Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 443 Seductive Eyes

There was constant noise in the yard, and someone was making drinking orders at the banquet outside. The sound penetrated through and made Feng Yun's ears numb.

Mrs. Tu sat next to her and looked at her expression.

"Ayun didn't sleep well last night?"

Feng Yun said: "It's okay."

Mrs. Tu smiled and said: "When you have free time, come to Tujiawu Fort to play. Just treat it as a New Year and a holiday, and visit relatives."

Feng Yun nodded, "I will definitely come."

The two of them had a very lively chat.

Soon, it was completely dark.

Before the banquet was over, Mrs. Tu stood up and left.

"I have to go first. If I leave later, the weather will be colder."

Feng Yun said in surprise: "What's the hurry? Come back with me after drinking. It won't take long..."

Mrs. Tu shook her head and refused with a smile: "I appreciate Ayun's kindness, but I won't keep it today. I have two little grandsons at home, and I can't worry about it. When I have free time next time, I will take them to Nagato... …”

Feng Yun knew that she had made up her mind and would not stay any longer.

"You have to be careful on the way there. Is there any way to go to Tushan..."

"Don't be afraid, Lao Tu is here." Mrs. Tu said with a smile, and then took Feng Yun's hand. No matter how hard she looked, she couldn't let go.

"Remember to come to Wubao to find me."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "Yes."

Mrs. Tu said: "I will keep the notes left by your mother with you for the time being. When you finish reading them, you can give them back to me."

Feng Yunwen expressed his gratitude and said: "If Madam has a book you like, you can take it back..."

Mrs. Tu said: "Do you still call me Madam? It's so unfamiliar. Considering my relationship with your mother, it's not too much for you to call me Aunt Rong, right?"

Feng Yun smiled softly and said, "I couldn't ask for more. I also want to change my name, but I'm afraid of offending Aunt Rong, so I don't dare."

Mrs. Tu immediately smiled and said, "Your mother is gone, and your father is dead. From now on, Tujia Wubao will be your natal family. If anyone bullies you, send someone to tell Aunt Rong to avenge you... "

Feng Yun hummed repeatedly, and in a blink of an eye he saw Puyang Jiu walking by not far away, and the smile on his lips became even wider.

After Tu Boshan and his wife were sent to the carriage, she did not return to the banquet. Instead, she walked towards the direction Puyang Jiu left and followed them silently.


Puyang Jiu came out of the bathroom to relieve himself and was startled when he saw Feng Yun standing in front of him.

"Sister-in-law, Mrs. sister-in-law, what are you doing... looking for me?"

Feng Yun said: "Is there anyone else here?"

Puyang Jiu looked at his servant, then at the two maids not far behind Feng Yun, and shook his head.


Feng Yun bowed and said, "Medical Officer of Puyang, I took the liberty of waiting here because there are so many people in the hall and it is inconvenient to speak..."

Puyang snorted, laughed, and stroked the folds of his clothes with his hands, "If Madam-in-law has anything to say, just say it. Wuzhi and I are brothers, Madam-in-law, there is no need to be polite to me..."

Feng Yun smiled and said: "What if what I ask is the king's private affairs?"

Puyang Jiu's expression froze and he understood.

What happened to Pei Ran that required Feng Yun to come to him? And you were looking for him so secretly, as if you were afraid of being seen?

It must be that medicine.

Strange to say! Pei Wanzhi would rather take medicine than touch his wife. Is there something fishy between the couple?

Puyang Jiu made up a lot of things on his own, and before Feng Yun opened his mouth, he started complaining and even told the whole story about Pei Madang's condition and medication.

"Mrs. Sister-in-law, please give him some advice. I've said it eight hundred times. It's the medicine that's three parts poisonous. It's better to take less of it. This ready-made antidote is right in front of you. Why bother looking for a quack like me? Right?"

Pei Ran said he was a quack, and he also made fun of him.

Feng Yun was slightly surprised.

She really didn't expect that Pei Madang was still taking medicine after marriage...

She couldn't stand it. What if she didn't take the medicine?

Feng Yun's back felt slightly numb, and he felt that Puyang Jiu's eyes were like knives, poisonous.

So he stopped lingering and just smiled.

"I will try to persuade him and don't let Puyang Medical Officer worry about him in the future."

Puyang Jiu watched her leave, raising his chin and smiling.

"Persuade me well, persuade me well. Don't say it was me who said it..."

Feng Yun did not look back.

Puyang Jiu smiled and suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, as if he was being stared at by some wild beast...

He turned his head reflexively and met a pair of dark and silent eyes, which made him utter a frightened cry.

"Pei Wangzhi, do you want to scare me to death?"


When Pei Ran went to the flower hall, Qian Sanniu came up to him and held his hands with a smile.

"Your Majesty, my wife said that she suddenly felt a little unwell. She will go back to Huaxi first and let you finish your work here and go back by yourself."

Not only the distinguished people from Andu County came to this wedding, but there were also many relatives and friends who came from Xijing and Zhongjing.

Pei Ran, the uncle, left too early and inappropriately.

He was silent for a moment, nodded and went to the flower hall.

After sitting patiently for another two-quarters of an hour, guests began to take their leave one after another. Pei Madang then stood up, said hello to Ao Zheng and Pei Yuan, and prepared to go back.

Pei Yuan soon followed.


Cui Zhi followed beside her, carrying a food box in her hand.

"My sister-in-law didn't eat anything. She said she wasn't feeling well when she left. I saw that she didn't look too good. You can take these back with you. If you're hungry at night, you can still handle a bite."

