Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 411 Disillusioned

Blood gurgled down from his neck.

Yuan Keng stiffened up, his eyes widened and he could no longer open his mouth.

"Do it!"

Ao Qi took the lead in pulling out the ring-shou sword, clamping his legs between the horse's belly, and galloped forward.

Behind him, a group of Red Armor soldiers rolled around Yuan Keng's carriage like a wave.

This time Yuan Keng fled eastward, taking only his two sons and about ten followers with him.

The followers were frightened when they saw the charging Beiyong army. Before Ao Qi could take action, they all dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

The autumn wind is chilly.

Yuan Keng's blood splashed on the carriage, making it a mess.

His body leaned forward like that, and it took a while before he slowly fell against the car wall, his head hanging on the window, and blood flowing down like a stream.

"Ah - my son -"

Xingyang Hui Wang Yuan Tao had just been kicked to the ground by Pei Madang. He screamed out in pain. He almost fainted and couldn't get up for a long time.

Hearing the movement on the other side of the bridge, he realized something, slowly looked back, and let out a long scream.

The carriage was pried open by Ao Qi, and Pu Yangzong was helped down, covered in blood. The eldest princess's eyes were red when she saw it, and she ran away in front of everyone as if out of character, and used all her strength to support him.

"Zong'er, my poor Zong'er..."

Puyang Zong looked pale, almost unsteady on his feet, and his voice was even weaker.

"Mom, I'm fine..."

It's okay, how can it be okay?

The eldest princess held his wrist and looked down.

The index and middle fingers of her left hand were cut off at the joints, and the bones were visible. The sight made her dizzy and she immediately shed tears.

"It's all my mother's fault. She shouldn't have punished you or let you go to Huaxi Village..."

Puyang Zong lowered his head and rested his head on the shoulder of the eldest princess, with a smile that was uglier than crying.

"...It's not my fault...Huaxi...except for the bad food...everything fine..."

"Zong'er?" The eldest princess felt the head on her shoulders getting heavier and called him nervously.

Puyang wanted to respond to his mother, but his vision turned black and he slowly fell down. He could no longer hold on and lost consciousness...

"Zong'er! Zong'er!" the eldest princess shouted loudly, "Quick, where is the medical officer? Where is the medical officer?"

A man carrying a medicine box ran over quickly, panting.

At the beginning of the rescue, someone called a doctor from Shiguan, but Feng Yun frowned when he saw him nervously trying to stop Puyang Zong's bleeding.

"Your Highness."

She slowly walked to the eldest princess and said in a calm voice:

"Wrap the severed finger and go to Dr. Yao quickly. Maybe there is still a chance to reattach it?"

The eldest princess's chaotic mind seemed to be torn apart by a gleam of light. After Feng Yun's reminder, it suddenly became clear.


And Dr. Yao.

Although she had doubts about whether the severed finger could be reattached, Dr. Yao had excellent medical skills and was especially good at trauma. It would be a good idea to go to him for treatment at this time...

"Quick! Hurry up and go to Huaxi Village to ask for Dr. Yao... No, no, no, we will send the prince to Huaxi Village immediately..."

"Your Highness." Feng Yun saw that she was confused and couldn't make up her mind at all, so he suggested again: "Coming and going in both directions will waste time. Why don't you go and invite Dr. Yao to Shiguan County right away?"

Shiguan County?

The eldest princess's eyes lit up.

It really saves time for both parties to meet in Shiguan County.

She nodded and said eagerly: "Do as the princess says, and go quickly!"

The attendant responded.

Feng Yun told him again: "Remember to tell Dr. Yao the whole story and bring enough medicines."

"Young man understands." The attendant hurriedly climbed onto his horse, shouted, and galloped away in the blink of an eye.

The eldest princess turned her head and a pale smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you for the reminder, Princess."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Your Highness, you're welcome. I'm just saying something. It's not worth taking anything seriously."

The more humble and polite she was, the more the eldest princess felt her ears burning.

"Just now I was so angry that I lost my sense of proportion..."

She was referring to the unpleasantness she had just had with Pei Ran.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, knowing that it was not him that she cared about, but Pei Madang's thoughts, and he shook his head with a smile.

"The king won't take it seriously about small matters. Your Highness should send the prince to you first."

The eldest princess bowed to her and called the attendants to help the weak Puyang get into the carriage.

The crowd at Tonghui Bridge was gradually dispersing.

Feng Yun glanced around lightly and returned to Pei Mang's side.

"Did you deliberately anger the eldest princess?"

Pei Ran hummed, his expression cold.

"Is it really possible to repair a broken finger?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "I only read about it in a book. I have to ask Dr. Yao whether it is possible."

Pei Ran took a deep look at her, pulled her arm, and walked to one side.

On Tonghui Bridge, a dozen of Yuan Keng's attendants who had their hands cut behind their backs were escorted over. At this time, King Hui of Xingyang stood up holding his chest. He just had time to see Yuan Keng's body being carried by two soldiers of the Northern Yong Army. , put it in front of him.

