Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 419: Unable to bear the humiliation

Everyone in Huaxi Village noticed that Mrs. Li Zheng was in a very good mood today.

Perhaps it was because she had made a big deal. On the way home, she took the initiative to say hello to everyone she met, and even went around to Yiyuan, where the eldest princess lived, to talk to mother and daughter.

Puyangyi was very happy to see her coming, and took her and started asking questions again.

Although her house has been repaired, many of the decorations are still empty. She originally planned to buy it slowly and did not want to live there for a long time, but when the eldest princess came and praised her, Puyangyi was even more proud of being encouraged. , I wish I could make it perfect overnight to please my mother.

"In this life, the only thing I have accomplished on my own is to build this Ripple Garden..."

Pu Yangyi pulled Feng Yun, glanced at the eldest princess, and whispered:

"My mother seldom praised me in the past. She has been praising me every day these past two days, which makes me feel ashamed. No matter what, I have to make the house more appropriate... Yun Niang, you have to help me."

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly when he thought that she had paid a high price for the land, and it was also the eldest princess's money.

"If there is anything you need me to do, just ask, Lord."

Pu Yangyi's eyes lit up, and he dragged her around the house, talking about the plan of the house. It happened that Feng Yun brought a few beauties with him. Women naturally have their own uniqueness in beauty. You can tell a few of them. I said a word, and after the discussion, Puyang Yi was extremely satisfied.

Unknowingly, it was noon, and Puyang Yi left them down to eat.

The beauties were very restrained and looked at Feng Yun frequently.

Since the two families were so close, they thought Feng Yun would find a reason to refuse.

Unexpectedly, she agreed without even thinking about it with a smile.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Puyang Yi immediately asked his maid to prepare the meal and started organizing it very diligently.

She has an upright temperament. She didn't have many close friends in Zhongjing that she got along well with, and the only one she kept in contact with was Cui Si Niang. It was because she brought some relatives with her.

When I arrived in Huaxi, I didn't expect to meet so many young ladies who I liked.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of the girls, the eldest princess did not sit with her at the same table. They were happy and comfortable, speaking without any restraint, especially after a few sips of wine, Puyang Yi's cheeks turned red.

"I will live in Huaxi Village for a long time from now on. I hope all sisters... take care of me, take care of me... Come, I respect you..."

Listening to this voice, I feel a little tipsy.

Feng Yun held her hand and smiled slightly.

"Your Majesty, please eat some food first."

Pu Yangyi was very stubborn. He held down the wine bottle and shook his head, looking at her with drunken eyes.

"You let me drink, Yun Niang... Ever since Ah Zhi was deposed as a slave, no one has drank with me for a long time."

Feng Yun looked at her expression and slowly let go of his hand.

Pu Yangyi's eyes suddenly turned red, "Yunniang, compared to you, am I very happy..."

This answer was not what the question was asked, and Feng Yun didn't know how to answer.

Puyang Ripple said: "Look at your father, the general came to the city, and he sacrificed you without saying a word. If you were his son, he would be absolutely reluctant to part with you... Look at Azhi's father, who did the same, taking away two children." A son, leaving their sisters and mother behind in Zhongjing... Her mother is Prime Minister Li's direct daughter, without any hesitation..."

Li Zongxun is indeed a cruel person.

It is no surprise that he abandoned his daughter and granddaughter on the way to escape.

The beauties listened to Puyang Yi's voice and felt a little uncomfortable thinking about their pitiful life experience.

The wine was so sad that everyone got into the mood.

Only Feng Yun's face was calm and his smile did not change.

"Women in this world have a lot of bad luck, but the county gentleman is indeed lucky."

At least the eldest princess loved her and was no less kind to her than Puyang Zong.

From this point of view, she is better than 90% of women.

Pu Yangyi raised his head and looked directly at her, "Why do you think this is happening? Why are only women the poor ones?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Has the county gentleman visited Mrs. Cui Si?"

Pu Yangyi shook his head, his eyes filled with mist.

"I pity her, but I can't help her. It's better not to meet her than to meet her..."

Feng Yun said: "There is a law, but there is no choice. Her father and brother have conspired to commit treachery, and she is lucky to survive..."

Puyangyi nodded heavily.

She knew that Feng Yun was telling the truth.

At the beginning of Cui Zhi's accident, she also thought about rescuing...

And the eldest princess told her the same thing.

"I understand all these principles. But I just feel sad and sad..."

She pulled at her chest, her face full of pain.

The eldest princess had repeatedly told her not to show too much emotion about this, so as not to attract gossip, so she usually pretended to be fine.

But as soon as the wine entered his throat, sadness came overwhelmingly.

"Why should a completely ignorant woman bear the responsibility for the sins of father and brother? Cui Si has been pampered since she was a child. How can she be an official slave and endure all kinds of suffering? I'm afraid she will not be able to understand."

