Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 429: Always unexpected events


Chun Yuyan hasn't been back for a while, and the servants in the village are as relaxed as if they were celebrating the New Year...

He came back, from top to bottom he was like a mouse seeing a cat, he didn't dare to show his anger, he waited on him with trepidation...

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that when the master came back from Nagato yesterday, he was originally in a good mood. After a night yesterday, he seemed to be a different person. He woke up early in the morning and was gloomy and lecturing, like a debt collector.

Everyone around me is asking about each other.

"Your Majesty, what's going on?"

Nobody knows.

Only people secretly speculate.

"Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Someone asked Xiang Zhong.

Xiang Zhong smiled naively and didn't know what to ask.

In fact, Chun Yuyan himself didn't know why.

People have a spring night, what does it have to do with him?

It happened that the little brother was disobedient and yelled like crazy.

Others cannot.

Only Feng Twelve.

Relying on the wild imagination in my mind, I felt comfortable at the time, but what was left was only emptiness, anxiety, and a kind of powerlessness that seemed to be swallowed up by fear and despair at any time...

It was obviously very warm in the Nuan Pavilion, and the windows were bright and clean, which he liked.

But he just didn't feel comfortable.

This house is still too lonely after all...

Nagato is so lively.

All of them were smiling brightly, unlike those around him, who were like the Tomb of the Living Dead. Even if the servants had smiles on their faces, they were stiff, clumsy, hypocritical, and not genuine.

It all made him feel terrible.

I felt empty and breathless.

He had to find a place, or someone, to vent to.

If you don't tear others to pieces, you have to tear yourself into pieces...

"Xiang Zhong." Chun Yuyan's voice was faint and faint.

Xiang Zhong was waiting outside the curtain.

He could not lift the curtain and enter without the master's permission.

"Your Majesty, the villain is here."

Chunyu Yan said: "Is there someone dead in our village?"

Xiang Zhong:......

He remembered what Chun Yuyan had told him, to laugh and smile more.

He coughed lightly, lowered his head and said calmly:

"The villain immediately ordered that everyone in front of the Crown Prince must serve with a smile... Hehe."

This hehehe sound is perfect.

Xiang Zhong has a smile on his face, a fat and white face, and an indescribable weird expression...

Chun Yuyan didn't see anyone, and he got goosebumps when he thought about his appearance.

"Is it funny? If you laugh again, I'll cut out your tongue."

Xiang Zhong's face grimaced.

It doesn’t matter if you laugh, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t laugh. What should I do?

Chun Yuyan said, "Why can't you imitate the Changmen's servants? Look at the Changmen's servants, which one is like you?"

Xiang Zhong stood with his hands down.

What’s on my mind: The prince is not as kind as Feng Twelve Niang, isn’t he? There is no slave like a master. Why doesn't the prince know who he is?

But he said: "Your Majesty taught them a lesson, and the villain asked them to change..."

"You should change too."

"Yes, even villains will change."

"Don't be submissive, be tough."

"..." Xiang Zhong bowed his body and took a long time to lift it up, but in front of Chun Yuyan, he, a castrated chamberlain, still didn't know how to be strong.

At least being submissive won't kill you.

If you are too tough, your brain will not be able to eat tomorrow.

"Your Majesty, I have a doubt, I don't know whether to ask it or not..." After all, Xiang Zhong has served Chun Yuyan for many years and understands his temperament.

The prince had already taken advantage of Feng Twelve Niang. There was no way to change this. He could only change the topic and find something to make him happy.

Chunyu Yan said: "Ask?"

Xiang Zhong said: "The prince has been running around to sell briquettes these days. He is exhausted and thin. Why should he give the profit to Feng Twelve Niang? The prince... is not that kind of person."

Chun Yuyan thought of the account book that was handed over to Feng Yun and chuckled.

"She deserves it."

He looked forward to Feng Twelve's "surprise" reaction.

That woman who valued wealth as much as her life didn't know how happy she would be when she learned that he had cut her share.

From now on, instead of expressing gratitude, you should at least give him a good look, right?

He waved back to Xiang Zhong, ordered tea and fruit snacks, and ate in silence while waiting for Feng Yun to come over and thank him.

He has already thought of how to spite Feng Twelve...

Feng Yun didn't come over for a long time.

Chun Yuyan couldn't sit still.

Ordinarily, Feng Twelve should have read the account books last night.

It's daybreak, haven't you gotten up yet?

He sent Sanjiao to see what Feng Twelve was doing.

Sanjiao came back soon and reported with his hands outside the tent.

"Your Majesty, Mother Feng is not in Zhuangzi..."

Chun Yuyan was lazily leaning on the recliner just now, but he sat up in confusion after hearing the sound.

"Where have you gone?"

Sanjiao was shocked when he saw his reaction, and he couldn't help but be hesitant and nervous when he spoke.

