Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 427: One link missing

Zheng Shoushan's letter soon reached Nagato through Ren Rude's hands.

In the letter, he stated that he had sent people to clear out the bandits and at the same time found the stolen briquettes.

But unfortunately, the briquettes are all fake, and the graphite is made from stone residue poured with ink...

Zheng Shoushan said in the letter that it was impossible and had no chance for the bandits to make false claims while on the run.

Therefore, he believed that the source of fake goods was in Huaxi Village.

In order to seek justice for his brother-in-law, he hoped that Feng Yun could fulfill the order as scheduled and replenish the batch of briquettes, otherwise Nagato's breach of trust would be made public...

The most important word for people at that time was "faith".

He believed that Feng Yun and her fledgling Nagato would care...

When the incident came out, there was an uproar in Huaxi Village.

The scene when Hou Zhun escorted the coal briquettes out of the village that day is still vivid in my mind.

Mrs. Li Zheng is kind-hearted and smiles when she sees everyone. She goes to the workshop in person to supervise the shipment with a few beautiful beauties.

In other words, the briquettes were transported away under the noses of the villagers.

Many people said that they saw with their own eyes that the car was full of black briquettes and graphite slag.

How could it be a fake?

It was obvious that Mrs. Li Zheng had used her family's wealth to send out the goods and was cheated.

The villagers felt sad about this. Starting from the next morning, people came to Changmen one after another to inquire about the situation, curse Zheng Shoushan and Li Zongxun, and leave some of their own thoughts.

Except for a few pinkeyes, most people in Huaxi Village are truly grateful to Feng Yun.

The coal briquettes that people all over the world are rushing to grab can be easily obtained without leaving the village.

Moreover, the supply of goods is tight, and the expenses of the villagers are guaranteed. Not only that, what they get is the lowest price, the quantity is not large, and it is enough for the whole family...

The more daring ones can earn a lot of money by selling some secretly.

Such a good life is all thanks to Feng Twelve Niang.

But such a good person was framed by someone...

No one can figure it out.

Voices scolding "God has no eyes" filled Huaxi Village, and even the eldest princess was extremely angry...

"This old thief Li is really getting better and better as he gets older."

When Li Zongxun engaged in "competition" to sell officials in Yecheng, the eldest princess scorned it. When this came to her ears, she was even more disdainful of it, and she was glad for her original choice.

It is right to choose Xijing instead of Yecheng.

A person who is so miserable has no future.

Li Zongxun supported the Yecheng court under the young emperor, but it would not last long.

The eldest princess completely recognized the orthodoxy of the Xijing court, so she needed to have a good relationship with Pei Ran and his wife.

She asked people to prepare gifts, and then personally went to Puyang Yi's room where she was confined at home, and allowed her to go out.

"Take your things and go to Zhuangzi to see the princess. She has been wronged in this matter. If anyone talks nonsense, I can also testify for her. Those briquettes cannot be fake..."

Pu Yangyi's eyes lit up, she slid down from the couch and hugged her mother affectionately.

"Auntie doesn't blame her anymore?"

The eldest princess frowned, "What do I blame her for?"

snort! Pu Yangyi's face raised up, her eyes showing slyly, "Don't think I don't know that you are very worried about Yun Niang occupying the Xiaojieqiu mine and building a private workshop..."

The eldest princess’s eyebrows darkened and she didn’t say a word.

Pu Yangyi observed the words and said: "Besides, she ignored the imperial ban this time and secretly did business with Chuzhou. My mother really doesn't take it to heart..."

The eldest princess looked at her and lowered her eyebrows slightly.

"My mother doesn't have such a villainous heart."

Of course she wouldn't admit it.

Then, he even thought of an excuse for Feng Yun.

"In my opinion, this Feng Twelfth Mother is not a money-minded person, and she is very measured in her actions. The supply of briquettes in Huaxi exceeds the demand. If it is just to make money, there is no need for her to sell them to Chuzhou and cause gossip. Therefore, I guess this move must have been authorized by King Yonghuai..."

Puyangyi didn't think much about it at all. Hearing the eldest princess speak clearly and eloquently, she became interested.

"What is the instruction?"

The eldest princess looked at her steadily, then suddenly raised her finger and poked her forehead.

"Idiot. Think about it again, what kind of person is Feng Twelfth Mother? She must have done this to hook up with Zheng Shoushan..."

As soon as Puyang Yifu was born, she lived a very comfortable life and rarely worried about political affairs. She seemed to understand something when she heard this, "She had everything when she hooked up with King Yonghuai, and she even hooked up with an old man named Zheng Shoushan to do anything. ?”

The eldest princess looked at her innocent and pure daughter.

I sighed quietly in my heart.

"You must be good friends with Feng Twelve Niang in this life."

Puyang Yi is even more incredible.

