Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 405: Husband and wife’s tacit understanding

In October of the first year of Tianshou, the Xijing court of the Jin Dynasty built water conservancy and dug a long river directly to the Huai River to connect with Mingquan. The original river channel will be dredged and expanded, artificial rivers will be dug, a wharf will be built in Huaxi, and Mingquan Wharf will be expanded. The entire construction period is expected to be five years.

This time to build the canal, in addition to the local garrison, all counties and villages had to provide labor. The imperial court issued a strict order, and men from every household were assigned to serve as labor corvees for water conservancy. Those who were along the river and those who were not along the river could not escape.

In order to avoid causing public dissatisfaction, those who paid labor taxes were exempted from taxes for a certain number of years.

Compared with the previous more stringent corvee system, this recruitment was regarded as preferential treatment, but it still inevitably aroused resentment among the people.

One more thing to add to Pei Madang's bad reputation.

As a leader, Feng Yun had more people under his command than the average wealthy family, so he naturally had to put in a lot of effort.

She sent two hundred and fifty men to participate in the construction of canals, which was considered a strong support. There were some small villages with a total of about a hundred households, and there were not so many people in the entire village.

Huaxi Village has the largest number of workers.

Because the dock is in Huaxi, they almost mobilized the whole village...

On the day the construction started, Feng Yun specially sent a group of troops to deliver buckets of herbal tea and sugar water to the construction site of Changhe Wharf, and also built a pergola for people to rest...

Feng Yun also went there in person.

The water in this section of the long river has completely dried up, and at first glance, it is full of turned-out white pebbles.

The army digging the river is distributed on the exposed river bank. There are huge crowds of people, coming and going, like ants, with no end in sight...

It's really a big fortification.

Feng Yun signaled his troops to put the barrels under the shed, stood on the edge of the embankment, and said loudly:

"Everyone, have a good start. From now on, Nagato will provide free tea and sugar water until the end of October..."

When people saw the princess, they were curious at first...

When I heard that the princess had brought food and drink, not only tea but also sugar water, I felt inexplicably better and even a little touched...

There is a drought this year, the price of food and cloth has skyrocketed, and sugar is even more rare. How can ordinary people afford it? Thinking of the sweet taste, someone sucked and swallowed.

When you are tired and hot, how refreshing is it to have a bowl of refreshing herbal tea and sugar water to drink?

"Princess, what kind of sugar did you add to this? It's so delicious."

Her mouth is sweet and her words are sweet.

Feng Yun smiled: "It's sugar cane made by Nagato."

The crowd couldn't help but feel envious again, thinking about the price of the sugar water, and looking at the neatly arranged wooden barrels on the shore, they couldn't help but be speechless.

Not to mention anything else, the tea and sugar water brought by the princess cost a lot of money.

"So sweet."

People who drank it were full of praise.

The people who were still digging under the bank were very hot-eyed and kept shouting.

"Save a mouthful for me."

"Hey, save a bite!"

The shore was bustling with people talking.

Feng Yun said: "Don't worry, we have them all. They will be delivered to you shortly."

She smiled absently, and her eyes swept around the crowd, slowly extending into the distance...

The dark clouds accumulated in the sky were blown away by the wind, and the sky was clear.

There are people everywhere on the riverbanks near and far.

She watched for a long time before she saw Pei Ran talking to the officials at Dushuitai.

The man was dancing and gesticulating, and Pei Madang suddenly looked towards her...

From a long distance, no one could see clearly, but Feng Yun knew intuitively that Pei Madang was looking at her.

She smiled.

Within a moment, Pei Ran came over.

Feng Yun motioned to Xiao Man to fill a bowl of tea and bring it up to greet him.

"Busy?" she asked.

Pei Ran shook his head, "The construction started today. I just went downstairs with the Du Shui Envoy."

As he spoke, he looked sideways at the barrels and frowned.

"Yunniang, you don't have to work so hard."

