Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 410 Breaking through the sky

Tonghui Bridge was crowded with people, including not only the Northern Yong Army and the entourage of Princess Da Chang's Mansion, but also some people living nearby, all gathered outside.

In front of so many people, the eldest princess could be considered humble.

Feng Yun even saw the looming tears in her eyes.

Everyone has weaknesses and shortcomings.

Brothers and sisters Puyang Zong and Puyang Yi are the eldest princess’s sweethearts...

Feng Yun was silent and glanced at Pei Mang.

In the bleak autumn wind, his brows were stern, showing no trace of emotion.

"Your Highness, your words are wrong."

Seeing the eldest princess' expression change, he added.

"The prince is in Yuan Keng's hands."

Ask him to be noble, as if he was the one who kidnapped Puyang Zong.

Of course the eldest princess didn't mean that, and she knew that Pei Ran knew that she didn't mean that. But it was obvious that Pei Ran was not willing to give this face.

Is this to hold grudges for what happened last time?

The eldest princess gritted her teeth secretly and closed her eyes hard.

"King Yonghuai, Yuan Keng threatened my son's life. Two fingers are gone. As a mother, I cannot watch his death. Please order the Northern Yong army to retreat..."

Pei Madang asked: "If Beiyong's army retreats, will Yuan Keng let the prince go?"


The eldest princess knows that the chances are slim.

But at this moment, she can only take advantage of the situation...

"King Yonghuai." Tears rushed into her eyes involuntarily. The eldest princess swallowed the hardness in her throat and her voice trembled, as if she was choking.

"I have no choice."

At this time, Yuan Keng didn't know what he was doing in the carriage, and Pu Yangzong's screams came out again, accompanied by his gnashing of teeth, curses, and moans.

"Mom, don't let him go... kill him... take revenge for me..."

The painful voice, broken, hoarse, and humiliating, seemed to drag people into the quagmire of despair. It made people's hair stand on end and made them feel uncomfortable all over.

Feng Yun also frowned.

Before today, she really didn't expect that Puyang Zong was actually a tough guy.

Rather Stick to your guns. He and Yuan Keng were brothers who grew up together, so they must know him better than others...

Perhaps Puyang Zong knew that even if he left Tonghui Bridge, he would not be able to escape Yuan Keng's murderous hands, so that was why he was like this.

But as a mother, how could the eldest princess give up?

Her reason slowly collapsed as Puyang Zong screamed one after another.

"King Yonghuai."

Every word almost burst out from between her teeth.

"Are you so cruel that you will destroy my mother and my son forever?"

Pei Ran said: "Your Highness, I sent troops to stop Tonghui Bridge to rescue Prince Danyang..."

The eldest princess roared: "King Yonghuai, don't force me!"

Human lives matter.

A mother will do anything for her son...

She didn't control her emotions and her voice was very loud.

A burst of noisy discussion soon erupted around...

The dispute between the two people changed the atmosphere suddenly.

Almost all sight lines on both sides of Tonghui Bridge are looking this way.

The situation is on the verge of breaking out.

The crowd was silent, waiting motionless, extremely nervous.

The calmer Pei Madang became, the angrier the eldest princess became, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, on the verge of collapse...

She stared at Pei Mad, gritted her teeth and lowered her voice.

"I don't want to fall out, but if King Yonghuai insists on his own way and disregards my son's life, then don't blame me for being unkind and turning against you..."

Pei Ran's face was expressionless and he cupped his hands, "Your Highness, please don't act on your own initiative."

"You said that I am motivated by my own ambitions?" The eldest princess raised her eyebrows, unable to hold back her anger, she pointed at his nose and said:

"Pei Madang, you have never been a father, you have no desire to be a parent, are you not as young as your parents? Did you jump out of the cracks in the rocks? A cold-blooded monster!"

In desperation, she spoke without hesitation.

This is extremely outrageous.

Pei Ran's expression remained unchanged, "Your Highness, calm down."

"Pei Mad!" the eldest princess roared, her tone changed with anger, it was sharp and harsh, which made her face extremely ugly, "My son had two fingers chopped off in that carriage, you let me How to calm down?"

The two people's voices were loud, and Feng Yun could hear them clearly.

Pei Madang has a large number of troops, and it seems that he is not afraid of breaking with the eldest princess.

But people at that time believed in the "divine right of kings", and only with the approval of the royal family could Yuan Shangyi, who was supported by Pei Man, sit on the dragon chair of the Nine-Five-Year Plan.

If the eldest princess leads everyone to seek refuge in Yecheng, it will change the entire situation...

Maybe this was originally Yecheng's conspiracy. Last time, the estrangement failed at the He Mansion wedding banquet, so I couldn't help but do it again...

The eldest princess and Pei Ran turn against each other, who benefits the most?

Of course it was the Yecheng court.

Whoever benefits is the mastermind.

Feng Yun was thoughtful, and his eardrums suddenly shook.

From the other end of the bridge, Puyang Zong's screams were heard again...

The eldest princess was stimulated to the extreme.

