Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 425 Your plan and mine

Ge Guang's face was full of astonishment when he heard this, and he couldn't understand the lady's thoughts at all.

Looking at Feng Yun's smile, I didn't know what to say.

"Is the lady just mad?"

Feng Yun shook his head, thought for a moment, and slowly stood up on the chair.

"Prepare the car."

Ge Guang responded and stopped thinking. He followed the order and went out to hitch the carriage. Xiao Man and the two maids were so nervous that they wanted to stop but didn't dare. They were so anxious that they stammered.

"My wife's foot injury has not healed. The king said when he left... that you cannot go out. Whatever you want to do, please leave it to the maid... okay?"

"No." Feng Yun stood on tiptoe, "I'm riding in a car and I don't want to walk. What are you afraid of? Come and change my clothes."

Xiao Man quickly came over to support her, while Huan'er and Pei'er were even more frightened.

At this time, there was a sound of horse hooves outside the village.

As soon as Feng Yun's cloak reached his shoulders, Ge Guang ran back again.

"Madam, the king is back."

Feng Yun motioned to Xiao Man to help her out.

But in a blink of an eye, Pei Man was seen riding into the village on Taixue and stopped in the yard.

He touched Taxue's head. His plain robe was fluttering in the breeze, his face was calm. When he turned around and saw Feng Yun limping out with the help of a maid, his expression didn't change at all...

Feng Yun bowed slightly and saluted, "Why did your Majesty come back so early?"

Pei Man's eyes fell on her.

Feng Yun looked back with a smile, but the maid beside her lowered her head in fear, not daring to take another look.

Eyes facing each other.

For a long moment, Pei Ran didn't speak.

Ji You next to you was anxious and finally couldn't bear it anymore...

He laughed loudly and said: "Princess, today the king went into the mountains before dawn. There is a good harvest, come and see."

As he said that, he saw Zuo Zhong arriving late, leading a horse into the village, carrying several prey on its back.

Feng Yun then remembered that Pei Ran had said that when he had time, he would go into the mountains to hunt skins for her to make winter clothes.

In fact, the skins on the market are not expensive to buy from hunters. Even if it is the best leather, it is not a problem with the financial resources of King Yonghuai and his wife.

Therefore, Feng Yun didn't take this matter to heart at all, thinking that Pei Ran just said it casually...

King Yonghuai was busy with everything, so where could he find time to spare?

She watched Zuo Zhong and Ji You lift the prey down and smiled softly.

"Why didn't the king say that he wanted to go into the mountain?"

Pei Ran said: "I got up early because I was afraid of waking you up."

After the voice fell, his eyes turned to the carriage that Ge Guang was riding on.

"Want to go out?"

Feng Yun hummed, frowning and told him about the coal briquettes being robbed.

"I'm going to visit the Stone Temple."

Xiao Man and others all turned their attention to Pei Man, waiting for him to convince his wife.

Unexpectedly, Pei Madjun's face slightly condensed, without any hesitation, he touched Ta Xue's neck and said:

"I go with you."

Pei Madang is usually very busy. Not to mention the other people in Zhuangzi, even in Feng Yun's eyes, he is a bit of a dragon who never sees the end of his life. He leaves early and comes back late, often missing people.

It can be said that this "one person is below and ten thousand people are above" is not leisure.

With great power comes great responsibility. Feng Yun is also used to not interfering with each other and happily doing his own status quo...

This time, Leng Buding went into the mountains to hunt and make winter clothes, and she was traveling with him, so she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, if you have something to do, just go and get busy. I have a team, and Ye Chuang and the others are following..."

"I'm fine." Pei Ran asked Ji You to lead Ta Xue down to feed him. In front of everyone, he hugged Feng Yun and put him on the carriage, and then he also sat on it.

"Let's go."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment and then said softly, "Let's set off."


The carriage slowly drove out of the village gate.

Feng Yun sat for a while and didn't hear Pei Man's voice. He turned to look at him sitting upright and said something.

