Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 402: Still Waters Run Deep

In the hazy light shining through the window, Pei Man lowered his head and could only see the blurry outline in his arms.

Feng Yun was actually no easier to deal with when he calmed down than when he was noisy.

Feng Yun kicked him, "Is that okay?"

Pei Ran: "Tell me about it."

Feng Yun said: "If one day, I want to tell you my secret, and you want to hear it, you have to exchange one of your secrets, how about it?"

Pei Ran turned his face sideways and narrowed his eyes.

It seems to be to see the woman clearly in the dark night.

"Come on, tell me whether you agree or not." Feng Yun yawned, feeling a little sleepy. He half-closed his eyes and held up his eyelids hard.

Pei Ran: "Okay."

"Then it's agreed, it's a deal." Feng Yun leaned slightly towards him, forced a smile out of his exhaustion, and regardless of whether he could see it or not, he hooked his lips with satisfaction. Waist, head buried in that solid chest.

"I just said peace, what do you think?"

Pei Madang pondered slightly.

The restrained emotions and desires were released, and the words that were stuck in his throat and could not be said came out easily with the hot breath of the two of them, as close as their necks.

"I don't want to."

Feng Yun noticed his change and smiled and held his hand.

"Tonight was good."

Pei Ran hummed, "What?"

"You, us." Feng Yun leaned into his ear and whispered a few words like a summer insect, talking about the good feelings she liked and the numbing fears he brought to her after leaving love behind. Nervous and wildly joyful.

Hearing the whispers in the middle of the night under the cover of darkness, Pei Madang tensed up, her breathing gradually became heavier, and he squeezed her hard.

"Don't want to sleep anymore?"

Pei Madang's voice afterward was very imaginative, like a deep stream flowing in a cold pool, calm and sweet...

Feng Yun's ears felt hot when he heard it, and he suppressed the pounding emotions in his heart. He quickly turned his back, stayed away from him, and pulled up the quilt.

"Rest. Your Majesty, please rest in peace."

No response was heard from the man.

He just moved over slowly, like a powerful bow, hugging her loosely, breathing shallowly on the back of her neck.

Feng Yun opened his mouth to say something, then swallowed it back.

After feeling exhausted and satisfied, the subconscious guessing caused by the sadness of the previous life has faded away, and the body is still the most honest.

She smiled, leaned over gently and lovingly, put an arm under her neck to use as a pillow, and quietly closed her eyes to think.

It turns out that she is also easily provoked.

Because of Jin Ge's words, he became suspicious of Pei Ran...

What she saw and heard, who knew if Xiao Cheng wanted her to see or hear it? Could Jin Ge's surrender be forced by Xiao Cheng's counter-plot?

She can't trust people too much, nor can she be too confident.

Whether Pei Madang is good or bad, and what their relationship is, it is up to her to judge by herself, and not to be instigated by others...


Feng Yun got up early the next day. He originally wanted to go to the study to check the classics on digging artificial canals for Pei Man. Unexpectedly, he yawned and walked in, and saw a tall figure sitting by the window.

Energetic and reading a book.

This man...

He tortured her so much, but it didn't affect him at all?

Feng Yun sat over expressionlessly and looked at him motionless.

Pei Madang looked at her face and said, "Yunniang said that I can freely borrow the books in the room."

Feng Yun found out that he had misunderstood and thought she was unhappy that he was reading here.

She raised her eyebrows but didn't explain.

"Has your Majesty seen anything useful?"

Pei Ran's eyebrows darkened slightly and he looked around the study.

“There are so many categories, but no harvest yet.”

Feng Yun glanced at him, raised his lips, reached out and took his big hand, "Follow me."

Pei Ran didn't know why, so he got up obediently and let her lead him while walking in the study.

This study was renovated and renovated after Feng Yun moved here, in order to preserve her precious books. It has two rooms, an inner one and an inner one, which is much more spacious than her bedroom. The inner room also has a wooden ladder leading to the attic.

The attic was more protected from moisture and filled to the brim with books.

