Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 404: Fighting at Night

The world's number one adulterer?

Feng Yun made Chun Yuyan go crazy with joy.

"You, it's your mouth that's bad. No wonder you still can't ask Jiang Ji. Who else can follow you well..."

Her words were quite meaningful.

Chunyu Yan suddenly felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Feng Twelve is also bad-mouthed.

I'm not sure how much I care about him?

Chunyu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled lightly.

"Who says I can't ask for it?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Jiang Ji refuses to pay attention to you, am I wrong?"

The girl's voice was shallow, but extremely serious. Chun Yuyan wanted to argue, but felt it was unnecessary.

Let her think so.

Otherwise, Nagato would have one less excuse to come back to him in the future.

Chun Yuyan half-closed his eyes and smiled lazily: "So what? I have a lot of patience, and sooner or later I will be able to embrace this beauty."

He stared at Feng Yun, meaning something.

Feng Yun thought about his words seriously.

"Jiang Ji has been helping in the garment shop recently. If the prince is interested, why not order a batch of winter clothes from me? Then I can get along with Jiang Ji more often."

Chunyu Yan's chest felt tight and he took in a breath of cold air.

"Are you really good at scheming?"

Feng Yun said: "Winter is about to come, so many people have been busy with the prince for a year, and two sets of winter clothes have to be issued. You can buy it from others, or you can buy it from Nagato. The business is done, and the beauty has also taken a look, Why not do something that kills two birds with one stone?”

Chunyu Yan was very angry.

Money, money.

Being with him is just a matter of money.

He couldn't wait to walk away.

"Feng Twelve, are you crazy about money?"

"Yes." Feng Yun looked at him seriously, "What else?"

Chun Yuyan:......

Otherwise, would you still be able to miss him?

Will not.

This woman has no heart.

As long as there is some emotion of an ordinary woman, she will not be so vicious and cruel.

Chunyu Yan hummed twice.

After thinking about it for a moment, I kind of like it.

Isn't this the same as him?

Feng Twelve should follow him.

They are a perfect match, they share the same goals.

Pei Wanzhi is so boring, the two of them are completely incompatible...

Chun Yuyan's face looked much better.

"I can order winter clothes from your tailor shop, but you have to buy the cloth and thread from me. The price is at least 30% cheaper than the market price."

"It's easy to say." Feng Yun said with a smile: "I created opportunities for the prince to get in touch with Jiang Ji, so the prince should give me a reduced price for raw materials such as cloth and silk thread."

It all made sense to her.

Chun Yuyan didn't care whether he could contact Jiang Yin or not.

In fact, every time he went back to Huaxi, the first thing that came to his mind was Feng Yun, not Jiang Ji.

I don’t know when it started, but what I originally thought was a young man’s worry has slowly faded away and become blurry...

At that time, he always wanted to find the little girl from Jiming Temple, as if he was affected by some kind of compulsive emotion, and he would not give up until he found her.

But when I finally found that person, my worries were gone, and I no longer felt at all charming.

Also weird.

Feng Twelve is a witch, maybe she cast a spell.

Chun Yuyan raised his lips in disapproval.

"How much the price is reduced, you and I are the same."

"That's right." Feng Yun smiled brightly.

She originally wanted to find high-quality and low-priced raw materials, and Prince Yunchuan was willing to provide them to the garment shop at a reduced price, which was of course better.

As for the price reduction of winter clothes, she doesn't suffer.

The cost is reduced, and the price of ready-made clothes is also reduced, which is reasonable, and there are more orders and sales. Isn't this a win-win situation?

Feng Yun still liked doing business with Chun Yuyan. She looked at the proud prince with a smile and a friendly expression.

"With a lot of back and forth contact, maybe Jiang Ji can cure the prince's hidden illness? Therefore, the prince will definitely make a profit from this transaction."

Chunyu Yan was startled.

The mask covered his face, but the base of his ears turned red visibly.

He stared into Feng Yun's innocent eyes.

"Feng Twelve, are you trying to push yourself further?"

Feng Yun: "Don't you want to be cured?"

Chun Yuyan was so angry that he wanted to strangle her to death, "You know the reason for my hidden illness, but you still want to make me angry? Feng Twelve, if you really want me, why don't you let me do it once? Maybe I won't He was cured by medicine?"

Feng Yun: "Aren't you afraid that Pei Madang will kill you?"

Chunyu Yan sneered: "Death under the peonies, being a ghost is also romantic."

He stared at Feng Yun, his dark eyes seemed to be filled with light, and he wished he could find some ambiguity between a man and a widow from Feng Yun's face.

However, Feng Yun remained calm as usual.

Not only was he not shy, he asked him back.

"What kind of romance is the prince's romance?"

Chun Yuyan's smile froze at the corner of his lips, staring at this hateful woman, he slowly pursed his lips, made a "pop" sound, and then licked the moisture on his lips.

"This kind of thing."

