Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 437 What's the trick?

Feng Yun's caning of Mrs. Chen according to village rules caused quite a stir. Not only Huaxi Township and Andu County, but also the Tubao Lord and Mrs. Tu, who were far away in Tujiawubao, heard about it.

On the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, the Tu family and his wife set out before dawn and rushed to Huaxi.

That day, the long-lost sun appeared in the sky.

The winter was bright and the clouds were bright.

Feng Yun got the news from the servants and personally led people to the village entrance to greet Mrs. Tu Boxan, giving Mrs. Tu Boxan great courtesy.

This scene was completely different from the day when Mrs. Chen came. Before the person arrived, the whole Huaxi knew that Feng Yun's family was going to have a distinguished guest.

It happened that Feng Yun had a buffet today, and what Mrs. Tu Boxan saw was the most lively and harmonious scene in Huaxi.

The scenery here is picturesque, everyone is smiling, their faces are happy and warm, walking in it, it feels like being in a paradise without disputes and pain, comfortable and free...

"No wonder some people say Huaxi is heaven. Seeing it today, it is indeed worthy of its reputation."

When the carriage landed, Mrs. Tu took Feng Yun's hand and began to smile and praise.

Feng Yun has been to Tujiawubao, where the layout and layout are unparalleled in the world, and aesthetics can be seen everywhere. She can only think that Mrs. Tu is being polite and invites people to the manor with a smile.

"Compared to Madam's ingenuity, it's nothing. To be honest, I learned it from Tujiawubao."

Mrs. Tu was overjoyed. She looked at her husband and said modestly: "If you say so, then Ayun is better than her master."

Feng Yun smiled, "Madam is really good at praising people."

Tu Boshan laughed and said: "She often talks about you at home and never stops praising you. Today she finally comes and can praise you in person. You should satisfy her wish and let her praise you enough. Otherwise, it will be my ears that will suffer when I go back..."

Mrs. Tu glared at him and spat.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you scare Ayun, I won't forgive you."

After that, she turned to Feng Yun and smiled like a loving mother again, holding her and refusing to let go.

"What Old Tu said is true. You are a lovable child, capable, open-minded, and impeccable. If the two evil debtors in my family were half as sensible as you, I would be satisfied."

Tu Boshan laughed, "Look, look, isn't it coming again..."

Feng Yun was amused by the couple and laughed, "What I said is true. The layout of Changmen refers to a lot of ingenuity of Tujiawubao. Especially those workshops, Uncle Wentian did it himself, all according to the construction of Tujiawubao... I just adapted to local conditions and added some rural elements."

Mrs. Tu said, "That's why it has a unique style."

The two smiled at each other, with admiration in their eyes.

After not seeing each other for a long time, they didn't feel restrained at all.

Mrs. Tu walked around under the leadership of Feng Yun.

The more she looked, the more she liked it, and the more she liked it, the more she praised it. However, Tu Boshan bowed to Feng Yun halfway and went to visit Chunyu Yan's Yunzhuang.

Without him, Mrs. Tu became more excited. She liked Feng Yun more and more, and she felt that Huaxi Changmen was better than Tujia Wubao.

Because of the buffet, people came in and out from time to time, and it was as lively as a market, and the air seemed to be filled with the aroma of food.

This is a leisurely and comfortable life!

Mrs. Tu smiled and glanced at Feng Yun, her eyes almost narrowed into a line with joy.

"This doesn't look like a small village at all, it's more lively than our Tujia Wubao. Tomorrow I will use my own money to buy two acres of land here and build a small house for myself. When I quarrel with Old Tu, I will move here."

Feng Yun laughed, "Thank you for the compliment, Madam. I am very proud at this moment, and my work is not in vain."

Her original intention was to build a Wubao.

It's just that there is no soil for development at present.

The court is always very sensitive to Wubao.

The great court will not allow the existence of "small courts". For those who are obedient, have deep roots, and openly surrender to the court, such as the Tujia Wubao, they are currently turning a blind eye. As for the others.

As far as Feng Yun knows, under the rule of the Xijing court, several large and small Wubaos have been quietly abolished...

Pei Jue kept silent, and these things did not attract attention among the people, but Madam Tu and the Tubao master knew it in their hearts, so at Ao Qi's wedding this time, they not only gave a big gift, but also made a special trip to Changmen.

Madam Tu was of course unaware of Feng Yun's obscure feelings for her.

Therefore, she was warm and cautious in front of Feng Yun.

