Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 442 Mandarin Ducks on the Same Bed

The newly decorated Ao Mansion seems to be filled with joy in the air.

When Feng Yun and Pei Ran arrived, the Ao family was worshiping in the ancestral temple, and only Pei Yuan was outside...

Cui Zhi followed her, busy in front of her.

Feng Yun observed that Cui Zhi's status around Pei Yuan was no lower than that of the maids who often waited around him.

She is definitely more in line with Pei Yuan's wishes...

However, no matter how much you like being an official slave, you can only support one concubine...

Cui Zhi was not a talkative person before, but now he is even more silent. He bowed forward silently, knelt beside the wooden table, served tea and fruit snacks to Pei Madang and Feng Yun, and then silently walked back with the tray. He seems to be very dedicated to his duties.

Of course, the more sensible she is, the more Pei Yuan will feel sorry for her and feel guilty towards her...

Feng Yun suddenly looked sideways and asked Pei Ran.

"What do you think of this Fourth Lady Cui?"

Pei Ran didn't know what he was thinking and raised his eyes lightly.

"I did not see."

Feng Yun glanced at him with half-squinted eyes, "Then take a quick look. What's going on like this? Your eldest nephew just got married, does he have to take a concubine?"

Pei Ran said: "That's his family matter."

For men, having a concubine is certainly not a problem.

Feng Yun looked at his careless look and smiled lightly, "You don't want your eldest nephew to live in a restless house, right?"

Pei Ran looked over.

He didn't seem to understand what this Cui Zhi had to do with the restless family.

An insignificant servant.

Just give her a place to stay out of sympathy.

Feng Yun looked at his expression and suddenly wanted to laugh.

Men never seem to be able to discern a woman's emotions. Bad women also tend to have more fun than good women, and are more likely to attract men, so they can easily manipulate them and do whatever they want. And good women who give blindly often only get a tragic end, and men who are hurt by bad women spit out "none of them are good"...

She stared at Pei Ran, thinking about Xiao Cheng and Feng Ying, and sneered lowly.

"Anyway, I don't believe it. In such a situation, there is no complaint or jealousy in her heart..."

Pei Ran: "So what if you are jealous?"

Jealousy will cause trouble.

Feng Yun looked at him and said disapprovingly, "Just pretend I didn't say anything."

A man like Pei Ran naturally looks at the distance instead of his home. It is probably difficult for him to lower his gaze to see how much trouble a little girl will create under a big house...

Just when Ah Zuo and Ah You ran in, Feng Yun turned around and waved to them, then talked to the child and ignored him.

Pei Ran:......

He couldn't figure it out.

Speaking of Cui Zhi, what does it have to do with him?

Why did she get the knife in the eyes...

"Aunt, my eldest brother is here to say hello to you and uncle. He's right behind..."

"Look, it's coming."

The two children ran fast and entered the hall. Ao Qi followed them quickly.

With heavy footsteps, Feng Yun looked up.

The wedding dress made Ao Qi look more calm and serious.

He has lost his youthfulness and is now a tall and handsome young general.

Today's aristocratic weddings are simpler than before. The wedding rituals have also become more diverse due to population migration, and many traditions have been abandoned. Some people even make wedding clothes pure white and flawless in order to pursue nature and return to nature. Gradually becoming popular...

But the Ao family still followed the old etiquette and wore the color of Xuan Qi when they were happy.

Black and red match Ao Qi very well.

Very handsome.

Ao Qi walked up to Feng Yun and Pei Madang and saluted with his hands in hand.

"Uncle, aunt."

Pei Ran hummed and looked at him.

"When a good match is made, you will be a great person from now on. Don't speak rashly, don't think rashly, and don't act rashly."

His voice was calm and not harsh.

Ao Qi lowered his eyes, "Thank you uncle for your advice. My nephew will remember it."

Feng Yun smiled and sat upright without saying a word.

Ao Qi's eyes swept across her face vaguely. There was no emotion on her handsome face, and there was a slight twitch under her left breast, like a spasm.


It still hurts.

Ao Qi's eyelids moved slightly and he didn't dare to look at her again. He raised his hands and bowed before leaving.

"Uncle and aunt will take a rest while my nephew goes to listen to his parents' instructions."

Pei Madang raised his hand: "Go."

Ao Qi just rushed home at dawn today. She only changed her clothes and then followed Ao Zheng to worship her ancestors in the ancestral hall. She didn't have time to explain many things.

On the wedding day, the groom is naturally the busiest.

He hurried away, walking very quickly. Feng Yun took a sip of tea and looked up to see only a back figure.

She suddenly discovered that Ao Qiqing had lost a lot of weight.


Grow taller again.

From now on, I am really an adult.

Feng Yun showed a smile.

For some reason, when she thinks of Ao Qi, what comes to her mind every time is the young man who smiles with eight big white teeth and carries fish with a straw rope in his hand...


The bright sun drifted through the wooden window and gradually disappeared.

As dusk approached, Ao Mansion was filled with laughter and laughter. Feng Yun could no longer sit quietly and take a nap as before. As an aunt, she had to come forward to help Pei Yuan entertain the guests.

After Pei Yuan and Ao Zhenghe left, they were always a bit awkward in front of others.

Pei Yuan treated Ao Zheng coldly, so Ao Zheng was careful and would look at her face from time to time.

