Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 412 The Crazy Lover

The curtains of the inn swayed lightly, making a rustling sound.

The light on the candlestick crackled, and a dazzling spark burst out.

Time flowed quietly, and no one spoke for a long time.

Pei Cong looked at Ao Qi for a long time across the wooden table, stroking the wine cup, and his eyebrows moved slightly.

"Your mother hasn't written to tell me."

Ao Qi said: "The matter has not been decided yet, so it is inconvenient to tell my uncle."

Pei Cong frowned slightly, his eyes half-closed.

"Have you thought about it?"

These three simple words seemed to contain countless emotions.

Ao Qi felt a pain in his heart, and he felt indescribably uncomfortable. The embarrassment and sadness that came like a tidal wave made him breathless for a long time.

This was his most beloved uncle. He could have cried in front of him and told his heart, but the person he was obsessed with was his uncle's woman...

Ao Qi sometimes felt that he was very unbearable.

Sometimes, he felt that he was not wrong, but just unlucky, and was one step behind his uncle...

When he liked Feng Yun, she was not his aunt yet.

Ao Qi picked up the teacup on the table and drank it hard. His throat made a gurgling sound, and he pretended to be very happy. After moistening his throat, he smiled.

"If the two elders in the family are satisfied, I will be satisfied too."

Pei Jue asked: "Which family?"

Ao Qi had been engaged to the fourth lady of the Cui family before, but Li Zongxun fled to Yecheng in the east. That night, Zhongjing City was in chaos. The Cui family father and son did not have time to take their families with them. Under the pursuit of the Beiyong Army, they evacuated Zhongjing with Li Zongxun's army.

For the Cui family members who stayed behind, all males over the age of fourteen were beheaded, and all males under the age of fourteen and wives, concubines, and girls were confiscated and enslaved.

The fourth lady Cui was no exception.

She was originally a noble lady from a famous family. Her future life was predictable at a glance. She would marry a man of her dreams, support her husband and raise children, and live a smooth life.

Who would have known that there would be a sudden twist, and she would be implicated because of her father and brother, and become a slave.

She was already a slave, so she could not marry General Ao again, and no one mentioned the marriage anymore.

After the Cui family got into trouble, the threshold of the Ao family was trampled.

They all came to propose marriage for the young master of the Ao family.

The Ao family today is no longer comparable to the Xifeng and Xinghe dynasties.

The family is prosperous, and the father and son are high officials.

Ao Zheng is the prime minister and has a prominent family background.

Madam Ao is the eldest sister of King Yonghuai, and they have a close relationship.

Ao Qi leads the Red Armor Army, is good at fighting, and has a handsome appearance.

It can be imagined that he would be the ideal man in the hearts of many noble ladies from aristocratic families...

As long as he wants, he can pick a favorite one in Xijing.

However, Ao Qi smiled calmly, but responded:

"The one in the Blackback Canyon, the daughter of the chief of the Mahe tribe."

Pei Cong looked at him steadily and remained silent for a long time.

Ao Qi had to accept the marriage with the Mahe tribe in order to save him.

If Ao Qi sacrificed his marriage for a promise, it would be difficult for him, as his uncle, to let it go.

"Xiao Qi." Pei Jue said, "I have recovered Pingcheng and Rongzhou. The northern Rong dare not invade..."

In other words, the marriage agreed to under the pressure of the situation was a joke.

As long as Ao Qi refused, the marriage would not count.

Otherwise, the chief of Mahe would not have waited so long and only brought some local beef and mutton jerky to show friendship, without even asking Ao Qi to marry his daughter.

For the Mahe tribe, as long as they maintained this close and friendly relationship, other tribes would not dare to bully them, and they would be able to survive under the Cangyan Mountain.

Ao Qi knew all this.

Before today, Ao Zheng and Pei Yuan had also said so...

But Ao Qi refused.

"A gentleman's promise should not be broken. This is what my uncle taught me."

He picked up the teacup again and said in a nearly hoarse voice, "Uncle, don't worry about me, just come to the wedding."

Glancing at Feng Yun again, "Aunt, don't forget to prepare a big gift for me."

When he was still a little guard in front of Feng Yun, he caught fish every day to show his filial piety. He had joked that when he got married in the future, he would ask Feng Yun to prepare a good gift as a reward.

Pei Jue didn't know about this.

But Feng Yun remembered.

She smiled, "I will. Write a list of what you like and I will prepare it all."

Ao Qi raised his eyebrows, "I don't want anything else. It would be great if you could give me Aozai."

This was of course a joke.

Aozai was the apple of Feng Yun's eye, how could he give it to him?

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Come to Huaxi during your day off, Aozai will accompany you."

Ao Qi said, "After three to five years, he will forget me."

Her voice was dull and inexplicably sad.

How many relationships in the world can last for three to five years?

Feng Yun pursed her lips slightly and smiled, "Aozai is so lucky that so many people like him."

When the two of them were talking, Pei Jue remained silent. When Feng Yun picked up the teacup for the third time and put it down again, he stood up and refilled her empty cup with tea.

Feng Yun was slightly surprised and smiled at him.

The cup was empty, but every time she finished speaking, she subconsciously reached for it...

It was originally an unintentional act, and she didn't notice it.

But what she subconsciously revealed was that she was a little embarrassed about Ao Qi's affairs...

It shouldn't be like this.

Feng Yun calmed down and smiled, "Thank you, my king."