After saying that, seeing that Pei Madang didn't move, she said again:

"These dishes were made by the chef from Nan Qi who was invited to the wedding banquet. My sister-in-law should like them... take them back and let her try them."

Pei Madang signaled Qian Sanniu to take it, "Then I'm leaving."

"Let's go, let's go." Pei Yuan looked back at the bright red lantern, "It's very cold, so you might as well go back early."

Pei Ran noticed her sadness and frowned.

"Ao Qi is old, don't worry."

Pei Yuan sighed, "I can save it. Don't worry about me. Go back and take care of your wife."

Pei Madang nodded, suddenly thinking of Feng Yun's words, he stopped again before he could take a step forward.

"My eldest sister and I will have a few words alone."

Speaking alone, I don't want Cui Zhi around.

Just as Pei Yuan glanced sideways, Cui Zhi put the food box down sensibly and silently stepped back.

"What's wrong?" Pei Yuan said with a hint of anger, "You can't stand this girl?"

Pei Ran was noncommittal.

He was new to Cui Zhi, and it didn't matter whether he saw it or not.

But he had to take Feng Yun's words seriously.

"How are eldest sisters going to arrange for her?"

Pei Yuan didn't seem to understand and looked at him hesitantly.

"Brother, what do you mean by this?"

Pei Ran: "Do you need me to explain it more clearly? Xiaoqi just got married."

Pei Yuan was stunned for a moment, as if she realized what he meant, she smiled bitterly and hummed.

"Who do you think your sister is?"

She said with regret: "I like Ah Zhi and it's good, but now, it's a foregone conclusion. I have no intention of bringing her and Xiao Qi together anymore, let alone instructing Xiao Qi to take her as my concubine."

Pei Ran didn't say a word.

"It's all fate." Pei Yuan sighed again, "But the Ao family still owes her no matter what. We made mistakes in the marriage first, and I want to compensate her..."

Pei Madang still didn't speak, just looked at him indifferently.

Pei Yuan added: "Her current situation means that no matter where she goes, she will have to be bullied. I took her to my side and watched her under my nose. Firstly, I wanted to protect her, and secondly, I wanted to wait for the incident to pass and find an opportunity." , Find a good home for her..."

General Pei Yuan, the tiger girl, is usually very fiery in her dealings with others and has a short temper, but she is a sharp-tongued person who cannot bear to see Cui Zhi in such trouble.

"I can't bear it. I have to resolve her matter before I can feel at ease."

Pei Ran hummed and had no objection.

"The eldest sister has her own opinions, but there is one thing..."

He paused and Pei Yuan asked, "What's the matter?"

Pei Ran said in a deep voice: "She is Li Zongxun's granddaughter."

Cui Zhi has no relatives in Xijing, but he has his closest relatives in Yecheng.

Pei Yuan can be kind, but she has to guard against...

"I understand." Pei Yuan was silent for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "That's why I keep her by my side. As long as I'm watching, nothing can go wrong."

Pei Madang respects Pei Yuan very much and will not interfere too much in her affairs.

Seeing her say this, he stopped talking and bent down to lift the food box, as if he mentioned it accidentally.

"General Wen didn't come?"

For Ao Qi's wedding, all the generals stationed in the Northern Yong Army received the invitation.

Wen Xingsu is certainly no exception.

But he didn't come.

He suspected that this was the reason why Feng Yun looked so ugly...

Pei Yuan didn't think much and said with a smile: "General Wen asked someone to bring a gift, saying that something suddenly happened in the camp and he couldn't leave. It doesn't matter, business matters. Don't talk about him. When I get married, My biological father hasn’t come back yet, I understand.”

Pei Ran didn't say anything more and left with the food box.

He hurried back to Huaxi, his hooves walking in the snow almost sparkled. He thought Feng Yun was not feeling well and would rest in the house...

Unexpectedly, the lights in the Nuan Pavilion are brightly lit...

Feng Yun sat lazily at the main seat, enjoying wine and meat, and two beauties playing the piano and singing for her.

How does this carefree look look like someone who is uncomfortable?

Pei Ran stood outside the door and did not move.

After being reminded by the maid, Feng Yun, who was addicted to women, raised his eyes and found a man standing at the door.

There was no emotion on her face that worried Pei Madang...

She didn't even go to the male guests, and she didn't even know that Wen Xingsu didn't come to Ao Qi's wedding banquet. Just looking at Pei Ran and thinking about Puyang Jiu's words, a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"The king is back?" She was holding a cup in her hand. She seemed to have drank a lot of wine, and her cheeks were flushed. "Hey, what is that in your hand? Is it an appetizer?"

After saying that, without waiting for Pei Ran to say anything, he called Xiaoman sideways.

"Go get it and give me a drink."

Xiaoman agreed and approached Pei Mang cautiously, not daring to say a word or raise his head.

The king looks so scary.

She was terrified.

Pei Ran silently handed her the food box.

Xiao Manru quickly picked up the amnesty and put it all on Feng Yun's wooden case.

Feng Yun looked at the exquisite dishes and was very satisfied.

"I have a heart, my eldest sister has a heart."

After saying that, she signaled Concubine Ji to stop the tune.

"It's getting late, you all should go down and have a rest."

The concubines held their instruments and bent their knees slightly, "Yes. Madam."

They lowered their heads and retreated.

Xiao Man and Huan'er also filed away, not daring to express their anger.

Pei Madang said: "I heard that Yun Niang is feeling unwell and will she return home early?"

Feng Yun didn't say anything, but suddenly stretched out his hand toward him, and a piece of white wrist shook out from his sleeve, as white as jade.

"Come here." She looked at Pei Madang with charming eyes, "Come here...and get punished." (End of Chapter)

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