Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 414 Confession Again

Pei Madang held Feng Yun and sat in the cabin of the boat. The boat was light and had a awning on it. A curtain blocked out the world. There were lights, tables and chairs inside, and it was kept very clean.

There was no boatman or attendants, so Pei Madang had to row the boat by himself.

Feng Yun sat quietly and looked at him with a smile.

The wind lantern at the stern of the boat swayed slightly, and the boat slowly left the shore.

Feng Yun vaguely saw the boatman standing on the shore, stopped to watch, and said with a smile:

"Did he recognize you?"

Pei Ran: "I don't know."

"It must be. Otherwise, how can I safely hand over the boat to you?" Feng Yun smiled, looked sideways, and asked, "Can the king know how to row a boat?"

Pei Ran remained silent.

The sound of the paddle entering the water slowly filled my ears.

"Where to go?" he asked after a moment.

Feng Yun was staring at the lights on the shore. He raised his head when he heard the sound, "Just take a look. Don't keep people waiting."

Pei Ran was silent.

There was another unbearable silence.

Gradually, the boat got further away from the dock.

There were no boats or people around.

A lone lamp was reflected in the water waves, and there was a bright crescent moon.

Feng Yun lay on the deck and bent down.

As soon as my hand touched the water, the moon shattered.

Pei Ran put down the paddle and the boat stopped.

Feng Yun: "Aren't you leaving?"

Pei Ran: "Sit down."

The sound of water disappeared.

The water in this river was much shallower than the last time Feng Yun came here. She looked at the lower water levels along the bank and just sighed when she heard Pei Ran say:

"It's raining."

Only then did Feng Yun realize the raindrops belatedly.

She looked up, surprise in her eyes.

"It's really raining. Unfortunately, the raindrops are not heavy..."

Pei Ran looked at her.

Her eyes were as bright as stars and moons.

He was silent for a moment and then suddenly said: "Men seek fame and fortune for power, status and family inheritance... and why is Yun Niang?"

Feng Yun was enjoying the light rain during the drought year. Leng Buding listened to his question and was stunned, looking around.

"Your Majesty, is the execution hall located in the river?"

Pei Ran said: "Yunniang has done too much."

Too many for him to see through.

Feng Yun smiled and said calmly.

"To survive, to stay alive."

Pei Ran lowered his eyes and was silent for a while.

By his side, she actually had an existential crisis.

"Then why, Your Majesty?" Since it was the moment of confession, Feng Yun refused to suffer any loss. After answering, he asked him, "Your Majesty doesn't value power, and he doesn't seem to value family inheritance, so what's the point of seeking fame and fortune?"

Pei Ran raised his eyes and looked at her.

After a moment, he answered slowly.

"To survive. To stay alive."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

"Is your Majesty joking?"

Pei Madang was silent for a long time, looking at the crescent moon on the river, and said calmly: "I once had a nightmare. I dreamed that the Great Jin Dynasty was destroyed by Xiao Cheng, and I also died tragically at his hands..."

The smile on Feng Yun's face faded.

She stared at Pei Ran and remained silent for a long time.

Pei Man narrowed his eyes and looked at her, "Are you scared?"

"It's just a nightmare." Feng Yun smiled stiffly, leaned on his shoulder, and pulled the wind cloak on his body, "I also have some bad dreams. Fortunately, none of the things in the dream happened. "

Pei Ran said nothing.

She asked: "Do you think people can go back to the past?"

Pei Ran frowned, "What do you think?"

Feng Yun pursed his lips and smiled, "If you could go back to the past, when would your Majesty want to go back?"

Pei Ran: "I don't want to go back to the past."

He looked at Feng Yun quietly and said slowly: "Stay in the moment."

Feng Yun curled his lips and said, "It seems that the king has no regrets in this life."

She smiled and said full of longing: "If possible, I hope to go back to when my mother was alive..."

Pei Ran asked: "Back then, what could you do?"

In fact, before today, Feng Yun had thought about it countless times. What would she do if she was reborn not in Andu, but back to an earlier time, in Taicheng, before her mother was alive?

She said: "Then I will definitely not talk nonsense again and tell people about the war that wiped out the entire army. I will keep my mouth shut and prevent people from embarrassing my mother because of me. More importantly, I will tell people as soon as possible break off an engagement……"

Pei Ran's eyes narrowed.

She looked gloomy and sighed: "If I didn't have an engagement with Xiao Sanlang, I wouldn't be jealous of Feng Ying, and I wouldn't have so much trouble..."

Pei Ran asked: "Are you willing to give it up?"

"Why are you reluctant to let go?" Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and showed a cryptic smile, "I have been reborn, can I still like him Xiao San? I have been reborn, so I naturally have to manage myself again and give him to Feng San as soon as possible. Ying, and then took my mother with me to find a way to escape from the Feng family with our books..."

Pei Ran: "What then?"

Feng Yun looked at his expression, thought for a while and then said: "Then I will ask someone to send you a message, telling you not to go to Andu and not to meet a girl named Feng Twelve Niang."

Pei Ran raised his eyebrows, "Why is this?"

