Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 439: The Chief Secretary's Clothes

After Tu Boshan came back from Yunzhuang, he found that the relationship between Mrs. Tu and Feng Twelve Niang had obviously become much closer...

Especially Feng Twelve Niang.

When he went to greet them at the entrance of the village, he was polite but distant. Now he was talking and laughing the same way, but the light in his eyes was different. When he saw him, there was also an indescribable kindness. feel.

Tu Boshan hissed, "What happened?"

Mrs. Tu scolded him, "What does it have to do with you? You should stay out of women's affairs."

Tu Boshan raised his eyebrows slightly, smiled, and seriously stopped asking any more questions.

The relationship between the couple is really good. A man like Tu Boshan is honest but pragmatic. He may not have any sweet words, but he is enough for people to rely on.

Mrs. Tu is lucky.

In a critical moment, he received a lifetime of salvation.

Feng Yun was very anxious to read the notes and letters left by his mother, but he had to ride a fast horse back and forth from Huaxi Village to Tujiawu Fort, and it would probably be late at night before he could get back.

At this time, the big banquet in the village has begun.

The flowing water mat was laid out, and it looked like flowing water. The villagers brought pots and pans from their homes, and took the initiative to cook to help each other. It was like celebrating a festival. The whole village became lively, with tables and stools extending out from the yard, along the The village road goes down and you can't see the end at a glance.

Mrs. Tu had never seen such a battle in Wubao, and she was amazed.

"Interesting, interesting, really interesting."

Feng Yun invited the couple to sit at the head table and treated them with respect as if they were elders. Soon even the people around her noticed that after the master and Mrs. Tu came out of the house, their attitudes changed.

So they became particularly attentive to the Tu family and his wife.

Mrs. Tu seemed to be overjoyed, and secretly said to Tu Boshan: "I suddenly feel like I have an extra daughter. What do you think it would be like if Ayun was my daughter..."

Tu Boshan glared at her quietly.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Mrs. Tu wanted to have a daughter after giving birth to her eldest son.

Unfortunately, her daughter's dream was shattered when her two younger sons fell to the ground one after another.

When I saw my third son, Ding Ding, I even cried.

Of course Tu Boxan knew that she liked Feng Yun very much, but Feng Yun was no longer the Feng Yun before, how could he marry randomly?

Mrs. Tu understood his warning.

He winked, but refused to pay attention, mouthing:

"I will treat her as my daughter from now on."

There were so many people talking, and she didn't get a chance to tell Tu Boshan that the original Yingfeng was Mrs. Lu Sanni, Feng Yun's biological mother, and she was secretly proud of it.

Tu Boshan felt helpless and patted the back of her hand.

"I will work harder when I get home."

Mrs. Tu's face darkened, "How dare you, who wants to have sex with you?"

Tu Boshan raised his eyebrows and hummed.

When the couple whispered to each other, Feng Yun got up and went to the running water mat to talk to the villagers who came. When he came back, he saw that there was still no one on the mat. He suddenly thought of something and turned around to ask Alou.

"Where is the Crown Prince? Didn't you go to invite him?"

Ah Lou was stunned and shook his head.

Nagato hosted a banquet for the whole village, which everyone knew.

The master didn't explain it. He was so busy that he forgot about it.

Who would have thought that Prince Chunyu, who wanted to build his dining hall at Changmen, would miss the banquet?

He said: "That little man, are you going to invite me?"

Feng Yun nodded, motioned for him to go, and then sat down to chat with Tu Boshan and his wife.

When Chun Yuyan was mentioned, Mrs. Tu felt very regretful.

There was no one else around, so she smiled quietly and said:

"Back then, knowing the prince's intentions and not knowing who King Yonghuai was, I even thought about bringing you two together..."

Tu Boshan coughed.

One cough wasn't enough, so I coughed again.

"The food is served, eat the food, eat the food."

Mrs. Tu glanced at him, then moved closer to Feng Yun and lowered her voice.

"I haven't seen you for such a long time. I thought that the prince had already given up his thoughts. Who would have thought that he would go and build a house next to your house. Such an infatuated person..."

