Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 444: Elegant Affairs in the Boudoir

The copper censer burns incense, and the crane holds a candle. Feng Yun's black hair is lightly tied up, and she is dressed like a girl. In her mischievous smile, there is a bit of rebelliousness, like an untamed beast in the jungle, without the dignity, gentleness, and elegance seen at the banquet just now...

She is not only undecent.

She is also very frivolous.

Those eyes, as if patrolling their own territory, look at Pei He, with a little provocation.

"Your Majesty, don't you dare?"

Pei He looked at her silently.

Feng Yun raised her chin, smiled lightly, and gently added, "Could it be that you are afraid... your chief secretary will eat you?"

Her voice is soft and pleasant, soft and crisp, like falling snow, infinitely full...

Pei He narrowed his eyes slightly and found that there was paper and pen on the wooden table in the warm room.

The pen looked a little familiar.

Le Zhengzi made it.

Pei He's pupils were slightly dark, as if stained by a storm.

On that rainy night, the past events related to this pen came one after another...

"Isn't this Yunniang's collection?" Pei Jue didn't look at the pen, sat down as if nothing had happened, and took away the wine pot and wine cup in front of her.

"Why are you interested in taking it out to copy the calligraphy tonight?"

Feng Yun smiled mischievously.

"Because I want to punish you."

Pei Jue looked at her, "Yunniang is drunk?"

Feng Yun's lips curled slightly, "The king is really ignorant of love. This is the joy of the boudoir..."

Pei Jue narrowed his eyes and saw that there was nothing wrong with her eyebrows and eyes, and said tactfully:

"It's come to this, why embarrass yourself? Give him some more time to think about it..."

He was talking about Wen Xingsu.

These days, he didn't come to Huaxi.

He didn't say a word about Feng Yun beating Chen.

But the matter was so big that Wen Xingsu couldn't have been unaware.

He thought Feng Yun was sad because of it and drank to drown her sorrows.

Feng Yun didn't understand what he was saying at all, she laughed softly:

"How long will the king think about it? It doesn't matter, you can wait as long as you want. It's nothing more than not giving the antidote. If the east family doesn't have it, can't I ask the west family for it?"

Pei Jue frowned.


He strangled Feng Yun's arm.

"What are you talking about?"

Feng Yun wanted to push him away, but didn't. With a mocking smile, she squinted and stared at him.

"Is the king really confused, or is he pretending to be confused?"

She sneered, very dissatisfied.

"You are not afraid of being laughed at by others. A man with a wife and a family still relies on taking the medicine that hurts the body to restrain and suppress. Fortunately, the doctor in Puyang kept his mouth shut. If someone accidentally spread the word... I don't know what others would think? I'm afraid they would say that your wife is dead, stone, or wood, which makes the husband unable to move. Or, they think that the husband is keeping a virgin for someone..."

Pei Jue finally understood what she was doing.

"You don't know how to be kind." Pei Jue hummed.

If he hadn't cared about her, why would he have wronged himself?

"Besides, when did I keep my chastity? Yunniang is reasonable."

Feng Yun smiled at him meaningfully.

She specially prepared a little wine to drink, just to pave the way for being unreasonable...

She had already drunk the wine, why should she be reasonable?

"I don't want to hear this."

She pulled Pei Jue's hand away, and the tip of her nose was roasted by the fire in the warm room, and a layer of fine sweat oozed out, which was indescribably tender and charming.

"The king has offended me, and he must be punished."

Pei Jue's body suddenly became hot.

She obviously did nothing, but he was thirsty, as if he was seduced by some demon, and the blood rushed to his abdomen, and he was faintly rising.

Pei Jue followed her words, "How to punish?"

Feng Yun pursed her lips and said slowly: "Here, copy a Pingfu letter... Let me see."

Pei Jue's brows sank.

"I've said before, I don't understand Le Zhengzi. I don't know Pingfu Tie."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, I'll teach you." Feng Yun seemed to be waiting for this sentence, motioning Pei Jue to sit down, she leaned on his spacious back, stretched out her hand, and held his.

Small hands can't cover big hands. Pei Jue felt a little jealous when he saw that scene, as if charcoal rolled down his throat, and his body was hot.

He said hoarsely, "Yun Niang, it's late."

Feng Yun lowered her eyebrows and smiled gently, "Go to bed early after writing."

She shook the disobedient hand in dissatisfaction, "Come on, follow me."

Pei Jue looked sideways at the girl's flushed face.

No one has ever spoken so presumptuously in front of him...

Be obedient if you want to be obedient.

He narrowed his cold eyes and let her hold his hand, writing horizontally, vertically and horizontally on the paper...

"Look, isn't this written very well?" Feng Yun dragged her soft voice, "White goat hair, jade dragon pen holder, it's really a good pen..."

As he was writing, the pen tip suddenly turned...

"My king." Her eyes were bright, her nose was straight and her lips were red, and she looked straight at him, making people feel confused.

"Such a good pen, can you do something else besides writing?"

Pei Jue's throat tightened.

