Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 400 Do Something Else

Feng Yun was not idle either.

She didn't want to bother with ordinary people, and she wouldn't take revenge on the villagers, but what if this person was not an ordinary villager?

Yecheng was very quiet recently.

Li Zongxun was busy rectifying the government, preparing for the attack from Xijing, and getting emergency supplies - these were the news she had obtained from various sources.

But based on her understanding of the father and daughter of the Li family, even if the father wanted to keep a low profile and not show his edge, Li Sangruo was not a person who would stay quiet.

And that Tang Shaogong who always gave people goose bumps...

He would not rest until he made the world a mess.

"It's been so long, has she found the substitute Pei Lang?"

This was what she asked when she saw Jin Ge in Kong Yun'e's room.

Jin Ge often gave her some information about Yecheng, but rarely talked about Taicheng.

Feng Yun knew it well, and except that she felt that Xiao Gou had some ability to control people, she never forced him.

Jin Ge shook his head upon hearing this.

"Where in the world can we find someone who looks like him? Empress Dowager Li also knows that she can't find that person, so she just wants to find a reason to disgust others and have fun."

Feng Yun laughed, "I didn't expect you to see her so clearly."

Jin Ge also laughed.

"Yecheng is also in a mess right now, and it's too busy to take care of itself. In my opinion, Lu Guiquan is just a mean-spirited person who loves to take advantage of others. What he says and does should have nothing to do with Yecheng."

After a pause, he suddenly asked Feng Yun as if he thought of something.

"But Puyang Zong... Madam, are you sure he can give lectures in the village?"

Feng Yun lowered her eyelids and smiled lazily, "I can tolerate Mr. Ren, so how can I tolerate Puyang Zong?"

The meaning of Jin Ge's words is very clear.

Compared with a small figure like Lu Guiquan, Puyang Zong is the most troublesome and dangerous.

He has a close relationship with Yuan Keng and Qu Feng, and is very likely to be infiltrated by Yecheng...

But Feng Yun's words shut Jin Ge up.

He is also a spy of Southern Qi.

Feng Yun can talk and laugh with him, and speak without any grudges, as if he really never doubted him.

It is probably the same with Puyang Zong...

Let the long line catch the big fish.

Use it when it can be used...

She is like a fisherman who has put down the bait, looking down at all of them, and secretly calculating an ending for each of them...

Jin Ge frowned and pursed his lips.

"I have another piece of news, and my lady may not like it very much..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, "Have I heard enough bad news? Tell me."

Jin Ge hesitated, "The assassination at Xiufeng Mountain was also the work of Yecheng. This matter must have been explained clearly when Hou Zhun surrendered to King Yonghuai..."

In other words, Hou Zhun told King Yonghuai.

But Prince Yonghuai did not tell her the truth. Was he keeping it a secret for Li Sangruo?

Feng Yun said, "Are you trying to excuse Xiao Cheng? Are you trying to sow discord against me?"

Jin Ge was startled. Meeting Feng Yun's cold gaze, he quickly bowed his head and saluted.

"I dare not."

Kong Yun'e also became nervous when she saw this.

She secretly pulled Jin Ge's sleeve and said with a little sadness, "No wonder Yunniang suspected you... You are too tight-lipped about the affairs of Taicheng. Yunniang wants you to open your heart, but you are on guard against her for Xiao Cheng. If it were me, I would be sad too..."

Feng Yun glanced at Kong Yun'e, "It's okay. Loyalty is a virtue, Yunniang, such a man is worthy of your trust."

Jin Ge was ashamed by what the two of them said. Sweat was dripping down his back. He lowered his brows and thought for a moment, then suddenly spoke.

"Your Majesty has indeed written to Mr. Ren frequently recently."

He rarely took the initiative to talk about Xiao Cheng. Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile:

"What did you say?"

Jin Ge hesitated and said, "You wrote to learn about the matter between my wife and Prince Yong Huai."

"Really?" Feng Yun said with a smile and disdain.

Jin Ge's eyes were bright, "Maybe Mr. Ren gave your Majesty too many wrong guidance, and your Majesty's feelings for your wife... are worse than before."

Feng Yun's heartstrings tightened slightly.

"What do you mean by worse?"

Jin Ge said, "I am determined to get it, and I will never change."

"Oh." Feng Yun's fingers fell on the edge of the table and tapped lightly. A smile appeared on the corner of his lips, but his dark beautiful eyes were full of haze...

"It just so happens that I have never changed my attitude towards him."

Jin Ge was shocked.

He looked at Kong Yun'e and fell silent.

In his heart, he silently felt sympathy for Xiao Cheng.

Feng Shierniang clearly had no affection for him.

She had long since walked out of the shackles of Taicheng and no longer lingered. Only His Majesty remained in the rain and fog of Crescent Alley.


The well channel in Huaxi Village was connected, attracting attention throughout Andu County.

The group of Gongcao from last time came again, following He Qia to learn from experience, and Wanning County, which got the blueprint, was more direct. They sent people to find underground water sources and prepare to dig and start construction.

Others regretted that they did not get the blueprint earlier and start work early before Wanning...

Feng Yun did not say much, and asked people to prepare herbal tea in the manor, and when the Gongcao from various counties came back from their visits, they invited them into the hall to take a rest.

Before leaving, he asked Alou to give everyone a small gift -

sugar produced by Mingquan Sugar Factory.

After several months, her family's sugar began to be mass-produced, and they needed to open up sales channels. These Gongcao were the best disseminators...

Feng Yun was very thorough and impeccable.

When Pei Jue came back at night and learned about this, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Yunniang is so wise, she is so humble."

Feng Yun rolled his eyes at him and said, "Speak like a human being."

