Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 432 Pei Family Past

The Pei family was also a famous family in the Jin Dynasty. Pei Chong held the Pei family's army and held a high position. He never treated Pei Ran lightly. Why did he have such a miserable life?

Feng Yun didn't understand Pei Yuan's statement and looked at him inquiringly.

Pei Yuan was shocked and lost her words. She lowered her eyes, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

After a while, he put down the tea cup and sighed:

"Our grandma passed away early, when Ah Ran was still young. Although her father loved her, she was away from home all the time, without her mother to take care of her, and there were no grandparents in the house. After all, she was still lacking..."

Feng Yun's eyes turned.

This explanation makes sense.

It's just that Pei Yuan's twinkling eyes seemed to cover up some unspeakable emotions, which was a bit puzzling.

Feng Yun smiled: "In this world, people are everywhere due to famine and war. I am not pitiful if my husband has my sister to take good care of him."

Famine, war, and displacement.

Pei Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and some long-standing memories came to mind.

She didn't fully know about Pei Madang's life experience.

But she was much older and could remember things earlier.

Back then, my mother had lost her health because of giving birth to her, and she had nothing to do since then.

The Pei family has no sons, and the Pei family army has no heirs. She has heard a lot of irresponsible remarks since she was a child.

At that time, her grandmother was still alive. When she was a child, Pei Yuan often heard her grandmother scolding her father loudly.

Want him to take a concubine.

He was also forced to take concubines.

My father naturally refused.

The persuaders came one after another, and the concubines they sent were more beautiful than the last...

Later, even my mother could not withstand the pressure and personally persuaded my father to take a concubine. She even took the initiative to help my father arrange a concubine and decorate the room...

That time I made my father angry and had a big fight with my grandmother.

Since then, my mother's health has deteriorated day by day. The root of the disease was caused during childbirth. Year after year of worry, her whole body was almost hollowed out by emotions, haggard and withered.

Pei Yuan heard her mother tell people more than once, "Maybe after I die, my husband will be willing to take concubines. After I die, he can marry again and have legitimate children. After I die, the Pei family will I have a son."

Pei Yuan listened too much and often prayed ridiculously. God suddenly sent her a younger brother...

In this way, grandma will not urge her anymore, and grandma will not be in such pain.

Regarding Pei Yuan's marriage, according to Pei Chong's words, it was originally intended to bring in a new wife, but her grandmother firmly suppressed her and refused to agree.

No well-matched family would be willing to send their son as a son-in-law...

Grandma said that to recruit a son, one must look down the family. It’s hard to say whether one’s character or ability is good, so it’s better to have a child from the Ao family who knows everything.

Her father loved her and acquiesced.

In the year when Pei Yuan and Ao Zheng got married, the Jin-Qi War broke out and her father went to the battlefield.

He didn't have time to attend his daughter's wedding.

That war was long-lasting.

Pei Yuan inquired about the battle reports coming from the front every day, and heard that many people had died. Her heart was hanging and she never let go.

It wasn't until Ao Qi was born that his father came back suffering from injuries.

He was carried in by two guards.

The doctor said that he would never be able to stand up again for the rest of his life.

Grandma cried her eyes out.

There is no one left in the Pei family.

She is ashamed of her dead husband and the ancestors of the Pei family...

My grandmother became ill.

My mother blamed herself for this, and her health deteriorated.

The entire Pei family is shrouded in gloom and mist...

In less than half a month, my grandmother's death will arrive.

She lay dying on the bed, almost speechless, and pursed her lips, never forgetting that the grandson she had not been able to wait for would die with her eyes closed...

That day, my father was pushed to his grandmother's hospital bed. In front of everyone, he suddenly lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

To my grandmother, and to my mother.

He said that when he was on an expedition in his early years, he had a one-night stand with a Qi woman. Afterwards, he led his troops and left, never thinking of her again.

During this expedition, he passed through Qidi and found that the woman had given birth to a son for him...

My grandmother left with a smile on her face that day, so she closed her eyes.

My father burst into tears.

They all knew that he felt guilty about his grandmother.

Regarding the child born out of love, everyone thought it was a lie made up by the father to make his grandmother happy.

Unexpectedly, within three days, my father would take home a child...

Pei Yuan got the news and hurried back to her parents' home with Ao Qi, who was still nursing...

That was the first time Pei Yuan met Pei Mad.

He is very white and thin, wearing a blue-gray jacket. There is an indescribable coldness in his dark eyes, and there is also the kind of violence rarely seen on children's faces... …

My father said he was only eight years old, but he was very tall, half a head taller than her ten-year-old cousin.

Pei Yuan was so surprised that she hugged Ao Qi and stepped forward to teach him to call him uncle.

But this little uncle was too silent.

On the day he entered the house, Pei Yuan didn't hear a word he said.

His grandma taught him to call him "Amu", but he pursed his lips tightly and remained silent...

