Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 430 Those who rely on strength will die

Feng Yun settled Pei's father and daughter in Andu's house.

She had asked Wen Hui to buy this house in Yutangchun.

At that time, Andu was under the shadow of war, and the houses were worthless. She bought a lot of them at once.

If Chunyu Yan hadn't interfered and challenged her in Huayuejian to raise the price, she could have bought more cheap goods.

Now Andu has become the auxiliary capital of Dajin, and the things she bought at a low price have all become popular, and she has made a lot of money.

And this happened in just one year.

This house has more than three entrances, and it is elegant and unique. The original owner was Wang Dian.

The matter between Wang Dian's concubine and his son later caused a lot of trouble in the city. He felt that he had no face to stay in Andu. Andu was shrouded in the shadow of war. He simply sold his property and led his family south. He sold his property to Feng Yun for 500,000 yuan, and also brought a lot of belongings that could not be taken away.

Of course, Wang Dian didn't know Feng Yun was the leader of the gang of bandits who broke into his house at night and pulled his son and concubine out of bed until he left Andu.

This is the largest house Feng Yun has in Andu County.

It had been idle for a while before. After returning from Bingzhou, she sent people to renovate it. After learning that Ao Qi was going to get married in Andu, she sent people to clean and tidy up, added some furniture and things, and it looked more presentable. Even if Wang Dian came back, he would probably admire it. It's different now.

Pei Yuan was satisfied with this house.

"How much is the rent for this house? I'll give the money to my sister-in-law later."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "It's my own house, sister, just live there at ease, it's out of place to talk about money."

The morning light was dim, shining on her fair and delicate face, and she was beautiful.

Pei Yuan turned her head and looked at it, and her heart was shocked for a moment.

She knew Feng Yun was doing business.

But a woman with some skills, how much can she make?

If she had the spare money to buy a house, why did she still live in a small village?

So, when she learned that Pei Cong had presented the General's Mansion to the court, Pei Yuan was against it in her heart.

The little emperor wanted to build a palace, so he did.

To save money for the treasury, what else would he be but a fool?

But she couldn't make Pei Cong's decision, so she didn't ask much.

However, she also discussed with Pei Chong in private that it was not appropriate for Ah Cong to live in Changmen, like a son-in-law who married into the family.

She even took out her savings and wanted to buy a house for Pei Cong in Andu...

Of course, Pei Chong refused.

He didn't spoil his children.

He was the regent of the court, so he was still dependent on his parents?

"A son-in-law is a son-in-law, let him be."

Pei Yuan didn't dare to say more after her father spoke, but this time when she came to Andu, she still brought her own money and prepared to come and see for herself. If there was a house she liked, she would buy it first.

After she divorced Ao Zheng, she lived and ate in Pei Mansion, which meant she had to rely on her brother in the future. She had a sum of money in her hand, which was all hers after the divorce. No one dared to say that she used her husband's money to subsidize her parents' family. If she could help her brother, she would feel more at ease...

But what she saw now was not what she had expected.

Pei Yuan temporarily put aside her concerns and visited this magnificent house under the guidance of Feng Yun...

"Sister-in-law, you are so thoughtful." She was sincerely grateful.

It can be seen that Feng Yun took some time to bring them here.

Her father's residence and her residence seemed to know their preferences, which were very comfortable.

Especially the two children's room, which was full of innocence and childishness, which made Zuo and You happy. They rushed in and rolled on the ground...

When the children are happy, the mother's heart softens.

"Don't just be happy, why don't you get up and thank your aunt!"

The two little ones liked Feng Yun in the first place. After hearing their mother's order, they all got up, tidied their clothes, and bowed deeply to Feng Yun.

"Thank you, aunt."

Feng Yun touched Ayou's head.

"Go play."

The two little ones called out and ran away again.

Feng Yun looked at Pei Yuan sideways, "The wedding is just a few days away, and there are still some details to be finalized. Let me and my sister sit down and discuss it?"

Pei Yuan nodded, "Very good."

The two of them walked in front, and the maids followed behind.

Xiao Man had seen Cui Zhi more than once. When this noble lady came to Huaxi Village, she frowned and acted arrogantly. She still remembered all kinds of unhappy expressions...

She couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

For most people, their lives are set when they are still in their mother's belly. She would not add insult to injury like Cui Zhi's ups and downs, but she was still very curious and looked at her frequently.

Such a look was extremely ironic in Cui Zhi's eyes.

She was born a noble lady, and could not be a servant.

But with the departure of her father and brother, the tragic death of her mother, she had experienced the ups and downs of the world with a half-sister who was not close to her, and had learned to lower her noble head...

But that was in front of strangers.

When she came to Andu and met old acquaintances, especially when she met Feng Yun again, the person that Ao Qi had hidden in his heart, it was impossible to say that she was completely relieved.

But she could do nothing.

Even shame and timidity were luxuries.

She could only lower her head and listen to Feng Yun and Madam Ao talking and laughing...

Pei Yuan was probably afraid that she would be embarrassed, so she did not mention Cui Zhi to Feng Yun from beginning to end, as if she was really just an ordinary maid.

However, when the two sat down in the inner room, as soon as Ao Qi's marriage was mentioned, her inner injustice and dissatisfaction could not be controlled and revealed.

"The daughter of a barbarian, ignorant of the world, Xiao Qi's marriage, without hiding it from her siblings, I am not satisfied with anything..."

Now she could speak her true feelings to Feng Yun calmly and not regard her as an outsider.

