Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 436: Everyone is promoted

The eunuch's slightly shrill voice came from afar, with a bit of majesty, and also diverted everyone's attention.

The village already has an emperor who is recuperating in seclusion and a princess who accompanies her son to see a doctor. Why is there another decree from the empress dowager?

Although they have seen many important figures, they still can't stop the villagers' curiosity.

A group of people turned their heads in unison, like a wave of people, looking straight at the village road-

Feng Yun did not delay, and told Xing Bing to keep an eye on Mrs. Chen and her group. He quickly put down the hand warmer, stood up, tidied his clothes, and walked to the bottom of the steps to greet them.

The sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer.

Not one person, but three or four.

Feng Yun looked closely, and although she was mentally prepared, she was still slightly surprised when she saw that the person at the head of the procession was Xu Yong, the eunuch beside Empress Dowager Duan.

Wei Zheng of the Tiqi Division had told her before.

Empress Dowager Duan was weak in temperament and had no ability to govern the country. If she was undecided about internal affairs, she would ask the eunuch Xu Yong, and if she was undecided about external affairs, she would ask the prime minister Ao Zheng. She had no opinion of her own.

At that time, she had suspected Xu Yong's background, but she had no way to dig deeper because of the deep red walls of the imperial court. On Pei Jue's side, it was probably not worth offending the Queen Mother Duan for a eunuch...

Xu Yong looked to be in his thirties, with a slender face, fair complexion, and thinness. He was younger than Feng Yun imagined, but he acted very calmly. He jumped off his horse and bowed to Feng Yun without saying a word.

"Xu Yong, the eunuch of Xuanguang Hall, greets Princess Yonghuai."

Feng Yun returned the greeting politely and smiled, "I didn't know that the eunuch was here, and I didn't welcome you from afar. Please forgive me, eunuch."

Xu Yong glanced at the gentle face, and could not see anything else except kindness, so he smiled, said a few polite words, and bowed again.

"I have been ordered to deliver the edict of Her Majesty the Empress Dowager. Princess, please accept the edict?"

Feng Yun quickly suppressed her expression and bent down to listen to the edict.

Xu Yong shook the silk in his hand and said softly:

"On the twenty-seventh day of the winter month in the first year of Tianshou, the Empress Dowager issued an edict: Princess Feng of Yonghuai is well-educated, virtuous, virtuous, talented, and has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, making the people of An Du feel at ease and the people of Jin think of her. Her virtue and talent are enough to be a model of women's virtues, and her reputation will be passed down through the ages. She is specially granted the title of Chief of Yonghuai Palace to commend her achievements..."

There was an uproar all around.

Feng Yun was the first female head of the village in Dajin.

Is she going to be the first female head of the village again?

But if she becomes the head of the village, who will be the head of the village?

In the eyes of everyone's curiosity, Xu Yong paused, slowly pursed his lips, drooped his eyelids, and read slowly.

"The Empress Dowager has decreed that since the excavation of the Changhe River, the population of Huaxi has increased dramatically, and the old system has become inconvenient. This decree specially promotes Huaxi Village to Huaxi Township, and Feng will concurrently serve as the first township official to govern Huaxi to show his virtue."

Huaxi Township?

The eyes of the villagers suddenly widened.

Feng Yun's promotion has nothing to do with them, and there is no personal benefit. At most, they are just watching the excitement, but the administrative promotion of Huaxi is closely related to their fate.

According to the old system of the Jin Dynasty, 100 households form a li, 10 li form a pavilion, and 10 pavilions form a township...

My God!

How big will Huaxi Township be from now on?

The villagers are very excited.

Not only will the people of Huaxi follow Feng Shier Niang to rise to heaven, but even Huaxi Village will rise to heaven!

"Should we not call her Lizheng Madam in the future? Should we call her..."

"Xiangzheng Madam?"

"This title is good, and sounds friendly."

"Xiangzheng and Xiangren, OK."

The villagers showed a happy expression on their faces, but they spoke in a low voice, for fear of affecting Eunuch Xu's reading of the decree. To Xu Yong, it was like the buzzing of bees...

He frowned, then read out a list of rewards, then paused slightly, looked up at Feng Yun, closed the silk and handed it over with both hands.

"Her Majesty the Queen Mother has another oral order. I hope Feng Changshi will assist King Yonghuai and support the Jin Dynasty together."

Feng Yun looked respectful, but her expression did not change. She smiled appropriately, but she did not show any excitement about the sudden promotion.

"Daughter Feng thanks the Lord for his grace." She took the silk with both hands, slowly walked up the steps, and placed it on the altar.

When everyone saw her like this, it seemed that they finally understood.

The purpose of Changmen setting up the altar and incense table was to rectify the village rules and to wait for this decree.

Even though they were far away in Huaxi, the villagers knew a little about the current situation.

The current Queen Mother was just a puppet. Although she had issued an edict to Feng Yun and Huaxi Village, she might not have wanted to do so in her heart...

It was obvious that these were instructed by King Yonghuai.

Isn't it normal that Feng Yun knew about it early?

Everyone was guessing in their hearts.

But in fact, Feng Yun didn't hear a word from Pei Zhuo about anything else except that he would be promoted to the position of the Chief of the Palace.

Of course, this was double happiness.

She followed the Queen Mother's edict, turned around, and asked Alou to take Xu Yong into the house to have tea and rest.

"I still have some small things to do, I will come to pay my respects later, please forgive me for neglecting you, eunuch."

