Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 421: Heart-wrenching

In this season, it gets dark early, and as soon as night falls, it’s as cold as ice to the bone.

Feng Yun was very afraid of the cold. Xiaoman took out the fox fur cloak he made last year and put it on her body. It felt very suitable for the time.

The fox fur on the collar of this cloak was hunted by Pei Ran himself. It looked very familiar to him. When he saw Feng Yun wearing it, he narrowed his eyes and said:

"In two days, I will take time to go up the mountain."

Feng Yun took out the silk from his purse and handed it to Xiao Man, and asked absently:

"What are you doing up the mountain?"

Pei Ran glanced at her and said, "Let's see if we can hunt down two good pieces of leather."

Feng Yun let out a soft ooh, and smiled with his eyebrows swaying, "Is this a congratulatory gift for my promotion to the position of chief minister of the palace? Thank you, Your Majesty."

The voice is charming and gentle, and the eyes are full of emotions.

It's like a mist, refreshing your soul.

She didn't do anything, but she gave him a strong impact...

Pei Ran raised the corner of his mouth and said calmly: "There is another gift."

Feng Yun pretended to be surprised and looked over, "Really? Your Majesty is really a decent man. I would like to thank you..."

She bowed to Pei Ran, who glanced out the window at the courtyard and lowered his voice, "There's no need to rush to thank you, Yun Niang must be able to bear it..."

Feng Yun's neck stiffened, and he raised his head after a while. He looked at the man who was sitting upright, slightly twitching the corners of his mouth, and said with a slow smile: "If you dare to be kind, if the king dares to give it, I dare to ask for it."

Pei Madang had originally thought of teasing her, but unexpectedly he received this response. His soft words were like feathers brushing his face, making her feel itchy and numb, and a hot and heavy feeling fell into his lower abdomen.

Pei Madang stretched out his hand to pull the person over, but Feng Yun was caught off guard and sat on his lap.

He controlled her without using any force, neither light nor heavy. With a slight touch, she softened and leaned against him, her voice moist and soft.


Pei Ran's dark eyes darkened when he heard this tone.

He lowered his head and pecked Feng Yun's forehead.

"Yunniang, go to bed early tonight."

Feng Yun groaned, unable to resist under the caress of his hot palm.

She found that after taking the medicine in this life, her physical condition seemed to have changed a lot...

The whole person is extremely sensitive.

Sometimes even if you don't think so in your heart, you can't escape the hidden devil at all...

She gasped twice, stopped Pei Man's hand, stared at him tensely, and almost screamed.

"There's someone outside."

The curtains were drawn down, and they were the only two people in the room.

Pei Ran: "Shh."

On the battlefield, he is a victorious general who conquers cities and territories. In the jungle, he is also a good hunter. He is slow, patient and patient until he eats his prey one bite at a time...

"Hmm." Feng Yun's cheeks were hot and the tips of his ears were red. He almost couldn't help himself. Outside the door, Xing Dalang ran over, huffing and puffing, and reported with a smile on his face:

"Madam, gifts are coming from Xijing."

Someone else giving gifts?

In recent months, Feng Yun has experienced the joy of "icing on the cake".

When things go smoothly, there are countless people willing to show their kindness. Once the sun sets and the road is depleted, and the situation plummets, it will only add insult to injury, and few people will provide help in times of need.

This is why she thinks people like Pu Yangyi are precious.

She glanced at Pei Ran and said with a smile, "I'll go take a look."

Pei Madang retracted his hand and let her go, holding it on the tea cup, his voice soft and hoarse: "Go."

Feng Yun pursed his lips at him and smiled, turned around and opened the curtain. Pei Man raised his eyeliner and happened to smell a wisp of fragrance between the curtains, and his pretty shadow flashed past.

He sighed lightly.

Feng Yun did not expect that it was something sent from Ao Mansion in Xijing.

It's not to celebrate her promotion, but to thank her for preparing Ao Qi's wedding.

In addition to gifts, the Ao family also brought some wedding items and yellow and white jewelry. Three carriages were escorted to Huaxi by the guards of the Ao family. They were so majestic that they were very attractive when parked outside the door. Notice.

Feng Yun asked someone to open the door, and asked Xing Dalang to bring the account book and put the gifts and things sent by the Ao family into the book for future verification with the Ao family...

"You can't be careless when it comes to money. You have to be more careful."

What others give is a gift, and what is given to others is theirs. Feng Yun pays great attention to it and often tells them to act with caution.

Xing Dalang turned one year older by the end of the year, and a green mustache sprouted from the corners of his mouth, making him appear more mature and steady.

"Don't worry, madam, nothing will go wrong."

Feng Yun counted the things and asked his servants to take the people of Ao Mansion to the dining hall for dinner. When he came back, he told Pei Ran about the matter.

"I haven't even started to take care of it yet. The gifts from the Ao family have been delivered. I can't do anything about it anymore..."

As she spoke, she handed a letter into Pei Ran's hand.

"Your Majesty, take a look."

The envelope said "Brother, personally addressed to my sister-in-law" in a beautiful handwriting that looked like it was written by Pei Yuan.

Feng Yun didn't open the letter and gave it directly to Pei Ran.

Pei Madang didn't say much. He opened the letter and read it, then frowned.

Feng Yun observed his words and asked with a smile: "What's wrong?"

