Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 435: Sacrifice one's relatives for the sake of justice

"How dare you!" Mrs. Chen stared at Feng Yun with wide eyes and disbelief.

"I'm your mother!"

Feng Yun raised one corner of his lips and said to Xing Bing:

"Take her over and let her sober up."

Xing Bing raised his eyebrows and cupped his hands, "Here."

A group of Mei Ling soldiers armed with steel knives rushed forward menacingly. Mrs. Chen was dodging in the chaos and screamed.

"Twelve mothers!"

"Feng Twelfth Mother, are you crazy?"


Feng Yun turned around without looking back.

After her rebirth, she didn't like to tolerate other people's mistakes.

The reason why she allowed Mrs. Chen to show off her power at the head of the village for so long without sending anyone from the tribe or the guard battalion, and only asked the village guards to come forward, was to let Mrs. Chen expose her shortcomings.

Only by using weapons to cause trouble can you violate village rules.

Violating the village rules will be punished as a matter of course in this lively place and in the eyes of everyone.

She had thought of everything, but Awan surprised her.

He has sharp teeth and sharp teeth, but he is quite powerful.

As she left, she glanced at Awan.

Awan had already shrunk behind the crowd, wishing that no one would notice him, and the lady would not hear her nonsense and immoral remarks...

Feng Yun smiled and sat on the chariot.

Today, the east end of the village is no longer where it used to be. It extends at least three miles away. The entrance to the village used to be all crops and fields. Now, looking around, it is all houses and shops...

Huaxi Village is developing too fast.

Therefore, the distance between the village entrance and Nagato is far. Feng Yun was lazy, so he came over in the chariot.

The chariot swayed leisurely past the crowd of onlookers. The crowd automatically moved to both sides, and then some people followed...

They all wanted to see how Feng Twelve would punish her stepmother.

There are also the legendary Huaxi Village rules, which also make outsiders curious.

The biggest difference between Huaxi Village and other villages is that the people in the village come from all over the world. Unlike several neighboring villages, the people in the village probably have one surname, and no more than three surnames, and they are all relatives...

Therefore, Huaxi Village has no ancestral hall and no ethnic elders. During this period of rapid development and expansion, it relied on the "Twenty Village Rules" established by Feng Yun to restrain the villagers and ensure the normal order of the village.

Under the three large locust trees, Alou had already prepared an incense and candle offering table. On both sides were neatly arranged sword-wielding guards, all of them majestic and expressionless.

Mrs. Chen never dreamed that Feng Twelfth Mother would be so bold, completely disregarding moral ethics, and being rude to her stepmother as a daughter...

When she was escorted from the east end of the village by several Mei Ling tribes, Feng Yun was already sitting calmly under the big locust tree.

On the wind outlet, the cool breeze blew, and the chill increased sharply.

Huan'er specially brought a stove to keep her warm. Xiaoman thoughtfully prepared a hand stove and stuffed it into her sleeve. Several concubines were also busy. Guan Wei personally brought a cloak and put it on her On the shoulder, the waiter was very attentive...

Those outsiders who came to see the fun at first thought it was the concubines fawning over their mistress. Later, when people in the village told them the whole story, they realized that they were not the concubines of King Yonghuai.

Then he was stunned and dumbfounded.

Feng Twelve Niang is really blessed to have so many beauties waiting on her all day long. How many men in the world are as proud as she is?

Feng Yun saw more and more people gathered around to watch the fun. A smile gradually appeared in his black eyes, and he calmly looked at Mrs. Chen, whose face was red with anger.

"Alou, read the village rules again."

Alou agreed, walked out from behind Feng Yun, and recited aloud.

Mrs. Chen became anxious and struggled to throw her shoulders. Unable to escape from Mei Ling Buqu's grip, she even shook off her tied hair.

With her long hair hanging down and her roaring at the top of her lungs, she looked like a spoiled woman.

"The laws of nature cannot be violated. Mother Feng, are you going against nature? I am your mother. How can there be any reason in the world for a daughter to punish her mother?"

There was a buzz of discussion all around.

People at that time paid attention to the Five Ethics and Eight Virtues, with filial piety as the first priority.

Don't give your parents a bad name.

Parents take care of things, and children do the work for them.

Food and clothing are provided, and gentle words are spoken.

Don't complain when your parents are angry and scold you.

In other words, parents are their children’s heaven and a mountain that their children cannot climb…

Although Mrs. Chen is Feng Yun's stepmother, in this world, stepparents and stepchildren are the most common, and there is no distinction...

What Feng Yun did was simply daring to risk the disapproval of the world.

Not to mention being upright, even the emperor would not dare to do this.

Therefore, Mrs. Chen’s words were supported by some people.

Many people were afraid that Feng Yun would ruin her reputation by doing this, so they tried to persuade her to tolerate her stepmother...

"Even if there is something wrong with Mrs. Chen, she is your mother after all, and she cannot violate human ethics."

"Mrs. Li Zheng must think twice."

Feng Yun smiled and remained silent. After everyone had finished speaking, he glanced at Mrs. Chen's eyes that said "you can't do anything to me" and said lightly:

"Not to mention that the father-daughter relationship between me and the Feng family has long been severed. Even if I still recognize her as my stepmother, I still want to kill her out of justice..."

What a great example of righteousness and righteousness.

Mrs. Chen gritted her teeth in anger.

"You are sincerely seeking revenge..."

Feng Yun smiled, "Tell me what you did to me to make me feel revengeful?"

Mrs. Chen choked her, moved her lips twice, and raised her voice again.

"You want to embezzle the Feng family's property! As you just said, you and your father have long since severed ties. Why are you still occupying the Feng family's property?"


Feng Yun laughed softly.