Feng Yun looked at her carefully, then suddenly stood up and went out, saying to Sang Jiao:

"Hurry and fetch Dr. Yao, your master is seriously ill."

Sang Jiao looked embarrassed and stood there.

Chun Yuyan's whole body stiffened.

"Feng Twelve!" He gritted his teeth and looked at Feng Yun's slender back. He was about to say that he wouldn't eat the salt-fried chicken wings when Feng Yun turned his head.

"What's wrong, Your Majesty?"

Chun Yuyan suppressed his emotions and sat back down firmly.



On this day, Chun Yuyan had a night meal in Changmen, but Pei Madang didn't have time to come back for dinner.

Feng Yun asked the cook to leave some for him, and Grandma Han smiled and went down to personally instruct how to keep it fresh...

Chun Yuyan looked at them busy and smiling to leave a bowl of salt-fried chicken wings for Pei Jue, and felt uncomfortable.

If he didn't eat it, would Feng Twelve be so kind?

Oh, there were so many things he didn't eat...

He couldn't eat anything!

Twelve dog!

Not a good thing.

Chun Yuyan hated and was angry, but as long as Feng Yun's expression appeared in his mind, his anger dissipated.

Sometimes, he often forgot the fact that Feng Yun was married. In his heart, he always deliberately avoided this point. After all, Pei Jue didn't go back to the manor very often, and the two of them were not like ordinary couples, with few constraints...

He didn't want to wait until the day when he had the opportunity.

Instead, he always wanted to create an opportunity...

However, this Feng Twelve seemed to never take Pei Jue and their marriage seriously, but to be honest, except for Pei Jue, who could get on her bed and kiss her?

Chun Yuyan thought too much and ate the fried chicken wings without any taste.

Before leaving, he shamelessly made a request.

"Pack a few for me too, I'll take them back for midnight snack."

Feng Yun glanced at him and motioned Xiaoman to get them.

This was a new dish she had just tried out according to the recipe, so it was normal for Chun Yuyan to like it.

She wouldn't be reluctant to part with a few chicken wings...

"My wife, the king is back."

Huan'er lifted the curtain and came in, happily telling Feng Yun.

Feng Yun hummed, with no expression on her face, and followed Huan'er out.

Chun Yuyan turned around and followed Feng Yun's figure.

However, she didn't even look at herself more...

She had completely forgotten that he, Chun Yuyan, was still here.

Asking for chicken wings here!

Chun Yuyan snorted and laughed, and his teeth were itching.

He followed the curtain and went out, and saw the couple in the courtyard at a glance.

Pei Cong held the reins and stroked the face of the horse Taxue. Qian Sanniu brought a bucket to the front. Taxue seemed to be very thirsty and lowered his head to drink.

Feng Yun squatted down and watched Taxue drink water, smiling, and his eyes seemed to be full of charm...

The two of them did not speak.

There was not even any eye contact.

But Chunyu Yan stood on the steps and watched, and unexpectedly found that he could not intervene in the world they were in.

What is there to watch about a horse drinking water?

Feng Shier watched so intently.

And Pei Cong could also watch Feng Yun watching the horse drinking water without moving...

Chunyu Yan's eyes almost stretched out a hook.

Being completely ignored, he was unwilling to be lonely and coughed lightly.

The two people who were concentrating on serving the horse to drink water looked over at the same time.

Chunyu Yan raised his chin slightly, looked at Pei Jue, and saluted, "Brother Wang Zhi."

Pei Jue nodded at him, "Prince."

He didn't ask anything, nor did he say much, looking calm and indifferent, but Chunyu Yan felt that he must let Pei Jue know something, so that he would feel relieved.

So he smiled lightly and said lightly:

"Thanks to Feng Twelve's invitation, I had dinner at your house. The dish prepared by Feng's called salt-fried chicken wings, the meat is delicious, and it is incomparable to ordinary delicacies. Unfortunately, Brother Wang Zhi came back late, and the food was cold."

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows.

She said this as if she had prepared it specially for him.

Feng Yun didn't refute, and glanced at Pei Jue.

However, Pei Jue's expression was expressionless.

"Hmm." He responded vaguely, handed the reins to Qian Sanniu, lowered his head and held Feng Yun's hand, and walked straight in. When he passed by Chun Yuyan, he just nodded expressionlessly and passed by.

He walked steadily and steadily, without any jealousy in his body, and he didn't care about him at all...

Is this the difference between a husband and an adulterer?

Chun Yuyan glared at Feng Yun and walked away.

Xiaoman came out of the kitchen and was stunned with the food box.

"Prince, the chicken wings you asked for are ready... This, this... Don't you want it?"

Xiaoman said the next sentence to himself.

Before the voice fell, the Yunchuan prince who had left in a huff stopped again.

"Sang Jiao."

Sang Jiao responded, smiled awkwardly and walked in front of Xiaoman, bent down to take the food box, said thank you, and chased after his master.

