Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 413 Night Tour of Stone Temple

A quarter of an hour later, Pei Jue led the horse and took Feng Yun out of the inn.

Ao Qi had just washed up and heard the noise outside, so he lifted the curtain and looked over...

The light and shadow of the night lamp fell on the banana and bamboo by the wall. The two walked together without servants and without disturbing anyone, and quietly went out from the corner gate.

Pei Jue's hand tightly held Feng Yun.

They did not communicate, it was very quiet, the two people and the horse walked quietly, beautiful like a painting.

Ao Qi stood for a long time, until the shadows of the two people disappeared in front of him, and the corner gate closed quietly again, he still did not move.

The guard Hou Liu came over and bowed:

"General, the night meal is ready."

Ao Qi said: "No need."

During the meal just now, he saw that Feng Yun did not eat well.

She was very particular about food, clothing and daily expenses in the manor, not extravagant, but ordinary side dishes could be made with a different taste on the stove, and the food of Changmen was also what Ao Qi always thought about.

The food in the inn included fish and meat, but it was definitely hard for Feng Yun, who loved gourmet food, to swallow.

She didn't say it, but Ao Qi wanted to do something for her...

At this time, Shiguan County had already closed the city, but Ao Qi still told Hou Liu to take his token and go to the best Dragon and Phoenix Pavilion in the city to buy supper to honor the two.


Ao Qi lowered his eyes.

"You and Lai Er take it for yourselves."


Taxue was a little excited tonight, running all the way to Shiguan Wharf, causing Feng Yun to bump against Pei Jue's body. She held him tightly with both hands, and then she felt a little better.

She actually liked riding horses with Pei Jue.

For some reason, Pei Jue on horseback had a unique charm and spirit that was fascinating. That was also a rare time for Feng Yun to put everything aside and purely appreciate him...

When they were about to reach Shiguan Wharf, the light was a little brighter, and the night lights of the wharf were faintly visible.

Pei Jue did not take the official road leading to the wharf, but walked along a slope path to the desolate and dim night next to it.

Feng Yun reminded, "Shiguan Wharf is ahead."

Pei Jue lowered his head, stared at the person in his arms, and slightly retracted his arms, "Sit tight."

Before the voice fell, Feng Yun felt that her whole body seemed to be lighter, and she suddenly jumped up on the snow and jumped over a small canal. If Pei Jue hadn't hugged her, he would have wanted to throw her down directly.

Feng Yun exclaimed softly, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"The king didn't go to Shiguan Wharf, but went to a dark and windy place. Is he going to kill people to silence them?"

Pei Jue's eyes were deep, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

"Are you afraid?"

"Afraid, scared to death..."

Feng Yun couldn't see his expression, and his concentration was all on the uneven road surface, and he kept asking.

"Can Taxue see clearly?"

"Be careful, don't fall."

Pei Jue listened to her mumbling, and the arc of the suspected smile on the corner of his lips became bigger and bigger.

"I can't kill you from falling." He said: "At most, you will be half dead."

The calm voice, with a rare joking intention, Feng Yun inexplicably heard a hint of depression.

She closed her mouth, looked back at the man's cold jaw, steadied her body, and sat more upright.

Taxue finally stopped.

On the hillside, there was a very lush grassland. Pei Jue let go of the reins and touched its head.


Taxue shook its tail and went to eat grass leisurely.

Pei Jue held Feng Yun's hand and continued to walk forward. His pair of black eyes were surprisingly bright under the moonlight, his cloak fluttered, and the moonlight stretched his shadow.

Feng Yun looked at it and was absent-minded for a moment...

The moonlight on the hillside was too good.

The location chosen by Pei Jue was too good.

From here you can overlook the entire Shiguan Wharf.

The boats passing by on the river are floating in the water with lanterns hanging on them. From time to time, boats come to the shore to stop for a meal. There are also boatmen who earn a living to support their families, sitting on the dock with shoulder poles. As long as someone shouts, they will get up and move goods, carry them...

Coming and going, bustling.

The Shiguan Wharf under the night lights has a unique charm.

Feng Yun chose a flat stone to sit down.

"It's so beautiful here."

If it weren't for the strong wind and too cold, Feng Yun could sit here quietly for a night...

She folded her arms and was about to speak, but a thick wind cloak fell from her shoulders and wrapped her tightly.

Feng Yun glanced sideways, smiled slightly, and signaled him with her eyes.

"Sit down and talk."

Pei Jue sat down beside her silently.

Feng Yun asked: "Aren't you cold?"

Pei Jue hummed.

Seeing Feng Yun raise her eyebrows, he added, "It's not cold."

Feng Yun smiled softly, loosened the cloak wrapped around her body, tied it back on him, and then huddled in Pei Jue's arms like a chick hiding under the wings of a hen, and sighed comfortably.

"It's warmer this way."

The wind cloak was big enough, and Pei Jue was tall enough to avoid the wind. She didn't feel the slightest bit of cold at the moment, and instantly felt that the world on the hillside was more beautiful.

The moonlight was pouring down.

Breathing the fresh air, it was like being in the Milky Way, and the world suddenly became small and ridiculous...

The two sat together in silence, bathing in the moonlight, listening to the sounds from the dock from time to time, and looking at the twinkling lights of the boats on the river...

"It's like a fairyland."

Feng Yun suddenly exclaimed.

"How did the king find this place?"

Pei Man's slender fingers slightly grasped the corner of the wind cloak, pressing it tighter, and the sound came slowly.

"Accidental discovery."

Feng Yun raised the corners of his lips and looked at him like that, half-smiling.

