Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 406: Infinite Aspirations

As soon as they heard that it was a rare event, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Madam, please stop being so secretive and tell me quickly."

"Yes, we are all rough guys and don't know how to do it. If the lady tells us to do something, we will do it according to the lady's instructions."

Everyone was very cooperative, with anxious faces on their faces.

Feng Yun said: "At first, our village only had farms, and then there were farm tools workshops, garment workshops, pottery workshops, and briquette workshops. In order to cope with the comings and goings of merchants, I asked a few people in the village to make a living to open restaurants and teahouses at the head of the village. , grocery store..."

When she spoke, everyone nodded frequently.

Feng Yun continued: "At that time, many people were jealous of King Butcher and Widow Zhou. They also wanted to make a cheap living without growing crops, and wanted to imitate them in making a living, but I stopped them. I know that some people felt sorry for me in their hearts. There are complaints, thinking that I have benefited from something so that I don’t have a bowl of water..."

Several people looked at each other.

Yang Shichang said: "Everyone knows very well who Madam Li Zheng is and how much she has done for the village. There is no need to pay attention to the nonsense of one or two people."

Everyone followed suit.

Feng Yun laughed softly.

"At that time, I didn't allow them to follow suit or open a store, just for them."

She saw that everyone was silent, knowing that if she didn't explain clearly, doubts would always remain.

So he paused and then said: "How many merchants came to Huaxi Village at that time? Everyone stopped farming, who would sell things to? There were so many restaurants and teahouses, who would go to eat and drink? Put all your savings in, and in the end it was just It’s all in vain.”

Yang Shi sighed, "My wife always thinks about the people in the village. If any fool dares to talk too much in the future, I will be the first one not to spare him."

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Now the opportunity has come."

Everyone's eyes were bright and they looked at her without blinking.

Feng Yun said: "With the dock, from now on, no village in Andu County dares to compete with Huaxi Village in terms of passenger flow... When there are people, there will be business."

Yang Shichang said: "That's good, if you want to open a shop now, you can open it."

"No." Feng Yun said solemnly: "You can't open a shop just because you want to. I came to you today just to talk about this. In the past, we were a small village, and we could do whatever we wanted to make ourselves comfortable. But in the future, it will be different. We There must be unified planning to avoid chaos.”

Unified planning?

A few people seemed to understand but not quite.

Feng Yun never thought they would understand.

Before inviting them here, Feng Yun had already drawn a picture...

These people were not very literate, but the drawings were easy to understand.

Yang Shichang looked at the clearly marked streets and pavements, and his whole body became excited, and his voice trembled with excitement.

"Madam, are you saying that in the future, there will be streets like this and so many shops in Huaxi Village?"

"More than that." Feng Yun thought about the freight and passenger flow brought by the terminal, and his mind was filled with endless longing.

“There will be more and it will be built better.”

Yang Shichang took a breath.

This was something they had never dared to think about before.

"Madam, what can we do?"

Feng Yun said: "It will inevitably lead to chaos in the future. From now on, we have to plan in advance..."

As she spoke, she clicked on the markings on the map with her hand.

"This village road will no longer be a village road, but an official road. It is the only way from Andu County to the dock, and it is also the first stop for merchants coming and going to Andu. Therefore, shops can no longer be built along the village road. , leaving room for widening of the road..."

She talked about it one by one.

This is not a village, it is the future plan of a city.

Yang Shichang was so excited that he could not speak coherently.

"Okay, this...yes is very good."

Then, someone with sharp eyes discovered it.

"Ms. Li Zheng, most of this land belongs to your family, right?"

Feng Yun hummed slightly and clicked on the picture again.

"Except for Mr. Ren's residence, the rest here is a barren slope in the village. In order to avoid damaging the farmland, it is most suitable to build a market here."

At that time, Ren Rude settled in Huaxi and specifically chose the place beside the Changhe River.

The land there was wild and far away from cultivated land, so most people were unwilling to choose it. But he chose a place that most people wouldn't choose just because he was arty and wanted to be convenient and not have too much contact with the villagers...

Unexpectedly, he made a profit.

Yang Shichang was filled with envy, "No wonder people say they need to read more and gain more knowledge. Mr. Ren has read a lot of poetry and books, and his knowledge is different from ours. He has a long-term perspective."

Feng Yun smiled.

Ren Rude chose that place just because he wanted to live alone.

"If you don't have any objections, I will make a more detailed plan later... But we don't have to worry, there is plenty of time before the dock is built."

After saying that, she lowered her face again and glanced at everyone.

"From today on, you must protect your land and don't sell it to others easily."

A corps commander sighed.

"If I had known this, when I settled down, I would rather live in a barren wasteland than near the pier. From now on, people will come and go at the pier. Even if I set up a pancake stall in front of my house, I can still support the whole family."

"No need to envy others." Feng Yun said: "No one can tell what will happen in the future. Those who are farther away from the pier should be held tightly in their hands. Maybe one day it will be more valuable than the pier?"