"I'm not tired. I didn't endure it myself." Feng Yun took advantage of others not paying attention and winked secretly at him, laughing in a low voice, "I also want to save face for the king. I can't let people think that I It’s nothing but an advantage, isn’t it?”

Pei Ran's eyes were deep, he slowly took the bowl and drank the tea in one gulp.

"I have to go back to Andu."

"Yeah." Feng Yun agreed.

Pei Ran's eyes fell on her face.

"What are you not asking me to do?"

What's there to ask?

He has his official business and she has her private business.

Isn’t it good for everyone to be busy with their own things?

Feng Yun looked at the dim light in his eyes hesitantly, thought for a while and shook his head.

"Your Majesty is busy with state affairs, so I can't ask any more questions."

Feng Yun said it sincerely, so he was serious.

But she was busy with the arrangements for the dock construction last night and didn't sleep until late at night. Her voice was slightly hoarse, but to Pei Madang's ears, it didn't sound like that.

He frowned and said solemnly:

"Self-cutting off the trade routes with Yecheng, Li Zongxun frequently harassed the border and plundered people's property. In recent days, there have been constant frictions in Chuzhou. Ao Qi came to report last night, saying that there was a rumor in Chuzhou that Li Zongxun would send a hundred thousand troops to counterattack Shiguan …”

A hundred thousand troops?

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran and said calmly: "The beginning of winter is in October, and the light snow is sealed. Winter is coming, how can he not be anxious?"

Pei Madang hummed calmly and suddenly asked:

"How are you doing there?"

Feng Yun knew what he was asking. He looked around to see if there was no one around and lowered his voice.

"Ren Rude has contacted Zheng Shoushan's brother-in-law and is preparing to send 200,000 briquettes to Chuzhou, probably in the next two days."

Pei Ran: "Okay, I know what's going on."

"As long as your Majesty is aware of it." Feng Yun had a smile on his face. Seeing the busy people fetching water over there, he urged again, "Your Majesty, just go and get busy if you have something to do."

The two are husband and wife, and there is a tacit understanding between them without saying something too clearly. Really important things can be said under the covers without having to say them in front of outsiders.

Pei Ran nodded and rode away along the village road with his attendants.

The wind on the river embankment was very strong, and the weather became cooler day by day after autumn. Wherever the wind passed by, his cloak fluttered, and his shadow was lengthened by the sunlight.

Feng Yun stood there, motionless for a long time.

After a while, she looked back and said, "Let's go home."

Qiu Laohu was also showing off, and Xiaoman followed her with an umbrella. Seeing her walking faster and faster, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Madam, please slow down, why are you walking so fast?"

Feng Yun said: "Earn money in a hurry."


Feng Yun really wasn't talking nonsense. When she returned to Changmen Village, she called Xing Dalang and counted the money in her hand with her account book. When she got off work at night, the people who dug the river in the village came back one after another. She immediately asked people to Go and ask for the commander and the corps commander.

Yang Shichang took his two sons to Changhe today. He was so tired that his back ached. As soon as he got home, he heard that Feng Yun had something to look for. He didn't have time to eat, so he changed into clean clothes and rushed over. Zhuangzi.

Several other chiefs and corps commanders also arrived.

Feng Yun was careful and knew that they were coming back from the river, so he specially prepared snacks on the stove.

Seeing the exquisite pastries on the fruit plate, Yang Shichang even took them but refused to eat them. He put them in his pocket and prepared to take them back to comfort his wife and children.

Feng Yun waited for them to sit down, smiled slightly and said:

"I'm calling you here today to discuss plans for the future of Huaxi Village."

What big plans are still being discussed?

Can their brains be compared with Lady Li Zheng's?

Yang Shichang scratched his head and smiled: "We will do whatever Mrs. Li Zheng says."

"Yes, Madam Li Zheng, just tell her if you have something to say." Others also echoed.

Feng Yun had known each other for a long time and understood the character of these people, so she stopped talking nonsense and only said:

"The wharf is built in Huaxi. This is a once-in-a-century opportunity for our village. We cannot miss it and must seize it firmly."

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