Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 426: Every move is forcing

While Li Zongxun was struggling in Shangtang, Feng Yun followed Pei Madang to watch the army drill at the Red Armor Army camp.

When Pei Madang came to inspect the camp, Ao Qi and the soldiers of the Red Armor Army were interested in showing off, but Pei Madang only briefly looked at a few formations and told them to rest.

There are some people who have just retired from the battlefield, and he is not willing to bother...

Hou Zhun watched it with gusto, but still had some unfinished thoughts.

Having fought with the Beiyong Army for nearly a year, and having close contact with them, it was inevitable that I would have more desire to pry.

Pei Madang didn't hide anything, just like when he let Wen Xingsu visit the camp, he told Hou Zhun everything.

Feng Yun looked on, always feeling that this move was unusual, and could not find the root cause.

Does King Pei really regard Hou Zhun as one of his own?

In front of Pei Madang, she smiled and said: "Back to Huaxi, General Hou also followed the example for me and practiced the Mei Ling step..."

Hou Zhun laughed loudly, "Princess does not mind, Hou must obey orders."

He promised readily, but Pei Madang looked over with stern eyes.

Feng Yun's eyes met his in the air, and his eyebrows raised inadvertently, "Is the king unhappy?"

Pei Ran said: "I won't interfere in your affairs."

Feng Yun smiled lightly.

This person was really duplicitous. He said he wouldn't interfere, but his expression showed that he clearly didn't trust her...


The sun sets.

The carriage lasted until sunset before returning to Huaxi.

Coming and going in a hurry, Feng Yun seemed to be shaken to pieces. He was injured and very tired.

The maid prepared water and she was about to wash up and rest when Ren Rude took Jin Ge back to the village.

When encountering the robbers, Hou Zhun sent a small team to escort Ren Rude away first, and then separated.

When we met again, the originally gentle and elegant Mr. Ren's clothes were messy, his hair was fluffy, and even the well-groomed beard on his chin seemed to be stained with dust and turned gray...

Feng Yun met him in the living room, skipping greetings and etiquette, and asked him directly.

"Why did Mr. Ren come back just now? Is there any whereabouts of the briquettes?"

Ren Rude sighed, raised his sleeves and saluted, his expression showing a stiffness that restrained anger.

"Ren violated the princess's trust. The coal briquettes were robbed and their whereabouts are still unknown..."

The smile on Feng Yun's face faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She stared at Ren Rude.

After staring at him until he felt guilty, he sighed.

"Mr. Ren is very lucky to be able to come back with all his life intact and not fall into the hands of the bandits. There is no need to blame himself."

Ren Rude admired her for being so magnanimous after losing such a large batch of briquettes...

Let alone women, even men in the business world will get angry when encountering such bad things...

But Feng Yun calmed down quickly and asked thoughtfully.

"Look at Mr. Ren...he's not injured, right? Do you want me to send someone to call Dr. Yao to take a look?"

"It doesn't matter." Ren Rude lowered his eyes and sighed.

"Ren almost couldn't come back this time. Fortunately, Jin Ge and others risked their lives to protect him. Ren was not injured, but he fell down on the way back. He was very embarrassed and made the princess laugh."

Feng Yun's eyes glanced at Jin Ge who was standing behind him.

His arms were tied with torn rags, and he looked injured.

She remained calm, gently shook the tea cup in her hand, and asked:

"Mr. Ren, does he know where the bandits came from?"

Ren Rude had thought about this question repeatedly on the road, and after hearing the sound, he said:

"According to Ren's opinion, it is inseparable from the Yecheng army that harassed Wenchang Palace?"

Feng Yun was waiting for him to say this.

He looked at him in surprise for a moment, and then asked hesitantly: "Zheng Shoushan is Li Zongxun's confidant. He definitely has no reason to rob one of his own people."

"Hmph!" Ren Rude snorted lightly, "When the thing is not in Zheng Shoushan's hands, it does not belong to Zheng Shoushan, but to Nagato..."

Feng Yunruo looked like he had realized something, "But wouldn't that still offend Zheng Shoushan? Bandits appeared on the border of Chuzhou, and they robbed the goods purchased by Jiedushi, and those who lost them were also Zheng Gong's people..."

Ren Rude sneered: "Princess, don't forget, this deal was done secretly and shady. Zheng Shoushan can't lose anyone. Besides, who knows if he and Li Zongxun colluded?"

"Collusion?" Feng Yun was thoughtful.

Ren Rude said: "Li Zongxun robbed the goods. The princess was constrained by the fact that she had received Zheng Shoushan's deposit and was very committed to her promise. If Zheng Shoushan came to her door, wouldn't she need to replenish the goods? Buying two batches of goods for one price is really a good deal. abacus……"

Probably because the fall was too hard, Ren Rude had no room to speak for Li Zongxun and Zheng Shoushan. He was just gnashing his teeth...

Feng Yun was silent and looked at him for a moment.

"If you really want to take what Mr. Ren said, don't blame me for turning your back on me."

Ren Rude choked.

In a moment of quick talk, it became what he said.

This little lady is so awesome.

It looks like there is no mountain or dew,

In fact, recruiting is forcing people.

Ren Rude softened his expression and said, "The above is Ren's conjecture, and I can't make any conclusions. We still have to wait until the truth is found out before we can make a conclusion."

