Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 433: Busy with Things

Colorful colors, branches standing proudly, colorful fallen flowers, sprinkled on Feng Yun's pomegranate skirt...

She climbed up the flower tree and picked a branch that was swaying gently in the breeze. Suddenly she lost her footing and fell. The flower basket in her hand overturned in the air, and the petals of the branches were flying all over the sky...


She fell straight down and landed in someone's arms.

Then take a closer look.

Dressed in white and playing a flute, he is as elegant and dignified as a young master in a painting.

Xiao San?

Feng Yun was so frightened that he suddenly woke up from his dream and found that his back was soaked.

On a twelfth lunar month day, she was actually hot and sweating.

She made a fire pit in her room and burned her own coal. It was not too warm, so she slept until dawn without realizing it.

It was a wonderful night's sleep. Spring had arrived overnight, and thousands of trees and flowers were blooming, but I dreamed of Xiao San...

Feng Yun didn't think of him for a long time.

This dream cooled her mood. After breakfast, she was still a little miserable.

As soon as Ge Yigang came back from the city, he couldn't wait to find Feng Yun and report it.

"Madam, the bride is going to Andu today. When I came back, many people went out of the city to the post house, saying they were looking at the bride's dowry..."

Chief Mahe's daughter came to Andu from the distant Cangyan Mountain, and it is said that she brought a hundred and sixty-six tons of bride price, which shows that the chieftain valued this daughter and the marriage of the Ao family.

But before the wedding, the bride can only stay in the inn and wait for her husband's family to come to marry her.

The post house had been prepared many days ago to receive the bride-to-be team from Mahebu. Feng Yun had visited it personally. Apart from the inconvenience of being in a foreign land, he believed that he would not treat the bride lightly.

Rumors about this wedding have long been aroused in Andu City. The identity of the alien chieftain has ignited the curiosity of the people. Everyone wants to see the bride. So much so that the teahouse private rooms at the gate of the city have been priced at high prices for a long time. Set...

There were no seats at the wedding banquet in Ao Mansion, so we had to grab a good port on the way to welcome the bride...

Feng Yun was not very interested in this.

Anyway, the bride wants to call her aunt, and I want to see if there is a chance to see it.

She is busy with everything and is not planning to go to Andu City today.

After dinner, she changed her clothes, first went to a house under construction in Wenxingsu, and then went for a walk in the fields. Then she braved the desolation of the cold winter and got on the carriage to Xiaojie Qiu.

About two miles away from the briquettes workshop, the carriage stopped.

The foundation is being laid here in preparation for building a house.

Everyone in the village thought that the briquettes workshop was going to be expanded, and when they saw Feng Yun coming, some people made fun of him.

"After the expansion, I still need to recruit people?"

The briquette workshop does not provide more work and food than the mine, but it is less dangerous and the income is much higher than other jobs. It is the first choice for young and strong men in the village.

In this off-farm season, except for those who go to the river to work, everyone wants to find something to do and make some money...

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun approached and smiled.

"This place under construction is not a briquettes workshop."

Everyone was surprised, "What is that?"

Feng Yun said: "When spring comes, another workshop will be opened here, and I will do another business."

Everyone was even more surprised.

"What does the lady want to do for a living?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Keep it secret first. But the importance will not be lower than that of briquettes..."

Everyone's eyes were straightened, and their curiosity was completely piqued by her.

"Are we going to recruit people for the new workshop?"

"Recruited." Feng Yun said.

"Say hello, madam, and I'll sign in for the baby's father..."

"And I, and my son, who is sixteen this year, is just the right age to work..."

Feng Yun responded one by one, was helped out of the carriage by Xiao Man, and walked towards Cong Wentian amidst everyone's excited discussion.

"Uncle Wentian, thank you for your hard work."

Cong Wentian was busy working. When he heard the sound, he looked up with a smile. When he saw her, he said: "My wife is so embarrassed. I am familiar with the road, and there is no pain at all."

Feng Yun curled his lips and smiled slightly, "It's time to finish work and go to the village to have dinner."

Cong Wentian had been working with her for so long, so he was familiar with her. He was not polite when he heard her, and he agreed and handed her over:

"I was planning to come to the village later to see the lady... By chance, the lady came over, so I just informed her."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Uncle Wentian, there's no need to be polite. If you have something to say, it doesn't hurt."

Cong Wentian said: "General Ao is getting married, and the owner of the dock and his wife will also be here. My wife said she wants to go to Huaxi Village to visit my wife one day early. I don't know if it will be convenient..."

It turned out that he wanted to send a message to Mrs. Tu.

Pei Yuan took her two little ones to Tujiawu Fort for refuge. Now that her son is getting married, she has to invite them to the wedding banquet no matter what...

"Mrs. Tu is too outspoken." Feng Yun said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss her too. I really want her to come see me, so why don't I just tell her?"

Cong Wentian smiled and said, "Then I will send someone to report back to Madam."

