Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 417 No good intentions

The first day the eldest princess came to Huaxi Village, she had a good start. Her son and daughter were now very close to her. Apart from worrying about Puyang Zong's finger, all the other troubles seemed to be put aside overnight.

She sent someone back to Taiping Garden that day to get a set of head ornaments, put them in a gilded and jade-inlaid jewelry box, and sent them to Changmen.

Feng Yun opened the box and her eyes lit up immediately.

She came from a noble family and had been the queen of Southern Qi in her previous life. She was not someone who had never seen good things, but she was still shocked by the preciousness of this set of head ornaments.

"The eldest princess is really willing to spend money..."

Xiaoman was also surprised, "My God, it's so beautiful... How much is it worth... No, how many Xiaomans is it worth?"

Feng Yun glanced at her and put it back, "Put it away."

Xiaoman happily agreed, stretched out her hand to touch it, and then held the box and put it in the warehouse.

Feng Yun still didn't know that Puyang Zong had "transformed himself". After receiving such a great gift, she had to respond.

So, the next morning, she asked Xu Saozi to take a group of servants to Puyang Yi's farm. In addition to delivering fresh fruits and vegetables grown by her family, she also planted vegetables on the idle land around Puyang Yi's yard...

The eldest princess grew up in the palace since she was a child. She had no experience of living on a farm. At first, she was a little resistant. Puyang Yi repaired the farm, but she never came once.

Unexpectedly, she found that this place was like a whole new world after living here.

The newly built house was cleaner and tidier than she imagined. Even the mosquitoes, rats, ants and inconvenience of going to the toilet that she was most worried about at the beginning were well solved...

Puyang Yi was proud to see her mother satisfied.

"It's done well, isn't it? All of this was designed by Ayun."

After listening to her daughter's story, the Grand Princess was surprised for a moment, and she looked at Feng Yun with a new eye, "This girl is amazing, it would be good for you to hang out with her more."

As if she thought of something, she suddenly turned her head:

"How are you and General Wen?"

When Puyang Yi heard this, her face darkened.

"Mother, don't mention my wishful thinking anymore. Let people gossip about it, and it will only ruin General Wen's reputation."

The Grand Princess looked at her and smiled.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, you accompany me to the village."

In the village, people can hear people praising Feng Yun everywhere.

The Grand Princess couldn't help but feel surprised and incredible that a woman could do this.

As a Grand Princess with power, she actually sent people to investigate Feng Shier Niang when Pei Cong killed someone first and then reported to Bingzhou to marry a wife, and when he and Li Zongxun fought again and again.

It can be said that before Andu County was presented to Pei Jue, she had nothing outstanding except her beauty. Some people even said that she was dull and unworthy of Xiao Sanlang.

Feng Shier Niang was famous, but she was criticized more than praised...

"How did she do it?"

This is the common doubt of many people after they have a new understanding of Feng Yun.

But Feng Yun herself knows that her so-called "ability" is not rare.

It is the lesson of the previous life and the power of dying once.

It is the words and deeds of her mother and the huge number of all-encompassing books.

It made her become the Feng Yun she is today...


He Qia and his son brought Wen Hui to Huaxi Village as a family.

They brought gifts of various sizes to visit Feng Yun, and also visited the eldest princess and Puyang Zong.

When He Qia went to "Yiyuan" where Puyang Yi lived to pay a visit to the eldest princess, Wen Hui and He Chuandong stayed in the manor.

After not seeing each other for a while, Wenhui's face became rounder and she was smiling. It seemed that she was living a good life after marriage. She pulled Feng Yun to talk about family matters.

Feng Yun asked: "Your mother-in-law was sent away from Andu. Did she really not come back?"

Wenhui pulled the corners of her mouth, as if she wanted to laugh, but felt it was inappropriate, so she hid her smile and said in a low voice:

"It's not that she doesn't want to come back, it's her father-in-law who doesn't want to. He said that she should reflect on herself and think it through before talking..."

Feng Yun thought about it. It has been a while. It seems that He Qia has made up his mind to embarrass Mrs. He this time.

"What about Miss Yang San? How is she now?"

Wen Hui shook her head, "I don't know much. The Marquis Xuanping fainted at the family banquet in He Mansion and became hysterical. He didn't remember those things at all. Miss Yang San also kept her mouth shut. No matter how she was interrogated, she refused to admit it. She told everyone that the child in her belly was my husband's. The news spread all over the prison. She said it so many times that there were really those who were soft-hearted and believed her words..."

Speaking of this, her eyebrows darkened.