Back at Yunzhuang, seeing Chunyu Yan had no expression, Sang Jiao looked down at the things in his hand and asked in a low voice: "The prince doesn't like to eat chicken wings, so... why don't you give it to us?"

Chunyu Yan hissed and turned back with half-closed eyes.

"Why do I find that you and Yin You have become bolder recently?"

Sang Jiao lowered his head quickly, not daring to look into his eyes.

"It is because of the prince's generosity that I dare to joke like this."

"Hmph!" Chunyu Yan glanced at him coldly, "Well said, let's slap him again."

Then he snatched the food box from Sang Jiao's hand and walked away.



The night lights are as bright as day.

It was already dark, and Feng Yun and Pei Jue were still in the study, fighting by lamplight.

On the wooden table, Feng Yun laid out the rules for digging artificial canals. There were more than twenty pages of densely written paper...

"I consulted the classics, and these are all I can think of right now. Your Majesty, you can take it to the Du Shuitai for reference and see if you can give them some inspiration."

Feng Yun said modestly.

Pei Jue glanced at her, his eyes deep.

"They are not as thorough as you."

After that, he asked Ji You to present the blueprint and spread it in front of Feng Yun.

"This was drawn by the Du Shuitai."

Feng Yun didn't expect that he would bring back the official business and let her take a look. Such attention is rare in the past and present life.

She raised her eyebrows, looked at Pei Jue deeply, unfolded the drawing, and looked at it carefully.

The Du Shuitai is responsible for water conservancy, and the Du Shui envoy is a leader. This drawing is more precise in size and more accurate in measurement data than those written and drawn by Feng Yun.

Feng Yun said angrily: "Obviously they are better than me."

Pei Jue shook his head, "The good thing about Yunniang is that the rules are simple and practical, the cycle is shorter, and the cost is less."

Feng Yun smiled.

What she calculated was only the cost itself, but there are more factors to consider in the rules of the Du Shuitai, involving officialdom, so she was not convenient to say more, just smiling at each other.

There were details that Pei Jue didn't understand, so she answered them carefully.

It was already three o'clock when the two came out of the study.

The maid led the way in front, holding a lantern.

Feng Yun walked slowly, still thinking about the plan, when a big hand suddenly reached out, held her hand, and half embraced her in his arms in a supporting manner...

The servants behind him all lowered their heads when they saw this.

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Cong, with a slight curve at the corners of her lips.

Sticky, this man must be up to no good.

Back in the house, Feng Yun asked the maid to help her wash up, while Pei Cong went out to practice with the Biyong sword. When he came back sweating profusely, Feng Yun was already lying on the couch, stroking the fragrant Aozai, reading a book, and almost falling asleep.

It was late autumn, and the weather was getting cooler.

In the quiet room, the curtains fluttered in the breeze, and the red candle lamp reflected the girl's fair face.

Looking at the beauty under the lamp, she became more beautiful.

She was completely unaware of the temptation, lowering her eyes slightly, lying lazily, with a majestic lynx lying on the side of the couch, licking its toes patiently...

Pei Jue's eyes sank slightly, and he walked towards the wooden couch.

Ao cub suddenly stopped moving, raised his head silently, and then stood up to make way for the nest opposite the wooden couch, very obedient.

Feng Yun glanced at him and suddenly felt a little emotional.

Even Ao cubs are afraid of ruthless people.

Pei Jue is really not a human.

She whispered: "It's so late, it doesn't matter if you practice less for one day."

In her memory, except for the days when he was injured, she hid Pei Jue's Biyong sword. Except for the days when he didn't practice, he practiced almost rain or shine, morning and night.

It's not difficult for a person to do something.

The difficult thing is to persist in doing something.

Feng Yun admired him very much.

Unexpectedly, Pei Jue came towards her. Maybe he had misunderstood her. He lowered his head, looked at her with his black eyes for a moment, and suddenly held her face and gave her a lingering and hot kiss.

"You've been waiting for a long time. I'll come after I wash myself."

Feng Yun's breathing almost stopped.

How could she mean that?


"Wait for me. Soon."

Pei Jue calmly put away his sword and took off his clothes as fast as the wind. Feng Yun didn't have time to say anything more. In a blink of an eye, he was wearing only a small shirt and bare arms, striding towards the bathroom.

The strong and tight body, the muscles on his arms and waist, and the bulging mass in his lower abdomen flashed in front of Feng Yun like a phantom...

She cleared her throat, put the book away carefully, pulled down the curtains, lay down in the quilt, and pretended to sleep.

This chapter has a lot of words, 4000+, can it be counted as two chapters, is it an extra chapter?

Feng Yun: It doesn’t count. I failed to add more chapters. I’ll add more chapters again…

Er Jin covered his face: I owe you one chapter.

Feng Yun: I don’t want to pretend to sleep…

Chun Yu Yan: She’s sleepy. The author is going to let her fall asleep.

Feng Yun: …You bastard, you’re everywhere!

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