Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 401 Open your heart

"Why?" Pei Ran stretched out his palm and climbed up her narrow waist. The calluses on his fingertips made Feng Yun's scalp numb. He immediately let out a hum and pressed his hand.

"Empress Dowager Li has offended me."

Pei Ran: "How to offend?"

He just asked.

Cold and emotionless.

Feng Yun listened, but seemed to be excusing Li Sangruo invisibly...

"Why do you think you offended me?" Feng Yun glanced at him, with a hint of mockery at the corner of his lips.

"Your Majesty, you are asking this question knowingly."

Pei Ran frowned slightly and said nothing.

Feng Yun said: "She took your portrait and looked for her face everywhere. Doesn't this offend me?"

"Forget it," Pei Ran said.

"Then the king will kill or not?"

Feng Yun raised his head to ask. Seeing Pei Ran's silence, he pushed his chest resolutely and forcefully. At the moment when he suddenly lost consciousness, he sneered indifferently.

"Pei Ran, let's make peace."

He was called by both his first and last name, and the harshest words came out of his mouth.

A moment of depression flashed across Pei Ran's eyes. Without thinking, he pulled Feng Yun back with a little force on his arms and hugged him hard.

Feng Yun was caught off guard, his feet suddenly lifted off the ground, and he held Pei Man's neck firmly with both hands to prevent him from falling...

Then, he provoked a rebellion.

"what you do?"

Her eyes were cold and her voice was cold. Every word she spoke seemed to crush all the love between them. A finger like an onion was almost pinching into the flesh of his neck.

"If you don't want to, just don't want to. Why get angry? I know that you always protect her in your heart. She used to do so many things to slander me and frame me, but you turned a blind eye and closed your eyes. Even if she wants my life, You have tolerated it again and again.

In that case, just go and talk to her. If you marry her, Li Zongxun will feel at ease and she will stop. If you two become one, the Jin Dynasty will not need to be divided. Firstly, the people will not be displaced. Secondly, the people will not be devastated. Thirdly, there will be no war. Fourthly, there will be no famine... You see, as long as you and I are in harmony, and you go and sleep in the same bed with Li Sangruo, everything will be fine. Consummation is simply doing good for heaven..."

She spoke in one breath without even taking a breath. She was so red-faced that she almost believed herself...

"In the final analysis, the conflict between you and the Li family is all caused by me. You must blame me in your heart for repeatedly sowing discord, causing you to turn against each other..."

The more she talked about it, the more it made sense to her.

The more reasonable the statement, the harsher the tone.

"You obviously hate me, why do you still pretend, restrain yourself, and pretend to be nice to me? You said I am ambitious and have been guarding against me. Don't think I don't know."

She looked at Pei Ran coldly.

It was an unintentional quarrel...

At this time, all the dissatisfaction in the past and present life came to my mind, accumulated together, and formed a huge fireball, which all exploded at this moment.


Pei Madang's goodness is an illusion.

This was the case in the last life, will it change in this life?

Feng Yun suppressed those deep-seated complaints, his beautiful eyes dimmed, he took his hand back from his neck, and silently covered the back of his hand.

"Your Majesty, since you and I are so suspicious, why don't we tear up the marriage alliance and live in harmony?"

Pei Ran had already carried her to the wooden couch, looked down at her, bent down, put her down, and tipped her over.

Feng Yun took a deep breath, "Pei Ran, am I discussing reconciliation with you?"

"Shut up." Pei Ran raised her chin, touched their foreheads, and kissed her gently...

Feng Yun wanted to struggle.

Make him choke suddenly...

The power of control, the attitude of conquering the city and defeating the enemy.

He just refused to explain even a single sentence.

Feng Yun pushed his shoulders and didn't move at all.

She pinched him hard, but still no response.

She took a deep breath and simply groped around on his body...

Pei Man's arm immediately softened and relaxed slightly.

Feng Yun took the opportunity to regain his breath, supported his shoulders, and said breathlessly: "You don't have to be so angry. I don't want to embarrass you, so I will help you..."

Pei Ran pulled her hand away, his eyes clear and calm, "You are the one who is angry."

Feng Yun: "I'm not angry, I just can't see the king's guilty attitude... If you want to protect her, just do it openly and stop being hypocritical..."

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked into her eyes, his voice low and hoarse.

"Who is she, worthy of Yun Niang's care?"