What happened that night came to his mind clearly...

The new pen tip swept across the smooth skin.

Pressing and rolling...

But at that time, she was poisoned and unconscious, and she had no idea...what he had done with the pen.

Pei Jue coughed lightly, serious.

"What else can a pen do besides writing?"

Feng Yun said: "Drawing. Stupid."

Pei Jue's heart was pounding, his face was not showing, he nodded, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun paused with his pen tip, and looked at him cunningly.

"... For writing and drawing, an ordinary pen can do, why is Le Zhengzi's pen so famous? This pen must have other magical uses..."

Pei Madang's eyes darkened and he said, "Yunniang said that Le Zhengzi's pen is soft, strong and durable."

"That's absolutely correct." Feng Yun chuckled and rolled the pen tip lightly on the paper. "When it should be soft, it is soft. When it should be strong, it is strong. It is much more obedient than the king..."


By this time, Pei Ran no longer took chances.

"Do you remember everything that happened that night?"

"Remember what?" Feng Yun looked confused.

Pei Madang's throat seemed to be stuck.

After that night, when she woke up the next day, she couldn't remember anything and didn't admit it. There was no way she knew the secret of the pen...

Pei Ran lowered his eyes and said, "Write it carefully."

"What a good student." Feng Yun glanced at him, "If you are willing to sincerely admit your mistake to me, I might be able to show mercy."

Pei Ran:......

She asked: "Don't you want to?"

"It's my fault." Pei Ran slowly held her hand back and said coldly: "Mother Yun is right in scolding you. I really didn't expect this and ignored your feelings."

Have you really given in?

This is what makes the sun come out in the west.

Feng Yun never thought that Pei Madang could be so easy to bully...

Her eyes were filled with smiles, she glanced at him critically, her gaze dropped, her pen sharply turned again, and she drew a long ink mark on the paper, and then she let go.

"It's okay not to write a reply post, just write something else."

Because the reply was due to her and Xiao Cheng's elegance, Pei Madang felt conflicted and didn't want to mess with it at all.

As long as it's not it, what's the harm in the side?

"Okay." He replied simply.

As if he had read through his mind, Feng Yun smiled slowly, took out a booklet from under the cushion, and placed one page in front of him.

"Write like this."

Pei Madang took a closer look and tightened his arms slightly.

"Yunniang has a rich collection of books."

"It's ridiculous." Feng Yun raised his chin as if he couldn't see his expression, "Write."

It was a crooked pamphlet.

The miscellaneous poems above are not very serious either.

Pei Ran's hands couldn't write such explicit sentences.

Feng Yun knew what kind of person he was, so he was even more interested.

"What worries does the king have?"

Asking knowingly!

Pei Ran pondered for a moment, put down his pen, leaned over, placed his hands on both sides of her, and stared into her eyes unblinkingly.

"Wouldn't it make people laugh if I wrote this? Change it."

"Well. The majestic King Yonghuai, it is really inappropriate to write some erotic poems..."

Feng Yun said lightly, nodded, and said very considerately:

"You don't have to write it down. The king will read it to me."

"Yunniang..." Pei Ran had a headache.

It was obvious that he didn't want to make things easier for him.

How could he express such a thing?

"Don't you want to?" Feng Yun leaned over, put his arms around his neck, and breathed like a blue, "I like your Majesty to read to me."

Pei Ran looked down at her.

The bun is loose and the neck is slender.

It cost him his life.

"I wrote."

He rubbed his brows, sighed helplessly, rolled up his sleeves, dipped his hands in ink, and started writing seriously.

Feng Yun stretched his head to see.

He stopped.

Feng Yun got out of the way.

He writes again.

Feng Yun stretched his head again.

He frowned and stopped writing, staring at her sideways.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, curled his lips and smiled softly. He pulled the soft pillow under his waist and lay down carelessly. As if he was bored, he casually stretched out his toes and slipped them from his waist.

Pei Ran's hand shook.

The ink spreads.

"Go on." Feng Yun smiled warmly, staring at him with deer-like eyes, pure and innocent, as if he didn't know how bad he was.

Pei Ran didn't make a sound.

The night light outlined his handsome face, serious and upright.

The writing is:

"My waist is so thin that I am weak. Call me to have a taste..."

Written word by word, slowly and forcefully.

In the end, I wrote until the corners of my eyes were red, and a thin layer of sweat spread down my back...

I can’t write anymore.

The little feet are white, thin, and very flexible. The toes are not painted with dandelions, but they look like butterflies playing with their pistils, rowing an oar and drawing a boat. With every move, they set off huge waves...

"Yunniang..." He stared sideways at Feng Yun. The Adam's apple rolled, and there seemed to be a burning flame in the pit of my heart.

He put down his pen and stretched out his arm to hug her. Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his hand, she pressed it down with a smile.

"Not urgent."

The little lady has a bad mind and teases her but refuses to finish her sex. A pair of slightly drunken eyes looked at him openly, half-smiling but not smiling, and slowly took off his undress, giving an order.

"Lie down." (End of chapter)

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