Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 434: Powerful Tongue

In the village, there are country people everywhere.

In front of country people, speaking of country people in a disrespectful tone, I have to say that the Feng family has been rampant from top to bottom for too long, and they are a bit ignorant...

Mrs. Chen didn't scold her, she just lifted the curtain and took a look, feeling a little impatient.

"It's very cold outside, let them get out of the way quickly!"

"Here." The attendants responded in unison, very grandly.

In their eyes, most of the village is owned by the Feng family of the county governor. The old concept cannot be changed for a while. Naturally, they have no good impressions of these strange village guards in the village, and they want to turn their nostrils towards them. Heaven.

"Get out of the way! Don't block our wife's way."

The village guard remained motionless. At the head of the group was the young man from the Sun family. He happened to be on duty today. When he got the news, he came over quickly and slowly, not giving the Feng family any good looks.

"Ms. Li Zheng said that the road is opened by the people in our village. Foreigners who want to enter the village must pay toll..."


Passing money?

The attendant became furious when he heard this and pointed to an ox cart in front of him.

"The car just now was obviously from Yunchuan, why didn't you pay for it?"

Sun Xiaolang said: "Prince Yunchuan is from our village. Visitors from Yunchuan are not considered outsiders."

He spoke so eloquently that Mrs. Chen got tired of hearing it.

She slowly opened the curtain, looked at the skinny young man, and hummed without a trace.

"Is this rule set for us?"

She raised her eyebrows, as if she wanted to be fair.

Unexpectedly, Sun Xiaolang nodded without blinking, "Yes, madam, did the lady herself set the rules for you?"

"Presumptuous!" Mrs. Chen's face darkened, "Do you know who I am?"

Sun Xiaolang said: "I just need to know who Lady Li Zheng is."

Mrs. Chen shouted, "I am the mother of your righteous lady!"

Sun Xiaolang opened his mouth in astonishment, looking sideways at the village guard Dong Da beside him, frowning, and asked suspiciously: "Didn't my mother-in-law die long ago? Could it be that she is haunted?"

Dong Dadao: "We can't even let her enter the village."

Sun Xiaolang nodded calmly and pointed the dog-beating stick at Mrs. Chen in the carriage.

"The mother who pretends to be Lady Li Zheng must have evil intentions. You are not allowed to enter the village."

Mrs. Chen sneered, "Why, you can't enter the village even if you pay the toll?"

"No." Sun Xiaolang raised his chin and stared arrogantly, "Our village only welcomes noble guests and gentlemen with high moral character, not despicable and shameless villains."

Despicable and shameless villain...

Mrs. Chen was so angry that her heart beat violently and her lips trembled.

At this time, Feng Liang stuck his head out, took a look, and leaned close to Mrs. Chen's ear.

"Mom, he did it on purpose..."

Feng Liang attended village school in the village and knew that the Sun family had a close relationship with Nagato.

"This Sun Xiaolang always complained to my eldest sister before, causing me to be punished by my eldest sister..."

Mrs. Chen was already angry, but she also believed that her precious son had been tortured and humiliated by Feng Yun when he went to school in the village in Changmen, and she became even more angry.

"Let me ask you again, do you want to give in or not?"

Sun Xiaolang said: "If you ask me a thousand times, I won't let you."

Mrs. Chen snorted coldly, "You don't eat the toast, but you eat the fine wine. I think you are tired of living..."

She gritted her teeth and groaned. The attendant of the Feng Mansion pulled out his sword and pointed it at a group of village guards viciously.

"If you don't give way, don't blame grandpa's knife for not having eyes!"

They ignored the village guard armed with a stick.

In order to avoid causing more trouble, Feng Yun did not equip the village guards with swords and guns - of course, the court did not allow it. Although her farm tools workshop can make it, she doesn't want to create unnecessary problems.

With such a comparison, it is clear who is stronger and who is weaker.

However, Sun Xiaolang was not afraid.

He is the son of Orion. He has been practicing with his father since he was a child. His father told him that when confronting a wild beast, you must not show any timidity, let alone have any intention of retreating. Otherwise, the wild beast will see your flaw and pounce on you. Come up and bite you to death.

