Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 431: Tragic Life

Pei Madang personally pushed Pei Chong around the house in a wheelchair.

"I remember you told my mother before that when you get old, you will return to the fields and find a small place with mountains and water to live a leisurely life."

Pei Chong was silent.

Pei Ran said: "Andu is very good. If you want to live in the city, you can stay here. If you want to stay in Zhuangzi for a while, Yun Niang will make arrangements for you."

Pei Chong's eyebrows moved slightly and he glanced back at him.

"Your wife is very nice, don't let her down."

Pei Ran: "I don't dare."

How could he have failed her?

All we can do is wait and see when she will betray him...

Pei Chong added: "We are not a poor family with no money at all. You didn't organize your wedding properly, which is already a debt. In other matters, you should be more considerate to her."

He added: "Your father has been in the army for many years and has not saved much wealth for you, but he can afford this house."

When Pei Yuan said she wanted to buy a house for Pei Madang in Andu, he didn't agree because he wanted to see what the young couple would do. It wasn't that he was reluctant...

He is a disabled person and has long been indifferent to worldly affairs. How can he be stingy with money and things?

After thinking for a while, he said: "I don't think you are a person who can be the director of the family. In the future, the power of running the Pei family should be given to my daughter-in-law."

Pei Ran's eyelids twitched.

As a father, he seldom praises others.

After only a few meetings, Yun Niang had gained his trust so much, which surprised Pei Ran.

The two sat down in the flower hall, and a boy came over with pen and ink, and said with a smile: "The princess said that the house has been under renovation for so long, but there is no plaque hanging up. She would like to ask the old general to give her a calligraphy."

Pei Chong was startled.

He wanted to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them.

This is the dignity given to him by his daughter-in-law. If he refuses, she may think that her father-in-law is not being kind enough to her...

Pei Chong thought for a moment, waved his arms, and wrote on the paper.

"Feng Mansion."

The boy's eyelids twitched.

In his or other people's minds, Feng Yun's intention in asking the old general to mention the word was to classify it as "Pei Mansion".

After all, the princess has lived in Huaxi Village for a long time and does not come here often, and Pei Madang intends to place his old father and sister in Andu.

No matter how you think about it, it should be "Pei Mansion", not "Feng Mansion".

Pei Chong raised his head when he saw that the boy was still. "What's wrong? Give it to your master."

The boy nodded his head in embarrassment and looked at Pei Madang for help.

When Pei Chong saw this, he asked Pei Madang in a deep voice: "Do you have any different opinions?"

Pei Ran said: "No."

To him, there is no difference between Feng Mansion and Pei Mansion. As long as the old father doesn't feel embarrassed, what is he afraid of?

Feng Yun was a little surprised when he received the powerful calligraphy treasure.

It's not that she was so generous that she gave away a house as a gift, but the reason why she had the money to settle down and buy a house in the first place was because of Pei Madang. What's more, he had already handed over his family fortune to her.

Now that his father and sister live here, it is reasonable for her to transfer the house.

"That's all."

Feng Yun had no intention of getting entangled in this kind of thing, and said calmly: "Let's find someone to make a plaque."


After having some snacks here at noon, the group went to Ao Qi's new house.

There is obviously a new house, why doesn't Pei Yuan want to live here? Because the Ao family bought it for Ao Qi.

She thought to herself that if she separated from Ao Zheng, she would have to keep a distance. If she still lived in Ao Mansion, what would be the difference from not being separated?

Ao Zheng arrived at dusk.

Feng Yun was looking at the decoration of the wedding room with Pei Yuan and Xi Niang. After hearing the news, he went out to greet them.

Pei Yuan said calmly, "I won't go. It will be embarrassing if he brings his concubine."

Feng Yun knew that she was not convinced, so he smiled and let her go.

Ao Zheng stepped out of the carriage in a dusty state.

It can be seen that he is in a hurry and his face is haggard. He is obviously much thinner than when Feng Yun saw him last year. This is because he is less rich and elegant.

When a man reaches middle age and is honored as prime minister, his demeanor is also different.

"Xiang Ao, it's been a hard journey."

Ao Zheng didn't see the two Pei siblings, so he probably knew what was going on. He smiled bitterly in his heart and expressed gratitude on his lips.

"From the time the wedding date was agreed upon until now, our husband and wife have not come over to Xijing, and we have relied entirely on my younger siblings to take care of things. We have worked hard, we have worked hard."

He bowed deeply to Feng Yun with all the courtesy.

Feng Yun returned the courtesy politely.

After some pleasantries, Feng Yun discovered that the servants accompanying Prime Minister Ao only brought less than ten people, but the boxes contained fifty boxes, and he didn't know what they were.

She quickly sent someone up to unload it.