The moonlight made her delicate face even more beautiful, charming but not seductive, gorgeous but not vulgar, but the emotions in her eyes were thought-provoking.

Pei Ran asked: "What's wrong?"

Feng Yun said: "That's not what the king said in the post house. Now he said he discovered it accidentally. When did you learn to lie?"

How about lying about such a trivial matter?

She couldn't help laughing when she saw Pei Ran's slightly changed expression.

"Could it be that you had a private meeting with a girl from some family here?"

The folk customs of the Jin Dynasty were open, and it was not uncommon for men and women to fall in love and fall in love. Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. Seeing his silence, his originally playful gaze turned into scrutiny.

"Could it be that I'm right?"

Pei Ran: "Does it count as a private meeting alone?"

Sitting alone at night?

Feng Yun was very surprised.

This is not something someone like Pei Ran can do.

He acts decisively and neatly. If there is any trouble that cannot be solved, he will quickly turn it into someone else's trouble...

It was hard for Feng Yun to believe that he would sit alone under the moonlight, admiring the rocks and the lights of the pier.

She became interested.

Holding his arm with both hands.

"Your Majesty, tell me, when and what will happen, will you be here to enjoy the moon and lanterns alone?"

Pei Ran stared down at her, his eyes bottomless. The light reflected by the lights seemed to turn into clusters of flames in his deep pool-like eyes, which made Feng Yun unable to resist.

"Why does your Majesty look at me like this?"

She stretched out her hands, straightened Pei Man's face, and looked into his eyes, "Are you looking at me? You, a cheap woman who got married without any effort?"

Pei Ran:......

He slowly lowered his head, pulled Feng Yun's hand away, and put his forehead against hers, as if to see more clearly. His eyes were fixed and his emotions were frozen. It took a long time before the kiss fell.

It was as quiet as the leaves falling to the ground.

It was not the usual storm of love, but Feng Yun shivered involuntarily and felt that the hair on his hair stood on end.

Pei Ran's eyes are so gloomy...

She couldn't help but think of those past events that were buried deep in her memory and deliberately abandoned by her.

Shiguan Pier...

She was sitting on the warship going away.

Pei Madang came riding his horse, making a long whistle in the snow.


The cry of killing seemed to reach the eardrums across time and space.

Ao Qi shouted at the top of his lungs, still ringing in his ears.

"Uncle, come back -"

"Uncle, let her die!"

"This traitor, work carefully!"

The long wind howled by, raising the sound of killing.

A long arrow shot into Pei Mandang's chest.

Ao Qi's curses were mixed with the noise, roars, and howling wind.

"Feng Twelfth Mother! Listen, I, Ao Qi, will kill you one day..."

"The body was broken into thousands of pieces and divided into pieces by five horses. I want you to suffer a miserable death for the rest of your life!"

There will be no good death in every life.

She really didn't die well.

Feng Yun frowned slightly, trying to recall what happened that day...

Is it like today, the autumn wind is bleak?

"Yunniang." Pei Madang seemed to be more silent than usual, and it seemed like an eternity before he heard his answer.

"Do you like it here?"

Perhaps thinking of the past, Feng Yun's patience was unusually good, and his expression became gentler.

"Then it depends on why the king brought me here tonight."


Pei Madang held her slender hand and gently pressed the raised joints on the back of her hand with his fingertips, rubbing with some force.

It wasn't until Feng Yun screamed in pain that he let go and said two more words.


His eyes were solemn and a little sad.

Feng Yun's eyes moved slightly, "That's such a pity. I thought this was a surprise prepared by the king for me..."

Pei Ran: "Surprise?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, smiled, and suddenly pointed at the dock.

"It would be a surprise to have a small boat and enjoy the night view around the rocks."

Pei Ran heard the sound, hugged her waist and stood up. Just as he was about to call Ta Xue, he was stopped by Feng Yun.

She said: "Let it eat grass here, it is rare to be free and happy."

Pei Ran glanced at her and then at the lights below.

"This is far from the dock..."

Feng Yun opened his arms, half-smiling but not smiling, "Then, would you please carry me on your back?"

Pei Ran seemed stunned for a moment, and then slowly squatted down in front of her.

Feng Yun jumped up without hesitation and strangled his neck with satisfaction.

"Since my mother died, no one has ever carried me away like this."

Pei Man had broad shoulders and a strong sense of strength. In her last life, she had thought that it would feel good if he could carry her on his back.

Feng Yun in his previous life did not have the courage to say that.

I didn't expect it to be so easy.

Pei Ran walked quickly, and she patted him on the shoulder.

"Slower, slower."

He slowed down.

Then Feng Yun became happy.

"Aren't you tired of carrying someone on your back and walking so fast?"

Pei Ran: "You are too light."

Feng Yun: "My mother used to walk very slowly while carrying me on her back. I liked holding her neck like this..."

She sighed again, "Unfortunately, she is still a little weak and can't carry it for a long time..."

Pei Ran suddenly turned around and said, "Do you think I look like your mother?"

Feng Yun: ...

She glared at him.

Pei Jue walked attentively.

The two of them were thinking about their own things, and they arrived at Shiguan Wharf.

Feng Yun was thinking about what Pei Jue would do, but he didn't expect that he would carry her on his back and walk to a docked small cargo ship, take out a purse from his arms, and put it in the boatman's hand.

"My wife wants to go to the wharf at night, so I borrow the boat."

The boatman, like Feng Yun, was confused for a while until he saw Pei Jue's face, and his face showed confusion.

"You, you are..."

"Do me a favor." Pei Jue interrupted him.

The boatman nodded repeatedly and responded, "Yes, yes, it's convenient, very convenient."

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