Ao Qi's little crush on Feng Yun has been transferred to the daughter-in-law she has never met since Ao Qi agreed to the Wuhebu marriage...

Feng Yun could see Mrs. Ao's thoughts, but she was in no position to say anything, not to mention Cui Zhi was also in front of her.

So she smiled faintly and didn't answer.

Pei Yuan held back her emotions and felt slightly uncomfortable.

After all, she is not someone who is used to badmouthing people behind their backs.

"It's not that I look down on her, it's just that she grew up there. She grew up in the Black Back Canyon. She and Xiaoqi are not the same person at all. How can we be a couple?"

Feng Yun smiled calmly and remained silent.

Pei Yuan said: "Xiao Qi has a gentle and kind nature. Meeting such a daughter-in-law will be a waste of time in this life..."

Feng Yun didn't look at Cui Zhi's expression. He just glanced at her hanging hand and curled it slightly, as if he had used a lot of strength.

In the silence, there was an unwarranted low pressure.

She said: "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Sister, don't worry too much."

This answer is absolutely perfect.

I said it, but it seemed like I didn’t say anything.

Pei Yuan couldn't speak any more and swallowed back the rest of her words dryly.

"At this point, there is no other way. The invitations have been sent out, what else can we do? Let's do it, bite the bullet and do it!"

Feng Yun smiled slightly and signaled to Xiao Man.

"Bring me the list I wrote."

Xiaoman responded, walked past Cui Zhi, and presented his hands to Pei Yuan.

"Mrs. Ao, please take a look."

Feng Yun and Pei Yuan were discussing Ao Qi's marriage. In front of them, Pei Madang and Pei Chong sat opposite each other, and there was no sound for a long time.

Neither of them were talkative people, so they were so bored together that the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

Pei Madang looked at his father who was still angry and broke the silence.

"Zhongjing won't let you go back alone. If you really miss your grandma, I'll have someone move her grave here..."

Pei Chong had no reaction just now, but when he heard the sound, he raised his head and stared at him sharply.

"you dare!"

Pei Ran pursed his lips slightly and said, "I won't give up until I'm forced to do so. You have the final say."

"Hmph!" If he had the final say, he would not appear in Andu at this moment, but would be buried in the fire in Zhongjing that night.

By this time, he should have reunited with his deceased wife.

For a person whose lower body is paralyzed, life is actually not that easy even if someone is waiting on him. During those long years, he often felt that death was the only relief.

"Your mother has been waiting for too long." Pei Chong pondered for a moment and then suddenly spoke, with a hint of loneliness in his voice.

Pei Ran looked at his face and said, "Are you serious?"

Pei Chong was startled, "What?"

Pei Ran said: "Shall I send you there?"

Pei Chong:......

The most unfilial and unfilial son in the world probably wouldn't be able to say such a thing, he would just do it silently...

Pei Chong said: "Don't talk about it. Xiaoqi's wedding is a happy event."

Pei Ran hummed and said with a calm expression, "Let's go to Huaxi Village for a walk tomorrow. The river is being opened there and it's very lively."

Pei Yuan previously wrote in a letter saying that her old father locked herself in the small courtyard all day long, unable to leave or step outside the door, which was very embarrassing for her.

Pei Ran wanted him to go out and relax.

Pei Chong understood in his heart, thought for a moment and nodded.

Pei Ran breathed a sigh of relief, "Life is not that bad, live well."

Pei Chong was noncommittal.

Father and son never beat around the bush. If they have anything to say, they just say it.

They've always gotten along like this.

Therefore, Pei Chong thought for a moment and then asked him again.

"How long are you going to keep the little emperor in Huaxi?"

Their eyes met, and Pei Ran's brows furrowed inadvertently.

"It's not up to me."

"You!" Pei Chong sighed, changing from his indifference just now, and became more serious in his words.

"The emperor should stay in Xijing, in the Jinluan Palace, not in a small village far away in Andu. Others dare not say it, and others can't say it are two different things. Do you understand?"

Pei Ran said: "Understood."

Pei Chong said again: "Then you have to think carefully about what to do."

Pei Madang's tone was gentle, "Pei's family is loyal to you, and I will do my best to serve you."

As soon as these words came out, Pei Chong's frown relaxed.


Even though Pei Madang had promised not to have any thoughts about the dragon chair, he still solemnly warned him again.

"Those who rely on virtue will prosper, and those who rely on strength will perish. My son should remember that a true man stands upright and must not be greedy, arrogant, or arrogant."

Pei Man raised his eyebrows and looked at him. He was silent for a long time before saying:

"Some debts must be recovered."

When Pei Chong heard the sound, his pupils shrank slightly.

"What do you want to do?"

Pei Ran sneered lightly and said nothing.

Pei Chong asked: "Do you remember clearly what happened when you were a child?"

Pei Mann slowly squinted his eyes and seemed to see the old house in Taicheng, with the courtyard full of flowers and trees and the green windows covered with moss. A few banana plants were rustling, and an apricot flower sprouted from the wall.

In Crescent Alley at that time, there were the Feng family, the Xiao family, and the Xie family...

There was such a window in his room.

Pei Ran looked over.

At some point, the ray of sunshine shining on the window lattice had already disappeared into the clouds, and the sky was filled with clouds.

Maybe it was going to rain, a group of jackdaws flapped their wings, rushed out of the eaves, flew to the sky, and made a shrill cry... (End of this chapter)

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