"Someone's coming."

She shouted in a low voice, and the attendants gathered around...

Pei Ran: "Your Highness, proceed with caution!"

The eldest princess gritted her teeth and stared at him coldly: "King Yonghuai refuses to let go of his way to survive, so I can only fight for my son..."

She also had a tough temper. She shouted in a deep voice, and the guards immediately drew their swords. On Pei Ran's side, the guard battalion also rushed forward, ready to stand ready.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky.

The crowd held their breath and watched motionless.

I'm afraid if I blink, someone's blood will be splattered on the spot...

At this moment of stalemate, there was an emergency call.

"Your Majesty, King Hui of Xingyang will bring you here!"

Pei Man frowned, glanced at the eldest princess, and turned his head.

"Bring it up."

King Hui of Xingyang was only wearing a plain coat, his hair was tied up in a bun, and there was no crown. He looked as if he had just been picked up from the bed, messy and embarrassed.

The weather was getting colder and the wind was strong at the bridge. Yuan Tao was escorted to the Tonghui Bridge by the guards, his body shaking constantly.

Pei Ran said in a deep voice: "Shout."

Yuan Tao glanced at him, the corners of his mouth trembling, and suddenly shouted.

"Keng'er! Why are you so stupid?"

Pei Ran: "I didn't ask you to say this."

Yuan Tao looked at the silent carriage on the other side of the bridge with red eyes, feeling suddenly sad.

"You just left like this, didn't you want to leave your parents? Your mother and I... have worked hard to bring you up, and if you leave without saying a word, you are going to kill us."

"Father!" Yuan Keng finally spoke, his voice low and slow, accompanied by the cold wind blowing over him, giving him a chilly feeling.

"I have long seen clearly that in the name of the royal family, it doesn't matter what we want. In Andu, we will only waste our time and achieve nothing in our life. Only by joining Yecheng can we have the opportunity to show our talents..."

"Absurd!" Yuan Tao shouted, his beard trembling.

In front of so many people, it was inconvenient for him to say certain things, so he scolded Pei Madang's solemn face from the corner of his eye and said loudly:

"Why don't you let go of Prince Danyang and kneel down to apologize to the eldest princess and King Yonghuai?"

Yuan Keng snorted lowly.

"Father, do you think it is useful for me to plead guilty now? Don't be naive. If I stay, I will only die. If I leave, I can give it a try."

Pei Ran asked: "Your father is in my hands, life and death are up to me, how are you going to fight?"

He looked at Yuan Tao, pulled out the Piyong sword with a whoosh, put it against his throat, and said coldly:

"It's too troublesome to chop off your hands and feet. I'll count to three and if you don't let Prince Danyang go, I'll take your father's life."

Exchanging hostages is a common thing in the confrontation between the enemy and ourselves. Pei Madang said it calmly, but his murderous intent was clear.

The people present immediately took a breath.

Yuan Tao is not a nobody...

He is King Hui of Xingyang of the Jin Dynasty. He is from the royal family. He has not been sentenced yet. He is going to be killed on the spot?

Pei Madang is too bold.

Yuan Tao's face turned pale with fright.

Yuan Keng disagreed, and sneered: "Why should I be afraid, father? Pei Madang is just scaring you. You are Prince Hui of Xingyang, the late emperor's personal conferment, and he, Pei Madang, is just a king with a different surname... He dare not."

"Keng'er!" Yuan Tao suddenly cried out in pain.

The Piyong sword pierced the skin, and blood flowed down his neck.

The shock was no less powerful than Yuan Keng's chopping of fingers.

There was silence all around.

Pei Ran: "One!"

His face was gloomy and his voice was cold, without any emotion.

As soon as the sound came out, the tip of the sword was pressed down.

Yuan Tao was almost scared to the point of peeing.

Yuan Keng's name was shouted one after another.


Before Pei Madang's voice fell, Yuan Tao burst into tears.

"Son, do you really disregard your father's life?"

Yuan Keng's voice came from the carriage.

"Father, my son will avenge you."

Yuan Tao's eyes widened and he looked across the bridge in disbelief...

The son who was raised by his own hands easily gave up on him at the critical moment of life and death.

Yuan Tao said: "Azhi and Aze are watching. How you treat your father will be how they treat you in the future..."

Yuan Keng remained silent.

The autumn wind whistled by like flying sand and rocks.

In the brief silence, it seemed that everyone was waiting for Pei Ran to shout "three"...

However, Pei Madang didn't shout, only said coldly.

"King Hui, let's go."

With a flash of sword light, Yuan Tao suddenly cried out in pain, and his body fell softly to the ground, making a huge noise...

Almost at this moment.


A shrill scream pierced the sky.

The sound was not on the other side of the bridge where the conflict occurred, but on the other side of the bridge where Yuan Keng was.

The hard-hearted Yuan Keng, at the moment his father fell, subconsciously opened half of the curtain and peeked out...

It was also at this critical moment that the sharp archer of the Beiyong Army who was ambushing on the side shot an arrow through Yuan Keng's throat.

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