Xu Yong had already discovered the unusualness of the village.

So many people gathered in the courtyard under the locust tree, what were they doing instead of doing business?

He seemed to be thinking, "Princess, is the case being judged here?"

Feng Yun remained calm, that smile was like it was stuck on his face, not a bit more, not a bit less, just enough to express friendliness.

"Excuse me, Eunuch Xu, but there is a matter that violates the village rules to deal with..."

Before she finished her voice, Madam Chen shouted.

"Eunuch Xu, help me!"

As a royal wife and a daughter of the Chen family, how could she be pushed down on a bench and whipped by low-level servants in front of so many people?

If Feng Yun really did this, where would she put her face?

How will she appear again from now on?

She looked at Xu Yong as if she had grasped a life-saving straw, her eyes shining with earnestness.

"Eunuch, I am from Bingzhou, the wife of the prefect Feng Jingting..."

After a slight pause, she looked at Feng Yun viciously, gritted her teeth, and added word by word:

"Mother of Feng Twelve Niang."

Xu Yong said "oh" and showed an expression of wanting to hear more details.

Feng Yun looked between him and Mrs. Chen, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and slowly added four words.

"Evil stepmother."

Xu Yong glanced over and laughed.

Mrs. Chen said anxiously: "My father-in-law will judge for me..."

She repeated what she just said in front of Xu Yong.

"This property belongs to the Feng family. Is this what Feng Twelfth Mother is usurping?"

Xu Yong frowned slightly, and then looked back at Mrs. Chen for a long time.

"Madam, the Zajia is just a... eunuch."

Feng Yun chuckled secretly, his eyes cold.

"I have made it clear to my wife that we can go to the Yamen to decide on property matters. There is no need to mention it here. But the village rules must be implemented no matter what. If the village rules are not correct, Huaxi Village... No, how to govern Huaxi Township, I "Xiang Zheng, how should we act?"

She saluted Xu Yong.

"Please, father-in-law, please move to the living room and let me finish your punishment before serving tea."

Feng Yun said it politely, but Xu Yong did not dare to accept Princess Yonghuai's "tea service" and small talk.

"I don't dare to accept it, I don't dare to accept it. The princess can do as she pleases, so I will thank you."

He bent down, lower than Feng Yun, and then slowly straightened up. His eyes swept across Mrs. Chen's frightened face, smiled slightly, straightened his chest and back, and under the leadership of Alou, he walked straight Went to the living room.

There was a low sigh of relief from the crowd.

Feng Yun turned his head and met Mrs. Chen's malicious eyes.

"What are you doing standing around? Enforce the village rules."

Everyone said in unison, "Here."


On this day, the screams and curses in Huaxi Village lasted for half an hour.

From Mrs. Chen to the attendants, everyone was flogged fifty times, and no one was missing.

Only Mrs. Chen's children and four maids who were with her escaped.

Feng Zhen had already burst into tears.

Feng Liang was crying and shouting. He wanted to run to Mrs. Chen several times, but was pulled back by the maid, who yelled at Feng Yun.

He couldn't figure out what was going on.

The eldest sister was not like this in the past...

Not to mention his mother, even he could get angry in front of his eldest sister at will, but she never dared to talk back.

So Feng Liang, who was still young, could not control his childish nature even though he had doubts in his heart, and tried to vent his anger and humiliation in questioning and scolding Feng Yun.

Feng Yun looked at him calmly and said coldly: "If you have the guts, you will take these fifty lashes for your mother. I will spare her. How about that?"

Feng Liang's face instantly turned pale.

He bit his lower lip in shame, stared at Feng Yun and shook his head:

"You are not my eldest sister, you are a devil, and you are a man-eating devil."

Feng Yun sneered: "Pull it down. Howl again, and we will enforce the law together."

Feng Liang shut up as fast as Feng Yun ordered.

Even Feng Zhen's crying stopped abruptly.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

It turns out that this is the filial piety that Mrs. Chen wants, and she has gained a lot of experience.

On this day, Mrs. Chen was carried and thrown into the carriage. In order not to scare the children in the village, Feng Yun had someone wrap her in a blanket to cover the blood on her buttocks.

As the carriage left Huaxi, Mrs. Chen was still scolding.

Her voice was completely mute and sounded as unpleasant as a broken gong.

But what is surprising is that the pampered lady actually suffered fifty lashes without fainting from the pain...

Feng Yun likes to be reasonable before taking action, and this game was very enjoyable.

There was just a slight shortcoming - if I had known that Chen was so resistant to beatings, he should have been beaten a few more times.

Regarding her act of whipping her stepmother, the onlookers had different opinions. Everyone had their own opinions, and they even had completely different opinions.

But Feng Yun acted as if he didn't know. He watched Mrs. Chen's carriage leave with a smile on his face, and then said to everyone in a gentle voice:

"On the sixth and seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, in order to celebrate the flower stream coming from the village and township, Changmen funded and set up running water mats for two days to celebrate with the villagers."

The crowd was slightly startled.

What followed was a roar of congratulations and cheers.

Feng Yun: I saw it. Some readers said that they thought my name meant horse plague...

Erjin: Yes, once upon a time, there was Bi Ma Fei, which was very famous.

Feng Yun: Are you insinuating that Chang Shi is Bi Ma Wen?

Erjin: No, no, no, it’s horse plague.

Feng Yun: Horse plague, horse plague, Feng Bianma, I am short of water. Yun becomes plague, where is my grass?

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