Feng Yun chuckled, stared into his eyes, and spoke every word seriously.

"Because once you get to know her, you will be ruined by her."

Pei Madang was silent, his eyes burning.

Feng Yun didn't get a reaction from him, he frowned and snorted dissatisfied.

"Why is your Majesty so serious? Isn't it funny?"

"It's not funny." Pei Ran took her hand and held it tightly, "What Yun Niang should do when she gets back to that time is to prevent the war that wiped out the entire army..."

Feng Yun was stunned and laughed.

"I didn't expect the king to think so highly of me. A young boy, can change the war with just his mouth?"

Pei Jue said meaningfully: "You have mother and those books."

Feng Yun stared, falling into the vortex of memories.

What was mother like at that time?

What can a woman do to stop it?

Feng Yun has actually forgotten a lot of her mother's memories, and what she can remember are nothing more than some sporadic fragments.

But in her impression, her mother rarely went out for social events and didn't have many close friends...

"No way." She shook her head and thought about the situation at that time very seriously. "Even if I knew that the Xie family army would be wiped out in that war, even if I coaxed my mother to take me to the Xie Mansion and tell them about it, no one would believe it. They would only suspect that I was a monster earlier and want to kill me to sacrifice to the gods..."

Pei Jue asked: "So, how did you know that the Xie family army would lose this battle and be wiped out?"

Many people have asked this question, but Feng Yun has never answered it directly.

Because she didn't want her mother's tragic death to become a matter of course in the mouths of others.

She is not a monster.

Of course, her mother is not.

But if she told the truth, saying that she just happened to hear her mother mention it to someone when she was sleeping, she didn't know how to explain the logic in the middle...

Because that would involve, how did her mother know it?

Is there a conspiracy behind the war, or someone carefully planned everything and let her mother know it unintentionally?

Seeing her silence, Pei He did not ask any more questions. He just looked into her eyes and waited quietly.

After a long moment, Feng Yun spoke.

"I am a little vague about how I found out. I was too young at the time and I don't remember anything. Maybe I heard someone in the mansion talking about it, or maybe I had a sudden thought and talked nonsense, and it just happened to come true?"

Just right.

How can there be so many coincidences in the world?

Pei He saw her flickering eyes and nodded.

"So, the matter happened in Feng Mansion. At least, it is related to Feng Mansion."

Feng Yun frowned, "Why is the king so concerned about that war?"

Pei He asked back: "Yun Niang, have you ever thought that your mother's death was silenced?"

Feng Yun's heart twitched, and her eyebrows jumped.

It's not that she didn't think about this possibility, but she never told Pei He. She heard the matter from her mother unintentionally, but Pei He made a guess and judgment.

"It's the Feng family, right?" Pei Jue suddenly leaned over, gently stroked her face, raised it up, and looked at her.

"Was it Feng Jingyao who planned that conspiracy? It was the Xuzhou Feng family who caused all the soldiers of the Xie family army to die tragically on the battlefield, and no one survived..."

Feng Yun shook her head, "I don't know."

What she said was true.

But there was a hint of coldness in Pei Jue's eyes.

"If one day, I make the Feng family pay for their blood debt with blood, will Yunniang hate me?"

Feng Yun stared at him in a daze.

In his eyes, there was the bright moonlight, and also her clear shadow.

At this moment, they looked at each other, only each other.

But in her heart, a sense of sadness surged for no reason.

"What is the relationship between the king and the Xie family?"

Pei Jue did not answer.

That is, he was unwilling to answer.

Feng Yun's mind was running at high speed, thinking through the cause and effect of many things thoroughly...

Everyone said that Pei Jue killed many people and was not interested in women. Before Feng Jingting, there were people who offered beauty to him, but his house was clean and there was no concubine.

Why would such a man accept Feng Jingting's "filial piety" when Andu City was broken?

Was it really because her daughter Feng Shier Niang was famous and had a stunning appearance?

Feng Yun felt a chill on her back.

She didn't want to think too much...

The throbbing that Pei Jue brought her from the top of the slope to the dock just now was still there. She would rather believe that it was her unparalleled charm that made the God of War General bow down to her...

She didn't want to believe...

In the beginning, she was not favored by Pei Jue.

Even if Feng Jingting offered Feng Ying, or some other girl from the Feng family, instead of her, Feng Shier Niang, that day, Pei Jue would still accept it.

"Are you cold?" Pei Jue noticed that she was tense, hugged her and rubbed her shoulders.

"Go back."

Feng Yun looked up, her mind chilled for a moment. When he lowered his head to carry her into the cabin, she suddenly asked: "Am I still a member of the Feng family in the king's heart? Am I the one you want to pay with blood?"

Pei Jue gently hugged her and held her up on the spot.

She was too light, and he carried her to the sheltered cabin without any effort.

Pei Jue pulled down the curtain, turned her awkward face, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

"You can pay in other ways."

Feng Yun raised her head.

His breath fell on her face, bringing out an unbearable itch.

"Yun Niang, give me a child, our child."

Good night, good night...

Feng Yun: Today... don't you want to say anything?

Pei Jue: No, I'll do it tomorrow...

Feng Yun:? ?

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