His mother was kind-hearted and did not allow others to criticize him harshly.

She told Pei Yuan that her brother was born and raised by another woman, and she should not take away the status of someone else's biological mother.

Pei Yuan has never seen who Ah Ran's biological mother is, and has never heard her father mention it...

His father gave him a unique name with the character "Crazy" and issued a death order. No one was allowed to mention Arang's life experience. To the outside world, he only said that he was born to his mother. Because the character conflicted with his mother's, he had to be raised outside until he was nine years old. Only then can I return home, otherwise it will be difficult to raise the child.

My father had ruined my mother's face and found a perfect excuse for him not to have concubines or have children for many years.

His mother also reciprocated the love and treated him as her own son, asking for his welfare for fear of not taking enough care of him...

Gradually, no one mentioned it anymore.

But her younger brother has a new family, but Pei Yuan has never seen him smile.

Until now, none.

At first, Pei Yuan thought that he missed his biological mother, so he didn't like to smile.

Later, she felt that this younger brother might be someone who was born unable to smile.

However, Pei Yuan had seen him cry——

At my mother's funeral.

No one taught him, so he knelt down, called his mother, and cried silently.

My father also cried that day. He held him in his arms and said to his mother's coffin, "Susu, did you hear that? My son called you."

The mother's regret was that she did not give birth to a son for her father.

I have never heard my son call his mother.

"My grandma was a very good person, but she passed away too early... I remember when she was dying, she told me over and over again to take good care of my brother."

Pei Yuan said calmly, maybe because she mentioned her biological mother, she clenched her hands and her eyes suddenly became lonely.

Feng Yun knew that she missed her late mother and silently handed over the handkerchief.

"He has passed away. My condolences, sister."

Pei Yuan took the handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes.

The fog became a bit heavier and I couldn't wipe it away.

She simply gave up and said quietly:

"Then again, although my mother's life was short, she received all the affection, respect and love from my father. My father loved her like jewels and he never did anything unreasonable..."

Therefore, she often secretly suspected that Ah Ran was the child that her father picked up from somewhere.

The affair between him and that woman was all made up by his father.

Feng Yun was also sad when he heard her talk about her parents.

"It is said that the way of heaven is forbidden to be full, and the way of humanity is forbidden to be perfect. Sometimes being too perfect itself is a shortcoming with great risk..."


After having dinner at Ao's house, Feng Yun and Pei Madang took Pei Chong and his daughter back to the house there, then got on the carriage and returned to Huaxi Village.

Ao Qi's biological parents arrived in Andu, and she was no longer needed for many things.

Feng Yun was relieved as the burden on his shoulders was lifted.

"Next, I just have to wait for the wedding wine."

Pei Madang gently touched her temples and said, "I've been working hard on you these days."

Feng Yun smiled, "This is what Chang Shijun should do. It is my duty to share the worries of the king."

Pei Madang curled up his long fingers and flicked her forehead lightly.

"If you say this again, you will be punished."

Feng Yun squinted at him, "What's wrong with me? Do I have to default on the post of chief historian given by the king?"

Pei Ran said: "I can't rely on it. The order will arrive tomorrow."

When Feng Yun heard this, he rested his head on his shoulder and said, "Thank you, husband."

Pei Ran was slightly startled.

It was rare for her to call her such an affectionate name. It was a sign of conscience that she didn't call Pei Gou. Therefore, this "husband" was rare. It was soft and soft, like feathers plucking the string in her heart, and like opening up something. A spell of love...


Pei Ran lowered his head and his eyes fell on her fluttering eyelashes.

As if he was tracing some rare treasure, the black eyes under his sword-shaped brows were tinged with a scorching light.

"Do you really want to be an official?"

Feng Yun looked up at him and shook his head.

Pei Ran asked: "What is that?"

Feng Yun benefited from him and gave him the greatest kindness in a graceful manner.

"I only want the officer given by the king."

"You woman..." Pei Ran knew that she didn't tell the truth, but he still couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

The beauty is beside you, and the nephrite is warm and fragrant.

He reached out to her waist with one hand, took her into his arms, squeezed her through the thick clothes, and squeezed her so hard that he wished he could rub her into his body...

"How should I treat you?"

Feng Yun was unable to move due to his brute force and managed a smile.

"It's good if you treat me well."

"How dare you lie to me..."

Alas? What does this mean?

Feng Yun opened his eyes innocently, half-smiling but not smiling, "Your Majesty, please don't slander me randomly. When did I lie to you? Bring me the evidence..."

Before her voice fell, there was only a whimper left. She dragged her soft nasal voice in dissatisfaction, and the rest of her words were swallowed up by the man.

Correction: The eldest sister’s name is Pei Yuan, not Pei Ai. Please forgive me for being a five-stroke author. I only saw the form (manual dog head).

Feng Yun: Fortunately, my name was always correct.

Erjin: Okay, Ma Yun.

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