Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 416: Really Happy

The news of Prince Danyang's severed finger has spread throughout Huaxi Village.

When Feng Yun, Pei Madang, Yao Ru, and Princess Dachang returned to Zhuangzi with the injured Puyang Zong, many villagers stood on both sides of the village road and stopped to watch.

Puyang lay helplessly in the carriage, looking at the roof of the carriage in trance.

When the eldest princess saw him like this, her heart was twitching.

"But it hurts?"

Puyang Zong shook his head.

The eldest princess: "Then my son closes his eyes and sleeps for a while?"

Puyang Zong smiled bitterly, "I can't sleep."

The eldest princess pursed her lips, and after a moment of silence, her eyes turned red.

"Zong'er, it's my mother's fault, it's my mother who has harmed you..."

From yesterday to today, the eldest princess has repeated this sentence many times.

Pu Yangzong frowned, then suddenly turned his face and looked at her for a moment, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

"It's my son's fault. It's my son's unfilial piety that makes my mother worried..."

The eldest princess burst into tears, and she held them back after hearing the sound.

It can be said that Puyang has been in trouble constantly since he was a child. The eldest princess will not blindly defend her shortcomings, she must have an explanation after all. Therefore, he didn't know how much he said when he apologized. He changed the words and the tricks, and the eldest princess's ears felt numb...

Never take it seriously.

But at this moment, looking at the tears in Pu Yangzong's eyes, she heard sincerity that she had never experienced before.


The eldest princess held his right hand.

"You will be fine. From now on, grandma will not make things difficult for you anymore. If you don't want to do anything, just don't do it... As long as you are healthy, grandma will be satisfied."

Pu Yangzong twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, struggling to remember.

The eldest princess hurriedly helped him, but he pushed his mother away and sat upright, speaking seriously.

"In the future, please ask my mother to discipline me strictly, point out my faults, whip my son, beat him..."

He lowered his eyes and felt a lump in his throat.

"Lest my son go astray and make bad friends again, which will harm himself and his mother, and make her suffer a lot of infamy..."

These days in Huaxi Village, he actually reflected a lot.

And all the epiphanies reached their climax at the moment when I lost my finger and fainted from the pain...

Many times, the eldest princess suffered many misfortunes because of him and Puyang Yi...

She loves her children and protects her children.

The biggest disaster he has ever had in his life was when he followed Yuan Keng up the mountain in Xiaojie Qiu and met Feng Yun...

If he hadn't offended Feng Yun and Pei Mang, nothing would have happened later.

"I used to be really stupid."

He smiled bitterly and bowed his head to admit his mistake in front of his mother.

"Actually, thinking about it later, Yuan Keng had no good intentions when he encouraged Qu Feng and I to go to Xiaojie Qiu to hunt for treasure... He and Yecheng must have had contacts for a long time. He went to Xiaojie Qiu and said he was looking for treasure. What he wanted to find was mine."

At that time, Feng Yun's mine had not yet officially started construction, but news had already spread.

Puyang Zong was so angry that his eyes were red.

"We treat him as a brother, but he treats us as fools. Qu Feng lost his life, Wang Shao and Fan Yue were also beaten black and blue by Chun Yuyan, and I..."

He looked down at his bandaged fingers, felt the excruciating pain, and frowned.

"This is the lesson."

This is the first time the eldest princess has heard true feelings from her son...

The son who wished he could become a talented person suddenly became enlightened. With tears in her eyes, she didn't know whether to feel sorry for her child or feel relieved.

"It's also my fault that my mother didn't see through his ambition earlier..."

The mother and son exchanged words with each other, which was a rare moment that broke their hearts.

In a short while, the carriage arrived outside Changmen Manor.

This place is still some distance away from Puyangyi's house, but Puyangyi is waiting here, with eyes red from crying, and when the carriage stops, he pounces on him.

"Mom, brother..."

The eldest princess was sad and happy when she saw her daughter.

When Puyang saw his sister, he was unusually kind.

"Sister, please take mother back to rest quickly. Mother has not slept all night and is weak..."

Pu Yangyi noticed the change in her brother's attitude, but didn't think much about it. She turned around and asked the maid to guide the coachman...

The eldest princess said: "Don't worry, just tell the eldest princess."

Feng Yun's carriage was behind Princess Dachang, and it was only then that it arrived.

She also lacked sleep, and the carriage swayed along the way, so she fell asleep in Pei Man's arms.

Hearing the noise around him, he opened his eyes drowsily and met a pair of deep gazes.


"We're here." Pei Ran glanced at the curtain, "The eldest princess is waiting."

Feng Yun yawned.