"She is not deadly, but annoying. She would rather kill herself than make others uncomfortable. She has been in the prison of the governor's mansion for so long and refuses to confess... Humph! It makes people admire her a little bit."

"Don't be in a hurry to admire her." Feng Yun glanced at her, smiling, "She is just choosing the lesser of two evils. If she refuses to confess, she may be able to rely on her relatives in the Yang family and the child in her belly to seek a glimmer of hope. Once she tells the truth, everything will be over. Do you think she hasn't figured it out?"

Wen Hui smiled, "Madam, you are right. This woman is very smart and calculated everything clearly. I almost fell into her trap."

Feng Yun pursed her lips lightly and said nothing.

Sometimes being too smart will lead to stupid things.

She and Wen Hui talked for a long time in the inner house, and He Chuandong was like a son-in-law returning to his wife's family. He couldn't sit or stand in the manor until He Qia came back from Yiyuan.

Feng Yun placed tea in the flower hall and invited He Qia and his son to take a seat.

Pei Jue was not here today, so she was the only one who came out to receive them.

Feng Yun did not mention what she had just discussed with Wen Hui, but He Qia took the initiative to talk about it.

"Mrs. Yang's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and it's not a solution to keep her in prison..."

He looked at Feng Yun's face and sighed.

"She has bad intentions towards the He family, but my wife loves her very much, and the fetus in her belly is also innocent..."

Feng Yun saw that he was talking around the bush and didn't get to the point, so he lowered his head and took a sip of tea, and smiled incomprehensibly.

"The eldest princess handed the matter over to the governor that day, and the governor could make the decision. Whatever you think, you do."

Feng Yun is a gentle and quiet person, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

He Qia has known her for so long, and he has never seen her lose her temper.

But the smile in those soft eyes fell on him at this moment, but he felt a chill on his back, and there was a faint sweat on his forehead.

"I just mentioned this to the Grand Princess. The Grand Princess said that it's been so long since the incident happened, and it shouldn't be delayed any further..."

After a pause, he saw that Feng Yun had no expression, and his heart suddenly tightened.

"The son of the Marquis Xuanping died, and the Marquis Xuanping's hysteria was incurable. The Marquis Xuanping's wife also went to Taiping Garden and the Governor's Mansion many times to save the child... In my opinion, they have also suffered retribution... Why not hand Yang Sanniang over to the Marquis Xuanping's wife, and wait for her to calm down and give birth to a baby?"

Feng Yun was not surprised by his idea.

Although Mrs. He was driven back to her parents' home by He Qia, He Qia still remembered the relationship between husband and wife and would not do things too drastically.

What's more, when the Marquis Xuanping's wife was able to come to Changmen, she certainly went to the Grand Princess' Mansion and the Governor's Mansion a lot.

The Marquis's wife was also from a famous family and a well-known figure. If she makes trouble every day, things will not look good.

Feng Yun said calmly: "The governor makes the decision."

He Qia didn't get a clear answer, and felt a little uneasy. He lowered his eyes, picked up the teacup, took two sips, and then sighed.

"Then let's do it this way first."

Feng Yun smiled and nodded, without saying much.

He Qia looked at the young couple He Chuandong sitting beside him, and smiled again. He told a few anecdotes about the happy love between the young couple, and showed great respect for Feng Yun, the "mother's family".

In the end, Wen Hui said that she would stay in the manor for two days before returning to the mansion. The father and son of the He family didn't say much, left a pile of gifts, and said goodbye.

The next morning, Feng Yun got the news that Yang Sanniang was taken away by the wife of Xuanping Hou in the governor's prison...

Wen Hui pursed her lips when she heard her talk, and didn't look very happy.

Feng Yun knew what she was thinking, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed in Changmen for a while.

This is a gesture to the He family...

But she didn't want Wenhui to get entangled in these trivial matters, so she just washed up and invited her to go with her.

"Today, a batch of coal briquettes will be shipped out of the village, and I have to go and see. Anyway, you are in the farm, so walk with me."

Wenhui naturally agreed.

As soon as the two of them went out with a few maids, Guan Wei and Awan came out of the room. Guan Wei looked carefully dressed, while Awan was plain and looked a little reluctant.

Guan Wei smiled and stepped forward, bowed to Feng Yun, and greeted Wenhui, and then said:

"I heard that the coal briquettes workshop is going to produce coal briquettes. Awan and I also want to go with my wife to join in the fun..."

Feng Yun glanced at her, flicked his sleeves lightly, and walked in front with a smile.

"Follow me."

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