"The wells and canals were dug by Nagato, but the water source should belong to all the villagers..."

Lu Guiquan's face showed a proud look.

But Feng Yun smiled faintly.

"But no matter what happens, there must be a charter. This water does not fall out of thin air. Nagato has devoted manpower and material resources, but it cannot be in vain..."

She looked back at Xing Dalang.

"Azhou, please go back and do some statistics. If you need to collect water from the wells and canals in Changmen for irrigation, you will be charged a certain labor fee. Drinking water can be supplied in limited quantities and there will be no charge."

The crowd looked at each other.

Feng Yun smiled and asked: "Do you think it is reasonable?"



"Reasonable and reasonable!"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, nodding their heads frequently.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd jumped for joy.

These days, they go to long rivers to fetch water, feed livestock, wash and cook. It is far away and unclean, but the water flowing out of the wells and canals is mountain spring water. Who would not be happy?

The dissatisfaction caused by Lu Guiquan's words immediately disappeared, and every voice was filled with gratitude to Feng Yun.

Feng Yun didn't speak.

When the voice slowly stopped, he looked at Lu Guiquan.

"But there's one thing, everyone, listen up. Everyone can use it, but the Lu family can't use it."

Lu Guiquan's expression changed immediately.

"Why? I am also a Huaxi villager. Why can everyone use it but I can't?"

Feng Yun lowered his face and calmed down his expression, looking extremely solemn.

"Because the Lu family doesn't abide by village rules."

Lu Guiquan was anxious, "Which village rules are there? Is it possible that Mrs. Quan Yulizheng's red mouth and white teeth caused the scandal?"

Feng Yun said coldly, "The first rule of the village is to be friendly to neighbors and avoid spreading rumors, causing trouble, and stirring up trouble. You repeatedly attacked Nagato in front of the villagers and ruined my reputation. Doesn't that count as a violation of the village rules?"

This village rule is posted on the notice board under the big tree.

Anyone who is a Huaxi villager is familiar with him.

But what they usually care about most are those targeted rules and agreements. They never expected that the first one could be used in this way...

Lu Guiquan left Feng Yun speechless.

Other villagers would never offend Feng Yun at this time.

No one will stand up for him.

When his wife saw this, she howled angrily and sat down on the ground, crying and acting violently.

"You heartless people, let's be fair. If my husband hadn't come forward, would you have used the water from the well? You are still shameless..."

Feng Yun glanced at her and turned around expressionlessly.

Hou Zhun stood on the edge of the field and watched. When he saw her coming, he frowned.

"If it's inconvenient for my wife to come forward for this kind of thing in the future, just tell me and I will solve it for you."

After working as a bandit for a long time, he also acquired the habits of bandits.

"Some things cannot be explained with reason, so you have to talk about fists."

Feng Yun looked at him gratefully.

"In the year of Heaven, there will be no one alive anywhere. I didn't want to hide my secrets when digging wells and canals. Even if Lu Guiquan didn't mention it, I would not refuse the villagers water. Now that he mentioned it, he was torn apart. I’ll just recover some of the cost.”

Hou Zhun was slightly emotional.

"The lady is kind and tolerant towards others, which makes Hou Mou admire her greatly. However, people are insufficient and push their limits. The lady gives in everywhere, which will only make them more ignorant and unscrupulous..."

Feng Yun smiled without explaining too much.

When it comes to people in the village, she always suffers and is willing to suffer, and never cares about it...

In fact, more than one person around me has had questions about this.

She is considered rich and powerful now, and there is no need to be polite to these people.

The majestic Princess Yonghuai, why should she compromise?

Feng Yun doesn't think so.

Comparing with ordinary people will only make her vision narrower and narrower. Once she is immersed in trivial village affairs, how can she talk about looking at the world and making contributions?

She said: "Well frogs cannot speak to the sea, and summer insects cannot speak to the ice. My opponents are not villagers."

Hou Zhun was silent for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Teach me."

When he returned that day, he immediately summoned a few confidants from the camp and said nothing else, just two o'clock.

"First, dig the wells and canals quickly, don't be lazy."

"Two, Feng Twelfth Mother is open-minded, does not give in to men, and has great ambitions... Your Majesty, there must be deep meaning in placing us like this. We just obey orders and cannot act rashly."

Someone is confused.

"Then should we listen to Feng Twelfth Mother or King Yonghuai?"

Hou Zhun pondered for a moment.

"Your Majesty asked us to listen to Feng Twelfth Mother."

Everyone:... (End of this chapter)

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