Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 415: Believe with all your strength

Feng Yun froze as if someone had poured cold water on him.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten?"

Facing Pei Madang's sharp gaze, Feng Yun's thoughts went back and forth in his mind. Thinking of Qu'er, the pain of being separated from another life comes, and my heart is like being cut by a rusty dull knife, which is indescribable sadness.

"I was seriously injured when I was poisoned. I will never have another child in this life..."

Pei Man knelt down in front of her, looking directly at her. The fingertips covering the back of his hand seemed to be filled with a layer of cold air.

"Yunniang, are you willing or not?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly, feeling chilled in the cool breeze.

"Your Majesty, I don't like any hardship at all."

Can't give birth, and don't want to give birth.

She felt that her answer was clear enough, but Pei Madang's eyes did not move away, as if they were fixed on her.

Feng Yun was sad.

She sighed quietly, as if all her strength had been taken away from her.

"If the king wants to have a successor, he can only find someone else."

She tried her best to speak calmly, but Pei Madang changed from her hand to holding her waist and slowly moved her into her arms.

"What nonsense?"

His voice was slightly hoarse, and he seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

"Whether I have children or not, I, Pei Mad, will never have another woman in my life."

Feng Yun raised his head, trying to see his face clearly.

The light and shadow of the wind lantern blurred by the rain and fog also blurred Pei Man's face.

Against the light, he hugged Feng Yun with both arms, carefully arranged her clothes, and walked out.

The paddle board was outside, already soaked by the drizzle.

Pei Man bent down to pick it up, paddled vigorously in the increasingly dense rain and fog, and slowly headed towards the pier...

When we arrived, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, but the sky changed in an instant. The scattered drizzle fell, the moon hid back in the clouds, and the stars were also hidden.

Feng Yun sat in the tent, looking at the river under the wind lantern.

Rain ripples.

After a moment, she picked up the boatman's raincoat and bamboo hat.

"Your Majesty, please put it on..."

"No need." Pei Ran didn't look back, "This little rain is nothing."

For the bloody storms he had experienced, it was indeed nothing.

Feng Yun's original intention of giving the bamboo hat was to ease the tension caused by the topic of talents...

She didn't want to quarrel with Pei Ran.

In this way, living harmoniously with each other is the most comfortable state for her.

So I'm a little worried.

Pei Ran noticed that she was standing silently, realized something, and turned around.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Yun smiled lightly and said, "I'm afraid that the king will be angry."

Pei Ran snorted helplessly, "The last thing in the world I dare not be angry with is Yun Niang."

The tenderness in his heart and his low tone made Feng Yun's heart return to its original state.

She slowly walked forward, hugged Pei Man's waist from behind, pressed against his back, and together they bathed in the rain and mist of the river at night...

Pei Madang turned around silently and said, "Sit back."

Feng Yun: "I will accompany the king."

Pei Ran hesitated, "Go back."

"What are you afraid of, Your Majesty? No one is here to see you." Feng Yun deliberately tried to calm the atmosphere, smiled softly, and rubbed his waist gently.

How can a man bear this?

Pei Man held the oar with both hands and couldn't stop it. He could only press the heavy breath into his throat and rowed silently, and the speed became slower...

The drizzle is like smoke, filling the river surface of Shiguan.

The two hugged each other tightly.

They are all working hard and trusting hard.


The night at the inn was very quiet. Feng Yun changed his bed and didn't sleep well. He woke up immediately at the slightest movement.

She heard the postmen changing horses at night, the guards changing shifts, Pei Madang's calm and even breathing, and Ao Qi's voice going out...

After finally enduring it until dawn, I received the news.

Puyang Zong's fingers continued to connect.

She was curious for a moment, "I want to take a look."

She said to Pei Ran: "If the king has something to do, I can go by myself, and then go back to Huaxi with Dr. Yao."

Pei Madang stood up and dressed, and said in a calm tone: "It's time for me to go and take a look. Let's go together."

"It's better this way." Feng Yun smiled and got up to wash up.

Yi Cheng was waiting outside the door with a smile on his face, and bowed deeply when he saw them.

"The breakfast for the two nobles has been prepared. General Ao personally organized it."

Pei Ran glanced at him, "Where is General Ao?"

Yi Cheng said: "General Ao got up and left before dawn. He specially asked the clerk to tell the king that he has returned to the camp and will visit him another day."

