Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 409: Extremely Crazy

Feng Yun couldn't tell anything from his face, so he shook his head and said in a low voice: "What's going on?"

Pei Madang said nothing, opened the car curtain that was pierced by the long sword, and took a look outside.

In addition to the man who was stabbed in the chest by his sword, the other two accomplices had also been subdued by Ji You and Zuo Zhong, and were lying on the ground with blood dripping, their life or death unknown.

He winked at Zuo Zhong, put down the curtain, and landed his arm on Feng Yun's waist, hugging him firmly.

"King Hui of Xingyang was severely punished by me because he exchanged goods with Yecheng and confiscated his income. He felt resentful in his heart..."

Feng Yun: "King Hui of Xingyang sent someone to assassinate you?" Without waiting for Pei Ran's answer, she shook her head again, "No, you said you came to kill me? I'm confused. What's going on?"

Pei Madang's hand around her waist tightened, and his expression was indifferent, "The royal family has declined, and King Hui of Xingyang hates me so much, but he doesn't dare to attack me easily..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked at the smile on her lips. His eyes moved slightly, his gaze was deep and gentle.

"His unfilial son is so bold that he actually wants to sneak away from Andu and go to Yecheng with his family. But under the current situation, Yuan Keng can't leave even if he wants to..."

Feng Yun thought for a while and understood.

"So, Yuan Keng held Prince Danyang hostage in order to force the eldest princess to come forward and take away the whole family..."

Pei Madang hummed slightly.

"That's more or less the case."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "So there is something else?"

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked at him deeply.

"Yuan Keng didn't expect a whole family."

He took Puyang Zong as a shield and passed the ultimatum just to take away himself and his two sons.

He was prepared to leave his wife and parents in Andu.

Feng Yunruo nodded vaguely, "Then why did you say these people were trying to kill me?"

Pei Ran glanced at her: "I followed you all the way from Huaxi. Isn't it to kill you, but to kill me?"

Feng Yun:......

Followed all the way?

A chill ran down her spine and she felt a little scared.

When she just left the village, she was too anxious to deal with Puyang Zong's affairs, so she didn't take more guards with her, and she didn't notice anyone following her.

Pei Ran squeezed her sweaty palms.

"Your guard has been lax lately."

Feng Yun was silent and nodded.

That's what Pei Ran said.

There was no war, and she was thinking about making money and how to build Huaxi Nagato all day long. She had no extra time to think about anything else...

She asked: "Whose person is it?"

Pei Ran said nothing.

Feng Yun glanced at him, leaned over and opened the curtain. The man was dead. There was a pool of blood on the ground. Soldiers came from the city gate to carry the body and clean the ground.

She thought for a while: "You killed people and silenced them?"

Pei Ran:......

Feng Yun: "Is it Queen Mother Li?"

Having had such an experience, Feng Yun naturally thought so.

Pei Ran: "No matter who it is, you must strengthen your protection. From tomorrow on, take Ye Chuang with you when you go out."

Feng Yun exchanged a look with him, suppressed the emotions in his heart, and asked hesitantly: "What about the briquette business between me and Yecheng?"

Pei Madang looked at her steadily, "The original plan will go ahead."

Feng Yun felt a little relieved, and then he remembered what happened to Puyang Zong again, and frowned.

"Has Yuan Keng been caught?"

Pei Ran shook his head: "He took Puyang and fled all the way eastward. The eldest princess has a sharp heart, and the Northern Yong Army cannot act rashly..."

Having said this, he paused and suddenly looked at Feng Yun: "Mother Yun, do you want to follow me to see the excitement?"

Feng Yun's eyes lit up, "Is it convenient? Will it delay the king's business?"

Pei Madang raised his eyebrows and told Ge Guang, "Turn around and go to Shiguan County."


As the sun sets in the west, the golden rays of light fall on the vast land after the autumn harvest, creating a chilling silence.

A few fast horses and a carriage galloped on the official road, raising dust and mud flying in the dry air. A straight road seemed to lead to the horizon.

Feng Yun had not been in such a fast carriage for a long time, and his whole body was almost jolted.

The sound of horse hooves in the wilderness.

Her heart was vast and distant at this moment...

"Tell me, is it the crown prince Yuan Keng or his father, Prince Hui of Xingyang, who is flirting with Yecheng?"

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked at her, "A raccoon dog of the same kind."

"Hmm." Feng Yun nodded thoughtfully.

Father and son are not separated from each other. If something like this happens, even if King Hui of Xingyang wants to clear himself up, he will have no chance.

She didn't know what Pei Madang would do, and she didn't ask, because the carriage drove out of Shiguan and within a moment of arriving at Tonghui Bridge bordering Chuzhou, someone came to report.

"The eldest princess has arrived."

The eldest princess had a son who died in infancy. Later, she regarded Puyang Zong as if she were an eyeball, fully worthy of the word "Zong", and she became lawless.

At this time, she already regretted it.

I regretted sending my son to Huaxi Village and making him become Yuan Keng’s hostage...

There are also some faint contradictions.

By tying up Puyang Zong this time, Yuan Keng can completely preserve the reputation of the eldest princess's house - at least it can be confirmed that she is not in the same group as King Hui of Xingyang, and has no dealings with Yecheng.

The eldest princess hurried over and looked at Pei Mad and his wife, trying her best to suppress her expression and not show any panic.