Pei Jue glanced at her and didn't say much.

The food at the post station was simple, but the drinks were decent. Pei Jue was very silent during the meal and drank a few more glasses without realizing it.

Ao Qi, perhaps still frightened by the last time he got drunk in Huaxi Village, did not drink a single drop of alcohol tonight.

"My family has bought a house for me in Andu. I don't have time to go there. My parents are far away in Xijing. I wonder if I can trouble my aunt to help me organize it?"

My parents are not around, so it makes sense to ask my aunt to take care of things.

But this house was prepared for Ao Qi's wedding.

That is, his wedding room.

Ao Qi asked Feng Yun to help him arrange it. It's hard to say that he didn't have other ideas...

Pei Madang lowered his eyes, picked up the drink and drank slowly.

Feng Yun thought for a while and said calmly: "My own marriage was also done hastily. I really don't know the many etiquettes and I'm afraid there will be something wrong..."

After saying that, she looked at Pei Madang cautiously.

"How about you ask the eldest sister to send the mother who is in charge next to you?"

Pei Ran: "Okay."

Ao Qi's eyes showed deep disappointment. He refilled a glass of water, drank it all in one gulp, and then put it down heavily.

"It seems that my aunt is very dissatisfied with me."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Where do you start talking about this?"

Ao Qi snorted softly, "Puyang Yi was repairing the house, and my aunt helped her come up with drawings and make ideas. General Wen was repairing the house, and my aunt was even more hands-on. I'm afraid there was something wrong. How come I, a great nephew, only do the cooking and decoration?" , my aunt is just trying to shirk everything?"

This is a sharp-tongued mouth.

Feng Yun felt that he did it on purpose.

He clearly knew what was going on, but he still made it difficult for her.

Should she respond in front of Pei Ran, or should she not respond?

"You agree." Pei Ran said slowly and calmly, "Xiao Qi is alone in Andu. It's time for you and me to take more care of you."

After that, he said seriously: "But one thing is that your aunt is not in good health and can't do everything by herself. She can help you take care of her for a while, but don't bother her with other things."

He used the tone of an elder.

It is also a warning not to push too far.

Ao Qi understood and saluted them with his hands raised.

"Thank you uncle, thank you aunt."


Ao Qi left after dinner.

It was too late, so he did not return to the camp. Like Feng Yun and his wife, he stayed at the inn, but with another guest room.

In the past, he felt reluctant to leave every time he left. He talked a lot and repeatedly told Feng Yun this and that...

This time he was very straightforward and closed the curtain without looking back.

The post station outside the city was very desolate. Listening to the howling wind on the roof, Feng Yun waited for the postman to clear away the dishes and asked for hot water to wash up.

Staying out at night, she felt inconvenienced everywhere. She felt uneasy and hardly spoke.

"Aren't you happy?"

Pei Man's voice suddenly appeared in his ear, and Feng Yun was startled.

She smiled back, "What am I unhappy about?"

Pei Madang didn't speak, his dark eyes were slightly focused, and his gaze fell straight into her eyes, as if he wanted to see through her, and as if he wanted to give her a kind of stable strength, calm and calm.

"I asked you to take care of Xiao Qi."

Feng Yun was slightly stunned, then laughed.

"How could it be? I actually don't care whether I help him or not. I was afraid that you would be unhappy, so I refused."

After some words were said, there was nothing to mind.

She sighed with a smile, "Don't look at me like this. I'm honest and honest. I have never seduced your nephew. This is completely an unjust case..."

"I know." Pei Ran lowered his head and stared, "Mother Yun, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Feng Yun was surprised, "Now?"

"Yes." Pei Ran gently pulled her and held her in his arms.

"This inn is very close to Shiguan Pier. The night view of Shiguan Pier is worth seeing."

Feng Yun looked at him suspiciously.

"When will your Majesty have time to see the night view of Shiguan Pier?"

Pei Madang's eyes became darker and darker, like a thick fog, bottomless.

"I heard what others said."

Feng Yun hesitated, "Would it be too weird to go out this late at night..."

Pei Ran: "Where is the blame?"

There is a feeling of a man and a woman meeting at the pier under the moonlight and secretly having an affair.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and sighed carelessly.

"There's nothing weird, it's just that the king is acting abnormally, and there's no reason for it."

Pei Madang retracted his arms and held her tighter. Feng Yun leaned on his chest, surrounded by the familiar breath. He felt that his body was very warm and comfortable, so he couldn't help but open his arms and wrap his hands around his waist.

"We have to leave early to return to Huaxi tomorrow, so we might as well rest early."

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked at the inn.

"You won't like it here."

Feng Yun heard the implication and thought about the Shiguan Pier where he was going, and suddenly his cheeks felt hot.

Could this scourge be trying to do something ridiculous like she thought?

The third update is over, good night~~

Pei Madang: What is this ridiculous thing that Yun Niang thinks?

Feng Yun: Isn’t it a dark and windy night to deliver the antidote?

Ao Qi: On such a heartbreaking night, is it really appropriate for you to do this...

Chun Yuyan: As a hairy boy, my hair has not even grown yet. What are you thinking about?

Ao Qi: Who are you kidding? I haven't grown it all, but I want to ask you, has your hair grown all the way?

Xiao Cheng: Which pot should you not open? Do you want to piss him off and inherit his family property?

Ao Qi: No, I would rather inherit from my uncle.

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