Tu Boshan: "Ahem, cough, madam, eat some vegetables."

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly and said calmly: "Madam, I misunderstood. The prince's thoughts are not with me, but with someone else..."

"Anyone else?"

Others believe it, but Mrs. Tu doesn’t.


"Seriously." Feng Yun said with a smile: "His sweetheart is in my village. It's a pity that Prince Xiang has a heart, but the goddess has no dreams. My son, you still have to work hard."

"Cough!" Another cough.

It was not from Tu Boshan, but from the belated Prince Chunyu.

He put one hand behind his back, and his slender and straight figure was half a head taller than Alou. When he stood there, he stood out.

People around him paid their respects to the prince one after another.

Tu Boshan and his wife also stood up, bowed their hands and greeted each other.

Feng Yun kept smiling and bowed his hands.

"Your Majesty, please take your seat."

Chunyu Yan: "Coming here uninvited makes Master Tu laugh."

Feng Yun glanced at Alou.

Ah Lou gestured innocently and said nothing.

He originally wanted to invite him, but as soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Chun Yuyan coming. What else could he invite?

Feng Yun said with a smile: "We are all neighbors and villagers. We just say, please come and go. The courtesy is too unfamiliar."

Chunyu Yan glanced at her and smiled silently.

She was originally angry, but Feng Twelve's words were very pleasant to her ears, and she was impressed by her words...

He looked around, "Brother Pei is not at home?"

Feng Yun said: "The king will not be back until later. Does the prince have anything to do with him?"

Chunyu Yan said: "Nothing, it would be better if he doesn't come back."

Feng Yun: "..."

While the two were talking, Mrs. Tu had exchanged several looks with Tu Boshan. Seeing their sudden silence, she quickly picked up her chopsticks to break the deadlock.

"Come, eat vegetables, eat vegetables. Let me try this steamed duck slices..."

As soon as she took the food into her mouth, her eyes lit up.

Again, thumbs up.

Tu Boshan looked very understanding and knew that his wife would praise him, so it was not surprising.

But when he also took a bite of the duck slices, he realized that Mrs. Tu's expression was not a mindless compliment, nor was it exaggerated.

"A gluttonous feast that leaves a lasting aroma on your lips and teeth. Delicious, really delicious."

Feng Yun was very happy to be praised.

"The castle owner and his wife like it. I will have someone copy the recipe and take it back to Wubao. It will be convenient if I want to eat it in the future."

Mrs. Tu blinked, "Maybe it requires the water and soil of Huaxi River to make such delicious food?"

Feng Yun remembered what she said about buying land in Huaxi, and responded with a smile:

"The lady will often stay in Huaxi from now on."

Mrs. Tu's eyes lit up, "I will come, I will come."

Several people were talking, and shouts and laughter came from outside from time to time.

The flowing water table became more and more lively...

Just at this moment, Ge Guang hurriedly came to report.

"Madam, the messenger is here, saying he is delivering something to Madam."

Feng Yun paused and put down his chopsticks, "I'll go take a look."

In full view of everyone, the messenger came in carrying a long box from the long flowing mat, but what he brought was not an order, but the clothes that Pei Mad gave Feng Yun.

Not the ones my daughter was wearing, but the official uniforms of the royal family chief.

Her appointment was too urgent, and the court did not have women's clothing. It took some time to order it, and then it arrived.

Along with the clothes, there were also a complete set of small prints and accessories, which aroused the curiosity of everyone on the scene.

"I have only seen Mr. Guan, but never Mrs. Guan... I wonder what Madam Feng looks like in her long uniform."

"Yes, yes, when did a female officer appear? And has anyone seen what a female officer looks like?"

"If a lady wears it, she will definitely look majestic."

"It would be great if we could see the lady wearing it sometime."

Everyone's eyes showed anticipation.

Feng Yun thought that he, a royal official without a palace, probably didn't need official uniforms. He was happy and satisfied everyone's curiosity.

"Wait until I put it on and give you a look."

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