Feng Yun sneered and looked at him mockingly, "Even if she is nothing, why did she bother King Yonghuai?"

Pei Man hugged her tighter and said, "Think about it."

"If you don't want to reconcile, then kill Li Sangruo." Feng Yun raised his hand hard and pushed him.

Their eyes met, Pei Ran looked at her eyes that were filled with desire, and kissed her forehead unhurriedly, "I won't kill her, I'll leave it to Yun Niang."


Feng Yun sneered coldly.

"The king can also lie and deceive others."

Pei Madang's expression couldn't help but soften: "Then can you... kill Xiao Cheng for me?"

Feng Yun: "Can't do it."

Pei Ran's eyes darkened.

Just listen to her saying: "Do you think killing an emperor is like killing a rabbit? Just kill him if you want to kill him?"

Pei Ran: "Killing the Queen Mother is not killing a chicken."

The two people looked at each other eye-to-eye, not knowing which string was touched. Feng Yun suddenly let out a puff, and his cold eyes softened.

"Of course I know it's not easy to kill her, but you can coax me, lie to me, and just say you'll do it when you find the opportunity. Why do you have to keep a straight face..."

Pei Ran: "You didn't coax me either."

Feng Yun laughed even louder.


As if some emotion suddenly burst out, she laughed so hard that tears flowed down, the corners of her eyes were red, and there was a hint of wet water.

Pei Jue narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is it so funny?"

Feng Yun: "The king's serious and joking look is very funny."

Pei Jue was not joking at all.

He looked at Feng Yun.

He suddenly held up that soft waist, fixed her hands, pressed on her head, and pressed down on her with the weight of the attack.

Feng Yun's smile froze.


Can you react when you quarrel?

Pei Jue was as cold as usual, without a smile. Under the hazy night light, his face was as cold as a god, as if he could not see the desire hidden under his robe.

This man...

Feng Yun seemed to have a fire burning in her heart.

Pei Jue was the same.

He pressed Feng Yun's waist, which was not even a handful, and slowly separated her.

"No." Feng Yun's low voice sounded more like an invitation than a refusal.

She always couldn't resist...

That's all.

There's no reason not to eat meat when it's at your fingertips.

I'll settle the score with him later!

Pei Jue: "Besides smiling, your mouth can do something else..."

Feng Yun bit him hard, and soon she was panting and wide-eyed, with only a string of surrendered sobs.

"Pei dog... Pei dog..." Along with the man's impact, there was a string of low moans in the bead curtain, "No, no, I won't say divorce next time... um... I can't stand it..."

Pei Jue's arm reached out, holding her, and gritted his teeth in her ear.

"I'll kill you."

Feng Yun's heart was numb.

Here it comes again.

The feeling that Pei Jue actually hated her...

She obviously sensed the danger.

He really wanted to kill her.

Feng Yun frantically pinched and kicked him, but the man was like a solid wall, and her tricks had no effect at all... until he fed her all the antidote he had accumulated, the anger finally dissipated.

"Yun Niang, are you okay?"

"Get lost..."


When a couple quarrels, they quarrel at the head of the bed and make up at the foot of the bed. Feng Yun understood this principle a little.

Pei Jue let her scold him without saying a word, picked her up with his head down, gave her water to bathe, and served her personally, just like the most gentle man in the world, and the beastly Pei Gou just now, like two different people.

Half an hour later, the lights in the flower window went out.

In the dark night, no one spoke for a long time.

But the atmosphere was different from when they quarreled.

Pei Jue's hand kept holding her, imprisoning her irresistibly, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

Feng Yun was motionless. She was exhausted after the bath and lay there lazily. After a long while, she sighed quietly.

"When will the king open his heart and tell me what is in his heart..."

Pei Jue was silent for a long time.

Just when Feng Yun thought he would not answer, he said:

"I have nothing in my heart."

"Then do you have a secret?" Feng Yun asked.

"Does Yun Niang have one?" Pei Jue asked back.

"Yes." Feng Yun answered honestly.

Pei Jue did not speak.

This is actually a way of opening up in essence. At least they told each other that they had secrets hidden in their hearts that the other party did not know.

The moon fell on the window at night, and the light veil moved slightly.

Two hazy figures, pillowed in the misty gauze, lying side by side...

Feng Yun looked at the tent and suddenly said:

"King, let's make a promise?"

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