Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 407: Shame on you

"Yunniang Yunniang..."

Pu Yangyi hadn't come in yet, but the voice came first, looking very excited.

Feng Yun glanced at Wen Xingsu, stood up and went out to greet him.

"Mr. Pingyuan County."

After she greeted him, she saw Pu Yangzong coming over angrily. She smiled slightly, lowered her head slightly, and saluted him.

"Prince Danyang."

Puyang raised his eyelids and curtly returned the greeting, seeming extremely displeased.

"I've met the princess."

Puyangyi's eyes lit up when she saw Wen Xingsu. His fair face was as shiny as jade, and he was smiling.

"General Wen is here too."

Wen Xingsu was a man of etiquette, and even if he didn't like the Puyang brothers and sisters, he would still be polite.

When Feng Yun stood up, he also came out to greet him, very thoughtfully.

He didn't show any emotion, but Puyang Yi could see that he was full of disgust.

General Wen doesn't like her brother.

Pu Yangyi sighed in his heart, not being too shameless to get close to him, so he turned around and took Feng Yun's hand, inviting him affectionately.

"Yunniang, do you have time to come and take a look at my new house?"

Feng Yun glanced at Wen Xingsu, "When?"

Pu Yangyi said: "It's up to you..."

Then he said a little coyly: "I see that your village is full of scenery, unique and elegant. I would like to ask you to help me palm my eyes. Is there any room for improvement?"

A girl's thoughts are almost written on her face.

Feng Yun had an indescribable sympathy.

Just like sympathizing with the girl who chased Xiao San’s footsteps in Crescent Moon Lane in her previous life...

I made new cakes and planted a new pot of flowers. I want him to see every bit of it...

"Is it okay if I go tomorrow? I have to accompany my eldest brother when he comes back today."

After speaking, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, he turned his head to look at Wen Xingsu, and said calmly:

"The county gentleman has not dined at my village for a long time. Today I am entertaining my eldest brother. Why don't you stay for dinner? If you have some free time after dinner, can we go to your village for a walk together?"

Being so close, just a few steps away, Feng Yun didn't find it troublesome.

Of course Puyangyi also wanted to stay for dinner.

But Wen Xingsu's lukewarm expression was enough to make her want to quit.

"Would it be too disturbing..."

If you like someone, make her cautious.

Feng Yun smiled slightly and was about to answer when Pu Yangzong beside her became excited.

"Thank you, Princess, for your kind invitation. As for us, brother and sister, it is better to be respectful than to obey."

He bowed and saluted, and agreed readily.

Puyang Yi didn't expect it. She was startled and immediately blushed.

"elder brother……"

Puyang Zong coughed slightly, "Don't you have something else to talk to the princess? I just want to stay for a casual meal, no trouble..."

These days Puyangzong was living in extreme pain.

No one is waiting on him, so he has to rely on himself for food and clothing. That's it. He can only eat with the gentlemen in the village school every day. Of course, the food in the village school cannot be compared with the cooks in the eldest princess's house...

When he ate it in his mouth, it tasted like chewing gum, and he didn't want to go back home all the time.

However, the eldest princess was really determined to make him suffer this time. She had been in Huaxi Village for so long, but she never came to see him once, nor did she let any servants come to serve him.

Therefore, even though Nagato was entertaining delicious food, he had to finish the meal before leaving shamelessly.

Feng Yun glanced at him, smiled, and invited them into the house to give Puyangyi face.

The food was served quickly.

Puyang Zong's eyes almost fell into the bowl.

In the past, he had never cherished the food. After suffering the hardship, and then seeing a table full of good wine and good food, he was so moved that he almost wanted to cry.

So during this meal, Puyang found a rare moment of silence and concentrated on cooking.

Seeing him like this, in front of General Wen, Puyangyi wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, or draw a clear line with him on the spot...

So shameful.

She was embarrassed, "It seems that my brother has really been tempered in Huaxi, and he will be able to change his mind in the future..."

Feng Yun smiled, "The eldest princess teaches her son well."

It was obviously a compliment, but Puyang Yi felt her face heat up after hearing it.

If he had taught his son properly, how could he have happened to Xiao Jieqiu, and how could he have been beaten to death?

She glanced at Wen Xingsu's face, and then looked at Puyang Zong who continued to eat shamelessly, without realizing it, he was so cowardly that he almost died on the spot.

"elder brother……"

she reminded quietly.

"The princess is talking."

Puyang raised his head and said lazily: "Listen, the princess is praising me."

Puyang Yi glanced at Wen Xingsu, who was frowning, and wished he could strangle Puyang to death for causing this disaster.

She secretly glared at Puyang Zong and hinted: "I have been giving lectures in the village for so long, doesn't my brother have any experience?"

She wanted Pu Yangzong to take this opportunity to express himself, apologize to Feng Yun, and reflect deeply.

In order to let Wen Xingsu hear it and put an end to her worries.

However, Puyang didn't even put down his chopsticks. He lazily changed his sitting position, as if he had smashed a broken jar. He didn't have the demeanor of a gentleman from an aristocratic family, and said with a smile on his face but not on his face:

"When it comes to experience, there's a lot."

Then he pointed to the wooden case in front of him.

"It's just that in the face of delicious food, my experience seems indecent, so I'd better not be embarrassed."

Pu Yangyi couldn't see how careless he was.

That would only make Wen Xingsu's impression of their family worse.