Feng Yun said: "Don't worry, when Uncle Wentian comes over for dinner, I will edit another letter and you can take it back to Tujiawubao."

Cong Wentian agreed.

Feng Yun returned to Zhuangzi and immediately asked his maid to prepare pen and ink.

Given Tujiawubao's affection for her, how could Mrs. Tu take the initiative to bring up the matter of coming as a guest?

A warm invitation is the attitude she should have.

After writing the letter, she warmed her hands on the red clay stove and suddenly looked out the window.

"Is this...snowing?"

Xiao Man quickly opened the window to take a look.

A snowflake fell on the window lattice and melted instantly.

She shouted in surprise, "Yes, it's snowing. Madam, it's snowing."

Before she finished her voice, several scattered roars came from the village.



For those who grow crops, snow in the twelfth lunar month is a treasure. There is no snow in the twelfth lunar month, and the cattle have stopped. Once it snows, we can look forward to next spring...

Xiaoman didn't know anything about farming before. After spending a long time in Huaxi Village, he learned a lot from Feng Yun and Aunt Xu.

But halfway through her happiness, she thought of last year's long snowy day, avalanches, and the ensuing locust plague, and her smile twitched to her lips in embarrassment.

"This year shouldn't be like last year, right?"

Last year, not to mention briquettes, many families didn't even have enough firewood to burn, and they had a hard time. Just thinking about it makes me tremble.

Feng Yun said nothing, trying to piece together the winter in his previous life.

But apart from those three years of famine, which made people's lives extremely miserable, she couldn't recall any other details. For example, is the snow heavy or not?

She looked at the flying snow in the sky.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest."

She said the same thing last year.

Xiaoman pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Is this snow here to welcome the bride? General Ao's bride just arrived in Andu, and the first snowfall this winter came."

Feng Yun chuckled softly.

Thinking of Ao Qi, a sudden feeling of pity flashed through my heart.

Today is the third day of the twelfth lunar month.

It was only five days before the wedding ceremony, but he was still at the Red Armor Army camp, with no plans to return to Andu... If he had to wait until the wedding day, the bride who had just arrived in a foreign land would probably feel that she had been treated coldly.

The master and servant were leaning against the window to watch the snow, when Ah Lou suddenly ran over panting.

"Madam, it's bad, the Feng family is here!"

The Feng family is here, what's wrong?

Feng Yun looked at Alou without saying a word.

Ever since A'lou became the chief manager, he has rarely been so calm.

Under Feng Yun's indifferent eyes, he slowly calmed down, cupped his hands and said:

"It's Mrs. Chen, bringing my wife's younger siblings and about a dozen big and round servants, coming to the village in a mighty manner..."

Feng Yun snorted and curled his lips.

No wonder Ah Lou is so anxious.

Mrs. Chen's previous dignity in the mansion had a shadow on Alou.

"There must be nothing good for her coming."

Feng Yun hesitated and then ordered Alou.

"Tell the village guard to stop people at the intersection. They are not allowed to come in without my permission."

Since the river was dug, Feng Yun asked Yang Shichang to select a guard team among the villagers. There was no work or food, and one person from each household took turns to maintain order in the village.

At first many people thought it was not necessary, but as more and more people came and went in Huaxi Village, from all walks of life, dragons and snakes were mixed, and there were several fights and petty thefts, everyone felt it was necessary again.


Mrs. Chen's carriage drove over. When she looked at the three characters "Huaxi Village" on the gatehouse at the entrance of the village, she almost couldn't recognize it.

In the past, she controlled the affairs of Feng's family, and Feng Jingting was a man who only took care of food and took care of things. She was in charge of both the inside and outside of the family. Therefore, she came to Huaxi Village many more times than Feng Jingting...

But no matter how she looked at it, this was not the Huaxi Village she was familiar with. It had completely changed. If those three huge characters hadn't reminded her, she would have thought she was in some market town...

Before coming here, she only knew that Twelve Niangs were doing well in business. Huaxi Village was developing extremely rapidly because of the need to build a dock. The prices of fields, land and homesteads were doubling up.

A house is hard to find, a square inch is hard to buy...

But I never expected that it would be so fast.

Some of the shops along the way are under construction and some are in operation. People are coming and going, and it is very lively.

The three words "Huaxi Village" at the entrance of the village are actually made of iron...

Too rich.

This trip was not in vain.

Mrs. Chen's eyes suddenly opened. She bent down, picked up the box on the wooden table, put it on her lap, and stroked it gently. Her heart beat like thunder with excitement.

She is going to get rich...

The box contained land deeds and documents, including the Huaxi Village homestead, fields, woodlands, and shops such as Yutangchun.

Her village, her fields, and her restaurant...

With the land deed document in hand, Twelve Mothers want to keep it all to themselves? no way!


A sharp shout came, and the carriage suddenly stopped in the middle of the road.

Mrs. Chen leaned forward and almost fell down. When she came to her senses, her face changed immediately.

"What's disturbing?"

The servant said: "Madam, we are a group of country people dressed in coarse cloth..."

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