Feng Yun hit the snake on the stick, stopped laughing, and said with a serious face: "Then I'll trouble Mr. Ren to send a letter to Chuzhou and ask my brother-in-law Zheng Shoushan. The goods were lost on the border of Chuzhou. Can the thief be found? Gotta come out?”

After a pause, he reminded me meaningfully.

"Mr. Ren has saved his life. I guess he won't burn bridges by crossing rivers. Is he going to trap Mr. Ren for injustice?"

Ren Rude felt his throat was sticky again, as if there was a piece of flying catkin stuck in his throat.

He was the one who set up the line with Zheng Shoushan, in order to please Feng Yun and get closer to her.

He was a middleman, using his own reputation. Now that something happened, and it happened in Chuzhou, so why not look for him? Who should he look for?

Ren Rudri was not a human being, so he could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. He cupped his hands and said, "That's how it should be. Please give the princess some more time to see how they explain."


When Zheng Shoushan from Chuzhou received news from Li Zongxun that someone was cheating on the briquettes, his reaction was exactly the same as what Tang Shaogong said.

fly into a rage.

Don't believe it at all.

There was no affection between him and Li Zongxun, let alone solid trust. They relied entirely on geographical relations and Li Zongxun's cousin-in-law Ge Pei to mediate the situation.

In essence, Zheng Shoushan's Chuzhou Army was still a warlord.

Seeing the cold wave coming, Chuzhou's difficulty in resource shortage has become increasingly prominent.

Before the Jin Dynasty was divided into two, Chuzhou could trade with other places and would not be cut off by the Red Armor Army. It had never been so stretched as it was this year.

Therefore, if Rude holds the line for him, he can get high-quality briquettes from Nagato, which is like providing help in times of need, which he can only hope for.

Zheng Shoushan initially disagreed with Li Zongxun's shameless "clever plan", but because of his face, he did not object clearly. He only made a request not to act within the borders of Chuzhou. If he wanted to do something, he had to do it on the territory of Xijing. …

Li Zongxun naturally agreed.

However, even if he sent a large army to harass the border, his men still did not find the opportunity to cross the Bunjing Palace to rob Nagato's goods.

In the end, he never stopped doing anything, and only took action after the goods were delivered to Chuzhou...

From here on, Zheng Shoushan became furious.

But thinking about it afterwards, as long as the coal briquettes can be obtained to solve Chuzhou's urgent needs, that's all...

Who would believe that coal briquettes are fake?

"Old thief Li, what a ruthless plan."

When things got to this point, there was no need for others to instigate the situation. Zheng Shoushan himself could burst out with many imaginations.

"Chuzhou borders Wenchang. He was on guard against me. He was afraid that I would defect to Xijing, so he took advantage of the opportunity. Not only did he swallow my briquettes, but he also made me hate Feng Twelve Niang, and he refused to let me defect to Xijing. The road..."

As he spoke, he hummed heavily.

"Maybe he would have to pretend to be good and take some of the briquettes I was robbed to show his comfort..."

Before Zheng Shoushan finished speaking, his subordinates reported it.

"Reporting to the Jiedushi Envoy, the Prime Minister asked someone to send two carts of briquettes, saying that they were left over from the cart..."

This was a decision Li Zongxun made after careful consideration.

The briquettes Feng Yun used as a facade could be put together to fit two cars.

In order to avoid any suspicion between him and Zheng Shoushan, he sent everyone to Chuzhou with a letter explaining what happened.

"There is no need for me to be anxious. I will do my best to protect Chuzhou and prevent me from being in trouble. For the current plan, I should find the middleman immediately and let Feng Twelve Niang eat the briquettes on the grounds that the deposit has been paid but the goods have not been delivered. Spit it all out..."

This is the first time we have called each other brothers.

But Zheng Shoushan didn't want to appreciate it.

Seeing the two neatly stacked carts of briquettes, he was so angry that he banged the table like a manic beast.

"Two cars, two cars sent me away? Am I, Zheng Shoushan, a beggar? What an old thief Li, he is so bullying. He really thinks that I am like those wealthy families in Yecheng, just let him round me and flatten me. Robbery?"

In the heat of the moment, Zheng Shoushan lost his temper.

But he calmed down quickly and felt that Li Zongxun's last sentence was right.

If we don’t ask Feng Twelve Niang to get coal, what will we do this winter?

You can also use charcoal for heating, but what about other things? Without graphite, all the smelting in Chuzhou would be slowed down. If his army does not have weapons to supplement, there will be big problems...

Before Zheng Shoushan could cause trouble to Feng Twelve Niang, his brother-in-law came to his door and complained.

"Brother-in-law, can you take care of it? Mr. Ren is the person who saved my life. He is willing to help us and help us solve the dilemma. Now, the goods flew away as soon as they arrived in Chuzhou, and many people were injured. If my brother-in-law doesn't show an attitude, I will no longer be able to be a human being, and I will simply crash into the wooden pillar in the front hall and do what I say..."

My brother-in-law was so angry that he almost grabbed him and threw him around...

When the wife learned the whole story, she cried again.

Zheng Shoushan almost collapsed and gritted his teeth.

"Waiting with pen and ink." (End of chapter)

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