"Brother." She coughed lightly, "Should you say something?"

Puyang raised his eyebrows and finally put down his chopsticks.

"If you have to let me tell you my experience, I won't be polite. I get up earlier than a chicken, go to bed later than a dog, mosquitoes bite, mice bark, going to the hut is like shooting off a cannon, the cottage is cold, who knows who lives there..."

Quite smooth?

Feng Yun was very happy.

The conditions for village education are limited. Ordinary people may think that shelter from wind and rain is enough, which is easy to satisfy, but who is the prince of Danyang County?

Every day in the village school must be like going to jail.

"It seems that the facilities at Huaxi Village School need to be improved. Many thanks to the prince for the suggestion..."

She bowed to Puyang in a serious manner.

Pu Yangyi blushed with embarrassment, "Yunniang, don't listen to his nonsense. I have visited Huaxi Village. It is spacious and bright. It is neither cold in winter nor hot in summer. It is not as miserable as he said..."

"You are standing and talking without back pain." Even though Puyang has been idle for so long, there is no room for her to deny, "If I want you to go, I will keep you for less than three days, and I will go back to my mother to complain... …”

Pu Yangyi's face was so hot, as if someone had put it on a fire.

With her brother like this, how could she raise her head in front of General Wen?

"Everyone, please be patient." Wen Xingsu suddenly stood up and saluted them, "I still have something to do, so I'll go ahead."

After saying that, without waiting for the Puyang brothers and sisters to respond, they looked at Feng Yun again.

"Yaoyao, I'm back to camp."

Feng Yun took one look at Pu Yangyi's face, which was as red as blood, and stood up immediately.

"I'll give it to you."

"No need. You have dinner with the county king and the county king."

Wen Xingsu nodded to them again, then slowly left the table and walked out.

Feng Yun followed and said to Pu Yangyi: "I'll come as soon as I go. You two, please use it slowly."

The two brothers and sister went out one after another, leaving the Puyangyi brother and sister staring at each other.

Puyang Yi's face turned blue with anger.

"You deliberately?"

Puyang raised his chin, "So what?"

In fact, it was not entirely intentional. The food was delicious and he really couldn't help but want to eat it.

But when Pu Yangyi asked, he had to say this in order to avenge her.

"Don't think that I don't know that you like that General Wen. You run to Huaxi when you have something to do, and you still have to convince your mother to build a house here...Puyangyi, do you know that you are ashamed? It's fun to stick to a man?"

The brother and sister have been quarreling since childhood, and they have never been willing to forgive each other.

However, no matter what Pu Yang Zong said in the past, Pu Yang Yi would not only quarrel with him, but also jump up and beat him, and the brother and sister chased him all over the yard...

She never cried.

there has never been.

So, when Pu Yangzong saw the tears falling from her eyes, he immediately panicked...

"I, what did I say? Why are you crying? That's not what I meant... Hey, there is nothing wrong with what I said. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that he is not interested in you. You should calm down quickly, he is The deputy general of the Northern Yong Army has a beautiful face and outstanding talents. Don’t look at yourself. You have married once, set fire to your ex-husband’s house, and can’t do anything except eat, drink and have fun. How can you be worthy of this person..."

"Puyang Zong!"

This was the first time Puyangyi called him by his first name.

No matter how noisy she was in the past, she never acted like this.

"Get out!" She pointed at the door, "Get out, I don't want to see you."

Puyang Zong couldn't bear to see the tears streaming down her face, but the Danyang Prince had not yet learned how to show weakness in front of his sister.

"Why should I go out? If you want to leave, you can leave. I haven't eaten enough yet..."

"Okay. I'm leaving." Puyang Yi was furious just now. After reacting, of course she would not overwhelm the guest. She stood up holding the low case and rushed out like the wind.

He happened to bump into Feng Yun who was sending Wen Xingsu back.

It was also the first time that she saw Pu Yangyi crying. She was stunned for a moment, held her shoulders with both hands, and lowered her head to look.

"what happened?"

"It's okay." Pu Yangyi's tears fell even more and she kept sniffing.

"Did your brother bully you?" Feng Yun asked.

"No." Pu Yangyi shook his head.

Although Pu Yangzong's words were unpleasant, she knew that her tears were not because Pu Yangzong was wrong, but because he told the truth and hurt her self-esteem.

"Thank you so much, Yun Niang, for your hospitality today. I will stay soon. If you have free time tomorrow, just accompany me to Zhuangzi."

Puyangyi blessed her with blessings, and as if he thought of something again, he turned around, took out his money bag from his arms, and stuffed it into Feng Yun's hand.

"My brother's food expenses. If it's convenient, you can ask someone to get him something delicious to satisfy his craving. He doesn't have any other hobbies. He just wants to keep his mouth open and feel good, and he likes good food..."

After that, she left without looking back.

Puyang Zong stood inside and happened to see this scene. He was stunned for a long time and then murmured:

"Did I go too far?"

Feng Yun glanced at him coldly and turned away.

Even if Puyang stood there alone, he would not eat, and he would be reluctant to eat. It’s not true if I don’t leave, I can’t bear to leave…

Just when he was embarrassed, a boy came from the courtyard and came forward to salute.

"Prince Danyang, someone is looking for you."

Puyang was startled.

Ever since he was exiled by his mother to give lectures in Huaxi Village, all his old friends and friends have stopped contacting him. Who would look for him?

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