Afraid that one point less would not be enough, and afraid that one point more would be too much.

Fortunately, Feng Yun treated her close, which allowed her to slowly put down her worries and chat with Feng Yun.

"I heard that you beat your stepmother?"

Feng Yun stopped when he heard the voice and sighed with a low smile.

"Did Madam hear about it, too? It's true that good news doesn't travel far, but bad news travels a thousand miles."

In fact, before punishing Madam Chen, she thought carefully for a long time. Between beating and not beating, she weighed the pros and cons repeatedly, and finally made the decision to "beat". The inner struggle was not at all the calmness shown on her face.

There are many reasons not to beat.

Secular ethics, people's words are scary...

And Wen Xingsu who stood in the middle, all made her hesitate for a short time.

But there are only two reasons for beating -

One is Qu'er.

In the previous life, the culprits of their mother and son's experience were Xiao Cheng, Feng Ying, and Madam Chen behind Feng Ying.

There is a chain between the three of them - Madam Chen gave advice, Feng Ying whispered in their ears, and Xiao Cheng was their backer.

Especially, it was Mrs. Chen who came up with the idea to put Qu'er under house arrest in Zhaode Palace for a trivial matter.

The second reason was her mother.

Although she was young when her mother died, Feng Jingting and Chen had an affair, which caused her mother to be depressed and painful, and Feng Yun still had a deep impression...

In addition, it was her mother's tragic death. It was hard to say that Mrs. Chen did not have any influence behind Feng Jingting and the Feng family...

After all, she and Feng Jingyao had always had a good personal relationship.

After rebirth, Feng Yun only thought that she had picked up a period of life. She no longer cared about those worldly rumors, and had no affection for the Feng family.

She was hesitant only about whether beating Chen would affect her and Changmen, and whether it would make it difficult for her eldest brother. As for other things, she had never thought about it.

"Madam, do you think I shouldn't do this?"

Mrs. Tu certainly didn't know about her past life. As for the evil deeds in this life, she thought Feng Yun shouldn't do this.

"It's not that I shouldn't beat her, but beating her, for Ayun, at most can only vent a breath, but it will leave a lot of handles for people to say bad things about me, it's not worth it."

Feng Yun laughed, "It's nothing more than saying that I'm cruel and ruthless and don't care about ethics. It doesn't matter, even if I don't do it, there will be people who say it. Beating her, I feel good."

Mrs. Tu pondered for a moment, "Why does Ayun hate her stepmother so deeply? She is willing to pay the price of her reputation?"

Feng Yun has heard too many such arguments in the past two days. She never explains anything, but to Mrs. Tu, she suddenly wants to say something.

"Madam, just think of this beating as a beating for my deceased mother."

Mrs. Tu was slightly stunned.

The Tu Castle Master only has one wife. Mrs. Tu has never experienced her husband's change of heart, and she has never experienced jealousy with the concubine, but she has lived for half her life and has seen and heard a lot.

She sighed, "That's right. It's only natural to avenge my mother, no matter who she is."

Feng Yun chuckled, "Madam is open-minded."

Mrs. Tu lowered her head and looked at her snow-white little hand. She couldn't help but pull it over and said intimately:

"I heard from Lao Cong that Ayun learned everything from her mother. Ayun's mother once brought 5,000 books as a dowry. I wonder if this is true?"

Feng Yun saw the curiosity flashing in her eyes and smiled slightly.

"If you don't mind, let's take a look at the study."

Mrs. Tu was overjoyed, "Then I will be thick-skinned and take a look?"

The two looked at each other, like old friends, and walked to the study side by side.

Mrs. Tu was spoiled by her husband and loved by her subordinates in the Tu family fortress, but she was not a vase with nothing but good looks.

She was very studious, and many advanced designs in the fortress came from her.

In many things, Tu Boxan was in the front and Madam Tu was behind. Others only thought that the master of Tubao was powerful, but they didn't know that Madam Tu was a rare woman who didn't show her edge.

In comparison, Tu Boxan was more like a rough man.

Feng Yun knew all this because of her long-term contacts with Tujiawubao and Cong Wentian, as well as her experience of staying in Tujiawubao in her past and present lives.

She guessed that Madam Tu would be interested in her study and invited her warmly, but she didn't expect that Madam Tu only stayed in the study for less than a quarter of an hour, and her fair face gradually turned red, getting redder and redder, and the excitement was visible to the naked eye...

Feng Yun hesitated: "What's wrong with Madam?"

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