"My mother didn't allow me to go to Yun Niang yesterday, saying she was giving me blind ideas...why did she suddenly change her mind?"

The eldest princess couldn't laugh or cry.

What is this change of heart?

"People are not black and white, and things are not absolutely right or wrong. With your brain, if you don't follow her properly, your good life will come to an end when my mother dies."

Puyang Yi:......

"Why do you say it so bluntly? You didn't say that before. You also said that your daughter has a very clear temperament and is lovable..."

The eldest princess:......

Mother and daughter looked at each other for a moment.

She said: "Go ahead and stay over there to eat."

Pu Yangyi was very puzzled: "Why?"

The eldest princess said: "I'm afraid that if I see you, I'll be so angry that I won't be able to eat."

Puyang Yi made a sound and responded with a smile, "My daughter accepts the order."

Of course she's not really stupid, she just doesn't have those intrigues in her mind, and she doesn't consciously speculate on the complex nature of human nature.

After everything was packed, her curious nature made her run back in a hurry.

"My mother hasn't told me yet, why did Yun Niang want to hitch a ride on Zheng Shoushan?"

The eldest princess looked at her daughter's clear black and white eyes, hesitated for a long time, and then said: "In order to disintegrate and divide Li Zongxun's forces, I will fight without mercy."

Puyangyi suddenly understood and bowed deeply to the eldest princess.

"Thank you, mother, for your advice. My daughter understands. From now on, I will definitely hold Yun Niang's thigh tightly!"

Looking at her furious back, the eldest princess laughed and shook her head.


Everyone is complaining for Feng Yun.

Feng Yun was extremely calm.

The moment she received the letter, she wrote back to Chuzhou.

"It is our responsibility that the goods were robbed before they arrived. However, in order to complete this transaction, Mr. Irresponsible went all out. Our workshop has spent all it has, and we don't even have any extra briquettes for winter. We have no inventory. All are sent to Chuzhou. I also ask Mr. Zheng to give him more time. The workshop is working overtime to ensure that Mr. Zheng’s wife and brother will not be wronged. "

At the end, it was signed correctly.

"Nagato Feng Yun, yours sincerely."

When Ren Rude got the news, he couldn't believe it and went to Feng Yun to verify the authenticity. Then he tried to dissuade him in many ways, saying that he could not suffer such a secret loss.

Feng Yun said: "Businessmen are based on integrity. Unless we find evidence of Zheng Shoushan's robbery, otherwise, if the briquettes are lost in our hands, I should bear the responsibility."

Ren Rude was stunned for a moment.

This courage,

He is so fond of Miss Feng.

"My wife is also the husband of her children."

Ren Rude received a moral baptism from Feng Yun. When he returned home, he wrote to Chuzhou and scolded Zheng Shoushan's brother-in-law, saying that he was ungrateful and shameless. He also said that he had deep roots in Southern Qi and many friends, and he would He informed his three friends and four friends that he would no longer deal with Chuzhou.

After letting out a deep breath, Ren Rude did not forget to report to Xiao Cheng what was happening in Huaxi on a daily basis.

"Feng Twelfth Mother is suffering from such evil aura, and it will be difficult for her servants to do anything when they see her."

Seeing his sullen face, Jin Ge sealed the letter angrily, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

At night, he secretly went to see Feng Yun. He opened his mouth and asked:

"Is it worth it, madam?"

Jin Ge learned a lot of news about Yecheng through Ren Rude and passed it on to Feng Yun.

He is now Feng Yun's informant.

Therefore, she could hide many things from others, but she could not hide many things from Jin Ge.

Feng Yun glanced at him and did not answer directly. He only asked:

"Will you tell Ren Rude and Xiao Cheng?"

A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea.

Jin Ge couldn't see through her behavior at all, so he moved his lips and lowered his eyes.

"If I want to say anything, I can't wait until today. I have betrayed Your Majesty and will not betray you again."

Feng Yun smiled: "I know you are a person who knows how to choose and what is right. Don't worry, I won't treat you and Yun'e badly."

Jin Ge's conflicted mind was soothed by her light words.

He was silent for a moment, "Madam, do you really want to replenish a batch of briquettes for Zheng Shoushan?"

"Of course." Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "A good man will do it to the end, and I will definitely satisfy him."

I am so satisfied that I owe this favor.

He was so satisfied that he felt sick when he saw the hypocritical Li Zongxun.

So satisfied that everyone in the world will be jealous...

He was so satisfied that the entire Yecheng court couldn't understand it and attacked him with words.

He was so satisfied that Zheng Shoushan had no other choice but to defect to Xijing...

Jin Ge was speechless.

After understanding about seventy-eight points, I felt even more horrified.

Can an ordinary woman from an aristocratic family come up with this plan that is watertight?

Jin Ge even felt that behind Feng Yun, there was Pei Mant's plan. (End of chapter)

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