Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 403 The First Adulterer

Feng Jingting's expression changed.

Feng Yun was already extremely difficult to deal with, and yet another troublemaker came, Crown Prince Yunchuan.

If he can't pay the job, his trip to Huaxi will be in vain. The next best thing is how Xiao Cheng will explain it?

Because Xiao Cheng didn't say anything about limiting the amount of money spent on building a house, let alone extravagance and waste...

That was all Feng Jingting's own idea.

Firstly, it’s to take credit.

Secondly, I also want to get some benefits from it...

Although the Feng family in Xuzhou is prospering, their unitary family, due to the "efforts" of Feng Jingting and Chen, is getting worse day by day, and their money is very tight.

Feng Jingting's scalp went numb just thinking about it.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please don't joke with me." He stepped forward quickly, looked at Chun Yuyan with a smile on his face, and bowed his hands.

"I am here to serve the emperor, so I ask the prince to show your noble hand and show your noble hand."

Traveling around in business, Chun Yuyan usually didn't like to offend others, especially not to offend aristocratic families.

But facing Feng Jingting, Feng Yun's biological father, he seemed to have a grudge against him. He held up his mask with a smile on his face, and a meaningful coldness appeared on the corners of his lips.

"Mr. Feng laughed when he saw it. He puts profit first, and I will do my best to do so." He bowed in return and said leisurely: "Who knows that Nagato is the most famous scholar in the world and can ask for Feng Twelve's teaching? Let alone a house, even if it is ten The house is worth it.”

Feng Jingting's heart pounded when he heard this, and he shouted that something was wrong.

If Chun Yuyan deliberately competed with him, then Feng Yun would most likely choose Yunchuan over him.

"Twelve mothers, twelve mothers, listen to my father."

He stopped dealing with Chun Yuyan, turned around, lowered his attitude and compromised with Feng Yun.

"You have the final say on how to repair the house and how much money it will cost. I will ask your majesty for instructions and I will definitely arrange it for Ah Hui."

Feng Yun and Chun Yuyan looked at each other with expressionless faces.

"As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Not only are the prince and I close neighbors, we also have many business contacts, so we should give priority to him..."

"No, no, no, it can't be done." Feng Jingting became anxious and raised his voice: "Everything must be reasonable. I will come first and the prince will arrive later. How can we let the prince take the lead? This is against the rules."

Feng Yun frowned and thought, looking like he had a hard time making a choice.

Chun Yuyan's clouds are light and windy, seeming to be smiling but not smiling.

The two looked at each other from time to time, seeming to have deep meaning.

Feng Jingting was extremely anxious, and he was both rational and emotional.

"Twelfth Mother, we are father and daughter, and I am also Ah Hui's stepfather. It is perfect for me to help Ah Hui build the house. How can others get these conveniences?"

Feng Yun seemed to be moved by his words, frowned, and asked Chunyu Yan helplessly.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Chun Yuyan met her eyes and sighed in tacit agreement.

"In that case, let's give it to Mr. Feng."

Feng Jingting breathed a sigh of relief and was grateful.

Little did he know that in order to make his and Chun Yuyan's accounts more clear, Feng Yun had cheated on Chun Yuyan and taught him and Qu Ding arithmetic after the competition in Mingquan.

Qu Ding became obsessed with learning and studied for several months. Whenever he encountered a problem, he would go to Nagato to find someone to ask. He was already a master.

Feng Jingting was completely kept in the dark by the two of them. He was still happy when he saw Feng Yun frowning and sighing reluctantly.

"I have never liked to interact with the Feng family. I am still willing to do this deal with Yunchuan..."

She put it so bluntly.

Feng Jingting was extremely embarrassed.

"Twelve mothers..."

Her surname is also Feng.

How can you say this casually?

Feng Yun looked at Feng Jingting's face and said nonchalantly: "Well, I have one more condition. If the master agrees, he can sign the deed immediately."

Are there any conditions?

Feng Jingting's mind was about to explode.

"Ayun, tell me quickly."

Feng Yun said: "Hou Zhun from Xiufeng Mountain is now under my sect. He has become my man, so I have to take care of his affairs. I also ask the prince to bring Hou Zhun's family from Jiangxia to Huaxi "

Feng Jingting was stunned.

Of course he had heard about the news that Hou Zhun had taken refuge with Feng Yun.

Not only him, Feng Jingyao and Xiao Cheng also knew about it.

In their view, the people Hou Zhun took refuge with were actually Pei Mad and the Beiyong Army. The reason why he went to Huaxi and claimed to have taken refuge with Feng Yun was nothing more than a disguised excuse to get away from guilt.

He took refuge in Feng Yun and told Jinpen to wash his hands and work in the fields.

If you take refuge with Pei Madang, you will be suspected of collaborating with the enemy and surrendering to the enemy.