If we live so close together, why can’t we avoid these etiquettes?

Feng Yun was used to living in the village and was used to being lazy. He felt tired if he was too formal.

But she didn't say anything. The moment Xiao Man helped her out of the car, a decent smile appeared on her face, she walked to the eldest princess' car and bowed.

"Your Highness, there is no need to be polite to me. I am used to being at home in the village, and I am usually not polite. From now on, everyone should be comfortable."

The eldest princess smiled and looked at the villagers watching from far and near. They seemed not to be afraid of King Yonghuai at all, and they were as close to the princess as if they were her own relatives. She couldn't help but sigh.

"The princess is right, I should follow the local customs."

Before she finished her voice, a woman came over with a young man.

One is Sister-in-law Wang from the Yao Ru family, and the other is Xiaolang from the Sun family.

One was carrying a basket filled with eggs padded with rice bran.

One is carrying a basket on his back, and the basket contains most of the herbs.

Sister-in-law Wang put down the basket on her back, grabbed a handful of herbs, and said with a smile: "Your Royal Highness the Princess, my old Yao asked me to pick these herbs from Jieqiu Mountain. They are fresh. They said they were boiled for the king to drink. It will help the wound grow flesh and make the finger come back to life quickly..."

She spoke brightly, stepped forward to bless her body, and handed the basket to the guard.

Another young man from the Sun family was very embarrassed and his cheeks turned red from nervousness.

He bowed and did not dare to look at the eldest princess. He just talked to the eggs in his basket.

"These are eggs laid by pheasants that my father met while hunting in the mountains. I heard that these eggs are more nourishing than eggs laid by domestic chickens. I brought them here specially to... give them to Mr. Puyang... …”

Sun Xiaolang did not address himself as Prince of the County, but as Mr. Puyang.


He is indeed a student of Puyang Zong.

Although Puyang Zong did not study in the village for long, he was strictly controlled every day and had to get up early and go to bed late. He worked much harder than when he was studying on his own. What's more, it was his first time being a teacher, teaching and educating people, and he did feel a bit of novelty, so he enjoyed it...

But he never expected that he, a cheap gentleman with no money, would actually have students to show his respect...

Before Sun Xiaolang finished speaking, Pu Yangzong seemed to have forgotten the pain in his body. He suddenly opened the curtain and looked at the blushing Xiao Lang with a smile on his face.

"Sir, I have accepted your gift, but you also have elders in your family. Take it back and feed it to your mother. How filial to her..."

The eldest princess' lips curved up when she heard this.

Sun Xiaolang shook his head repeatedly.

"No, no, no, my mother asked me to bring it over. She said, we didn't go out to practice, but we were able to get guidance from our husband on our homework. This is a blessing from our previous life. We must not neglect your husband..."

Puyang felt so beautiful in his heart when he heard it.

He felt more and more that his visit to Huaxi Village was not in vain...

"Then...just accept it?"

He glanced at the eldest princess with a bit of pride, and then looked at Puyang Yi with emphasis. Just as he signaled the guards to pick her up, suddenly there was a noise from behind the carriage...

"Mr. Puyang..."

"Mr. Puyang..."

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked Puyang Zong and the eldest princess appeared.

A group of children of various sizes, holding gifts that each family thought they could afford, rushed towards the carriage. They were all children who wanted to visit "Sir".

The attendant was also shocked.

It doesn't matter if you put your hand on the knife, it doesn't matter if you move it or if you don't move it.

The eldest princess shook her head and the guards retreated.

So the group of students who were "ignorant of etiquette" rushed to the car, called Mr. like a treasure offering, and said words of concern. Their faces were full of worry for him.

Puyang accepted Sun Xiaolang's eggs, but he couldn't refuse others' eggs, so he had to accept them one by one, saying a lot of polite words and accepting the gifts.

Before leaving, he said in a serious tone:.

"Take books as treasure and learning as career. You must study hard. Do you hear me?"

All the students responded in unison and bowed to him.

"I understand, Mr. Puyang!"

The chorus of voices made Puyang Zong's ears feel hot.

Growing up, in everyone's eyes, he was a playboy. Even though his mother was kind to him and his sister respected him, she was somewhat disappointed in him.

Including himself, he was eating and waiting to die, and he didn't have any expectations for himself.

But on this day, he received many gifts and countless recognitions...

"Mom..." He held a pile of gifts in his right arm, as if he had come to life again, and took a deep breath, "I'm so happy."

Puyang Zong: I feel like my life has reached its climax...

Pu Yangyi: I really didn’t expect that if I had known this, I would have chopped off your fingers a long time ago...

Puyang Zong:......

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