Every time Pei Madang comes in, he is dazzled by what he sees, but Feng Yun knows the location of the books very well, and when it comes to categories, he knows every treasure.

Pei Ran couldn't help but look at her twice.

“Why not put a sign on it?”

Feng Yun saw his doubts and said with a smile: "I'm not doing it to facilitate others. I remember it myself, so why bother putting up signs? Trouble."

Pei Ran stopped talking.

Feng Yun took him for a walk and found about ten books. They hugged them down together and sat back in front of the window. Facing the flowers blooming in the garden, smelling the faint fragrance, they sat opposite each other and read each other.

During this period, Xiaoman came in to refill the water, and the two of them didn't even raise their heads, as quiet as if they hadn't seen her.

This quiet beauty is exceptionally harmonious.

Xiaoman went out and looked at Zuo Zhong.

He didn't say anything, but he understood what the other person was thinking...

Those two people who read carefully are so well matched and enviable.


Pei Ran left Huaxi Village in the afternoon, and Feng Yun had already made five pages of records on paper.

She was ready to fight all day long to implement this matter as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, as soon as Pei Madang left, Feng Jingting came back.

"Your Majesty said that he agrees to Twelve Mother's request. Ah Hui's house in Huaxi will be borne by us, and you don't have to worry about it from now on..."

Feng Yun met him in the flower hall. At this moment, her mind was still full of what she read in the book. When she heard Feng Jingting's words, she sneered.

"Then don't I have to kneel down and thank you, Lord Qi, for my kindness is as great as a mountain?"

Feng Jingting saw her unhappy expression and smiled awkwardly.

"Well, that's not necessary... Your Majesty didn't give you the money for free."

"So the Lord of the Palace also knows about it, right?" Feng Yun said with a solemn face, coldly: "This is an exchange, a transaction, don't make it sound like a favor."

"Yes, yes, yes." Feng Jingting followed her lead and said, "But when building a house, there must be a certain amount, and there cannot be extravagance and waste. Therefore, we have to negotiate a limit..."

Feng Yun smiled coldly.

"Please come back, Mr. Fu. I won't entertain you anymore."

She was also really cool. Before her voice fell, she stood up and walked out, leaving Feng Jingting there. Her heart skipped a beat. Thinking of the errand she had come to do, she followed her in a few steps.

"Twelve Niangs, Ayun...stop for a moment and listen to what my father has to say..."

Feng Yun was usually extremely gentle and courteous in his dealings with others, and never made any mistakes. The only exception was that he didn't have a good temper towards Feng Jingting.

Everyone in Zhuangzi watched the father follow his daughter...

Feng Jingting was out of breath and almost knelt down to beg her.

"Oh, my aunt, I don't want to leave your father's burden. Twelve mothers, stop, stop and listen to me..."

Feng Yun sneered.

She found that Feng Jingting was someone who deserved abuse.

No matter how nice you are to him, it's useless. Even if you dig your heart out, you can't move a hard-hearted person.

In turn, give him a little color and he will be honest immediately.

Feng Yun's feet were like the wind, walking faster and faster.

"Feng Twelve." A soft call sounded like a smile but not a smile.

The gentleman who faced him was wearing a jade ring and ribbon, light clothes and brocade robes, his gait was calm and straight, and his voice was particularly soft hidden under that frightening mask.

It's Chun Yuyan.

When he saw Feng Jingting, he nodded politely, but instead of speaking to Feng Jingting, he looked at Feng Yun with a smile. His voice was as soft as silk, but it was full of the meaning of watching a good show.

"Whatever house you want to build, let Yunchuan build it. Nagato also teaches Yunchuan arithmetic."

My baby is sick today, and Erjin is not in very good condition, so I haven't updated it until now. I will try my best to add another chapter tomorrow to express my love.

Feng Yun: Is it retribution or hug?

Chunyu Yan: Hug. Come... hug...

Pei Ran: Kill Prince Yunchuan for me.

Feng Yun: The emperor is not easy to kill, the queen mother is not easy to kill, and the crown prince... seems not to be easy to kill either?

Pei Ran: ...where is my knife?

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