Feng Yun looked at them with great pleasure.

In the common world, there are hundreds of things, each with its own impermanence.

Chun Yuyan came in with Mrs. Tu Boshan. The male guests were welcomed to the front hall, and Feng Yun took Mrs. Tu to the small flower hall for entertaining female guests.

The two sat down and exchanged a few words. Then a maid ran in hurriedly, saying with a happy face:

"Here it comes, the bride's wedding sedan is here."

The daughter of Chief Mahe was named Amir. Feng Yun stood in the crowd, watching her get off the sedan, watching her holding a fan to cover her face, and walking slowly.

What does the bride look like...

Everyone was very curious.

Feng Yun couldn't see the whole picture, only half of her face behind the round fan.

Her skin was not as white as the women in Zhongjing and Andu, but a healthy color. She had a high nose bridge, deep eye sockets, and thick eyebrows. Her walking posture was not as light as the girls in the Central Plains. Even if she was wearing wedding clothes, she couldn't hide the strong exotic style...

Very beautiful.

Ao Qi is blessed.

Feng Yun sighed sincerely in his heart.

Now, she likes this kind of slightly wild beauty more and more.

This is pure nature, back to the basics, right?

The guests laughed and laughed, and the screams of children were heard from time to time, but they were quickly stopped by the adults.

A Zuo and A You followed Feng Yun all the time, their little faces flushed, their eyes full of joy.

"Our sister-in-law is so beautiful."

"I can't even see her face..."

"She's still beautiful even if you can't see her."

"Well, our sister-in-law must be beautiful."

The innocent words of the children were very heartwarming. I don't know if Amir heard anything, but he paused slightly, as if he wanted to look back. The bridesmaid beside him helped her, and she controlled herself, lowered her head slightly, and covered her face with a round fan.

"Silence, silence."

They were going to worship the heaven and earth, and some people were still making noise, so someone came to stop them.

The wedding hall became quiet.

"The virtues of heaven and earth are in harmony, and the time is auspicious. All the auspicious things have gathered, and you are a perfect couple... A perfect couple, a pair of mandarin ducks overlapping each other. The descendants are endless, shining and glorious. The virtues of the ancestral temple are passed down through the ages..."

An old man in black loose clothes, who should be the elder of the Ao family, read a long blessing speech while holding the wedding silk.

The hall was solemn and solemn.

After the blessing was finished, the elder closed the wedding silk, looked at the newlyweds in the hall with his head held high.


Ao Qi was the first to bend his knees and kneel on the ground.

Amir hesitated for a moment, and also knelt silently beside him.


Ao Qi folded his hands, pressed his left hand on his right hand, palms facing inward, and bowed slowly, lowering his head until it touched the back of his hand before stopping, and his movements were slow.

Bow to the heavens, the earth and the ancestors is the most important of the nine bows.

Amir hesitated again, as if he was watching how Ao Qi bowed through the round fan, and then he followed suit and bowed his head.

"Bow again..."

"Bow three times."

Repeat this three times, then bow to parents.

Finally, the couple bow to each other.

The etiquette is not complicated, but when it comes to bowing to each other, both of them seem to have run out of patience. They just express their gratitude and straighten their backs.

"The ceremony is over!"

The wedding ceremony is solemn and dignified.

The elders shouted loudly, and Ao Qi slowly exhaled.

At this time, someone handed the bride's hand to him.

Ao Qi held it expressionlessly, and in front of everyone, in the laughter, he led Amir to the bridal chamber.

The bride and groom attracted countless eyes in the hall, and everyone felt joy in the laughter...

Only Ao Qi knew that he was not happy.

Just like the smell of incense in the air, he had a kind of twilight, dull numbness.

Not too painful, nor too depressed...

Somehow, like the call of the devil, it was withdrawn little by little, and then overflowed little by little...

Sometimes he couldn't accept that the good old days were so short-lived...

He shouldn't have grown up.

The young Ao Qi stayed in the sunshine of Huaxi Village, and he was the General Ao who was burdened with a heavy burden. In his gradually mature cognition, he forced himself to make a painful but correct choice, and slowly cut off the purest and most passionate unrequited love in his youth.

There was no hysterical madness, just faintly away, like soaking in a pool of ice water, unable to die or live...


Feng Yun heard a low cry.

She looked sideways and saw a woman wearing a long robe and a furry felt hat on her head. She was brought as a dowry from the distant Blackback Canyon.

Feng Yun had seen the dowry list before and guessed that she might be Amir's wet nurse.

When everyone congratulated the bride and groom just now, she was laughing all the time.

At this moment, she probably couldn't hold it back any longer, tears welled up like a spring, and she cried very sadly...

Two maids came forward, their eyes red like hers, and said a few words in a dialect that Feng Yun couldn't understand, then wiped their tears and followed the crowd to the direction of the bridal chamber.

Feng Yun sighed faintly.

Pei Jue asked, "Are you going to the bridal chamber?"

Feng Yun pursed her lips, "I don't think I'll go."

Pei Jue hummed, "Then take your seat."

He reached out his hand and held Feng Yun's, steady and very powerful.

Feng Yun looked up at him, smiled, and walked hand in hand to the door of the flower hall, then separated from him and went to the female guest seat.

Good night, my baby! ! Don't forget to go to the event page to get Pei Jue's exclusive avatar frame, muah~~

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