"I have to go this time. I am not being willful or trying to be a hero."

No one else understood her behavior, but she felt that Pei Madang should understand.

"God is helping me. I can't ruin my overall plan just because I sprained my foot."

Pei Ran glanced sideways, his gaze deep and gentle: "Understood."

She went, and Nagato's anxiety over losing the briquettes was even more convincing.

Feng Yun was encouraged, breathed a sigh of relief, slowly lay back on the wall of the carriage, and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Li Zongxun really can't keep his temper."

Pei Ran looked back at her, "Yunniang's clever plan."

Feng Yun actually didn't expect it to go so smoothly, so he smiled.

"It's all thanks to the king's help."

Without Pei Mad's approval, even if Ren Rude had any means, he would never be able to transport the briquettes out...

"Of course, I was forced to panic, and there was no other way..."

Pei Madang stared at her.

After a long while, he pinched her arm and pulled her over, leaning into his arms.

"Don't work so hard in the future."

The gentle and hoarse voice is the most intoxicating.

Feng Yun hummed, "I am sensible."

Pei Ran looked at her quietly and said nothing.


When Feng Yun and Pei Ran arrived at Shiguan, Hou Zhun happened to come back with a group of tribesmen.

They met at the city gate. When they saw that Feng Yun was injured and came over in person, they felt guilty and helpless. They lowered their eyebrows and lowered their eyes, looking depressed.

Feng Yun had no expression and only asked Hou Zhun.

"Are there any casualties?"

Hou Zhun's eyes flickered and he apologized in public.

"The enemy has a large number of people and is well prepared. I will remember the princess' instructions and sacrifice my life and wealth at the critical moment. I took the brothers and took a shortcut and ran away. Several brothers were injured, but no one died..."

He hesitated and added: "When a bandit encounters a ruthless bandit, he must live up to the princess' trust."

Feng Yun glanced at everyone and spoke calmly.

"It's just a batch of briquettes. Nagato can afford to pay for it. As long as everyone is fine, I'll feel at ease."

This expression and tone made it seem as if she had come to Shiguan specifically not because of the coal briquettes being robbed, but just to care about them.

Hou Zhun tightened his fingers slightly, said a few more words of apology, and then asked his men to head back to Huaxi.

He didn't leave.

He took two guards and followed Pei Madang and Feng Yun all the way to the Red Armor Army camp.

Then he said to Feng Yun in a low voice:

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. Is your foot injury okay?"

Feng Yun looked down at his injured foot, then at Hou Zhun's expression, and smiled.

"The foot injury is real."


Ao Qi came back at nightfall.

The lights had just been turned on in the camp. When he saw the two people sitting in the hall, he was stunned for a moment before he stepped forward to salute, then frowned and said:

"The Yecheng army has evacuated from Wenchang Palace and retreated to Hualiping..."

He looked a little tired, and after speaking, he glanced at Feng Yun, feeling slightly guilty.

"The battle was won, but the batch of briquettes could not be recovered."

"The briquettes are gone when they are gone. Just win the battle. Xiao Qi has worked hard. Hurry up and put your stomach in bed and change clothes. Let's talk again."

Since setting off last night, Ao Qi has eaten half of the buns. He is indeed tired, hungry and thirsty at this moment. He heard the sound and hugged his fists towards Pei Man.

"Your Majesty, please sit down for a moment. I will not be with you for a moment."

Pei Ran hummed without saying much. He just looked at Feng Yun and became a little colder...

He didn't speak the whole time, and waited until no one was in the hall before he said:

"How many briquettes were robbed?"

Feng Yun might as well ask him.

After a moment of silence, she said, "Not much."

Pei Ran said: "Mother Yun, you are very bold in your bet this time."

Feng Yun looked into his eyes and said, "I have thought about it carefully and found that counterfeit briquettes are the most critical part of this plan. Firstly, I am reluctant to send fuel to the enemy in the winter. Secondly, only Li Zongxun can rob the fake ones. He can't explain clearly in front of Zheng Shoushan. Even if he wants to ease the situation, he can't really apologize, which will further anger Zheng Shoushan..."