"I asked around and found out that I went to Andu with King Yonghuai..."

Pei Wangzhi...

With Pei Wanzhi already there, how can I still want him?

Chunyu Yan's face immediately fell.

"You're a heartless bitch. That's all. When she comes back, she will always come to me to thank you."


The weather has cleared up, and the early winter sunshine is particularly bright. It shines brightly on the carriage curtain, causing Ah You to poke it with his little hand from time to time...

Zuo was even more anxious and kept asking questions along the way.

"Mom, how long do we have until we get to Andu?"

"Mom, how long does it take?"

The two little children were the most excited. From the day of departure, they were looking forward to meeting their uncle, aunt, and eldest brother.

Pei Chong sat silently and made no sound.

Pei Yuan hugged Ah You who kept poking at the sun with her fingers.

"Put down the curtain, the wind is strong, it may blow your little face."

Ah You said obediently and turned around, "How long until we get to Andu? Mom?"

Pei Yuan made their heads hurt by asking them questions.

"Hurry, hurry, it will be here soon."

As the carriage entered Andu County, the road became obviously much wider and smoother.

As we approached the city gate, there was even more traffic, making people think we were in some prosperous capital city.

It had not been long since she came to Andu last year, but this city gave Pei Yuan a familiar and strange feeling.

"Father, the population of Andu seems to be more than before..."

Pei Chong followed her line of sight and looked out, "It is a auxiliary capital after all, it is not the same."

Pei Yuan looked at the crowded scene in front of her and suddenly had the idea of ​​settling down in Andu, but after looking at her father's face, she swallowed her words.

During the Zhongjing Incident, Pei Madang sent Pei Chong to Xijing from Zhongjing. Later, he learned that the Tinglan Courtyard where his late wife was housed had been destroyed by fire. Pei Chong was so angry that he became seriously ill.

At this time, because of Ao Qi's marriage, he no longer made trouble to return to Zhongjing to accompany his late wife in order to avoid bad luck. However, General Pei, who was originally taciturn, became even more silent, and his mood was visibly depressed.

Along the way, Pei Yuan and her two little ones tried every possible means to make their father happy, but there was no smile on Pei Chong's face.

Pei Yuan sighed, "I'm going to see Ah Ran soon. If you keep keeping a straight face, I'm afraid he will blame himself again."

Pei Chong had no reaction.

Zuo beside him suddenly shouted.

"I saw my uncle and aunt!"

Ah You stuck his head out and asked in surprise: "Where is it?"

"Over there, over there - look, sister -"

Ah Zuo pointed with his little hand.

"Uncle! Auntie!!"

"Aunt and aunt!"

Today, there is a big market in Andu, with merchants gathering and people coming and going. Feng Yun and Pei Mang couldn't wait at the city gate, for fear of attracting onlookers and blocking the passage, so they waited under a herbal tea shed not far to the left of the city gate. .

There were many people rushing into the city. They hadn't seen the Pei family's carriage yet, but the sharp-eyed children spotted it first.

When Feng Yun heard the sound, he quickly stood up and walked over with Pei Ran.

Pei's family is not large, but they brought a lot of things, and their entourage is also very large and looks very impressive. You can tell which wealthy family is traveling at a glance.

Immediately someone looked over here.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Feng Yun exchanged a few polite words and said:

"It's windy outside, why don't you go back home and sit down first and then elaborate?"

Pei Yuan glanced at her and said with a smile: "My sister-in-law is right, I also have this intention."

The master was talking just now, but Zuo and You didn't dare to interrupt. They jumped up in a hurry when they heard the sound.

"I want to follow my aunt and take her car."

"I want it too! I want it too!"

The two men got off the carriage one after another and entangled Feng Yun.

Pei Yuan's expression was hard to describe. Pei Ran didn't say anything. He bent down and picked up the two cubs, holding one in each hand and throwing them directly into his carriage.

Children cheered suddenly in the carriage!

Pei Yuan said: "They have been thinking about coming to Andu for a long time. They are so excited that they can't control them. My sister-in-law is here to help."

"You're welcome, elder sister. I will take good care of them and see you at the mansion." Feng Yun saluted her and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly saw the maid standing beside the carriage, who looked familiar.

She paused and stared.

The maid quickly lowered her head, not looking at her.

At a quick glance, Feng Yun was overwhelmed with emotion.

It's Cui Zhi.

She has changed a lot.

The family's decline and frequent changes have made Cui Zhi's originally round and plump face become thinner and sharper, and his body is no longer as plump and plump as it was before. His whole figure is like a branch that has been drained, as fragile as a gust of wind. It will blow her down...

If it weren't for the tear stain under her face, Feng Yun would be almost unrecognizable.

It seems that in the end Cui Zhi chose to follow Mrs. Ao instead of Puyang Yi... (End of this chapter)

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