Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 438: Mother's Past

The study was heated by a floor heater, and it was very warm.

Feng Yun asked again with concern: "Madam, do you feel hot?"

Madam Tu held a copy of "Essentials of Farming" in her left hand and a copy of "Refining Notes" in her right hand, and her hands were shaking with excitement.

"Are these all left by Ayun's mother?"

Feng Yun saw her abnormality and nodded in confusion.

"What advice do you have, Madam?"

Madam Tu looked at her with a gloomy look in her eyes, suddenly put down the book, held her hands with both hands, and said excitedly:

"No wonder I felt that you were a good match when I first met you, no wonder I felt close to you when I saw you..."

She muttered to herself, and seemed to feel that she couldn't explain it clearly, so she suddenly turned around and went out, calling the maid to accompany her.

"Tell the lord of the fort to send someone back to the fort to get the notes collected in my study. Hurry up!"


What is this?

Feng Yun was confused.

But she felt that this matter was unusual, so she pursed her lips and looked at it without saying much, until Madam Tu finished instructing the maid, turned back from her excitement, and held her hand again.

"Ayun, your mother is suspected to be my old friend."

"Old friend?"

Feng Yun was puzzled.

Madam Tu said: "It is difficult to explain it for a while, wait until they send the notes, and you will know it. The handwriting on the notes is exactly the same as your mother's."

She didn't know how many times she had read those notes, and her memory was so deep that she could remember it even with her eyes closed, and she would never read it wrong.

Feng Yun was shocked when she heard it.

"If that's the case, why didn't you speak up earlier? Don't you know that I am the daughter of Lu Sanniang?"

Madam Tu shook her head, her face slightly restrained, and there was a flash of disappointment in her expression.

"I didn't know she was Lu Sanniang."

Feng Yun pursed her lips and looked at her quietly.

Madam Tu took her hand, walked to the window and sat down, and gave Feng Yun a look again.

Feng Yun dismissed the servants, and when they were alone in the room, Mrs. Tu said:

"It's because I promised her that her affairs must not be known to anyone, so I have to be cautious..."

Feng Yun said: "It's okay. Madam, please tell me, what's going on?"

Feng Yun was naturally curious about her mother's past. Her heart was in her throat, and her emotions were aroused. She couldn't bear Mrs. Tu's hesitation.

But when talking about the past, Mrs. Tu was uncharacteristically generous and cheerful, but she became a little shy.

"I met Yunniang's mother when I was a little girl, and it was your mother who saved me..."

Feng Yun: "I would like to hear the details."

Mrs. Tu bit her lip, perhaps to sort out her thoughts. She was silent for a long time, and then whispered:

"The day I met her... I was very unbearable. Your mother didn't know me at all, but she risked her life to save me..."

She didn't say how unbearable it was.

But for a woman, it's not easy to ask about things that are inconvenient to talk about.

Feng Yun nodded.

Then she heard Mrs. Tu say:

"It was also on the same day that I met Old Tu. He brought me and your mother to the Tujia Fortress, and called a doctor in the fortress to treat my injuries..."

Feng Yun didn't know Mrs. Tu's life experience before, and she had never heard a word from Cong Wentian.

Of course, she didn't ask about it on purpose...

She never thought that she and the owner of Tu Fortress would have such a fate, and it was related to her mother.

Fate is unpredictable. In addition to sighing, she was more eager to know the little things about her mother's past, and couldn't help asking again.

"Where is my mother? Is she injured?"

Mrs. Tu said: "Fortunately, Old Tu came in time, and she is also smart and knows how to deal with thieves. She was not injured at the time..."

Feng Yun frowned.

"Who are the thieves?"

Mrs. Tu lowered her eyes, "The days were turbulent and chaotic at that time. I don't know who the group was... At that time, they all had sharp weapons. Old Tu had only one guard, and he took us with him, so he didn't chase them. The matter was left unresolved..."