"Mrs. Chen turned out to be mistaken. No wonder she is so angry and reckless..."

She glanced at the crowd of onlookers and said casually:

"Alou, bring me the deed."

Mrs. Chen brought a house deed and land deed. She also has the deed?

Feng Yun saw through the mood of everyone watching the fun, and was very cooperative. From his expressions to his movements, everything was relaxed, elegant, and full of relaxation.

"My deed was signed by He Jun, who acted as the governor of Andu County after Governor Feng fled the city and offered the entire Andu County and his biological daughter to the general. Therefore, my village, fields, and woods, The barren hills and shops were not acquired from the Feng family, but were redivided by the new imperial court and given to me in accordance with the new policies..."

"Twelve Mother, you must speak with your conscience." Mrs. Chen had just roared for a while, her throat was broken, and her voice sounded a little hoarse, but she still used her full strength to yell at the top of her lungs.

"If it weren't for the Feng family's property first, why would the new imperial court divide these properties to you? There is a cause first, and then there is an effect. Everyone present has sharp eyes. Needless to say, they all know what is going on. Only You, Feng Twelfth Mother, are pretending to be confused!"

Feng Yun smiled, "I'm really confused. Why are you, a county guard's wife from Southern Qi, going to the land of Jin to ask for things?"

Mrs. Chen sneered.

"After the two countries established an alliance, they interacted with each other. It was common for people from Jin to buy property in Qi and for people from Qi to buy and sell in Jin. The imperial court also encouraged them, which is why they are now prosperous. When there are disputes over private property, the government recognizes the evidence as evidence. Deed. Why, your court allows it, but you don’t allow it?”

Feng Yun saw a hint of pride flashing in her eyes and smiled.

"I misunderstood. Mrs. Chen did not act recklessly. She came prepared. It seems that she has studied the decrees and laws of the two countries."

Mrs. Chen snorted, "If you say hell, the Feng family's property should also be returned to the Feng family. You must be willing to admit that you are a Feng family, and I will prepare a generous dowry for you as your mother. You must take it seriously." If you clear the relationship, don’t blame me, I won’t give you any money.”

She nodded, "Okay. What you said makes some sense. The dispute about this issue is, which one is more accurate, your land deed and my land deed, right?"

Mrs. Chen used strength again to shake off the hostage.

"What kind of dispute is this? I am in front, you are behind. I am a landowner who bought the land with real money, and you occupied it without taking any money. This is the case wherever you go."

Feng Yun smiled softly.

"You say you are right, and I say I am right. Even if we argue for three days and three nights, we still can't make it clear. Let's see, if you claim property, then you go to the Yamen to file a complaint and say I am occupying it. How will the Yamen judge?"

Of course, the Yamen in Dajin helped her speak.

Mrs. Chen looked at her like a mirror and hummed.

"Then I will file a complaint in Qi State. Do you accept it?"

Feng Yun laughed, "It's all up to you where you want to complain. How the Qi court wants to hear the case is also your business. But whether I admit it or not depends on my mood."

Mrs. Chen sneered, and just as she was about to speak, Feng Yun suddenly suppressed her smile, looked at her coldly, and changed the subject.

"Property is a private dispute between you and me. Since you and I both hold our own opinions, let's discuss it later. What we have to deal with now is your Mrs. Chen's violation of our Huaxi Village rules. One code will be the same... "

Her voice dropped slightly.

In Mrs. Chen's doubtful eyes, she suddenly shouted.

"Come here, push Mrs. Chen to the bench and give her fifty whips."

"Feng Twelfth Mother!" Mrs. Chen's eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost. Seeing Feng Yun's unhurried and even smiling expression, she almost went crazy.

"Don't mess around. Even if I am not your stepmother, I am still the wife of the governor of Qi. You are an upright person in Jin, why can you punish me?"

Feng Yun said: "Things between Jin and Qi are governed by national law. But matters in Huaxi Village are governed by village regulations."

Mrs. Chen roared: "Where is filial piety? Where is your filial piety?"

Feng Yun curled his lips, "Do you think I'm unfilial? Do it!"

The two men dragged Mrs. Chen to the bench. Mrs. Chen was struggling on her hands and knees and yelling. Her disheveled hair looked like a ghost.

She has never suffered such humiliation in her life...

He shouted Feng Yun's name loudly, without begging for mercy, but with curses and abuse.

Feng Yun turned a deaf ear, as if he hadn't heard anything.

What does this humiliation mean?

Compared to what Feng Ying and her daughter had inflicted on her and Quer in their previous lives, it was just a drop in the bucket.


In one word, calm and calm.

It’s as if the person you’re beating is a pig or a dog and not worth mentioning, not your own stepmother…

The discussion in the crowd became more intense, and there were more voices urging her to calm down.

The Southern Qi guards who came from Bingzhou couldn't sit still when they saw this, and they all shouted.

"Our wife is a member of the Qi State. How can a small Jin State have the right to punish? We use our power to bully others, and I will fight for you..."

It must be said that this group of people are still passionate men, very loyal, roaring loudly, and rushing to protect Mrs. Chen.

But when it comes to Nagato's territory, their little strength is not worth mentioning.

Around the big locust tree, there were screams and dissuasion from time to time.

Feng Yun watched expressionlessly and raised his voice.

"The guards of Feng Mansion are all accomplices, and they are guilty of the same crime. Each of them shall be flogged fifty times."

This statement aroused the anger of the guards of Feng Mansion.

"Killing is not as good as killing. Feng Twelve Niang has gone too far. Kill her!"

Just as blood was about to be spilled on the spot, a sound of horse hooves came from the village road.

"The decree of the Empress Dowager Duan has arrived——"

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