Pei Ran hummed softly, without saying anything else, and helped Feng Yun sit down. He looked very kind, which made Yi Cheng bold enough to look at them a few more times before he cautiously stepped back.


The eldest princess and her party were in a medical clinic in Shiguan County.

His Highness took care of his son and did not close his eyes all night long. The attendants did not dare to rest. Their faces were all slightly tired, their eyes were red, but their spirits were particularly high.

As soon as Feng Yun arrived, he noticed these contradictory emotions.

"His Royal Highness is talking to Doctor Yao in the inner room, and he wants to invite the princess."

Pei Ran said nothing.

Feng Yun nodded slightly and said politely, "Thank you."

The two people entered the inner room one after the other.

Doctor Yao saluted quickly, and the eldest princess also stood up.

After exchanging greetings and greetings, Feng Yun stepped forward to examine Puyang Zong's injury.

Dr. Yao connected the broken section of the finger, applied ointment, and then fixed it with a thin wooden board and bandaged it.

To the naked eye, nothing could be seen except that the fingers were bruised and swollen.

The Grand Princess was very affectionate to Feng Yun today. She was full of gratitude from the beginning.

"Thanks to the princess this time, otherwise, my son's hand would be useless..."

Feng Yun said, "It's all thanks to your Highness and the Duke. My suggestion is nothing."

The Grand Princess shook her head, "The princess is too modest."

She looked at Doctor Yao again, "Doctor Yao told me. The princess is my son's great benefactor."

Feng Yun was stunned.

Doctor Yao immediately bowed and explained:

"I told your Highness that this technique of reconnecting a broken finger was from the medical book given by the princess."

As he said that, he looked at Feng Yun again, "However, although it is recorded in the book, I have never treated a case. I am not sure whether the connected finger can recover as usual..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

It must be said that Yao Ru is a smart man.

Not only did he explain the source, but he also cleared the responsibility.

She said, "The prince is blessed by heaven, and he will definitely get better."

"What the princess said is very true. Doctor Yao, don't worry... Even if something unexpected happens, I will not blame you."

The eldest princess saw Yao Ru carefully treating the wound last night, and she had never seen that technique in any other imperial physician.

She firmly believed that Doctor Yao was a miracle doctor, and it seemed that only in this way could she be more firmly convinced that Puyang Zong's finger would get better.

The few people talked for a while, and Yao Ru explained the precautions after the finger was injured, and then prepared to go back to Andu with Feng Yun.

Unexpectedly, the eldest princess wanted to go with him.

"Yier's house in Huaxi has also been repaired, and I can live there for a while. I feel more at ease with Doctor Yao taking care of my son."

Yao Ru's eyelids jumped, and he could not say anything except praise.

Feng Yun was also emotional in his heart.

After the emperor, Huaxi Village is going to have another Grand Princess move in...

According to the Grand Princess' temper, she will not leave Huaxi until Puyang Zong's finger recovers...

Sitting on the carriage on the way back, Feng Yun pondered for a long time and said to Pei Cong:

"The construction of Huaxi Village is imminent. As the head of Huaxi Village, I feel a huge responsibility on my shoulders at this moment."

Pei Cong glanced at her, "If there are not enough people, let Ye Chuang find Zuo Zhong and dispatch some from the guard camp."

"Enough, enough." Feng Yun said, "The villagers must participate in this matter. I want to recruit some young and strong people from the village to serve as village guards."

Village guards?

Pei Cong raised his eyebrows.

"Yun Niang is thoughtful."

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. In some trivial matters, foreign guards are indeed not as convenient as local people.

Feng Yun received his praise, curled her lips and smiled, half jokingly and half seriously, and brought up the old matter again.

"Then when will the king consider promoting me?"

She thought Pei Jue would remain silent or refuse like last time, but unexpectedly, his dark eyes moved slightly and he nodded.

"Okay. I'll think about it."

Feng Yun was surprised.

Above the village head are the chancellors and lieutenants of the county offices. Above them are the county governors and county chancellors. Not to mention that there are no vacancies in these positions, even if there are, it would be very difficult for her to take up the positions.

Not only Pei Jue was in a dilemma.

She was also in a dilemma.

Because when you are in a position, you have to do your job. There will be a lot of official business to be handled in the county, and she can't spare the time to be such an official at the moment...

She was very curious about how Pei Jue was going to promote him.

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