"Have you caught the rebel Yuan Keng?"

Pei Ran shook his head and pointed lightly, "I was stopped at the bridge by the soldiers of the Red Armor Army."

The eldest princess's body trembled, her eyes were visibly panicked for a moment, and then she slowly calmed down.

"Take me there to have a look."

She wore a dark silver cape to protect against the autumn wind. She walked very fast, her dress fluttered, and she was very dignified. However, she arrived so quickly from Andu to Tonghui Bridge, which was a long distance. It was enough to show that she was very anxious.

Feng Yun looked at Pei Jue, who had no expression on his face, and sighed.

"The heart of a mother can be witnessed by heaven and earth."

She was speaking from the perspective of a mother, and her words were full of emotion...

Pei Jue looked at her and said nothing more.

"Follow me, don't run around."

Feng Yun curled her lips.

His words sounded like teaching a child, a little awkward, and a little weird.

The two walked side by side, following the eldest princess, and walked towards the crowded place...

Tonghui Bridge is the only way from Shiguan to Chuzhou. It is an arched stone bridge with farmhouses and fields on both sides. Due to the drought this winter, the river under the bridge dried up, the water level dropped, and the foundation pillars under the bridge piers were exposed.

"Yuan Keng." The eldest princess walked forward in the crowd and shouted in a deep voice.

"You have been good friends with Zong'er since you were young. The eldest aunt thinks she has treated you well. Now, for your own selfishness, you are going to betray the imperial family of Dajin, the court, and the close relationship between you and Zong'er?"

Yuan Keng did not answer.

The carriage was quiet.

Tonghui Bridge was crowded with people. In front of it were the Red Armored Army of the Northern Yong Army stationed here. Facing Yuan Keng's carriage at the bridge head was the young general Ao Qi, who was in armor and full of vigor.

He stood in front of a group of cavalry and roared majestically.

"Didn't the people in the carriage hear the eldest princess's instructions? Why don't you hand over the Prince of Danyang and apologize?"

The carriage was still quiet.

It was obvious that Yuan Keng had no intention of surrendering and was ready to fight to the end.

The eldest princess's face showed obvious anxiety.

When Pei Zhuo walked over with Feng Yun, she looked back and her eyes were red.

"Prince Yonghuai..."

She looked at the soldiers around her and bowed deeply to Pei Zhuo in public.

"Please save my son's life. Thank you."

Pei Zhuo frowned slightly.

"Your Highness, swords have no eyes..."

The eldest princess' eyes were gloomy. Just as she was about to speak, there was a sound of struggle in the carriage. Then, she heard Puyang Zong shouting breathlessly:

"Mother, this bastard has lost his mind. He wants to surrender to Yecheng and abandon his ancestors... Um..."

He didn't continue to speak. His voice became blurred, as if there was only a humming sound coming from his throat.

Obviously, he was blocked by Yuan Keng.

"Aunt." Yuan Keng didn't lift the curtain or show his face. His voice came out slowly from the carriage, and he sounded very calm.

"You only have one chance to see your son alive... Let them lay down their weapons and allow me to go to Yecheng, otherwise, don't blame me for not remembering our friendship..."

"Woo!" Puyang Zong's voice came again, "Mother, don't listen to him... Ah!"

This scream went straight into the sky, accompanied by a groan of pain, and fell into the ears of everyone, and their backs straightened up and their hair stood on end.

"Aunt, this is your son's finger, please take a look."

Yuan Keng still said it calmly, as if he was sure that the eldest princess couldn't bear to part with her son and didn't dare to embarrass him. Before he finished speaking, a bloody finger was thrown out of the car window...

It fell bloody on the yellow muddy road, hideous and terrifying...

The eldest princess screamed and almost fainted.

"Yuan Keng, how dare you chop off my son's finger?"

The eldest princess screamed heartbreakingly, but Yuan Keng gave her only a faint smile.

"Why shouldn't I dare? If the Red Armor Army doesn't withdraw in a quarter of an hour, I won't be able to cross the Tonghui Bridge and reach Yecheng. Then I'll have to let Brother Zifang be buried with me."

"Yuan Keng, you bastard, I'll fight you..."

Puyang Zong shouted with anger and pain, and almost every word hit the heart of the Grand Princess.

The carriage shook violently.

Puyang Zong's voice was filled with uncontrollable anger and trembling, and like a torrent, it carried unparalleled power.

"Even if I die today, I will never let you succeed. Even if I die, I will die on the territory of the Xijing court. Even if it's my body, I won't associate with the Li court..."

"You have guts!" Yuan Keng snorted coldly.

In a moment, another finger was thrown out of the car window.

The color of blood was extremely dazzling.

"Zong'er!" The Grand Princess cried out in grief.

After raising her son to this age, this was the first time that the Grand Princess heard him stand up with such backbone, take responsibility like a man, and not fear death...

But this is not what she wants.

She just wants her child to be alive and safe.

At any cost.

She turned around suddenly, as if she couldn't see the eyes of everyone present, walked in front of Pei Jue, and whispered:

"Please spare my son's life, my king."

The word spared meant that the Beiyong Army should let Yuan Keng go...

It rained during the Qingming Festival...

Sisters, I will update one chapter today and three chapters tomorrow to adjust my state...

Hug... Go to bed early, I love you.

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