Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 420 Sincerity and Kindness

Feng Yun actually had no personal feelings towards Cui Zhi. Even though she was Li Sangruo's niece, she would not be angry about it.

How many things can a teenage girl know...

Like Wenhui and the others, she also has sympathy.

But that's all.

"County Lord." She helped Pu Yangyi, who was crying, "You should go to the eldest princess. She can speak better than me..."

Pu Yangyi shook his head and choked on his breath.

"My mother refuses...and doesn't allow me to interfere in this matter...Yunniang, no one can help her except you."

Feng Yun said: "I can't help, and I won't help."

She clearly refused, which shocked Puyangyi greatly, and her tears fell like broken beads uncontrollably.

"Why, why are they so cruel? Azhi clearly didn't do anything..."

Feng Yun gently followed her back and said calmly: "The county gentleman is kind. When he sees anyone in trouble, he wants to help him. I admire and am very grateful..."

When Feng Yun was in trouble, Puyangyi did not sit idly by and watch what happened to her.

Whether in his previous life or in this life, Pu Yangyi was an extremely kind person, simple and pure, he just didn't want innocent people to be harmed.

Feng Yun is willing to protect this kindness...

"But this matter is extremely involved. I believe the eldest princess has already told you."

Pu Yangyi burst into tears, "Is there no other way?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment and said, "It's not impossible."

Pu Yangyi's eyes lit up and he grabbed her hand.

"What can you do, Yun Niang, please tell me quickly, tell me quickly..."

Feng Yun said: "Find a master who is willing to take her in, whether as a slave or a concubine. As long as he treats her well, life will not be difficult."

The smile on Pu Yangyi's face faded.

"The civil and military officials in the imperial court, princes, princes and ministers all seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Who would come forward at this time to take in the niece of the Queen Mother of Yecheng..."

And Cui Zhi doesn't have such extraordinary beauty that would make a man take risks.

If you don't have a plan, you won't find such a stupid person.

Puyangyi thought about it and couldn't think of anyone to come forward.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun looked at her and said lightly: "Yourself."

Pu Yangyi steadied his eyes and stared directly at Feng Yun. It took him a while to react.


She only thought about the man taking Cui Zhi, but she didn't think about herself, who could also ask for an official slave.

But the happiness lasted only a moment, and his face darkened again.

"Mother would not agree."

Feng Yun said: "Behead first and then play."


Pu Yangyi left with his front foot, and Pei Madang came back with his hind foot.

He was not alone, he also brought Wen Xingsu with him.

After meeting at the door, Pu Yangyi was thinking about something and didn't even notice them. When she heard the sound of horse hooves, she went home without looking back.

Wen Xingsu watched her furiously without making a sound.

After landing in the house, I was slightly surprised to learn the truth from Feng Yun.

Smart people will avoid suspicion in this kind of thing, so as not to fall into the trap of their mouth, and they wish they could cut off their relationship with the Cui family...

She is quite sincere.

After Feng Yun told the whole story, he couldn't help but smile and sigh.

"If the eldest princess knew that I was teasing the county prince like this, I'm afraid she would be blamed."

Pei Ran was noncommittal.

The servants were serving food. Feng Yun lamented about Cui Zhi for a moment, but he didn't hear the two eldest brothers in the room talking, so he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Both of you are trained in the art of silence?"

Wen Xingsu laughed.

"I'm listening to you."

Pei Ran: "Me too."

Feng Yun snorted and glanced at their faces in a funny way.

"Now that the words are on my lips, I won't be polite."

She walked up to Pei Ran, bowed her hands in salute, and her voice was clear and pleasant.

"The Huaxi Pier has been excavated, and the construction of wells and canals in various counties and counties is also in full swing. This has solved the problem of drinking water and irrigation for some villagers, and..."

She looked at Pei Ran, pursed her lips and smiled slightly.

"I don't need to list all the things I have done for the court, right?"

Pei Ran hummed and nodded.

"I have already thought about the promotion Yun Niang wants."

He looked at Wen Xingsu again and said calmly: "On the way back, I also discussed with General Wen, but I have to get Yun Niang's approval in advance."

To promote someone, do you need to get their approval?

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, "As soon as I heard this, I knew that this promotion was not worth it..."

Who wouldn’t do something beneficial?

She spoke directly, which made both Pei Ran and Wen Xingsu laugh.

Wen Xingsu smiled warmly and said: "Ayun misunderstood the king this time. The king is sincere and has taken great pains to find a job for you."

Feng Yun raised his eyes, one on the left and one on the right, looking at them.

"My eldest brother has said so, so I'll just look forward to it. May I ask, Your Majesty, what kind of position have you obtained for me?"

Pei Madang said: "The chief historian of the palace."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

The chief historian of the palace is a formal subordinate official. Of course, he is much more powerful than a lowly Li Zheng. However, the chief historian of the palace is equivalent to the chief steward of the palace, taking care of the affairs inside and outside the palace. To put it more seriously, at best, he is Pei Ran's chief of staff, making suggestions for Pei Ran.