"Is it possible? Will it be more valuable than the land at the dock?"

"Look at was just a small street at that time. What has it developed into now?"

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

Because they remembered that Feng Yun was also the largest landowner in Mingquan Town.

Rather than saying that Ren Rude had a long-term vision, it would be better to say that Feng Yun had no plans left.

Yang Shichang sighed, "My lady is really like a god."

Feng Yun was humble verbally, but he didn't dare to feel proud in his heart.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

Outsiders would definitely say that she got these benefits by taking advantage of Pei Madang.

I don't know how many people are jealous of the word "profit".

I don’t know what they will do...

This is why she wants to leave the construction of dock shops to the village...

Of course she could take this bite alone.

But she didn't do that, and couldn't do that.

One cannot ask for everything...

Yang Shi grew up with several people and left with satisfaction.

At nightfall, Wen Xingsu came back from the camp.

Ever since Pei Ran gave up the General's Mansion and moved into Huaxi Village, he rarely came here.

This is the first time in such a long time.

When Feng Yun saw him, his whole mood relaxed. He killed chickens and ducks, made the kitchen very busy, and specially prepared good wine and food for Wen Xingsu.

Wen Xing retreated and said, "Don't bother, I'll have to go back to camp later..."

Feng Yun's face showed disappointment visible to the naked eye.

"Why are you leaving now that you've just come back?"

Wen Xingsu smiled gently.

"The military affairs are busy right now, so I can't leave. I'll come back and stay for a while when I have some free time."

Feng Yun snorted and glanced at him dissatisfied.

"The king is not as busy as you."

She looked at Wen Xingsu helplessly, her eyes full of nostalgia and reluctance.

Only in front of Wen Xingsu was she the fragile and coquettish little girl.

Wen Xingsuo smiled softly.

"It's not like I won't come back, there's no need to worry about my waist..."

Feng Yun said: "Do you have any taboos?"

I'm sorry because Pei Madang is here?

Wen Xingsu looked into her clear eyes and sighed secretly in his heart, but he just smiled on his face.

"Brother and sister, what are your taboos? Don't think nonsense..."

At this point, he seemed to have thought of something, paused, and lowered his eyelids.

"I came here today to tell you... you don't need to build a house for me. I am a soldier, so there is no need to waste..."

Feng Yun said: "It doesn't cost me money. I just don't waste it."

Wen Xingsu had heard her talk about it before and frowned slightly, "Then I won't be able to bear it."

As he spoke, he took a look at the flower hall and said calmly:

"This house in Yaowei is too small. If you move further, you may not be able to live in it. In my opinion, instead of building a new house, you might as well expand the house..."

"How about that?" Feng Yun refused without thinking.

She also promised Pu Yangyi to build Wen Xingsu's house next to her village. If she regrets it now, what will happen to the high price?

The money can be returned, but the reputation is ruined.

"Brother, don't think too much, I will take care of this matter. Just wait until you come back to live in the new house."

"Waist..." Wen Xingsu frowned, still refusing.

Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly and said dissatisfiedly: "If you don't come back for a long time, you won't say anything to make me happy when you come back..."

Seeing her like this, Wen Xing sighed helplessly.

"That's up to you to arrange it. But I feel ashamed of that house, so I can just accept it..."

Feng Yun made a sound.

"You are such a generous brother, why would you give away a house to others?"

After she was joking, she calmed down her expression and said to Wen Xingsu seriously:

"Eldest brother, don't be divorced from me just because I'm married. When I was in Shinshu, didn't I also live in Chunyuyuan and openly treat myself as the hostess? I didn't see my eldest brother outside."


Wen Xingsu's throat was slightly hoarse and his expression was bitter.

"That's different..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "What's different? Besides, sooner or later, the eldest brother will fall in love with someone, get married and have children... Doesn't this require a house?"

"Waist waist..."

He doesn't need to get married and have children.

Wen Xingsu hesitated for a moment, then let Feng Yun take over with a smile.

"Stop being polite. Spend other people's money and enjoy our blessings. You must feel at ease. Do you hear me?"

Wen Xingsu sighed secretly, not knowing what to say.

Just at this moment, a servant reported, "The Lord of Pingyuan County is here. Have you seen the lady?"

Puyangyi's house was completed today and has not been moved in yet.

As soon as I came to visit the garden today, I heard that Wen Xingsu had returned. Without saying a word, she dragged her prodigal brother Puyang Zong and fought all the way to Nagato.

Feng Yun: I'm sleepy... Please update early tomorrow.

Pei Ran: Seconded.

Chun Yuyan: P.S....forget it, it doesn't matter if I don't have a role anyway, let alone more.

Ao Qi: I showed up today, living in my uncle’s mouth.

Xiao Cheng: I am different. I live in the scolding of readers.

Wen Xingsu: ...Am I the only one who lives in the heart of Yaoyao?

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