Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 440 Not a Beast

Since her rebirth, Feng Yun has made a lot of money and is very particular about her living expenses. However, she is not the kind of person who "makes clothes today and makes jewelry tomorrow". She loves to enjoy herself, but does not want to be extravagant and wasteful. Everything is comfortable.

Therefore, what people in the village see most is her plain and quiet appearance, rarely wearing colorful clothes...

The long official uniform is not complicated and expensive, but it has a natural magnificence and temperament, which is brought by the official uniform itself.

It symbolizes dignity and is the embodiment of rank, identity and status. When worn on Feng Yun, it is breathtakingly beautiful and quickly arouses class consciousness...

Even with the most beautiful words, it is difficult to describe her mood.

Thousands of beautiful heads...

Feng Twelve Niang is a leader.

The originally noisy running water mat became exceptionally quiet...

The chief historian of the palace is also from the fourth rank.

A few days have passed since I learned that Feng Yun was appointed an official to seeing her put on official uniform with my own eyes.

But only at this moment did the villagers really realize that Feng Twelfth Mother had really become an official.


People were unusually silent.

There was no clinking of cups, dishes, and chopsticks at the banquet, and the silence was so tense that it made people nervous.

Feng Yunhan smiled and raised his eyebrows, "Why are you all looking at me? Don't you want to see the clothes? No one said anything after seeing them?"

It’s not that I don’t say it, it’s that I don’t know how to say it.

Only then did people gradually sigh with emotion and praise.

"This dress is worn by my wife. It means it has found its right owner. It looks good and handsome!"

"If I were a young lady, I would wish to give my two daughters to her."

"Hahahaha, Madam Zhou, your abacus beads fell on the floor."

First someone made a joke.

Smiling and laughing, he suddenly became quiet again.

Many people said nothing and just looked at Feng Yun.

Then someone knelt down and knelt down to her.

"Common people, please see Mr. Chang Shi."

Once someone kneels down, other people will kneel down one after another for fear of being left behind. The crowd is like dumplings, and the speed is unexpected...

The smile on Feng Yun's face disappeared.

"What is this doing?"

She frowned and said coldly:

"Everyone, get up! Nagato doesn't want to kneel down and worship."

If a group of people knelt down to her on a beautiful flowing mat, wouldn't it mean that she was proudly showing off her power in front of the people in official uniform?

Good intentions lead to bad things, not what she wants.

"I wear it just for everyone to watch. Once I take off my clothes, I am still Feng Twelfth Mother. What should you call me in the future, and what else do you call me? Do you hear me?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock, and it took a long time before they burst into laughter.

"I understand."

"Mrs. Feng is still Mme. Feng..."

Feng Yun asked someone to take the messenger down for a bite, then returned to the table and smiled faintly.

"They say that I, a female official, am different from the female officials who take care of the common affairs in the emperor's harem. I think in my heart, I am not as good as other female officials. I take care of the common affairs of the palace..."

Chunyu Yan curled the corners of his lips and remained silent.

Tu Boshan laughed loudly, "That's very different. Chang Shi is a staff member, a person who advises and plans for the king. The officials of the palace have to take care of the general affairs..."

Feng Yun also laughed, "Master, look, does my king need my advice? Besides, he doesn't even have a palace, so what can I do?"

Mrs. Tu snorted and laughed.

Tu Boshan followed suit and said, "Eat vegetables, eat vegetables."

Chun Yuyan couldn't hear the words "my king", so he lowered his beautiful eyes and said slowly:

"Why are these beans so tasteless?"

Feng Yun glanced at his bowl and said, "I think it's too sour for the prince's taste."

When Chun Yuyan heard this, his mouth became even more sour.


Pei Madang came back at dusk.

He first went to the Ao Mansion in Andu, and then rode back to Changmen. As expected, he saw the lively scene after a village banquet, but unexpectedly found Feng Yun sitting in the room wearing official uniform, silently lost in thought.

The setting sun falls on the west window, scattering a piece of gold.

The woman in the dusk was dressed in a long official uniform, with neat sideburns and a solemn face. Her whole person seemed to have changed.

It's not the flirtatious Feng Twelve Niang on the couch, but the quarrelsome Feng Changshi in the hall. The appearance is not gorgeous, but it is extremely stunning, and it also makes people have a greater desire to conquer. They can't wait to peel off the wrapping skin to reveal the fresh and tender flower juice, and then...

Crush it between your lips and teeth with your own hands.

Pei Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, with a small dark glow flowing in his eyes.

"Feng Changshi, the sun is coming out in the west?"

Feng Yun looked back at him and then at the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Has your Majesty learned to joke?"

Pei Ran approached and looked at her for a moment, his eyes fell on the soft white jade neck, his voice was quiet.

"Why are you dressed like this?"

Feng Yun looked down.

She was just too lazy to change because she was waiting for someone to come from Tujiawubao.

"Given by the king. Of course I have to wear it for the king to see." She asked, "Don't you look good?"

Pei Ran: "It looks good."

When Feng Yun saw the light in his eyes, his body trembled and he stepped back, "Don't make random decisions. I don't have that in mind today."

Pei Ran laughed and said, "I am not a beast either."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, relaxed a little, and chatted casually with him.

"Are you ready for the wedding banquet in Ao Mansion?"

Pei Ran nodded and said nothing.

Feng Yun asked again: "Is Xiao Qi back?"

Pei Ran's brows slowly frowned.

Looking at that expression, Feng Yun understood.

She smiled lowly, "It seems that the groom has to wait until the official day to come back and give everyone a surprise."

Pei Madang knew what was going on with Ao Qi.

But in this matter, Feng Yun did nothing wrong and was always magnanimous in front of him.