Pei Ran pushed the letter in front of her.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "If you talk with your mouth, you will wear out your mouth, right?"

Pei Ran:......

Feng Yun looked at him angrily and took the letter.

In the letter, Pei Yuan probably said two things besides greeting them.

The first is that the old father has been suffering from an old problem recently. He has pain in his legs and feet and it is inconvenient to travel. She has to take care of him at home. He will not take the whole family to Andu until mid-November. Ao Qi's marriage will have to invite Feng Yun, his aunt Duoduo. manage.

Second, when it comes to the affairs of the Cui family, Cui's mother hanged herself, leaving Cui's four sisters alone and helpless. She missed her old relationship and prepared to send someone to Zhongjing to take them into the house.

Pei Yuan didn't say what she did when she got to the house.

Cui Zhi is now an official slave and cannot be Ao Qi's wife. However, she loved Cui Zhi very much at the beginning and must not have the heart to see her in trouble. Moreover, when Ao Qi kept delaying the marriage, Pei Yuan probably felt that I feel a little guilty.

As for whether there are other considerations, it is unknown.

Feng Yun put down the letter and smiled.

"The Fourth Lady Cui has become a sought-after steamed bun. The Lord of Pingyuan County is going to Xijing to ask for someone, and the Ao Mansion has gone there again. Is there going to be a fight?"

She used a joking tone, but Pei Madang frowned.

"The eldest sister is unyielding."

Feng Yun nodded but did not answer.

"Let her do it." Pei Ran said calmly and said to Feng Yun, "I have to worry about Ao Qi's affairs. If you don't have the skills, it's feasible to leave it to Alou."

Ah Lou is not old, but he has rules for doing things. Pei Madang also knows that he is an effective butler trained by Feng Yun himself.

Feng Yun shook his head, "You can let go of other things, but this matter cannot be left to others. I have to do it myself."

Pei Ran didn't say anything more, and stretched out his hand again, ready to pull her.

But before his hands touched him, Feng Yun spoke first.

"If your Majesty is sleepy, please rest first. I have to accompany my eldest brother to the new house. He will leave early tomorrow morning. I have to take advantage of this time to talk to him about the house's affairs."

Wen Xingsu said that he would follow her in everything, but after all, it was his residence, and many things required his nod.

"Go to bed early."

She said and turned away again.

Pei Manang's hand fell on the tea cup again and he sighed quietly.


When Feng Yun walked out of the courtyard, he saw Wen Xingsu stopping under the flower wall.

The leaves have almost fallen off, and a flower tree has gone from being full of flowers to now dry and decaying, looking very depressed.

Feng Yun approached, "Brother, he doesn't look too good, but are you tired? Why don't you go to the new house tomorrow?"

Wen Xingsu was distracted just now. He turned around when he heard the sound and smiled warmly at her.

"It doesn't matter, it's good to take a walk after dinner."

Wen Xingsu didn't pay much attention to the matter of building a house from the beginning.

After many years of service, he had only bought a house in Xinzhou - Chunyuyuan. At that time, it was also to facilitate Feng Yun to come and stay for a while...

But Feng Yun was busy taking care of him. It would be too much if he didn't react at all.

Therefore, Wen Xingsu discussed with Feng Yun all the way with a smile on his face.

The new house is not far from Changmen, just west of Chun Yuyan's village, about 200 steps further. It was originally a barren mountain forest where no crops could be grown. It was sold to Puyang Yi by Feng Yun at a high price next to it. After passing by After some renovations, the road was widened to accommodate two carriages.

In this way, when Wen Xingsu's house was being built, there was no need to build roads and it was more convenient.

Work was stopped at night, but materials were piled everywhere, and someone set up a shack to keep vigil here.

When Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu took a few servants there, they passed by Yiyuan and faintly heard the sound of crouching crying coming from inside...

"No matter what, I have sent people to Zhongjing. I can't catch up... Mother, please punish me if you want..."

The two looked at each other.

Feng Yun said: "It seems to be the Lord of Pingyuan County?"

Wen Xingsu said nothing and looked at him silently.

Feng Yun paused for a moment, then smiled.

"Paper can't contain the fire. I think the eldest princess knows about it... Let's go, let's take care of the house."

The eldest princess dotes on her children, and she needs to be scolded, but once she has been scolded, it is over.

Otherwise, she would not have given Puyang Yi such an idea...

"I didn't know beforehand that the Ao family would take action. Otherwise, I wouldn't have said that."

Wen Xingsu said: "Then how can I blame you? You also sincerely helped me."

Feng Yun nodded, glanced sideways and motioned for Xiaoman to come forward, and ordered: "Go to see the county prince immediately and tell her that the Ao family has sent people to Zhongjing. There is no need to say anything else."

As for what she wants to do, that's her own business.

Xiaoman responded, turned around and went to Yiyuan to knock on the door.

Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu walked towards the wind lantern hung by the night watchman.

Pinshu held a lantern and walked ahead.

The light was very weak, and the lights of Yiyuan Garden were dazzling. Feng Yun looked back at Xiaoman from time to time. He accidentally stepped into the drainage ditch without looking carefully...

"Be careful." Wen Xingsu reached out subconsciously, caught Feng Yun's fallen body, and hugged him over.

Feng Yun stabilized his figure and hissed.

"It's broken, my sprained."

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