It was rare for her to be coquettish and angry, and when Pei Mant saw this look in his eyes, his heart strings trembled. Unaware of where his feelings arose, he touched her chin with his fingers, rubbed it twice, and lowered his head to kiss her.

"Such a woman of great wisdom should be used by this king to solve problems..."

Feng Yun curled his lips and glanced at him.

"What problem does your Majesty encounter? Is it because those pedantic guys in the court still refuse to let you build water conservancy projects?"

Pei Ran snorted disdainfully.

Feng Yun whispered: "Could it be that you are entangled by some beautiful girl and can't get away, so I have to step in and clean up the mess for you?"

Pei Ran looked at her and said, "Are you willing?"

"I'm willing." Feng Yun smiled faintly and spread his hands towards him, "As long as the price is good, I can do anything. Not to mention cleaning up the mess for you and selling you, it's also fine."

Pei Madang patted her palm. Seeing her frown, he held it tightly and pulled her over to hug her.

"Is there any record of digging canals in Yun Niang's collection?"

Feng Yun suddenly realized.

It turns out that I came here to learn from Buddhist scriptures.

"That's easy to say." She smiled, with a hint of meaning in her charming voice: "But I also have something to ask of the general..."

Pei Ran stared at her, "Tell me about it?"

Feng Yun said with great interest: "I am an upright person and have made so many contributions to the Jin Dynasty. Shouldn't I be promoted?"

Pei Ran: "Aren't the First-Rank Lady and Princess Yonghuai enough?"

Feng Yun curled his lips, "Those are all false."

They are all accessories obtained incidentally because of men, and they do not belong to her.

Pei Ran frowned, "There are no female officials in our court."

Feng Yun said: "Your Majesty, maybe we can make an exception?"

Pei Madang was silent, his eyes fixed on her.

Feng Yun looked back and smiled lightly.

She had mentioned this matter before, and he had verbally promised her to be an official under his command, so he gave her a Li Zheng, the only female Li Zheng in the Jin Dynasty.

However, Li Zheng is not an official.

She never became his true subordinate.

Feng Yun was not in a hurry or urging, nor did he show any disappointment.

She knew what she was touching...

It is the underlying rule of society, and it is some power that women from ancient times to the present cannot compete for...

Pei Ran frowned slightly, "Follow me, wouldn't you?"

Their eyes met, Feng Yun smiled after a while and said: "It's good to follow the king, but I can't just follow the king for the rest of my life."

Pei Ran didn't speak, his eyes were deep and motionless for a long time.

He could never get into her heart and guess what she was thinking.

The same goes for Feng Yun.

Guessing is the most tiring thing, and she has stopped guessing long ago.

Just talk about gains and losses.

"I know this request is embarrassing for the general. This matter is not that easy to handle. Even the ministers in the court and the eldest princess will not agree..."

A low-pressure atmosphere filled the air.

Pei Madang's stern face was extremely serious, "You don't need these."

Feng Yun hummed and nodded slightly, "I don't have to, but I want it."

Her eyes were very calm, with almost no sparkle.

She is not lobbying for pampering, nor is she arrogant. She just wants to change, change some rigid rules, and at the same time change her own tragic ending that has long been destined...

She doesn't want her beauty to suffer.

He smiled again, his eyebrows arched.

"We can have women who are upright, but why can't we have women governors, generals, and prime ministers?"

The corners of Pei Ran's eyes twitched.

"So Yun Niang has such ambitions?"

That's not ambition.

That's just the human desire to survive.

Feng Yun said this in his heart.

But she knew that Pei Ran, as a man, would not understand her and could not understand her.

As long as a woman cares for her husband and raises children, why do we need so many? That's what he must be thinking at the moment.

He will also think, after giving her so much, why is she not satisfied? Fame, fortune, and wealth belong to men, so how can there be any reason for women to covet them?

Feng Yun thought about the twisted and ferocious version of himself in Pei Ran's heart, smiled faintly, leaned up gently, and wrapped his arms around Pei Ran's waist.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to answer me immediately, and I am not in a hurry. Wait until one day, when you think my talents are enough for the job."

Through the half-open window, a gust of hot wind blew in.

It's September and it's still so hot.

Pei Man lowered his head and stared at the little girl leaning in his arms. He placed his palm on her back and patted her twice soothingly without saying a word.

Feng Yun leaned against him and was silent.

They were such an odd...couple.

When they are intimate, there is a love that can destroy the world, but when they are cold, there are so many confusions and concerns.

Feng Yun's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly raised his arms and hugged Pei Man's neck tightly, like an eagle, like a wolf, like a hunting female animal, biting his sliding Adam's apple...

Extremely fast, yet extremely slow, as if it is driving people crazy.

Pei Ran hissed and lowered his head.

The light gauze warms the tent, and the oil lamp dims.

The girl's fair skin is like porcelain, her black eyes are deep and bright, and her thick eyelashes are like butterfly wings. Her every smile is so beautiful that it touches your heart.


Pei Ran grabbed her waist, lifted her to her chest, and pressed her tightly...

Only then did Feng Yun find an opportunity to bite his mouth hard.

Pei Ran's dark eyes stared at her, feeling cold for a moment.

"I just want to kiss you, it has nothing to do with whether I will be promoted or not." Feng Yun looked at him with seductive eyes, hiding her tenderness, "Don't misunderstand, my king, this is not seduction."

"No misunderstanding." Pei Jue's eyes were sharp, as if he wanted to pierce her, "I would rather it was seduction."

"Okay." Feng Yun raised her eyebrows, grabbed his neck, pulled them close, and kissed him, her voice softly lingering on her lips, as if it could not be dissolved,

"My king... kill Li Sangruo and vent my anger for me?" (End of this chapter)

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