Prince Yonghuai's palace has a long history and a high status.

But basically it's limited to Pei Madang's side...

After all, Pei Ran promoted her and found himself a useful butler. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

Pei Ran raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw her staring at him silently.

"Yunniang refuses?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Yes, why not?"

When she first entered the Beiyong Army camp, wasn't this what she wanted?

Now that he has become Pei Madang's adviser and has become chief of staff in one fell swoop, what else is there to be dissatisfied about?

Of course, the most important thing is that she finally understands that other positions will not only embarrass Pei Mang, but also bring about earth-shaking in the Xijing court...

"Thank you, Your Majesty." She bowed and saluted, but there was no trace of happiness or anger in her eyes.

Pei Man and Wen Xingsu looked at each other.

"It will take a few days for the formal appointment to be issued. General Wen happens to be back today, so let's celebrate in advance."

Feng Yun smiled, "Okay, I just have a problem..."

Pei Ran: "Say."

Feng Yun stared at him with a half-smile.

"May I ask, Your Majesty, where is your palace?"

After hearing this sentence, Pei Ran was stunned.

Wen Xingsu couldn't help laughing. He clenched his fists and coughed a few times to avoid losing his composure.

In Xijing, there is naturally a palace.

So Pei Chong lived there.

But they are in Andu.

Originally, the General's Palace could also be converted into a palace, but now it is being repaired and used as the emperor's palace...

Pei Ran himself was called "son-in-law who came to visit". Where did he come from the palace?

Pei Madang said seriously: "When the writing comes, Qin Dajin will come and hand over various general affairs to Yunniang. At that time, Yunniang will have to worry about it. If the palace is to be built, Yunniang will take care of it."

Another good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Then I am not taking over someone else's position? I am the chief historian of the palace, what is Tan Dajin going to do?"

Pei Madang curled his lips and said, "I have other plans."

Feng Yun said softly, still smiling.

"That's fine, but it depends on the general's arrangement."

You have to eat the food one bite at a time, and Feng Yun thinks this can be regarded as a kind of "promotion".

At least, she rose from Pei Ran's bed to his hall.

It's indeed cause for celebration.

That night she held a banquet at Nagatoso.

Originally there were only three people at the night banquet, but she felt it wasn't lively enough, so she called over a group of beauties who had stayed in the village...

He Chuandong came to the village to pick up his wife. He happened to catch the excitement and was pulled to the table.

Pei Man and Wen Xingsu were sitting at attention, and he was sitting alone at the bottom, feeling uneasy.

But soon, He Chuandong realized that he had thought wrong.

The beauties will not try to please Pei Madang and General Wen, but will only focus on Feng Twelve Niang...

Even his own wife is like this.

Wen Hui's eyes were always on Feng Yun.

Always pay attention to what she eats, drinks, and whether she needs anything...

My usual care for him is far less dedicated than this.

He Chuandong was beyond shocked.

What was even more shocking was that Wen Hui refused to go back home with him.

She said: "Tomorrow morning, I will go to Yutangchun. I can just take an ox cart directly from Zhuangzi. It will be troublesome to go back home."

He Chuandong hesitated, "Are you angry with me and my father because of Mrs. Yang's affairs?"

Wen Hui was slightly stunned, then smiled and shook his head.

"How dare I be angry with my husband and father? It's nothing. I just haven't been back to Zhuangzi for a long time, and I want to spend more time with my wife and sisters..."

She gently pulled He Chuandong's hand.

"Master, please go back first. I will go back home by myself after closing time tomorrow. On my father's side, I need you to be careful for me."

He Chuandong responded dully and suddenly said:

"Then Mrs. Yang is no longer in Andu."

Wen Hui was slightly shocked, "Where have you gone?"

He Chuandong said: "I heard that Mrs. Xuanping Hou was unwilling to be hurt by the situation in Andu. She packed up her clothes and prepared to return to Zhongjing with Lady Yang Sanniang..."

Zhongjing is no longer the Zhongjing it used to be.

But the Xuanping Hou Mansion is still there, and Mrs. Hou's past is also there.

Wen Hui nodded, didn't ask any more questions, exchanged a few words with He Chuandong, sent him to the door of Zhuangzi, and then turned back.

However, when she talked about it with Feng Yun.

When Feng Yun heard this, his face changed slightly.

"It sounds reasonable, but why do I feel... something is wrong?"

Feng Yun: After a long time, I was promoted to be the director of the office of Prince Yonghuai and the secretary-general of Prince Yonghuai...and he was a Prince Yonghuai without a palace.

Pei Ran: ...I already have a son-in-law, and what’s yours is mine.

Feng Yun: Say it again?

Pei Ran: What's mine is yours, and what's yours is still yours.

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