Therefore, the two never shy away from this.

Pei Ran said: "The Prime Minister has sent someone to pick him up. He should be able to arrive tonight."

He called Ao Zheng by his official title, not brother-in-law.

Feng Yun chuckled lightly and said, "It's also the nature of a young man. It will be fine when he grows up."

Pei Ran looked at her and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You're only one year older than him."

Depending on the age of a person, the tone, manner, and demeanor will be different, and there will be obvious characteristics and differences.

And what Feng Yun often reveals is that...

It seems that I have walked through a lifetime and seen through all the vicissitudes of life.

Pei Ran remembered her asking, "Can people go back to the past?"

He was frightened, and his eyes became even colder.

Feng Yun realized his inquiry and smiled.

"I am young and mature, and I am different from that little kid like Xiao Qi. You know, I am a strange person who can predict war events at the age of three. He can't compare to him..."

In order to clear up his doubts, she spoke in a relaxed tone and even had a little joke in the second half of the sentence.

Before her voice fell, she saw the change in Pei Man's expression.

The look in her eyes was like the sky before a thunderstorm, filled with layers of dark clouds that were too thick to break away. She felt breathless just looking at them.

She also remembered the cruel words Pei Ran said that day when the two of them were talking about the battle between Jin and Qi.

Feng Yun couldn't figure out what connection he had with the Xie family, but Pei Man's eyes were scary enough that she had to restrain her emotions.

"I'm not laughing at them." Feng Yun suppressed an anxious breath and said sincerely:

"You know, I have no intention of joking about this battle, and I can't bear to sympathize with Xie Jiajun. And because it is related to me, I have been grudged for many years..."

Pei Ran was silent.

Feng Yun looked at the fatigue in his eyebrows.

"I know that your Majesty doesn't want to say anything, so it's useless for me to ask you. But your Majesty's reaction really makes me curious."

From paying homage to Xie Xian's tomb in Bingzhou to getting angry when mentioning Xie Jiajun, it was hard for Feng Yun not to think about it.

"Is it possible that General Xie was kind to you...? On the battlefield, a favor for not killing? No, how old were you at that time? What kind of battlefield..."

"It's a kindness." Pei Madang followed her words and said, "The kindness is as heavy as a mountain, and there is no way to repay it."

"Hmm." Feng Yun nodded.

"The benefactor has passed away, and it is difficult to repay this kindness. It is really regrettable."

Pei Ran hummed without saying anything more. He picked up the account book she placed on the wooden table and took a look.

"Chun Yuyan's?"

Feng Yun said: "Business dealings."

She also glanced at it and said, "I've been too busy these days and haven't had time to take a closer look. Let's wait until Xiao Qi gets married. There's no rush now."

Pei Madang said nothing and threw it aside. He went straight to the inner room to change out of his light armor and came out in a wide robe. He casually walked up to Feng Yun, leaned over to move the animal's foot incense burner, and sat down.

Feng Yun was shocked when he saw him like this, then smiled.

He usually wears military uniform, while she wears ordinary clothes. Today she was wearing an official uniform, but he was wearing a light robe and a loose belt, like a wealthy and idle man.

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment. Let me change my clothes before I speak."

"No need." Pei Ran's voice was lazy.

Feng Yun smiled and turned around.

The wide sleeves of the robe bring out a slightly cool fragrance.

Pei Ran stopped her and pulled her into his arms.

"Yunniang is like this, just right."

His deep voice, as mellow as wine, played with the heartstrings, and Feng Yun became wary when he heard it...

"Your Majesty..."

She leaned on his arm and looked into a pair of eyes as deep as an ancient well.

Incense curls up.

There is an ambiguous atmosphere floating in the silent air...

flowing in their breath.

Pei Ran lowered his head and stroked her fair and delicate cheeks little by little with his fingertips, then slowly landed on her lips.

Feng Yun subconsciously opened his mouth and bit it.

Her teeth knocked against his finger, and she quickly let go.

Pei Ran chuckled, moved to her hot earlobe, and pinched it.

"This looks so beautiful."

"Not serious." Feng Yun's cheeks were slightly warm and he glanced at the sunset on the west window. "Mrs. Tu is taking a rest in the wing. We have important things to discuss later..."

Pei Ran hummed, "What about waiting in the dead of night?"

He is not the kind of person who flirts with cats and dogs. Even if he says this kind of thing, he will say it very seriously, but in a soft voice, just like the good-natured expression he shows every time he "asks for something."

Feng Yun was helpless and funny, and flew away.

"Then you have to wait."

As the two of them talked, the sunset faded and the sky gradually sank into darkness.

It gets dark very early at this time of year. When the time comes, Huaxi Village fades away from the hustle and bustle of the day and becomes peaceful among the dim lights.

Then, the urgent sound of horse hooves on the village road reached Zhuangzi from a long distance away.

Xiaoman knew that Feng Yun was waiting for someone from the Tu family, so he hurried out to take a look, then ran back in a hurry, and said in surprise:

"Madam, madam, I'm back..."

Feng Yun looked at Pei Ran and said, "Your Majesty, please rest first. I will be later. You don't have to wait for me."

"It's okay." Pei Madang took a step forward, sat back in front of the wooden desk, and picked up the account book Feng Yun put on the table, "I'll wait."

The oil lamp flickered and the firelight danced.

Without that hard armor, the man's handsome figure looked extremely handsome and outstanding in front of the wooden case.

Feng Yun took a closer look, said nothing more, nodded, and took Xiaoman out to find Madam Tu.

Feng Yun: I don’t agree with this title, someone is a beast.

Pei Jue: Chun Yuyan, don’t you admit it?

Chun Yuyan: …

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