His old mother and family members were all in Nan Qi. Their silence did not mean that they would let Hou Zhun go like this. It's just that the two countries currently have an alliance, and Southern Qi is vigorously developing its national power and does not want to raise troops, so it turns a blind eye.

But no matter what, as long as Hou Zhun's family is in Southern Qi, there will always be constraints.

Therefore, this is not a small matter of bringing someone from Jiangxia to Huaxi just because of a favor. Feng Jingting has no control over it.

He hesitated and said, "I will report this matter to Your Majesty, but if Twelve Mother is willing to agree to a condition for being a father, I think it will be easier to convince Your Majesty."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Master Fu, come and listen."

Feng Jingting observed her eyebrows and hesitated for a moment before lowering his voice.

"I heard that you have a kind of ointment called Jinguike?"

Feng Yun hummed calmly, "Did you hear what Daman said?"

She helped Feng Jingting find all the excuses. Feng Jingting was startled, then breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement.

"Your sister has recently contracted an illness. The illness is due to her internal organs and she cannot see the wind. I heard that your golden girlfriend has a magical effect in restoring her appearance. If you can give me a prescription to make your sister's appearance look as good as before, His Majesty will definitely agree to this matter... "

He felt guilty and had no confidence in what he said.

Because Xiao Cheng didn't love Feng Ying that much, how could he change his behavior just because of her face?

He knew for sure that Xiao Cheng still had Twelve Niangs in his heart and wanted to be on good terms with Huaxi. As long as Twelve Niangs asked, Xiao Cheng would satisfy him and take the opportunity to stuff his own personal belongings and make his own demands as well. Just go in.

Feng Yun had an easy-going expression, "What's so difficult about that? Xiaoman..."

She turned around and called Xiaoman over, "Go and bring a jar from the Golden Girl in my room and give it to Mr. Fu to take back."

Feng Jingting whispered again: "What about the prescription..."

Feng Yun looked at him and said, "The Lord of the House will bring the Hou family to change."

She doesn't want to suffer.

Feng Jingting breathed a long sigh of relief.

If she took the prescription without saying a word, he might even suspect that Feng Yun was cheating?

"Okay, then it's settled."

After finishing the errand, Feng Jingting saw that Feng Yun had no intention of keeping him, so he took his servants and left, went to the restaurant of the butcher's house in the village to eat something, and then rode on his horse.

Chun Yuyan stayed.

He asked his servant to drive the carriage into the long gate.

The carriage was filled with goods, covered with green cloth, and it was unknown what they were. It drove into the courtyard and Sang You called the servants to move inside.

Feng Yun was suspicious: "This is Nagato, not Yunzhuang. Did the prince make a mistake when unloading the goods?"

Chun Yuyan smiled and said, "I got a lot of new things when I went out this time. I'll bring them back and you can take a look."

Feng Yun approached and pulled open the green cloth.

There are exquisite porcelain, fine ebony and agarwood, and several pieces of soft and silky cloth, which look precious at first glance.

"It's so valuable, how can I dare to accept it?"

She quickly refused and bowed her head and said: "Feng Twelve accepts the prince's kindness..."

"It's not for you, why are you so anxious?" Chun Yuyan pursed his lips and glared at her, very unhappy.

"They're all gifts from merchants, and I asked you to help me taste them without spending any money... It's true. Do you think I'm willing to spend money to buy things for you? What a sweet dream!"

Only then did Feng Yun feel relieved.

Sanjiao and Yin You looked at each other and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts when they saw their master's unruly expression.

He obviously thought the thing was good and wanted to buy it as a gift for Feng Twelve Niang, but he said it so bluntly.

They sweated a lot for Chun Yuyan, but Chun Yuyan didn't react at all. He sat lazily in Feng Yun's flower hall, with his elbows on the wooden table, looking at Feng Yun for a moment.

"I helped you just now, how should you thank me?"

Feng Yun had a sip of tea in his mouth, raised his eyebrows when he heard the sound, put down the tea cup for a while, and then said:

"Without the crown prince, Feng Jingting would agree."

The corners of Chun Yuyan's lips curved downwards, "So, I am completely useless? Feng Twelve, you are the strongest among us. You are so ungrateful and ungrateful."

Feng Yun made a low scoff, which made him amused. He relaxed his tone and said, "Tonight we have salt-fried chicken wings for dinner. Your Majesty, please come over and eat."

Chunyu Yan snorted, a smile appeared on his lips, but his words were sour.

"Is Pei Ran back?"

Feng Yun glanced at him, "You have a meal and don't care whether he comes back or not?"

Chun Yuyan: "Have you ever seen an adulterer come to the door openly in front of his husband?"

After speaking confidently, seeing that Feng Yun had no reaction, he smiled slowly again, as if he had found some fun, and there was a strange and gentle smile in his beautiful eyes.

"That's fine, I'm not afraid. I am the number one adulterer in the world."

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