Mrs. Chen and her party were beasts in his eyes.

Sun Xiaolang faced the shining sword and walked forward with his head high and his chest raised, holding the stick in front of him and staring eagerly.

"I don't care whether your knives have eyes or not. Anyway, my dog ​​beating stick will not be cheaper for any vicious dog!"

The attendant of Feng Mansion was angry and immediately stepped forward to take someone away.

Several village guards rushed forward to protect Sun Xiaolang.

The people around who were watching the fun also roared loudly.

"Abandon the sword! Someone abandon the sword!"

"Those who dare to use weapons to cause trouble in Huaxi Village will be punished according to village regulations."

The village rules they mentioned are posted on the notice board at the entrance of Huaxi Village, and can be seen by everyone entering and leaving the village.

Of course Mrs. Chen doesn’t want to interfere with village rules.

But the crowd was furious, and Huaxi was Feng Yun's territory. She had to hold back her anger, scold her servants, and then sneered.

"The dove is so proud of occupying the magpie's nest. It seems that he sincerely wants to rely on King Yonghuai to seize the family business of my Feng family. It's not such a good thing!"

Her voice was loud and immediately attracted passers-by to stop and watch.

During this time, Feng Jingting did a lot of things for Feng Yun in order to build a good relationship. Mrs. Chen saw this and hated her in her heart. She often felt that Feng Jingting had changed his mind.

Wherever he goes, he brags to people. If nothing else, he must say that his daughter is Princess Yonghuai and how powerful she is...

It was as if Feng Yun was his pride.

This made Mrs. Chen feel uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart, and the couple often quarreled because of this.

She cried and made a fuss, but Feng Jingting did not pamper her or coax her like before. He would slam the door and leave at any time, and give her a cold shoulder...

Especially an incident that happened recently, which made Mrs. Chen panic.

Not long ago, Feng Jingting helped General Hou send his blind mother who was far away in Jiangxia to Huaxi Village. In order to express his gratitude, Hou Zhun gave him a young and beautiful concubine, but he actually...did not refuse and secretly took her back to Bingzhou to settle down.

After being discovered by her, Feng Jingting said that it was just a courtesy and it was inconvenient to refuse, and it had nothing to do with other things.

But Mrs. Chen could not swallow this breath, so she came to Huaxi Village with the land deed documents of that year in anger.

Mrs. Chen suppressed the bitterness in her throat, looked confident, and raised her eyebrows and sneered.

"You don't let me enter the village, it seems that you are guilty. Well, let's talk about it at the entrance of the village..."

She raised her voice again.

"I am the mother of the wife of the village head in your Huaxi Village. Some of you must recognize me. I used to come to the village to settle accounts. The tenants all called me Madam Chen..." She patted the sandalwood box, moved her lips, and snorted heavily. "I have the land deed in my hand. The village and land here originally belonged to the Feng family. Feng Shier Niang claimed that she had severed her relationship with the Feng family, but refused to hand over the Feng family's property. She maliciously occupied it, which was really too much..." "I came here today to discuss with Shier Niang in a good way. As a result, you all saw that she sent people to stop me at the entrance of the village and prevented me from confronting her. If it wasn't a guilty conscience, what else could it be?" "You come and judge." The entrance to the village is the road leading to the Changhe Wharf. There are also many stalls here. When Madam Chen said that, the crowd immediately stopped what they were doing and looked over, pointing and talking. Awan's pancake stall is at that intersection. She noticed it when the village guard stopped the carriage just now. Hearing this, he was furious. He threw away the caution and good temper he had developed in Changmen. He wiped his hands on his apron, walked to the front of the crowd, pointed at Madam Chen and started to curse.

"Where did you come from, you shameless bitch? You fart loudly as soon as you open your mouth. Which eye did you see? Was it the wife of the village head who sent someone to stop you?"

Filial piety is as strong as a mountain.

Awan didn't want his wife to give others a handle in front of others, so he sneered again.

"Madam, please open your dog eyes and look carefully. The one who stopped you was the Huaxi Village Guard. We villagers did it spontaneously."

Someone responded, "Yes, spontaneously."