Mrs. Tu made the matter too vague.

In order to confirm, Feng Yun repeated it again.

"On the day we met, Madam was trapped, and my mother came to the rescue and dealt with the thieves. Just when it was dangerous, the Lord of Tu Fort appeared and rescued the beauty. You and your mother were able to go to Tushan. The Lord of Tu Fort... that is, the young Lord of the Fort at that time, was warm and hospitable, and asked someone to heal Madam's wounds. You two fell in love with each other from then on, and later got married?"

"Ayun is smart, that's exactly what happened. That year, I was only thirteen and Old Tu was sixteen, at the age of passion, otherwise I'm afraid he wouldn't help..."

Perhaps thinking of the past, suddenly emotional, Madam Tu gently curled the corners of her mouth, revealing a bit of sadness.

"If it weren't for your mother, there would be no Ni Rong in the world, nor would there be the current wife of the fortress owner. There would only be a lonely ghost who died tragically at the foot of Tushan."

Ni Rong, is that Madam Tu's maiden name?

Feng Yun smiled slightly, realizing that she was hiding something that was inconvenient to say, but since it had nothing to do with her mother, she didn't ask.

"How long did my mother live in Tushan?"

Madam Tu said: "Three years."

She said it without hesitation.

Feng Yun was a little surprised, "Three years?"

She had never heard of this.

Madam Tu nodded.

"She left without saying goodbye the day after I got married. During those three years, we were in Tujiawubao, going in and out together, eating and sleeping together, and we were very happy. Alas, it was the happiest three years of my life..."

Feng Yun's eyes were bright, "Really?"

Mrs. Tu knew that she wanted to hear it, so she smiled and nodded.

"We lived in Tujiawu Fort. It was a good life that I never dared to imagine... Your grandmother was very intelligent, but she was very humble. She taught me a lot of things - that is, you What I saw in Tushan, but she didn’t allow me to tell outsiders, I had to come with her..."

Then he laughed again.

"But that time when she went to the smelting workshop in Wubao, she couldn't help but speak and gave some instructions. The two craftsmen were immediately shocked and had to come to the door and kneel down to worship her as their teacher..."

"and after?"

"Your mother was afraid that people would find out, so she had no choice but to agree. She is really a good person. As long as others sincerely ask for help, she will not hesitate to pass it on."

Feng Yun vaguely remembered the first time he went to Tujiawu Fort in his life. The proud old craftsmen showed reverence when they mentioned his master...

Could it be that the master the craftsman claimed to be, the talented person who astonished Feng Yun at Tujiawu Fort... was actually her mother?

No wonder……

She will feel that there is something special about Tujiawu Fort, which is very similar to what is contained in the book left by her mother...

Mrs. Tu said: "Those things that you are full of praise for are actually all thanks to your mother..."

Feng Yun received the affirmation, but his heart was not filled with joy, but with regret and discomfort.

Why would such a good mother marry Feng Jingting?

If given a choice, Feng Yun would rather not have Feng Yun in the world, but let his mother choose a lover again and not jump into the fire pit...

Mrs. Tu's eyes were full of nostalgia, "Your mother's virtue, character, and ability back then were really impeccable..."

Speaking of this, she seemed to have thought of something funny, and the corners of her lips twitched slightly.

"When Lao Tu fell in love with me, I was actually very puzzled. Your mother's beauty is far beyond the ordinary beauty of me. I suspected that Lao Tu was blind or had an ulterior motive... …”

Feng Yun laughed, his eyes shining.

She could no longer remember her mother's face.

The original paintings in the mansion were also burned after Chen passed by.

Year after year, his mother's face gradually blurred in Feng Yun's mind...

She was still too young at that time, too young to have any strength to fight...

"Later, I asked Lao Tu." Mrs. Tu talked eloquently, her voice becoming gentler, "I said, I am an orphan, I don't have anything I want, and I am not as good as her in everything. Why did the young castle master abandon the bright moon for Yinghuo?"