Ao Zhengdao: "It's a long journey, and many relatives can't come to Andu in person, so they brought congratulatory gifts over. The rest were purchased by his grandmother..."

Feng Yun said casually: "Isn't grandma here?"

Ao Zheng laughed, "It's coming. It's just that the old man doesn't like bumpy roads and the journey is slow. It probably won't arrive until tomorrow. I'm in a hurry and can walk faster."

The two people walked in the door as they spoke.

This new house was purchased, and Ao Zheng came here for the first time. He walked around, looked at it, nodded, and kept saying yes.

Feng Yun guessed that he didn't know what to say and had nothing to say, so he just responded casually.

Ao Zheng suddenly said: "Xiao Qi's mother...hasn't she arrived yet?"

Feng Yun said with a smile: "He arrived a little faster than my brother-in-law. I just sat down."

Ao Zheng was silent for a moment and nodded.

He knew he shouldn't say anything more in front of Feng Yun, but the words of brother-in-law touched him and he couldn't help but sigh.

"I agreed to divorce because of the situation. She agreed with me that she would come home after the crisis was resolved. Who knew... I thought it was fake, but she took it seriously."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

It's inconvenient to interfere in their private affairs.

Ao Zheng saw that she smiled and said nothing, and was a little embarrassed.

"I'm making fun of you, sister-in-law."

Feng Yun said: "No. Every family has its own problems, I understand."

Ao Zheng smiled bitterly, "Your sister is a stubborn person. If it's convenient for you, sister-in-law, please help me say a good word, if not for anything else, just for Xiaoqi and his siblings...Look, my son has started a family, and we are living separately. What's the point of living together? In the future, Zuo and You will also get married, and it will be inevitable that the couple will have to manage it together..."

He said a lot, Feng Yun occasionally agreed, and took her directly to the front hall to meet Pei Jue and his son, and then went to find Pei Yuan.

Before she opened her mouth, Pei Yuan asked.

"Did he talk to you about me again?"

The word "again" made Feng Yun laugh.

"Sister, you guessed right. Brother-in-law misses you very much and hopes to reconcile with you..."

"Bah." Pei Yuan snorted coldly, "How dare he say that."

Feng Yun was the one who didn't like to meddle in other people's affairs, so she didn't ask much, but maybe Ao Zheng's arrival stimulated her, and Pei Yuan took the initiative to talk.

"Why do you think I made up my mind to divorce him?"

Feng Yun pursed her lips and shook her head.

"From what my brother-in-law said, you just faked the divorce at first?"

"Yes, fake." Pei Yuan's eyes turned red, and a layer of tears gradually appeared in her eyes, "You also know the situation at that time. Ah Jue and the father and daughter of the Li family were competing against each other, and the situation was becoming increasingly tense. I wanted to prevent my child from being innocently implicated with me..."

After a pause, her eyes flickered slightly.

"Of course, I don't want to drag the Ao family into this. If Ah Jue wins, it's fine. If he loses, he will be a traitor. What should we do with this family of old and young..."

Feng Yun nodded.

It's not surprising for a virtuous woman who is a wife and a mother to make such a choice.

"Since it was agreed, why did you take it seriously?"

"Because... he said a few hypocritical words about husband and wife sharing weal and woe, and true love is revealed in times of adversity, and then I agreed."

Seeing Feng Yun speechless, Pei Yuan raised her chin.

"What do you mean true love is revealed in times of adversity? Humph, he doesn't want to share adversity with me at all. He can advance or retreat by cutting off his relationship with me on the surface, and he is very proud."

Feng Yun thought of Ao Zheng's earnest expression just now, smiled, and said casually:

"He may not really think so. Maybe he is just thinking about the children like my sister, and he has no choice?"

"What's the reason?" Pei Yuan has her own logic. She sneered and asked Feng Yun.

"If Ah Jue is defeated and the Pei family is confiscated and exterminated, do you think Ao Zheng will stand up and say that my divorce with him is just a temporary solution? Will he accompany me to death?"

Feng Yun was silent.

What choice will a person make when facing a disaster? It is hard to think about it, let alone think about it carefully...

"He won't do that." Pei Yuan said, "This old man has already figured it out clearly."

Feng Yun saw that she was speaking coldly and said lightly:

"It's normal. How many couples in the world can live and die together..."

Pei Yuan suddenly looked sideways and stared at her.

"Ah Jung will. Sister-in-law, you are so lucky."

Feng Yun:...

After a pause, she smiled and replied: "Sister, don't speak too early. Isn't there a saying that husband and wife are birds of the same forest, but they fly away when disaster strikes. What's the difference between him and me?"

Pei Yuan said: "Ah Jung is loyal and righteous. If he marries you, he will be responsible for you for life. I know my brother well. His temperament was also tempered when he was a child. A child with a miserable life experience is more considerate of others..."


Feng Yun accurately captured this word.

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