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, pouring wine for her without saying anything else.

Some things are beyond her control.

In particular, Cui Zhi's problem involves Li Zongxun. In the context of the confrontation between the two dynasties, it can be said to be the biggest political issue...

She didn't have that kind of friendship with Cui Zhi, so it was inconvenient for her to answer the call.

After returning from Yiyuan, Wen Hui, Guan Wei and A Wan all had red eyes, as if they were all infected by emotions.

Because their fate is actually not as good as Cui Zhi's.

Cui Zhi became an official slave and went to a wealthy family. Her beauty could attract the attention of her husband. If she had another child, she might be able to turn around one day.

When they first fell into the enemy camp, their situation was even worse.

If there was no Feng Yun...

I can’t even imagine what today will be like.

Awan kept his head down and was thinking all the way, and as soon as he entered the door, he suddenly made a request to Feng Yun.

"Madam, I want to set up a pancake stall at the pier and do some small business."

Feng Yun looked slightly sideways, "Why do you suddenly want to do business?"

Awan said: "I'm not as good as Guan Ji, who can wield a knife and a gun. I'm not as good as Wen Ji, who is eloquent. I'm not as good as Nan Ji, Chai Ji, who is studious and diligent. I'm not even as good as Jiang Ji and the others... in Nagato, in Niangzi Under the protection of my wife, I eat and drink well, but I don’t seek to make progress. I can’t share my wife’s worries, and I feel guilty..."

As she spoke, she lowered her head.

"I come from a humble background and don't have much ability, but I also want to do something on my own. I saw it yesterday and there are a lot of people at the pier. It might be feasible for me to set up a small stall..."

Feng Yun looked at her, "Have you thought about it? Setting up a stall is not as easy as imagined. Especially on the dock, there are men digging canals coming and going now..."

Awan shook his head, "I'm not afraid."

After thinking for a while, he looked at Feng Yun and said: "I can pay for it myself. These days, I have saved all the work and food distributed in the village. It is enough to set up a small stall... If I make money, it will all go to my wife... "

Feng Yun laughed, "How do you do that? The money you earn based on your skills will naturally belong to you."

Awan's eyes widened slightly and he became nervous.

"If the lady doesn't accept it, then I won't be able to do this business..."

Feng Yun thought for a while and said, "Okay, if you want to try it, go for it boldly. If you do well, when the shops on the pier are built, I will rent one for you and you can run it. But there is one thing, you must pay attention to safety."

After receiving her approval, Awan felt like he had done something big. He bowed to her with joy, made a gesture of covering his face with a silk scarf, and winked at Feng Yun.

"I will protect myself. I will take Xiaotao and Xiaoju with me."

When Empress Dowager Li rewarded twenty beautiful concubines for disgusting Feng Yun, Feng Yun did not interfere and stayed with them as usual to take care of their daily life.

This is why Awan feels uncomfortable.

Everyone in Zhuangzi has to work in order to eat.

Although they also went to the garment workshop to do some embroidery work and sew a few pieces of clothing, they did the easiest work and were taken care of by maids, but they were not Pei Man's concubines, and their status was embarrassing...

Only by going out can you change your way of life.

Wen Hui and others have pointed out the right path for them, they just need to move forward.

Today, the changes in Huaxi Village are visible to the naked eye.

More and more people are flocking to Huaxi Village.

Puyangyi bought the land at a high price and the house he bought not only did not lose money, but also made a huge profit.

Land has been sold at sky-high prices on the market. As long as she is willing, this big house near Nagato can be sold at twice the price.

In this world, money is worthless, and assets that maintain value are money...

The entire Xijing Dynasty situation can be seen through at a glance.

From the emperor to all officials, everyone looked at King Yonghuai.

As for King Yonghuai, he has been living in Huaxi Village since he used the general's residence to renovate the emperor's palace. Now he is jokingly called his "son-in-law" in private.

So what better and safer place to preserve value than next to Nagato?

Throughout October, the most frequent transactions were not the small stalls on the pier, but the land and houses in Huaxi Village...

There are always some people who have no vision and sell their land. There are always some people who have a way to make a lot of money from it...

Feng Yun saw that he had the most land in his hands, but he did not participate in it.

She has more important things to do.

That night, Feng Yun was sitting in the study waiting for Pei Madang to come back for dinner, when Puyang Yi found Changmen in a hurry.

His eyes were so red that they seemed to be bleeding. When he saw Feng Yun, tears fell down.

"Yunniang, I just got the news that A'zhi's mother couldn't bear the humiliation and hanged herself with hatred on the way to Xijing... A'zhi brought a young concubine, and now the sky is not responding and the earth is not responding... "

Pu Yangyi stared at Feng Yun, begging her to take action.

"Save her, okay? Mother Yun, only you can save her..."

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