Feng Yun twisted his lips and smiled, "What did Master Tu say?"

Mrs. Tu tugged her lips and made a sound.

"He said that your mother is good at everything, but he doesn't deserve it and doesn't dare to covet her. He also said that your mother behaves strangely and is not like ordinary people, so he doesn't dare to get close... He, he was so naive and stupid at that time, and blind……"

When talking about the past events of her youth, Mrs. Tu’s face was filled with sweetness and happiness.

It can be seen that she is extremely satisfied to marry Tu Boxan and become the mistress of Tujiawu Castle.

Feng Yun said: "Then my those three years, apart from teaching my wife to learn and taking in two old apprentices, she did nothing else? Didn't she ask to go home? She didn't even mention her real name and identity. ?”

"No." Mrs. Tu said, "Your grandma is very mysterious. She is different from ordinary people."


This was the first time Feng Yun heard someone describe his deceased mother in this way, and he thought it was extremely appropriate.

Isn’t it just mysterious?

There are unknown secrets everywhere in my mother's body.

Mrs. Tu continued: "At first, she only said that her name was Yingfeng. She accidentally fell into the water and was frightened, so she couldn't remember anything. Later, she also said that she should be from Fan Yang and come from a scholarly family..."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Tu couldn't help but sigh.

"She remembered it bit by bit. Occasionally she thought of something and told me a little bit more. The last time, she said that her ancestors were from a large family that followed their clothes and went south in the early years. Their ancestors lost their chance and were not favored by the emperor. Until her father At that time, they were sent to Yiyang to serve as officials...My mother took her younger brother with her father, leaving her alone at home..."

Feng Yun asked: "What then?"

Mrs. Tu said: "When I heard her recalling her life experience, I was very happy for her, so I offered to accompany her back to look for her family. Unexpectedly, she declined. She also said that her parents were not around and her grandparents did not like her very much. If you are not happy in the house, why not live in peace on the mountain and let them worry..."

She sighed, "It's strange to say that your mother is two years younger than me, but she is very independent. I listened to these words and played with her in Tushan all day long. I never thought that she would lie to me... …

Until later, she left a letter and left without saying goodbye. I asked the young castle master to search around, but there was no news, so I went to Fanyang myself. Unfortunately, there was no family named Ying there, no young lady named Yingfeng, and no one there. A place called Yiyang...

Only then did I realize that everything she said was false. "

"She didn't lie to you." Feng Yun lowered his eyes and said with a faint look: "My grandmother's nickname is Feng'er. My maternal grandfather and grandmother did take my two uncles away from home, and they never returned home again. Didn’t come back.”

Mrs. Tu was surprised: "Is it true?"

Feng Yun nodded.

Mrs. Tu said: "I have been worried about this for many years, but unexpectedly it turned out like this... She didn't lie to me..."

Feng Yun said: "No."

My mother's marriage was arranged by her grandmother. She was able to marry into the Feng family only because of the engagement and Feng Jingting's lustful mind.

It is said that Feng Jingting went to the Lu family with the intention of breaking off the engagement, but when he saw Lu Sanniang, he immediately regretted it. He did not have time to go home to report to his parents, so he used the gift used to break off the engagement as an apology as a proposal, and then used his mouth to coax Mrs. Lu into a smile, and only then did he win the beauty...

They talked about this as an anecdote,

and Feng Yun never heard anyone mention the three years that her mother lived in Tushan...

She was a little puzzled.

At that time, what happened to her mother that she had to take refuge in Tujiawubao for three years, or whether it was because of something else, Mrs. Tu did not know, and Feng Yun had no way to ask...

"I still have that letter, it's sandwiched between those two notebooks." Mrs. Tu said here, and suddenly looked at Feng Yun, "I don't know whether I should show it to you..."

Good night, my readers~~heart!

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