Awan was born in a poor family. He had heard many women in the village scolding each other in the past. He learned and applied it flexibly. When he scolded people, each word was more cruel than the last.

"Isn't it possible that Madam Chen is seriously ill that she lets the country folk she's talking about make decisions for you? There's a blue sky above and a land below. If you want to sue someone, go to the yamen runners. If you want to ask for help from the Buddha, go to the temple. If you want to learn from that beggar and beg for food, kneel down and no one will laugh at you. Don't make trouble for no reason and embarrass yourself here. In Huaxi Village, no one will see you riding a donkey with your bare bottom and smelling sour..."

Madam Chen stared at Awan, so angry that she couldn't speak.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment, and suddenly a restrained laugh came from the crowd.

Then, one after another, the crowd burst into laughter.

"Mrs. Wan usually doesn't say a word or breathe, but unexpectedly she's a powerful person..."

The people who set up stalls at the entrance of the village to do small business all called Awan "Mrs. Wan". Usually, this girl looked gentle and didn't talk much, but who would have expected that she would have a unique skill in scolding people?

The laughter continued.

Madam Chen's cheeks flushed red, and her ears were about to burn.

Feng Liang was so scared that he shrank his neck and hid in her arms.

Feng Zhen's mouth pursed and she cried loudly.

For a while, there was laughter, crying, and cursing.

Then a real outsider asked: "Is this lady really the mother of your village head's wife?"

The villagers hurried to help answer, "At most, she is a vicious stepmother..."

Feng Yun's private affairs, not to mention that everyone in the world knows about it, but everyone who comes to Huaxi Village has inquired about it. When they heard about the vicious stepmother, they knew the cause and effect, so they were disdainful.

"The noble lady of the Chen family has thousands of acres of fertile land and many shops. The Feng family is also a wealthy family. Is it so poor? The mistress brought her young son to the village to rob the stepdaughter's things... Tsk tsk, I've learned something."

Hearing someone ridicule, Awan followed and fanned the flames.

"Yes, everyone in this village knows how poor the village head wife was when she first came to the village. Every brick and tile was earned by her. Some people are worse than pigs and dogs. They are even more shameless when they get old."

When she spoke, someone couldn't help laughing.

Mrs. Chen was so angry that her chest rose and fell, and she forced herself to calm down.

It was a joke to have a verbal dispute with a country maid.

"I have my own evidence." She patted the precious box again, "It's clearly written in the deed, and this matter cannot be denied."

Awan joked, "It's a joke, isn't it? Look where you are standing? This is Jin, not Qi. You thief, you are imitating a turtledove and spitting at the magpie's house. Isn't it fishy? Isn't it smelly?"

Mrs. Chen didn't want to listen to her.

There were many maids and old women around her who would say weird things, but she had never heard such ugly things...

She didn't look at Awan, but lifted the curtain to look at the crowd of onlookers.

"Jin and Qi are allies, and they have signed a contract."

Awan: "Oh, did you see that? They are holding incense burners and bowls, taking paper money from the past life and chanting sutras for this life."


As soon as Awan spoke, someone echoed him.

Mrs. Chen was so angry that she was fuming, and her palm pressed heavily on the box.

"Feng Shier Niang refused to see me, but today I have to ask her for an explanation. Left and right, break in."

The servant responded and immediately wanted to go in with a knife.

Sun Xiaolang and others saw this and angrily stopped them. People from the village also rushed forward to help, and there were outsiders to persuade them. For a while, the village entrance was blocked and noisy.

"Stop it."

Feng Yun's voice suddenly came from the clamor.

Gentle, shallow, with a hint of smile, but it made the noisy scene quiet in an instant.

Feng Yun slowly turned her head and looked at Chen. "Since Madam said that she has evidence and needs to ask me for justice, let's sit down and discuss it slowly."

She parted the crowd and walked slowly to Awan's side. She looked at the knife-wielding attendants and sneered.

"Come on, ask Madam Chen to go to the big locust tree and enforce the village rules first, then talk about other things."

Feng Yun: I heard that someone called me Ma Yun, where are my two points of water?

Reader: Find Pei Daqi...

Feng Yun: ...

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