Tangzhou, Shangtang City.

Li Zongxun sat in the hall drinking tea with an expressionless face. The tea in the stove was boiling and making a gurgling sound.

The room was warm and not cold at all.

Half an hour ago, subordinates came to report that the Yecheng army was defeated by the Ao Qi Chijia army and retreated to Hualiping to rest.

After suffering a defeat, Prime Minister Li was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic, without a word of blame, and seemed to be in a good mood.

The subordinate, Monk Zhang Er, was confused, but Tang Shaogong felt like he had a clear mind.

"This battle has dampened the enemy's spirit. Although it is a glorious defeat, we have to prepare for the winter. Is the Prime Minister not ready to start another war with the Northern Yong Army?"

Li Zongxun snorted, looked at him and said, "Shao Gong still understands me."

Since he effortlessly filled the national treasury by selling his official positions in Yecheng without any effort, Prime Minister Li has tasted the sweetness of getting something for nothing...

Instead of buying briquettes, grab briquettes.

On the other hand, Zheng Shoushan was asked to go around the bush to buy it.

On the one hand, people pretended to be bandits to rob them.

Kill two birds with one stone.

As for this battle, it was just a matter of deploying troops to cover up others’ eyes...

In the final analysis, with Yecheng's current strength, Li Zongxun clearly had no confidence in a decisive battle with Xijing.

He has always believed in keeping a low profile and biding his time, so how could he become so confused at this juncture?

Therefore, he does not sincerely want to fight.

Tang Shaogong looked at his satisfied expression and lowered his eyes.

"Will this batch of briquettes be sent to Chuzhou now? Prime Minister, Yecheng needs graphite and briquettes more than Chuzhou..."

Li Zongxun frowned slightly, "There is a shortage in Yecheng, but we made an agreement with Zheng Shoushan in advance. It is unreasonable not to give it to him..."

Tang Shaogong's eyes were dark, but his voice was light.

"With the intention of my subordinates, I can discuss with Duke Zheng and allocate some to Yecheng. Anyway, the quantity is so huge, it should be no problem to spend the winter..."

Before Li Zongxun could speak while holding the tea cup, a scout came running towards him, looking anxious, kneeling on one knee and cupping his fist to report.

"Prime Minister, it's not good..."

Li Zongxun scolded, "Why are you panicking? What happened?"

The scout raised his eyes, "Those briquettes are not briquettes..."

Li Zongxun's eyes widened when he heard this, and he stood up suddenly.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

The scout's tone was full of nervousness, "The briquettes we robbed are mixed with stone debris that has been poured with ink... Only a layer on the surface of the box is real briquettes..."

Stone residue poured with ink?

The batch ordered by Zheng Shoushan includes finished briquettes and semi-finished graphite.

After the stone residue is poured with ink, it becomes pitch black, somewhat similar to graphite...

"This is unreasonable!" Li Zongxun's expression changed drastically and he was immediately furious.

"Feng Twelfth Mother has evil intentions!"

With a snap, the teacup fell to the ground and fell into pieces.

Tang Shaogong took a silent look, squatted down to pick up the fragments, and calmly comforted her word by word.

"Prime Minister, please calm down. The most urgent task is to tell Duke Zheng about this matter so as to avoid any resentment in his mind..."

Li Zongxun's chest heaved with anger. After being reminded by him, he slowly calmed down and closed his eyes.

"Do you think it's Feng Twelve's mother-in-law who is pretending to be a scumbag, or are you saying that the Hualiping gang is fooling me?"

Tang Shaogong hesitated and said, "It's all possible."

It was as if nothing had been said. Li Zongxun looked at him with dissatisfaction. Tang Shaogong pursed his lips and said, "Changmen's business is well-known. I'm afraid that it will be difficult for Lord Zheng to accept Feng Shier Niang's claim of selling fake coal?" (End of this chapter)

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