"Son..." Yuan Tao fell on Yuan Keng's body and cried non-stop.

The attendants from the palace also wiped their tears as if they were mourning their heirs.

Pei Ran approached expressionlessly.

"My condolences to King Hui."

King Hui of Xingyang raised his head, his eyes were red and swollen, and his whole body seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

"You killed my son, it was you, you killed my son..." His lips couldn't stop trembling, he murmured, put his hands on the ground, stood up slowly and leisurely, and then threw himself at Pei Madang.

"I'll fight with you..."

Pei Ran remained motionless.

Yuan Tao's arm had already fallen on Zuo Zhong's hand.

He didn't show any courtesy to Prince Hui of Xingyang. He grabbed his hand and twisted it hard, then pulled it behind him.

Yuan Tao fell to the ground softly again.

"Kill me... My son is dead... I don't want to live anymore... Pei Madang, if you have the guts, kill me..."

Tears streamed down his face, and he looked dejected, as if he was seriously determined to die.

Pei Madang was silent for a moment, then suddenly bent down and squeezed his shoulders heavily with both hands.

Yuan Tao's expression changed immediately.

Pei Madang tried harder.

He let out a cry of pain, his arms hung down feebly, his lips trembled constantly, and he stuttered:

"It hurts, it hurts... King Yonghuai... spare... spare me..."

Pei Madang stared at him coldly.

It wasn't until a layer of cold sweat broke out on Yuan Tao's forehead that he slowly let go of his hand and said coldly:

"You can't bear this little pain and you still want to die?"

Yuan Tao lowered his eyelids and his face turned pale, "Give me a pleasure. Please."

Pei Madang took the towel handed by Ji You, pursed his lips, wiped his hands, and said slowly:

"Escort him back to Andu."

The attendant responded: "Here."

The Beiyong Army maintained strict military discipline and the scene was completely silent.

Feng Yun turned around and was about to get on the carriage when he saw Ao Qi slowly riding over.

General Ao Xiao, who was dressed in armor, was full of heroic spirit, and his brows seemed to have a different seriousness than before.

"The general has met the king and the princess."

He jumped off his horse and saluted Pei Madang and Feng Yun one by one. He was thorough and cautious, and there was no mistake in his words or deeds.

This kind of him is also what Ao Zheng, Pei Madang, and even Feng Yun hoped to be like.

Have distance, have boundaries, and stick to your duties.

But when he saw Ao Qi become like this, Feng Yun's heart was not as relaxed and calm as he imagined.

Pei Madang said: "You handled it appropriately today. I will take credit for you later."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Ao Qi raised his hand in salute, paused for a moment, and then said, "It's getting late, do you two want to return to Huaxi Village?"

It's still a short distance from here to Huaxi. He was already exhausted when he came. If he had to drive on a starry night, Pei Madang was afraid that Feng Yun wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Shall we go to Shiguan to stay tonight?"

He looked sideways at Feng Yun, with a hint of inquiry in his words.

Feng Yun nodded and chuckled, "It depends on the king's arrangement."

Pei Ran hummed and heard Ao Qi say: "Then we will escort you two to the stone temple immediately."

With that said, he got on his horse.

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran.

Pei Ran said: "You take the people back to the camp. I have Zuo Zhong Jiyou and them here, so it's okay."

Ao Qi looked sideways at Feng Yun and hesitated.

"I'd better give uncle a ride."

A call from uncle broke the deadlock and made Pei Mang unable to refuse.

This is where the Red Armor Army is stationed.

For the public, the coach is here. It is etiquette for Ao Qi to welcome and send him off. For private matters, it is even more natural for a nephew to send his uncle and aunt for a ride.


Three people took more than 20 Qingqi, starting from Tonghui Bridge, and slowly rushed to Shiguan.

Before they arrived, Ao Qi sent people to the inn to clean up the house.

Yi Cheng prepared meals early and went out to greet him.

On the road, Ao Qi was very silent.

The whole person looked calmer than before, as if he had changed into a different person overnight...

While eating, he suddenly raised his glass.

"Replace wine with tea to honor your uncle and aunt."

Feng Yun's breathing suddenly stagnated.

She smiled and raised her glass in return without saying anything else.

Pei Ran didn't go to get the cup, but looked back quietly. There seemed to be a sharp cold light flickering in his calm eyes.

"You have something to say."

Ao Qi has been in awe of his uncle since he was a child, and Pei Madang has a natural intimidation in front of him. In the past, if Pei Madang looked so embarrassed, he would have become nervous.

Maybe he has really grown up. He is so calm now, and there is even a smile on his lips.

"Uncle, my wedding date has been decided. It will be the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. My mother said that it would be troublesome to hold it in Xijing, so why not arrange the wedding banquet in Andu? She also asked me to ask uncle what he meant."

Feng Yun raised his head and met his eyes.

At that moment, she read in Ao Qi's smile that she was feeling discouraged and giving up on herself.

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